Heiress to a Curse

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Heiress to a Curse Page 2

by Zandria Munson

  From his vantage point, his gaze raked her body. She lay on her back and slept soundly. The pale sheets clung to every curve, outlining her femininity.

  For months he’d envisioned killing her, a faceless descendant of the witch Necesar who’d cursed his family so many years ago. He’d never expected her to be so lovely. He remembered the softness of her face. She was young, too. It was a pity she had to die.

  Years ago his parents had gone to every sorcerer and witch on every continent and had learned the true nature of the curse and what was necessary to end it. Every descendant of the witch Necesar had to be dead, and the last must die on the equinox and within the restrictions of a sacred ritual. It was imperative that the curse end this year, on the equinox, for the end of the Spring Equinox would mark the end of Necesar’s five-hundred-year possession of her descendants’ bodies—and another spirit would be allowed to take her place. The spirit of Lady Vivian Dancescu.

  That could never be allowed to happen. From his father, Marius had learned that the deviant and malicious Lady Vivian wouldn’t be so idle with Necesar’s power at her disposal. His family—and perhaps, the world—would be damned as she exacted her revenge on the Drakon family and acted upon her greed for wealth and power.

  Tonight, beneath the new moon, the Spring Equinox had begun and so, tomorrow, for the first time in one year, Marius would walk the daylight as a man instead of hardening into stone. He had twenty-eight days to carry out the ritual. Guided by the lunar sequence, each step would have to be completed individually before the next new moon. Before the first quarter, she would have to extend to him an invitation of trust, welcoming him into her home. By the full moon, a lock of her hair would be required. Before the waning crescent, a drop of her blood must be drawn. And finally, on the eve of the new moon, he would be permitted to slay her.

  The fire raged on. The cries within the castle had ceased long ago, yet she stood there in the saffron light of the holocaust that lit the early morning. Villagers raced about with pails of water drawn from the lake as they fought to extinguish the flames.

  She’d lost someone this night. She wasn’t certain who, but there was a throbbing pang in her heart and she was consumed by grief.

  Something slipped from her fingers and fell to the soft earth beneath her. She bent to retrieve it, then held it up to the light. It was a silver amulet much like the one she owned: the one that had been passed down through her family for generations.

  Her fist clenched the object and anger seeped into her heart to replace the grief. Smoke burned her eyes and swept into her lungs with each ragged breath she inhaled. She would have her revenge! His name hovered before her in a haze of scattered thoughts. She closed her eyes, trying desperately to recall it.

  Lord Victor D—

  Alexandra’s eyes flew open. Sweat beaded her forehead and her breathing came in short gasps. She’d been dreaming again—the same nightmare that had plagued her for years. Every time, the dream was the same: a beautiful woman, garbed in a velvet gown, walking calmly into a castle that was completely engulfed by flames. Alexandra could always hear herself screaming, trying desperately to stop her, but each time she’d failed. The woman’s cries were always the last thing that filled her subconscious before she woke up.

  The torturous dream had been the first manifestation of her gift. When she was younger, she used to try to stay awake to avoid the mayhem that might await her at sleep’s threshold.

  As her gift progressed, she’d begun to have difficulty venturing into crowded places, as she would be bombarded by images and emotions from those around her. Her parents had done a fair enough job of making life easier for her. She’d been tutored at home and provided with therapists and prescription medication, which had served to diminish her experiences for a time. Her mother had always tried to comfort her, telling her that her gift was something to be cherished and embraced. She’d told stories of women within their family who’d also had this talent. But considering the countless psychiatrists who’d described her condition as a rare case of psychosis and the fact that her own mother hadn’t possessed any of the psychic traits, Alexandra had always been skeptical.

  As she’d gotten older, she’d gained better mental control and could block out the imagery and emotions enough to fully function in everyday life, though she’d always been reluctant to date. There was no way to get close to someone without revealing some degree of her talent, and being rejected for being weird was painful. But she was tired of being alone, and a virgin.

  Ring! Ring!

  The sound startled her and she groaned, pulling the sheet over her head. Today was Sunday. Who the hell was disturbing her at this hour? The ring chimed again and she reached onto her night table, feeling around until she found the phone then bringing the receiver to her ear.

  “Hello?” The dial tone greeted her.

  She sat up as she realized it was her doorbell ringing. Tossing the receiver aside, she slipped into her robe and hurried to the door. The bell sounded two more times before she spied through the peephole. Her best friend, April, stood on the other side, looking quite impatient.

  Alexandra unbolted the door and swung it open. Before she had a chance to say anything, the other woman swept in.

  “Do you know how long I’ve been standing out there?” April asked.

  Alexandra closed the door then headed toward the kitchen. “Sorry. I’m just tired.” She opened an overhead cupboard and reached in for a bag of coffee beans. “I haven’t been getting enough sleep lately.”

  April seated herself on one of the counter stools, crossing her long, slender legs. “Still having those nightmares?” she asked.

  At five-foot-seven, April was an inch shorter than Alexandra and a year older. She also worked at the Daily Sun.

  “Yeah.” Alexandra sighed. “And those pills Dr. Peters prescribed aren’t helping. I think I need a stronger prescription.”

  “What you need is to get out of this apartment. When was the last time you did something fun?”

  Seating herself on the stool opposite April, Alexandra slumped over the counter. “I think you’re right,” she agreed.

  “Of course I’m right! You’ve been working too hard. Oh, and speaking of work, did you see my Friday article?” She reached into her shoulder bag and pulled out a copy of the Daily Sun, tossing it onto the counter. “It made front page.”

  The newspaper landed next to Alexandra’s head with a flop and she looked up, reading the bold black letters that comprised the headline.

  Winged Creature Sighted for Fifth Time in Central Park.

  April turned the paper sideways so that they both had a correct view of the image. “Some guy was filming his kids when the thing appeared. He managed to get a few shots. It’s not a good picture, but it’s proof that something is out there.”

  Alexandra looked closer at the picture, which showed a huge dark shadow with wings. “It’s a wonder I haven’t spotted this thing. I have a perfect view of Central Park from my bedroom window.”

  The coffee machine bell went off. April hopped off her stool, waving a hand for Alexandra to remain seated. “I’ll get it.”

  She smiled her appreciation then returned her attention to the article. “A pterodactyl? I heard the same thing on the news last night. Thanks.” She took the mug from April.

  April retook her seat. “Yeah, but I don’t think it’s a dinosaur.” She took a sip from her own mug. “I mean, such things don’t just appear out of nowhere, especially not in New York City.”

  “Well, what do you think it is? You’re the one following the story. Have you come up with any conclusions yet?”

  April looked pensive, her sleek brows furrowing together. “Either it’s an elaborate hoax, or some government experiment gone wrong. Anyway, enough talk about work. It’s Sunday. Right now you need to get cleaned up. There’s this huge fundraiser luncheon starting at twelve, and we have to be there.”

  Alexandra regarded her with suspicion. “Whe
n have you ever been interested in any fundraisers?”

  “Well…” She stood, adjusting her short chiffon dress. “Ever since I learned that this one is collecting money for scholarships and that all the powerhouses of this city will be in attendance, many of whom are eligible bachelors.” She checked her hair and makeup in the mirrored finish of the toaster.

  “I should’ve known.” Alexandra laughed.

  “Oh, and speaking of eligible bachelors, have you met your new neighbor yet?”

  “New neighbor?”

  “Yeah, I spotted him with some boxes while I was standing out there. He’s moving into the apartment next door, and he’s gorgeous.” She took Alexandra’s hand and pulled her from her seat then proceeded to drag her toward the front door.

  On tiptoe, April spied through the peephole. “He’s there again!” she said, then motioned for Alexandra to take a look.

  Alexandra followed suit and caught the blurred image of a tall man standing near a pile of boxes in the hall. A flutter of excitement danced in the pit of her belly. The only other male resident on her floor was shy Mr. Winston, who preferred the company of his eight cats to that of a woman.

  “I can’t believe someone is finally moving into 13A. It’s been vacant forever,” she commented, feigning indifference.

  She continued to watch him and wished her hazy peephole was a proper spyglass. She could see only his obscured image as he lifted what appeared to be a crate of books from the top of the pile. He paused suddenly and turned, his eyes riveting to her small vantage point.

  Alexandra gasped and spun away from the door. “He saw me!”

  April raised a brow. “Please. You’re behind a door,” she scoffed.

  “I know, but he looked right at me—well not at me, but at the peephole.” She grimaced when she realized how ridiculous her claim sounded.

  April folded her arms with a sigh. “Do you see what I’ve been telling you? You need to socialize.” There was a brief moment of silence then a smile crept to her lips. “And I know just how to get you started.”

  Alexandra’s eyes widened and her mouth fell open in a silent protest as the other woman reached for the knob and pulled the door open. Alexandra froze, acutely aware of the tall figure glaring at them. She was going to kill April the first chance she got!

  April flashed a smile then turned to the man, offering him the same gesture. “Good morning,” she chirped.

  “Good morning.” He nodded.

  She flounced into the hall and began chattering away. “My name is April,” she said, extending a hand. “I’m only visiting, but you’ll see me around often.”

  “My name is Marius Drakon.” He accepted her proffered hand. “It is a pleasure to meet you.”

  Alexandra remained in the doorway. She couldn’t help but notice how deep and rich his accented voice was—like smooth, warm chocolate spread thickly over fresh fruit. She pulled the folds of her robe tighter when his eyes moved to her.

  April motioned for her to come closer. “This is Alexandra, your new neighbor.”

  “Hello.” Alexandra gave him a quick smile as she accepted his hand.

  “It is a pleasure,” he said quietly.

  Lean fingers enclosed her slender ones. The heat he exuded was electrifying.

  April’s initial assertions were all too correct—the man was positively gorgeous. He was tall, and she was forced to incline her head to meet intense, slate-gray eyes that appraised her with an undeterminable emotion. He wore a white gauze shirt and black pants, and his long dark hair fell loose over his broad shoulders. He seemed groomed into old money, and he wasn’t wearing a ring.

  Silently, Alexandra cursed herself. It wasn’t every day that she encountered such a man, and today of all days she just had to be barefoot with her hair in a wild cascade from a restless sleep. She could feel his eyes trailing over her, assessing. It was almost as if he could see right through the pink terry that covered her slender curves.

  “You have an accent,” April commented. “Where are you from?”

  A rise of discomfort enveloped Alexandra as Marius’s attention remained fixed to her. Strangely, she was becoming quite aware of her nakedness beneath her robe. Her nipples began to tingle and harden and she was grateful that the thick material adequately concealed their betrayal. It seemed like minutes lapsed before his silver stare finally left her.

  “I am Romanian,” he supplied at last. “I have only just moved to the United States.”

  April’s smile brightened. “Romanian, wow, so is Alexandra. You two have something in common already,” she informed him. “Maybe you guys can discuss it over coffee sometime. She has lots of free time, you know. She is single, after all.”

  Alexandra shot April a deadly look. “Well, my mother was Romanian and my father was American,” she said to Marius with a strained smile. “And I would love to tell you the story of their meeting sometime, but right now we have to get ready for a fundraiser.”

  “Nice meeting you.” April waved and shut the door.

  Once they were securely out of sight, Alexandra turned on her. “What is wrong with you?” she asked in a harsh whisper. The woman was her best friend, but God, she could be embarrassing!

  April regarded her with an incredulous expression. “I should be asking you that question!” she replied in a similar tone. “You had that tall, handsome hunk out there practically drooling all over you, and all you could do was stand there like some mute pigeon! Then, when I try to help things along, you run?”

  Alexandra spun away and stalked to her bedroom. “Well, forgive me if I’m not inclined to make dinner dates with strange men in my robe. And he wasn’t drooling,” she countered. She wouldn’t allow herself to believe that she was so physically stunning that she’d taken the man’s breath away—especially after just rolling out of bed.

  April was hot on her heels. “Are you kidding? Did you even see the way he was looking at you? He could barely take his eyes off you.”

  “He was probably wondering when I last combed my hair,” she said, sliding open the door to her closet. “How could you do that to me, April? Do you know how embarrassing it was to have him see me this way?”

  April placed her hands on her hips. “What are you talking about? You look…” She paused, wincing a little. “Well, we had to act quickly. There was no time to be concerned with appearances.”

  With a groan, Alexandra disappeared into her closet. The man was beautiful, yes, but that wasn’t enough. So before she got herself all wound up weighing the potential for a relationship with him, she’d need to learn more about him.

  “If it bothers you so much, then the next time you meet him, we’ll have to make sure you look your best,” she said.

  “The next time?” Alexandra yelled from the closet. “I hope there isn’t a next time!”

  “Oh, come on. It wasn’t that bad. And besides, you can’t avoid him forever. He lives next door.”

  “Can we just change the subject?” Alexandra emerged holding two dresses. “Blue or lavender?”


  Alexandra nodded. “Great. Now I’m going to take a shower.” She tossed the lavender dress across the bed and headed for the bathroom. “And not one more word about Mr. 13A from you.”

  “Fine!” April shouted after her.

  Alexandra closed the bathroom door and stared at her reflection in the mirror. She wasn’t getting any younger, she told herself. Perhaps it was time she put some of her inhibitions aside. Her new neighbor was gorgeous and possibly interested in her. It would be a shame not even to try to get to know him.

  Chapter 2

  Marius remained in the entryway of his new apartment long after the door across the hall slammed shut. The image of the woman called Alexandra—the woman he’d been sent to kill—remained in his mind. He’d been hard-pressed to take his eyes from her, for she’d looked even lovelier than she had the night before. The shadows had deftly hidden the sleek lines of her face—a straig
ht and regal nose that was befitting her lineage, long feathery lashes and soft, pouting lips. She was beautiful.

  He’d noted that his mention of being Romanian had drawn her attention, and rightly it should have. Romania had been her home once, some five hundred years past. Her curious hazel eyes had reflected no knowledge of this. Instead, a gentle and honest nature had become apparent. And something more—strength, and a silent beckoning that oddly, he felt the urge to explore. It was hard to believe that behind those alluring pools lurked the presence of the witch Necesar.

  Sometime in the early evening, while he was unpacking a set of two-hundred-year-old books, he heard a soft cry and a thud. He opened the door of his apartment and was surprised to find Alexandra on all fours in the middle of the carpeted hall, gathering packages of shredded cheese, shrimp and fresh parsley that littered the floor around her. A small, pink cat toy that lay a few feet behind her was the obvious culprit of her misstep.

  “Mr. Winston and his damned cats,” she grumbled a second before she realized that she was no longer alone. Slowly, she turned her head toward him. “Hello,” she said with a pained expression.

  “Good evening,” Marius returned, his gaze coming to rest upon her rear.

  A wave of heat surged through him, and the muscles of his jaw tightened as he attempted to tame the carnal urge that was rising within.

  Alexandra sat up quickly and adjusted her dress. “I hope I didn’t disturb you,” she said, tucking a lock of ebony hair behind an ear. “I just returned from the grocery store and didn’t watch where I was going.”

  “No, you did not,” he replied before moving forward to assist her.

  With a few deft movements, her grocery bags were repacked. He stood and extended a hand to her, noticing a brief hesitation before she placed her fingers in his. She had soft hands, delicate and smooth—a lady’s hands. He wondered if the rest of her was just as delightful and defied the urge to dip his gaze into her exposed cleavage.


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