Heiress to a Curse

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Heiress to a Curse Page 23

by Zandria Munson

  Alexandra could only speculate that the spell Nicholas had cast had been improperly done. After all, he was hardly a witch.

  The door opened and Lady Amelia entered the large bedroom. She wore a soft blue skirt suit with a pearl necklace and matching earrings and her silver hair was swept up in an elegant coiffeur. Alexandra greeted her with a smile as Amelia sat next to her on the velvet duvet.

  “How is he?” his mother asked as her worried gaze flickered over him.

  “His fever’s broken, but he’s still out of it.” Alexandra smoothed the duvet over him.

  Lady Amelia’s hand moved to cover her fingers and Alexandra looked up at her. “You are an extraordinary woman. My son is a very lucky man.” She smiled, her gray eyes twinkling with sincerity.

  Alexandra shook her head. “No, I’m the lucky one. I can’t believe he would’ve given his life to save me.”

  “He must truly love you.” She squeezed her hand.

  Alexandra looked thoughtful. “None of this should’ve happened. I saw the truth in my dreams. Lady Vivian lied to Necesar. She tricked her into believing that your husband got her pregnant then married you. This whole curse was based on deception.”

  The older woman lowered her head as she absorbed this new revelation, and Alexandra thought she glimpsed the shimmer of tears. Pity overwhelmed her. Perhaps Lady Amelia had blamed herself all these years. Perhaps she’d lived with the great burden on her shoulders, trying endlessly to compensate for her fault.

  When she looked up, her face was apologetic. “Alexandra, so much wrong has been done. We have caused you and your family so much pain. I am truly sorry, and I hope that you find it in your heart to forgive us. Sometimes one can be driven to do despicable things, if only to find some peace.” She sighed. “I know we can never bring your parents back, but I will always be here for you should you need a mother’s comfort. I will gladly consider you one of my own.”

  Alexandra nodded, tears welling in her eyes. “Thank you.” Alexandra understood well the motives behind the acts that Marius’s family had committed against her own, but she knew it would be some time before she could forgive them, let alone trust them. However, it was something she was willing to work at. Marius was a part of the Drakon clan, but now he was also a part of her.

  Lady Amelia also appeared to be fighting tears. She seemed at a loss for words. Her gaze strayed to Marius, who had begun to stir.

  His eyes eased opened and squinted against the sunlight.

  Alexandra leaned over him, pressing a soft kiss against his lips. “You’ve been sleeping,” she said quietly.

  He winced. “What has happened?” he groaned.

  “You’ve been hurt, but the curse has lifted.” She smiled.

  Confusion crossed his face and he turned to look at his mother, who was dabbing away at her tears. “We are free at last,” she told him.

  His fingers touched the bandaging on his chest. “How?”

  Lady Amelia sighed. “I am not certain. We assumed that there had to be a joining by marriage, but it seems that a joining of hearts was sufficient.”

  His eyes strayed back to Alexandra, silvery pools that reflected a deep and honest love. She offered him a smile. She still couldn’t believe that he was alive and well. How she would have returned to her previous existence had he not survived, she didn’t know.

  Lady Amelia stood. “I will leave you two alone. I do have some matters to attend to,” she said with a smile.

  “Will you be staying in the States?” Alexandra asked.

  She shook her head. “Romania is my home. It is a part of me. We will all be returning.” She looked at Marius.

  He read the unspoken question in her eyes. “I will stay here in New York, Mother. I have a new home now.” His eyes riveted to Alexandra.

  His mother dipped her head in an elegant gesture of approval. “As you wish.”

  “Where is Father?” he asked with a slightly disappointed look.

  She inhaled. “He loves you, Marius. He is ashamed of himself, not you. You must give him time.” She looked to Alexandra. “Both of you.”

  After his mother left the room, Alexandra looked at Marius. She knew that there was much she had to learn about herself, but in time such things would be revealed. For now, she was happy to be safe and with the man she loved—the man who’d risked everything, betrayed his family and given his life for her. Their eyes met in that instant and, as silent as a sunrise, they exchanged the three words that had the power to dissipate any obstacle.

  I love you.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-6474-2


  Copyright © 2010 by Zandria Munson

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