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Adam Page 5

by Marie Tuhart

  “I will not.” Her blue gaze locked with his. “WestCon has been planned for over eight months. I will not back out at the last minute. And you know full well I do this con every year.”

  “Not while you’re appearing in one of my films.”

  “You and your precious film.” She knocked his arms away and stood up.

  The room was silent. She glanced around the set. Everyone looked busy, but it wasn’t like she and Adam were being quiet in their argument. It was bad enough the crew was talking about them. Not that it really mattered since the world knew of their marriage and their break up. “I’m going.”


  “No. WestCon is important to me. I need to go.”

  “I’m sorry, but it’s a non-starter. I can’t afford any bad publicity for this film.”

  “And why do you think there will be bad publicity?” She tilted her head and stared at him.

  “Come on.” He let out a breath. He didn’t want to insult her, but she’d pressed and deserved an answer. “Your scream queen persona isn’t how I want people to see you in this film.”

  Pink warmed her cheeks. “I get that.” She bit her lip and squared her shoulders. “Remember. No publicity is bad publicity.” She turned and sauntered away as if she didn’t have a care in the world.

  Adam swore beneath his breath. He had to stop her from going. If only to save her from herself.


  “You’re not going to the convention,” Adam said two hours later in his office. Instead of cooling off, his attitude had hardened. He couldn’t leave the subject alone. WestCon was not someplace he wanted her to be right now. It brought back too many memories. Memories best left buried.

  “I’m not going to argue about this.” Nicki closed her eyes.

  “Good. Because you know I’m right.” He crossed his arms over his chest and stared at her.

  “You’re not.” She took a steadying breath. “I’m not backing out or disappointing my fans.”

  “I will not have you playing scream queen.” He leaned forward, his hand hitting his desk. Nicki’s scream queen persona could only bring bad publicity down on this film. Plus, the fans at these cons had no boundaries. He didn’t want his wife mobbed.

  “I’m leaving after we finish filming on Friday night and will be back late on Sunday, so there is no interference with your precious film.”

  “Plans change. We’re filming this weekend.”

  Nicki sighed. “Why are you doing this, Adam?”

  “I’m not doing a thing.” The frustration in her voice almost made him back off, but he couldn’t. Her playing the scream queen was part of the reason she had lost the baby. If she hadn’t been filming, their baby would be alive. He didn’t want her old persona to interfere with his film.

  “Since you want to play dense, let me explain to you.” She hugged her waist. “Arguing with me isn’t going to get me to change my mind. I love being a scream queen, and I love my fans.”

  “I’m only doing what I have to do.” He hadn’t protected her when he should have; he wasn’t going to fail again.

  “Like hell.” She leaned over his desk.

  “Don’t swear.” Reaching across the desk, he tapped the end of her nose with his finger.

  “You’re impossible.” She surged to her feet, anger seething in her movement.

  Adam hid a smile as Nicki stood and stormed over to the window. He finally was getting a reaction out of her. If he’d remembered about WestCon, he would have made sure she couldn’t go. He wasn’t going to risk his movie on her reputation as a scream queen. How would the backers of the film feel as the press covered the convention and Nicki? They could back away from the film. It wasn’t unheard of. And then there was what happened with the baby. Okay, it was all about that. He needed to protect her better even if meant him coming across like a jerk. “I’m sorry, Nicki, but you can’t go.”

  “Sorry.” She swung around, her blue eyes blazing. “You’re still afraid of my scream queen persona.”

  “I don’t need that kind of publicity.” He liked the way her eyes blazed when she got angry. It reminded him of the passion they shared. “The money guys won’t like the press you get at the convention.” And I don’t want you to get hurt…

  “You don’t even know what goes on at WestCon, so don’t tell me it’s going to give this film negative publicity.”

  “I know there is always a hoard of press there, and they’ll be on you like bees on honey.” His gut tightened, thinking about all the male reporters vying for her attention. Shoving, pushing, and him too far away to do anything about it. He’d seen it before.

  “Any reporters there will be from local television stations.” She stomped up to his desk and leaned over, staring him in the eyes. “No national press. WestCon isn’t that large. I’m not that big of a draw.”

  “Yes, you are.” He trailed his finger down her cheek. Every time she came within touching distance, he found he couldn’t stop himself from caressing her, touching her, to reassure himself she was really there.

  “Adam, please.” She pressed her cheek against his palm, her lashes falling as her eyes closed.

  “Stay,” he whispered before his mouth touched hers.

  “No.” She pushed away from him. “I’m going to WestCon, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.” Spinning, she dashed out of his office.

  Adam hurried to the window as Nicki’s rapid stride took her to her trailer. She had a point. Short of locking her up, he couldn’t stop her from going to WestCon. He lied about filming this weekend only to keep her from going and she saw right through it.

  But that didn’t mean he had to let her go alone. Not this time. If he couldn’t beat her at her game, then he’d join her in it.

  Because this time, he wasn’t willing to give up the fight and just let her go.

  Chapter Four

  Friday evening, Nicki walked into the ballroom of the hotel where WestCon was being held. People milled around talking and laughing. Nicki enjoyed being able to interact with fans at this level. The room wasn’t crowded yet, and while her entrance was noticed, no one rushed her. Some fans were still a bit shy when it came to meeting their idols. It made her smile.

  “Are you sure you’re up to this?” her friend and manager, Helen, asked, joining her. Her short, dark brown hair was smoothed to a high gloss, and she wore a blue business suit whereas Nicki wore a sparkly top and black pants.

  Nicki nodded and some of the tension eased from her muscles. Helen always attended these events with her. She was a buffer at times between Nicki and her fans but also someone Nicki could just hang out and let her hair down with.

  “I’m fine, a bit tired is all.” She fought not to rub her chest. Her heart hurt, and she had no idea why.

  Helen pursed her red-painted lips. “After what you told me, I can’t believe Adam let you attend.”

  “He didn’t let me do anything. I told him I was coming, and I left.”

  But she had a nagging itch at the back of her neck, reminding her that once Adam made up his mind, he wouldn’t let go. He’d proved it before by his fierce pursuit of her when they were dating. He’d show up on her movie sets, driving her to distraction. He’d sent her gifts, calling her to talk about anything and everything. Dang, he was doing it again. Just like before they were married, he dominated her thoughts.

  “I’m not sure I’d be brave enough to cross Adam,” Helen admitted.

  “He doesn’t have the right to dictate to me.” Nicki turned to her friend. “And since when did you become a fan of Adam?” Helen was the only other person besides her mother, who knew the whole story about her and Adam.

  “I’m not completely in his corner. It’s just…” Helen’s eyes widened.

  “Just what?”

  “Ah, nothing.”

  “Helen.” It wasn’t like her friend not to speak her mind.

  “Not now, Nicki.”

  Nicki shook her head. “No more talk about A

  “That’s not going to be possible.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Adam’s here.” Helen motioned behind Nicki.

  “What?” She turned to see Adam striding through the doors, his gaze searching then meeting hers.

  Her stomach clenched as a shiver of excitement slid up her spine. Had he come after her? She wanted to believe he’d finally come to his senses and come to see what the convention was all about. How much the fans enjoyed the weekend and talking with her and the other artists and actors here.

  Or was he here to protect his movie?

  Oh, Nicki, don’t be so romantic. He’s here to drag you back to the set and his world. Just like always. The tightness in her chest increased. Why was it always about what he wanted? Sure, it was nice that he wanted her, but now she saw what was lacking. He didn’t have a lot of interest in what she had accomplished on her own, in her existence outside of her relationship with him. Her throat constricted, and she had to blink rapidly to keep back tears.

  “Good evening, Helen, Nicki.” His whisky smooth voice slid over her skin like a caress.

  Nicki’s gaze took in how he was dressed—casual black slacks and a black T-shirt. A buttoned down Adam?

  Her heart began to pound. “What are you doing here?”

  His eyebrows rose at her tone, but he smiled. “Keeping an eye on my wife.”

  The half grin sent a shock of apprehension through her blood. The last time she’d seen him give that particular grin was right before he’d walked out of her life. Her spine stiffened. “I don’t want you here.”

  “Nicki,” Helen admonished.

  She didn’t respond to the surprise in Helen’s voice. She didn’t want Adam here. It was too much for her. She needed time away from his dominant presence.

  “Tough.” He placed his hand on her arm. “One phone call to the conference chair, and I’m here for the duration. There’s not a damn thing you can do about it.”

  “Want to bet?” He was challenging her? Here on her own turf, so to speak. She needed this weekend without him to recharge her batteries. Fighting him took all her strength, and she wanted to let her guard down and relax.

  “Don’t make a scene.” He slid his arms around her waist and bent his head to whisper in her ear, “You won’t like my response.”

  She hesitated. He was using his I am master voice with her. And she remembered what happened after their first date when she told him she didn’t have time for a man in her life. A shiver of anticipation slid up her spine. She found that tone so damn sexy and it fulfilled her desires to be dominated.

  “You left my set without permission.”

  Oh, hell, his deep husky voice sent a shaft of excitement through her veins.

  “You knew I was leaving.” She fought against struggling or melting into his hold. His heat called to her, making her heart pound and her pussy grow wet. She needed a man who respected her as an equal partner, but her reaction wasn’t helping her get that. Maybe it was her body she needed to train first before she could hope to get Adam to keep his Dom in the bedroom.

  “I’ll be right back,” Helen said, the lights gleaming off her hair as she edged away.

  Nicki wanted to call her back, but it wasn’t fair to stick Helen between her and Adam. No, this was a battle she needed to fight on her own.

  “I remember explicitly telling you to stay.”

  Nicki let out a sigh. “This is old territory. You’re not my boss or my Dom. I cleared it with Chris, and I double checked the schedule. There was no filming this weekend.”

  “I know you did.” Adam maneuvered them to the nearest wall away from the growing crowd, giving them some measure of privacy. “When I talked to Chris, he told me he had talked to you, and he mentioned you’ve asked him again to release you from your contract.”

  Damn, Chris, why couldn’t you keep your mouth shut? “My part in the film isn’t the point.”

  “It is.” He tightened his arms around her. “I’m here to make sure you don’t ruin the film’s reputation.”

  “That’s all you care about. Your damn film.” She squirmed in his hold, but he held on tight. She should have known that was all he cared about. He wasn’t here about her well-being or the fact that she’d left.

  “Yes, I care about the film.” His gaze bore into hers.

  Damn, he could be stubborn when he wanted, but then, so could she. “I’m not discussing my contract here. I have my own career, make my own decisions.”

  His scowl frosted away the heat she’d felt earlier.

  But she’d said what she had to say, and now, she could be kind. “I know the hotel is booked. Do you have somewhere to stay?” The answer was probably no. All the closest hotels were full.

  “I’m staying here.” A gleam flashed in his eyes, and a shiver of unease hit her. “I’m sharing your room.”

  A red film glazed her vision. “Like hell.” Her hands fluttered to her stomach as she fought down the panic of them sharing a room. But it wasn’t a flight or fight panic. It was the “how do I keep my hands off you if you’re in my room” kind.

  “Keep your voice down.”

  Nicki glanced around, but no one was really paying attention to them. At least, not yet. “You’re not staying with me.” She lowered her voice. “You come here to control my contact and expect me to accommodate you in my bed?”

  “I’ll camp in the lobby.” He gave her a roguish grin, and her rage drained away. Maybe he was here for her, not just his damn movie why else would he camp in the lobby? Damn, why did this playful, flirty, forceful alpha act get to her every time?

  “What would pictures of you sleeping in the hotel lobby do for your precious film?”

  “Nothing more than you already have started.” He tilted his chin, and Nicki looked over his shoulder.

  Damn it, a local TV crew had arrived. She wasn’t about to be shown backed against the wall by him. “You’re not staying with me,” she said softly then marched away.

  Adam couldn’t help but grin as he admired how Nicki’s hips swayed as she moved across the room. He’d gone all caveman the second he’d seen her. That wasn’t part of the plan, but she brought out his baser side.

  “I don’t think you’re using the right approach,” Helen said, striding up to Adam.

  “You don’t say.”

  Helen barely reached his chest, small but powerful. He was happy that Nicki had her best friend here to help her. Helen pushed her brown hair away from her face as she stared at him with those calm green eyes. At least she was talking to him.

  “I’m going to need some help.” He wasn’t above asking for help when he needed it.

  “Why should I help you?” She tilted her head and studied him with astute eyes.

  “Because you care about Nicki. She’s not happy.” He wanted her happy, but he wasn’t sure how to make that happen.

  “And whose fault is that?”

  “Mine.” He kept his gaze on Nicki where she stood across the room, talking with some of her fans. “I’ve made mistakes.” His stomach clenched at the admission of his failure. Failure was never an option in his life.

  “You have. More than one.”

  Adam’s gaze zeroed in on Helen. She may be a small woman, but she packed a hell of a punch. “Will you help me?”

  “Not if you’re going to hurt her again.” Helen let out a sigh. “I can’t watch her heart break again, Adam. It almost destroyed her.”

  “I would never hurt Nicki.” He had no intention of hurting her, he wanted his wife back.

  “Wrong answer.” Helen turned away.

  “Helen.” He grasped her arm. “This isn’t the place to discuss this.”

  “You’re right, it’s not.” She stared at him with a frown. “Let’s go find a quiet area in the bar.”

  “Thank you.” Adam almost sighed in relief. If Helen was on his side, then he just might make more headway with Nicki.

  “I’m still not sure about this,
but I’m willing to listen.” Helen turned and walked out of the room.

  Adam gave Nicki one last glance before following.


  By eleven that evening, Adam was losing his temper. Nicki was avoiding him. After he’d talked with Helen in the bar and they’d come to an uneasy truce, he’d returned to the ballroom to find Nicki floating from one group of men to another.

  If he joined the group, she made an excuse and left. He fought against the jealous rage boiling inside him each time one of the guys would flirt with her. But he’d kept his cool. He wasn’t going to make a scene, no matter how much he wanted to snatch her away from everyone.

  He scanned the group where Nicki…where did she go? Glancing around the large, crowded room filled with people from all walks of life, he came up empty. Spying one of the coordinators of the event whom she’d talked to several times tonight, Adam approached him.

  “Excuse me, Bob. Do you know where Nicki went?” At least he remembered the guy’s name.

  “She said she was going upstairs.” Bob gave him a grin. “Will you be around all weekend, Mr. Bainbridge?”

  “I hope to be.”

  “Good. I hope you’ll join in some of our panels about movies. We’d love to have an actual director’s opinion.”

  Adam stared at Bob. He hadn’t expected to be asked to talk or be part of this convention. Maybe this would be a way he could understand why Nicki enjoyed doing this.

  “I’ll do my best. If you’ll excuse me…” He strode from the room, but there was a bounce to his step. Nicki couldn’t avoid him, not when he had a key to their room.


  “How the hell did you get in here?” Nicki’s voice rose with each word when she stepped out of the bathroom of her hotel room.

  Adam hid a grin, seeing her dressed in one of her cartoon nightshirts, the fabric falling below her knees. She was so cute.

  “Key.” He dangled the key card from between his fingers from his position on the bed. With Helen’s help, he’d been able to get his name on the room and a key. It had taken a bit of work, and hotel management had to be very careful, but after Helen had brought in the head of security for the convention, who had vouched for Adam as well, they’d given him a key.


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