Yes, My Mistress

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Yes, My Mistress Page 3

by Jennifer Cole

  “Yes. In time, when you are ready, we will bring in another. For now, and the purposes of our sessions, Ransom will be your slave, and in that role, he will follow your instruction without question. Together we will aid in your training, but it will be your willingness to learn that will heighten your experience.”

  “I understand,” she said.

  “Excellent. Now, do you recall our discussion in the other room regarding your submissive’s safety?”

  “It is to be my number one priority. My slave must feel safe in my hands.”

  “Good. I know you’ve been researching the lifestyle. What do you do now?”

  “My slave needs to choose a safe word. Something he will say if he doesn’t feel safe, or is experiencing pain which is not enjoyable. Speaking his safe word will stop our play immediately.”

  “Very good,” Troy praised. “Let’s begin.”

  * * * *

  When the session ended Troy helped Dani release the restraints around Ransom’s wrists. “Nice job,” Troy said, and pressed a kiss to Ransom’s lips. “Both of you.”

  The kiss between the two men took her by surprise. “You’re lovers?”

  Ransom crossed the playroom and snatched a towel and a robe hanging from a hook on the wall. “Yup,” he replied, wrapping the towel around his waist.

  “Does that bother you?” Troy asked, taking the robe from Ransom and helping Dani to slip it on.

  She shook her head at his question, and synched the belt. “Not at all. It’s just that you two give off serious alpha vibes. I didn’t consider you might be lovers.”

  “Well, you shouldn’t buy into the stereotype, sweetie,” Ransom said, winking in her direction.

  “Yeah, you’re right,” Dani said. “Sorry. I hope I didn’t offend you.”

  “Not in the least,” Troy replied. “Now come, let’s relax in the living room and discuss our session over a glass of wine.”

  Once seated on an overstuffed suede sofa in the living room, Troy began. “You did very well today, Dani. You will make a worthy Mistress for the right man. I imagine very soon.”

  “Really? You think so?” she asked, sounding a little too eager.

  “I’d say.” Ransom chuckled. “Today was only day one, but you’re a natural with a paddle. Tanned my cheeks nicely.”

  She laughed. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I loved it. You paddle like a pro. You need to work on your technique with the flogger, but given some practice, you’ll ace that too.”

  “Ransom’s right, you’re a natural, and your willingness to learn is exceptional. Your confidence will strengthen with each session, and before you know it, you Miss Miller will be Mistress of your own domain.”

  “Thanks, guys.” Dani felt herself beaming. “I really had fun. When I wasn’t concentrating so hard.”

  “We covered a lot of ground today. Gave you a lot to absorb,” Troy said. “You did well.”

  Dani finished her wine and set the empty glass on the coffee table. “I should probably get going. I’m expected at the diner for the dinner rush.”

  Ransom glanced at the clock on the wall. “Shame to cut this short, but the club will be opening in a couple of hours, so we should get downstairs ourselves.”

  “Let’s get your coat, and I’ll walk you out,” Troy said, and offered her his hand.

  As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Dani stopped short when she spotted Mike leaning against the wall near the door.

  “Oh my,” she gasped.

  Dark brown eyes focused on her as he pulled himself from the wall. Standing full height he towered over her. He was huge. Dani guessed he had to be six-five, six-six easily, and probably tipped the scales at close to three hundred pounds. The man was muscle on top of muscle, but not in a ‘body builder on steroids’ sort of way.

  A lucky white t-shirt molded to his chest like a second skin, emphasizing the ripples of an eight-pack set of abs. Pectoral muscles tensed, drawing her eyes to the dark shading of his areolas and the tip of erect nipples straining against the fabric.

  Suddenly, she became uncomfortably wet between her legs.

  “Hello, Dani,” he said in a deep voice. The husky tone ignited sparks low in her belly.

  “Mike,” she said in raspy whisper.

  “Good first day?”

  Dani swallowed the lump lodged in her throat and felt her knees weaken. She nodded, and then replied, “Only one thing would have made it more fulfilling.”

  Good God! Where did that come from?

  A feral grin curled his full lips, and the heat of lust in his eyes deepened. “Oh, yeah? What’s that?”

  The lilt in his voice made Dani wonder if Mike was reading her thoughts. You! She wanted to scream out.

  Sliding his hands into his front pockets brought her gaze straight to the straining bulge at the top of his powerful thighs.

  “Oh God, I-I—”

  “I, for one, need to get to work,” Troy said, pulling her thoughts back before she threw herself in Mike’s arms. The hand at the small of her back encouraged her to move forward. “We’ll see you tomorrow,” he said.

  “Um, right. W-What’s on tap then?”

  “A review of today’s lessons. Then we’ll see.”

  “Okay. Well, goodbye then,” she said, stealing a glance at Mike over Troy’s shoulder.

  “Sweet dreams,” Mike called out.

  * * * *

  Mike watched as Troy made sure Dani got into her car safely and drove away. When he locked the door and turned around, Mike blocked his path to the bar area. Troy smiled a knowing grin.

  “What was she wearing under the coat?” Mike asked in a strained voice.

  “Red leather bustier with matching thong panties. Garter and hose. The boots were a nice touch.”

  Mike’s body trembled as he envisioned Dani standing before him dressed as Troy described. His balls were on the verge of rupturing from the pressure building in them. “Jesus.”

  “Ransom says she’s a natural with a paddle.”

  Taking several deep breaths to calm his raging libido, Mike sighed and rolled his head from side to side. “As a matter of record, you do know I am going to kill you, right?”

  “Yup, slowly and painfully,” Troy replied. Slipping past him, he grinned. “I heard. It’ll have to wait until another time. Tonight we’ve got a club to run.”

  * * * *

  After their session Dani sat with Ransom and Troy, as they had done following each training, and discussed the day’s experience. Something had been niggling at her since the first day, but she wasn’t sure how to bring it up. Ransom was a great sub to work with, and she was thankful for his support and encouragement. Troy was an exceptional teacher. He rewarded and corrected in the same tone of voice, yet Dani always knew where she stood with him. His direction always began as instructional before they moved on.

  Anatomy was the topic of discussion during one day’s training. Dani found this quite interesting. Troy and Ransom gave her a lesson on muscles groups, and how the different pieces of equipment in the playroom affected those muscles. She allowed them to strap her to the various apparatuses, putting her in positions where she could experience the encounter to its fullest extent.

  Not once during her training did Dani have sex with Ransom. In fact, there had been no sexual contact between them at all. Though he performed his role as her submissive naked, and her scarcely dressed, there had been nothing sexual between them. Ransom never even achieved an erection when they played. Even when she tried that new thing earlier. She knew he enjoyed it, she could see it in his eyes.

  “What are you thinking, Dani?” Troy asked. “You’re concentrating so hard steam is rising off the top of your head.”


  Both men laughed.

  “No, not literally. What’s on your mind?”

  “Why don’t you get hard?” she asked Ransom.

  An instant grin curled his lips. “Don’t take this the
wrong way, doll, but you aren’t my type.”


  “What’s with the ‘hmm’? Listen you’re cute as hell, but beyond that, I’m not attracted to you sexually,” he replied.


  “Do you get turned on while we’re practicing?” he asked.

  Shaking her head, she gave a single shoulder shrug. “No, I don’t. Not even a little bit.”

  Except when I’m picturing Mike in your place.

  “Your brows are still furrowed,” Troy said.

  “Well, isn’t that what I mentioned the first day? In order for this to be all that it can be, shouldn’t I be working with someone I’m attracted to? Someone who is attracted to me? Isn’t that what it’s all about?”

  Like maybe me and Mike.

  “Yes on all accounts,” Troy replied.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I like working with Ransom, he makes me comfortable so I can put into practice what I’ve learned.”

  “I feel the same way, Dani. You’ve come a long way in the short time we’ve spent together,” Ransom said. “You’re very good at what you do.”

  “Think I’m ready to be with someone else?” she asked

  “You’re dumping me?” Ransom gasped in feigned shock, and then chuckled.

  Dani laughed. “You’ll always be my first.”

  “If you are confident, then yes, I think you’re ready,” Troy said.

  “Cool! Do I choose someone? Or will you decide?” she asked, directing her question to Troy.

  “I have someone in mind,” he answered. “A Master, or Mistress, doesn’t choose their submissive, it’s the other way around.”

  “You’re right. I was so caught up in the fun of it, I kinda’ forgot that. Some Mistress, huh? That’s an important aspect to overlook.”

  “You’ve only been at it a few weeks,” Ransom reminded her. “Don’t be too hard on yourself.”

  Dani was disappointed. She’d hope the choice would be hers to make, because she had the perfect person in mind. Despite getting tongue-tied when around Mike, Dani knew once she had him where she wanted him, the sparks would fly. She wasn’t being egotistical, just confident with what she’d learned.

  Nearly every day she came to the club, she crossed paths with Mike, though they were never alone. Troy was always with her, whether it was when she arrived or when she left.

  The hunger in Mike’s eyes when he looked at her sent her body into orbit. With just a simple glance the man made her panties wet. She’d never felt so tortured in all her life as she felt day in and day out seeing Mike and not being able to touch him.

  On her first day of training Troy said she was not permitted to come to the club unless it was for a session. Several times over the month she had been tempted to defy his direction, and head to the club just to see Mike.

  “You’re really into deep contemplation today, Dani. What’s on your mind now?” Ransom asked.

  “I was thinking about what you said about me not being your type.”

  “Hold on, I said you were cute—”

  “Save it, blondie. You said it and you can’t take it back,” she teased. “I know the two of you are lovers, but have you ever been with women?”

  “Yes, we’ve both been with women in the past. We choose to be in a committed gay relationship now.”

  “Stop pissing around, Dani-girl,” Troy said. “What is it you’re trying to say?”

  “I have a friend, and I was thinking about what you said about me having submissive tendencies.”

  “Yeah?” Troy shifted on the chair across from her.

  “Well, Meg’s like that. Submissive, I mean. I can see it in her face. Anyhow, I was wondering since you guys are teaching me to explore both my dominant and submissive sides, maybe you can show her how to embrace hers.”

  When neither man spoke for several moments Dani regretted bringing Megan’s name up. But after her first meeting with Troy she immediately recognized her friend’s submissive nature, and wanted nothing more than for her to explore it.

  “It’s not a set up, guys, honest. I know you two are in love, and I’m not suggesting... Wait... Oh, I don’t know what I’m suggesting. Sorry. It’s pretty bold of me to ask you to help my friend tap into her submissive side, when you’ve already done so much for me.”

  “It’s just that it’s not an undertaking to be looked upon lightly, Dani,” Troy said. “As I’ve told you before a sub chooses their Master, not the other way around. A submissive must want to explore that part of themselves. Does your friend want to?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t think she realizes she is one.”

  “That’s the first thing you should find out,” Troy said. “You know we’re always here to answer any questions you have.”

  “Yeah, I know.” She glanced down at her watch. “Damn, I’ve got to go. It’s my mom and dad’s date night, so I’ve got to head into work for closing time.”

  * * * *

  Mike was sitting on the same barstool he’d been on when Dani had arrived for her session. Four hours had passed, and there he still sat, his eyes glued to the door leading to the staff apartments.

  Since the first day Dani Miller graced the club with her stunning presence, Mike had been forbidden to escort her to her car, or to go to her place of employment, or to her apartment while she was training.

  Troy’s orders had made him furious. After some consideration however, Mike relented. Hell, her training wouldn’t go on forever, and when it was over maybe she’d be interested in taming his beast. He could only hope.

  “Aww, Mikey, I hate seeing you so down.” Deirdre interrupted his pity party. “But think how much fun Dani will be when Troy finishes with her.”

  Mike growled in response.

  “Come on, you’re not still sore about that, are you?”

  He scowled at her.

  “You big baby,” she teased.

  The door to the private suites opened, and Dani and Troy emerged. Immediately, her eyes searched the bar to settle on him. His cock hardened in an instant, and he felt lightheaded. A flirtatious grin curled her full, kissable lips, and her brown eyes sparkled. If Mike wasn’t mistaken, they flickered with desire, and need.

  A sideways glance from Troy stopped him from jumping off his stool, racing to her, tossing her up over his shoulder, and stealing away to his lair.

  “Come on, Mikey, you aren’t going to let the boss man push your buttons, are you?” Deirdre taunted near his ear. “You can take him, you’re bigger than he is. Go and claim your woman.”

  “Can I get an orange juice, please?” Mike grumbled.

  “Kinda’ early for the hard stuff, isn’t it?” She laughed.

  Just like every day, Troy escorted Dani out of the club and to her car. Once she walked out the door, leaving him with his x-rated thoughts, Mike turned on his stool and watched Deirdre preparing for the busy night ahead. A few minutes later, Troy returned and sat on the stool beside Mike.

  “May I have a soda, Deirdre, please,” Troy said, and offered a wink to the scantily clad blonde behind the bar.

  “Sure thing, boss,” she replied with a sexy grin.

  Mike felt Troy’s eyes on him, could even feel the smugness in his grin.

  “I’m. Going. To. Kill. You.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Slowly and painfully, I’ve heard,” Troy said. “Listen, hold that thought, because this is your lucky day, my friend.”

  “Don’t toy with me, Simon. I’m not in the mood.”

  “Thanks, doll,” Troy said as Deirdre set a glass in front of him. “I’m serious, Mike.”

  “My lucky day, huh? Why’s that?”

  “Well, as much fun as my Mistress in training is having with Ransom, she would like to try her hand with another.”

  The beast between his legs took over the final thread of Mike’s control on his libido. Four weeks and three days he’d watched the woman who haunted his dreams disappear with Troy for training. It didn’t matter that Mike knew
sex wasn’t part of the sessions. It still ate at him that Ransom was the one assisting Troy, when it should be him.

  “There’s no question she likes to take the lead, but she’s got sub flowing through her veins,” Troy said.

  “Is that so,” Mike replied, and whimpered inwardly at the strain he heard in his voice.

  Troy’s knowing, deep chuckle only added to Mike’s discomfort. He knew damn well Troy knew he was more than willing to offer himself up as Dani’s new play toy.

  “I take it the ‘big bad Dom’ in you isn’t opposed to playing sub for the right Mistress?”

  “I’d give my left nut for the opportunity.”

  Troy laughed. “Since day one you’ve made your interest abundantly clear, Mike. I’ve seen the way you look at her, and I knew you’d be agreeable. I promise it won’t cost you a nut, but consider yourself forewarned—she does have a fascination with the ‘boys.’”

  It sounded too damned good to be true. Mike loved his balls toyed with. “How so?” he asked, attempting to control the strain in his voice.

  “Today she asked to try something she’d read about. So she tied an intricate knot around Ransom’s sac and hung a hefty weight from the end.”

  This time Mike didn’t even bother to stifle his groan of his arousal. Dani could tie him up and bull whip him senseless if she so desired. Mike never considered himself a true Dom in the BDSM world. The practice of dominance in his past sexual experiences seemed to be based on his physical size. He was a large man, standing six-five and tipping the scales around two-hundred-seventy-five pounds. During his junior year of high school he’d joined the wrestling team and won numerous championships throughout high school and college.

  It seemed as if the women he’d been with expected him to take the lead in the bedroom. Mike’s deepest desire was for the woman to take control. To turn ‘big Mike’ into her sex slave. The thought of Dani Miller being that woman kept him up at night. Literally.

  “Christ, his nuggets turned deep purple in an instant,” Troy said, interrupting Mike’s thoughts. “If it hadn’t been for the sexy sparkle in Ransom’s eyes, I would have made her untie him. I’m going to have to get Dani to show me how to tie that little knot. Since my lover enjoyed it so much I think we’ll include some cock and ball torture in our play.”


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