Alpha's Mate

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Alpha's Mate Page 4

by Moya Block, Caryn

  Violet stilled, waiting. Only then did he move. First he pushed into her, as deep as he could get. Then he pulled back, so he could bury himself again. He reached around, stroking her clit with his fingertips. She tightened around him. A rush of heat engulfed her.

  Dmitry didn't let her rest, but built the pressure again, harder and faster. Until neither knew where she began and he ended. She was begging him to finish it, when he leaned down and bit her shoulder. The white hot pain swept through her mind and into his. She came apart, screaming in pleasure. Dmitry groaned as he filled her, following her into the ether.

  When they finally floated back to earth, Dmitry licked at the wound on her shoulder, trying to sooth it. Then he turned, and still inside of her, carried them down onto their sides so he was spooning her. He caressed her breasts and continued to press kisses against her neck and shoulder. Violet opened her eyes and saw a thin golden cord of light flowing from her heart around to his.

  “You bit me.” she accused, looking back over her shoulder.

  “Yes, Sorry. I couldn't help myself,” he said, giving her one of his devastating smiles.

  He marveled at how happy he felt. She belonged to him.

  “What is this yellow light thing?” She asked as her hands went through the light but didn't break it.

  “It is our mating bond. Only someone who has psychic ability can see it. We are now tied together, heart and soul. I take you as my mate, with everything you are into my keeping and give you everything that I am into your keeping. It is the way of my people.”

  “What if I don't want everything that you are?”

  “You wound me, but it doesn't matter now. You were born to be mine, and the mating bond proves it. If you wish, we can be married as is the custom of your people.” He could give her a human ceremony.

  “Are you asking me to be your wife?”

  “You are already my wife in the eyes of my people. But I see in your mind you once dreamed of a big wedding. If it is what you wish, then I can only oblige you.”

  “You're crazy, you know?”

  “Crazy for you, lyubov moya.” His mate, his other half.

  “What does that mean? You've said it before.”

  “It means 'my love'.”

  “How can you love me? You don't know me.”

  “Of course I know you. I am in your mind, as you are in mine. We know each other better than most people who are married.” How could she doubt his sincerity? She rested in his mind, as he did hers.

  “Okay, you're probably right. But I still don't understand all this.”

  “I know lyubov moya. I will try to answer your questions. I ask only that you trust me. You have been in my mind. Can you try for me?” He ran his hand down the silkiness of her hair. He loved touching her.

  “I don't trust easily, but I will try, Dmitry.” Violet glanced at the clock. “Oh my God is it really that late? I was supposed to meet the rangers to drive into the reserve.”

  Dmitry grabbed her waist as she tried to scramble out of bed. “Calm yourself, mate. They were informed you were detained. They wait to hear from you.”

  “You called them? How did you know?”

  “You were exhausted when I arrived, and had not slept. I was thinking about your health. I knew you would sleep late today. I wanted to give you the time you needed to recover from your ordeal.” He soothed her, rubbing her shoulders. He buried his nose in her neck. He loved the scent of her. He rubbed his face against her.

  “Will it happen again, the terrible agony, when you leave me?”

  “I will never leave you, lyubov moya. But yes, it is a side effect of the mating bond. We need to be able to join minds. Without the joining, we become melancholy and despondent. We actually grieve for one another.” He would never allow it to happen again.

  “I never want to go through that again. I wanted to die.”

  Dmitry wanted to point out it was her stubbornness causing the problem, but instead replied. “If we keep our minds joined, then it won't happen again.”

  “Do all your people join minds?”

  “With their mates, yes. It is as necessary as breathing. But not all of my people can speak to others like you can.” He realized he was proud of her.

  “But you can.”

  “Yes, it is required the Alpha be telepathic. It runs in my family.”

  “Alpha is your title?”

  “Among other things....” Dmitry said, not yet willing to tell her everything it meant. He wasn't sure how she would react when she found out he was a shapeshifter. He needed to give her the time to fall in love with him before he told her.

  Dmitry leaned down and nibbled her ear. Violet's sudden moan told him she was more than interested. He turned her so she was lying on her back, and then continued to lick and nibble at her. He wanted to know her body and each place which gave her pleasure.

  After a thorough exploration, leaving them both breathless and complete, he suggested a shower might be in order. Picking her up, he carried her into the bathroom.

  Dmitry and Violet stepped out of the shower. He handed her a towel and then grabbed one for himself. Dmitry was reaching for his clothes when he felt a towel slap across his buttocks. He turned and chased Violet out of the bathroom. Catching her around the waist, he picked her up and tossed her on the bed. She squealed as she landed. He followed her, tickling her sides, kissing her as she giggled and squirmed. Dmitry found himself laughing, delighted to know she felt comfortable enough to tease him.

  “Uncle, I cry Uncle” panted Violet, gasping for breath.

  “Uncle? What is this?”

  “It means I surrender. You win.” Violet said still laughing.

  “That is good, I always win.” said Dmitry winking at her, as she grabbed a pillow and bashed him in the head with it.

  As they played, Dmitry took care to be gentle with her, while still giving her a challenge. Violet would not like the idea of him being careful of her. But as a Lycanthrope he was much stronger than a human. They finally stopped when he trapped both her arms behind her back, and started kissing her gently.

  “We'll never get any dinner if you don't stop kissing me.” She complained good naturedly.

  “That is true, lyubov moya, we could order in.”

  “You promised to take me to dinner, when we showered. Besides I want to meet your brother and best friend. Didn’t you say they were waiting to join us?”

  “I'm not sure I'm ready to share you, yet.” Dmitry growled.

  Violet laughed and finished getting dressed, while he watched her. He liked the way she moved, her grace, and the sassy way she swung her hips. He felt like he could watch her for days, his little mate. While she was braiding her hair, he got up and finished getting dressed. His fingers itched to grab the braid and undo it, freeing her glorious hair. But Dmitry feared Violet would not appreciate his actions. With a sigh, he pulled on his boots, and reached for the phone to call Kolya and Anton.

  After they agreed to meet in the lobby, he hung up and found Violet watching him.

  “You love them. It’s in your voice when you speak to them.”

  How could he explain the bond of the pack? “They are my family, my brothers in blood and spirit.”

  “I will be glad to meet them. Shall we go?”

  Dmitry opened the door and held it for Violet to precede him. He pulled her close to his side as they walked down the hall to the lobby.

  When Violet saw the two men waiting, she slowed considering them. The younger man looked like Dmitry except his eyes were a silver gray color. He must be the younger brother. The other man was tall and handsome, but his hair was lighter, a brown with highlights from the sun. His eyes were a golden hazel color. Violet looked up at Dmitry. It felt surreal; these men were so handsome, and she was with them. It was like something from a romance novel. Dmitry moved forward, keeping his arm around her waist.

  “Are all the men in your family so handsome?” she asked quietly as Anton and Kolya walk
ed up. “Or is it my lucky day?”

  “Oh, we are all good looking.” Kolya boasted, taking her hand and bringing it to his lips. Violet heard Dmitry growl at her side. Kolya laughed releasing her hand. “Easy, Alpha, I was trying to make her feel welcome.”

  Anton wore a mischievous smile and winked at her as he swept her into a bear hug. “Welcome to the family, sister.”

  She laughed along with their teasing.

  “If you two are finished mauling my mate, let us go find someplace to eat.”

  Violet looked up and saw the love for these two men in his eyes, though he wore a scowl on his face. He walked over and pushed Anton towards the door, as he pulled Violet back into his side.

  Violet found it interesting to watch the three men interact. They were very close, laughing and teasing each other. But there was a deep respect felt under the surface. Anton would often move in front of them as they walked down the street. Kolya would drop back a step or two. Dmitry kept her locked securely to his side. It took a while for Violet to realize they were protecting their “Alpha,” as they called him. They did it so seamlessly, she wondered if they realized they were doing it.

  The Oktyabr'skaya Hotel was situated on Mira Street, which also housed a wonderful restaurant called 100 Povarov or 100 cooks. Violet appreciated how quickly they were shown a table without having to wait. This restaurant was ranked high in the tour book she read, so the food promised to be good.

  She talked and laughed at the antics of Dmitry and his friends. They asked her about her work, and she regaled them with stories of her best and worst photo shoots. Like the time she sat in a mud hole for hours trying to get one good shot, or climbed the side of a mountain to capture the true wilderness of a place. She didn’t mention nearly being dinner for a lioness. Or using her telepathy to freeze the lion in place, so she could escape.

  Time flew past before they knew it. Anton finished the last bite of food as the restaurant started to close. Dmitry paid the bill, and they started the walk back to the Oktyabr'skaya Hotel. The men followed the same routine as they did before, keeping Dmitry and Violet between them.

  When they reached their room and were safely inside, Violet decided to ask about it. But as she turned, Dmitry pulled her into his arms and began kissing her. She soon forgot to ask him anything as he picked her up, and still kissing her, carried her to bed.

  Chapter Five

  The next morning, Violet was too concerned about getting to the Ranger Station to ask questions about the actions of his seconds. Dmitry didn’t know whether to feel relieved or guilty. He didn’t want to lie to his mate. He knew she must have questions. But it was not the time to explain things.

  While Violet hurried around the room gathering her belongings, Dmitry calmly watched her pack. She checked and rechecked her camera equipment. She owned two cameras, one film and one digital, as well as several lenses and tripods. She seemed to have tons of film and memory cards. She went through everything, while quietly talking to herself. She surprised him when she looked up and snapped his picture. Then she winked and went back to her muttering. Finally, she was ready. Dmitry followed her down the stairs to the lobby.

  He frowned when he saw Anton pacing, waiting for him. He caught the scent of fear and looked around for a threat. But nothing was wrong in the hotel lobby. He reached for his brother’s mind and found a haze of rage and fear.

  “What’s wrong?” Dmitry demanded, as Violet went to pay her bill

  “We received a call from the pack. Fyodor, Lenka, and Igorek tried to take Alena from our parent's home. Sergei was wounded, as well as our father, but they killed Fyodor. Lenka and Igorek are saying Fyodor was murdered. Alena is frightened, but she is helping our mother nurse the wounded. Kolya is on the phone now with the airport. He is arranging for a pilot to fly us home.”

  Dmitry looked over at his mate. Everything was so new between them. He didn't know what she would do, if he left her. He wasn't sure he could leave her. But he also wasn't prepared to have her walk into a mess at home.

  “Give me a few minutes to talk with Violet. Are you and Kolya ready to go?”

  “Yes, we checked out a few minutes ago.”

  “Find Kolya and wait for me outside.” Dmitry ordered, raking his hand through his hair.

  He felt so torn, needing to go home and comfort his family. But he also needed to be with Violet. As he turned to go to her, he didn't know what he was going to say.

  Violet finished paying her bill and turned to see Anton rushing away. She could tell from Dmitry’s face something happened. She joined her mind with his and gasped when she felt the turmoil within him. She ran to him and put her arms around his waist. She would do anything to stop his pain.

  “My little sister was almost abducted. My father and one of my friends was injured trying to protect her. I've got to go home. Please come with me, Violet.” he sighed.

  Violet felt his resolve to go to his family and lead his people through this crisis, even if it meant his own happiness. Could she really blame him for needing to go? Could she walk away from him when he seemed to need her so much?

  “I know I am asking you to put your work on hold. But I promise you, I will help you get your pictures after this crisis is over.”

  “Of course I will go with you, Dmitry. Your family needs you” she said softly, looking into his eyes.

  She could feel relief flood him with her answer. He pulled her closer in his arms and kissed her soundly.

  “Thank you, lyubov moya. I appreciate your sacrifice.”

  Kolya walked up to them. “The plane will be ready when we arrive at the airport.”

  “Take Violet's vehicle and make sure her gear is loaded into the cargo hold. We will follow you as soon as Violet calls the rangers at Stolby.”

  Violet obediently handed over her keys to Kolya. She noticed his eyes were haunted and he looked furious. A shiver of apprehension went down her spine. The charming man from last night was gone, and something wild stared out at her. Moving to the front desk, she made the call to the ranger station.

  She was surprised when they didn't seem upset about her not coming. They seemed relieved. She assured them she would be back in touch to arrange another time for the trip. They thanked her politely enough, and then hung up on her. They must think of her as another dumb American tourist. She returned to Dmitry. He escorted her outside, as Kolya and Anton drove up in her SUV.

  “They refused to leave without us.” Dmitry shrugged as he opened the back door.

  Violet climbed in and scooted over so Dmitry could jump in as well. Kolya drove quickly to the airport. Violet was surprised to find a private jet waiting for them. Who were these people? They must have money to travel like this.

  Dmitry walked around and opened her door. She grabbed her camera case, and then allowed him to escort her inside the plane. She looked out the window and saw Kolya directing the luggage handlers on the loading of her equipment. Anton was talking to a man, she assumed was the pilot. Violet turned and found Dmitry watching her, worry in his eyes. She smiled to reassure him.

  “Is this your plane?” Was he rich?

  “Not exactly, it belongs to my people, but as Alpha I may use it when I wish.”

  “Do you travel a lot?”

  “No, I like to be home with my family and pack. When I travel it is to do business for the pack.”

  “So, pack business falls under your duties of Alpha?”

  “One duty, among many. Here let us take these seats.”

  Violet wasn't sure she understood, but she could sense her questions were distressing to him. She didn't want to worry him further, so she reached for his hand and stayed quiet.

  Soon Anton and the pilot entered, Kolya followed and promptly closed the hatch and locked it. Kolya looked at them. Violet thought she saw a flash of pain in his eyes. Instead of joining them, he went to the back of the plane and lay down on a couch, with his arm over his eyes.

  “Is Kolya alright?” she whispered
to Dmitry.

  “My sister, Alena, is his mate. He is probably blaming himself for this whole affair. Which is ridiculous. If anyone is to blame it is I. I will talk to him once we are in the air.”

  “Dmitry, I am sure it’s not your fault your sister was almost abducted!”

  “I underestimated the danger to her.”

  “Did you leave her alone?”

  “No, I left guards in place.”

  “So you left her protected and the protection worked. She was not abducted.” Violet pointed out.

  “I appreciate your loyalty. But I fear it is undeserved.”

  “No, Dmitry. I've been in your mind, remember. You are a good man, who cares for others. I am glad to be your mate.”

  “Oh, lyubov moya, I do not deserve you, but I will keep you.” Dmitry pulled her onto his lap and started kissing her.

  When the plane took off moments later, Violet was too busy to notice. She was completely enchanted with the man who held her so gently and made love to her with his kisses. Violet heard someone clearing their throat and looked up to see Anton standing before them.

  “I thought Violet might like to ride with the pilot for a while.” suggested Anton.

  “Would that please you?” asked Dmitry.

  “I've never been in the cockpit of a jet before.”

  Dmitry escorted her up to the cockpit, introduced her to the pilot, and made sure she was comfortable before he left her to go back to his seat. Violet liked the way he was so polite and caring with her, very Old World.

  Dmitry walked back to where Kolya was resting on the couch.

  “I am sorry, my friend. I take full responsibility.” said Dmitry placing his hand on Kolya's shoulder. “If you wish to challenge me for the Alpha position, I will understand.”

  “I do not want to be Alpha, Dmitry. I do not blame you, and neither does anyone else. I spoke to Alena. She is upset, as we all are, but not at you. You did not cause our shortage of women, nor did you cause Fyodor, Lenka, and Igorek to make the attempt on Alena. I am worried what will happen next. When our women aren't safe in their own homes, how do we stop the madness?”


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