Tangled Dreams

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Tangled Dreams Page 19

by Jennifer Anderson

  “Ah, Maddie I’m sorry. I was going to get back up and help you.” He said forcing himself up into a sitting position rubbing the tension out of his forehead.

  “It’s fine. I survived alright.” Looking down fidgeting with my jacket trying to get it zipped back up but mostly out of nervousness rather than the cold. Leaning forward he grabbed my hands to release them from the zipper and took it and zipped it up himself.

  “There you go as good as new.” Saying with a sleepy grin on his face.

  Looking back up, “Thank you. I guess my fingers are a little cold.”

  “It happens. Well I guess we should get inside. I’m so glad tomorrow is Friday.” Brushing himself off as he stood. “Got any plans?” Trying to sound like he was only making conversation when really he wanted to know if she was going out with Clay.

  “No.” Standing up he towered over me and he reached down to pull me up to my feet.

  “That’s to bad. Why don’t you ever do anything with Andrea anymore?”

  “I don’t feel like it.” Saying to quickly.

  “Oh. I notice you don’t really talk to anyone much anymore, including me.”

  “Well, you haven’t been exactly to chatty to me yourself.” Now annoyed. Changing the subject, “Well, lets get inside.”

  Shutting off the lights and closing the barn door I walked slowly for him to catch up easy and obviously not to fall. When suddenly my boot hit a sheet of ice and I felt my foot slipping and there wasn’t anything I could do about it. The next thing I remembered was my head hitting the ground hard, so hard that I felt my whole body jar and the world going black.

  Turning around from the barn to catch up he seen her slip but he was to far away to even try to help her. Starting to run he saw how hard her head cracked on the ground and his heart leapt into his throat. Running as fast as he could he dropped down to the ground and put her head in his lap. “Madison, babe are you alright?” She didn’t stir a bit. “Madison, wake up.” Starting to panic he started gently shaking her when he felt something wet on the palm of his hand hoping to God it was snow he pulled his hand out and it was red. “Oh God Madison. Please wake up.” Lifting her up into his arms he ran into the house shouting for his mom.

  Running into the living room, “What is going on in here? Oh God. What happened to Madison?” Saying in a panic.

  “She slipped and fell on a patch of ice and cracked her head. She’s bleeding mom. What do we do?” In a horrible panic.

  “Calm down. She might have just knocked herself unconscious it could just be a scratch.”

  Rolling her over on to her side to look at the back of her head she realized it was a pretty good gash and that she could have a concussion. “Gavin, hurry up and get her in the truck and take her to the hospital. You can get there a lot faster than they can get here. I’m going to go up and wake up William and get the neighbors to come over to watch the girls. We’ll be right behind you sweetie.”

  “Okay mom.” Still panicking.

  “Honey everything will be alright. Just get her there as fast and as safely as possible.”

  Scooping her up into his arms he ran to his truck as fast as he could and laid her gently down on the seat. The whole way to the hospital he prayed with God. He bargained with him. He promised everything he had, just as long as she would be alright. Talking to her the whole time even though he knew she couldn’t hear him. There was so much blood, he thought in complete panic taking off his sweatshirt and putting it under her head as gently as possible. Pulling up to the hospital he got her out of the truck and ran her in. As soon as he got her in someone was taking her out of his arms and away from him. He had never been so scared in his life.

  Sitting down in the waiting room the nurse came in and asked him what happened and he answered in a daze. All he could do was sit and wait and it was torture. Leaning over with his head in his hands he let his mind wonder. I should have never let her help me. He thought sadly. I should of sent her straight back into the house. No I should have walked her into the house. If I had been beside her I could of caught her. And these thoughts went on and on in his head for the next hour until finally he was shaken out of it by his parents walking in. His mom ran over and hugged him while his dad went to the desk meaning all business.

  “Is she alright Gavin?”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t heard anything. There was so much blood mom.” He said in anguish for the first time in his life since he was a kid, wanting to cry.

  “It’ll be alright sweetie.” Pulling him back in for a hug.

  “No it’s not. You don’t understand. We were not getting along and we were fighting. She doesn’t know how much I lov…. I mean care for her.”

  Smiling she knew what he meant to say. “I’m sure she knows how much you care for her sweetie. It’s written all over you face, even when you don’t mean it to be.”

  Looking down. “Is it that obvious?” Embarrassed now.

  “It is to your mother. She’s a special girl you would have to be a fool not to see that.” Looking directly into his eyes.

  “What do you think of me caring about her so much?” Probing her for any kind of acceptance.

  “I think she is the luckiest girl in the world.”

  “Really?” Astonished.

  “Gavin, I wasn’t born yesterday. I see the way you two look at each other. Your father does to, but he’s to stubborn to admit it. You can’t help who you love sweetie. Besides you two just met each other and it’s not like you are related in any way.”

  “I know. I just figured you would be mad if I pursued her.”

  “Well sweetie, I’m not sure she’s ready. She has been through a lot. Only you will know when to push that matter. But as for this matter, we just need to pray that everything will be alright and hope it looked a lot worse than it really was.” Looking up his father was walking over to them.

  “Well, I just talked to the doctor.”

  “And?” Julia asked.

  “She’s still unconscious. They think she has a concussion and are not sure yet when she is going to wake up. She sliced the back of her head open pretty good, but they have that already stitched up and bandaged. So right now there’s nothing to do but wait. They said they would give us a call if anything changed or she woke up.” Saying grumpily.

  “I’m not going home.” Gavin said sternly.

  “Son, there is nothing else we can do here. It’s best if we all just go home and get some rest.”

  “I’m not leaving her.”

  Putting her hand up to stop the arguing.

  “Alright, Gavin before it gets to late you need to go home and get cleaned up and wash the blood and dirt off of you. If you still want to come back, you can. Does that sound fair to everyone?” She asked giving William a look like he’d better just agree and both nodded.

  He got home and changed as fast as he could and had no intentions of going to school in the morning. Finally, getting back to the hospital he was shown into her room and she looked so tiny and pale. Bandages were wrapped around her head and he had never been so scared in his life. Pulling up the chair as close as he could to her bed he sat and held her hand. The nurse was kind enough to get him a blanket even though he insisted that he wouldn’t fall asleep. But, the next thing he knew he was slumped down in the chair doing just that.

  Friday was much of the same. No change at all, and she still hadn’t woken up yet. The doctors were starting to get worried that she would slip into a coma and the longer she didn’t wake up the more worry he could see on all of the doctors and nurses faces. He refused to leave her, only to shower and change and even then he had to force himself. He only ate when his mom brought him something, refusing to leave her side. By the time Saturday night rolled around he was pleading with her to wake up. Holding her hand gently, he laid his head down on her arm looking up at her. “Please Maddie. Please wake up. I’m sorry for everything wrong I said, and everything I should of said. I’m sorry for being a stubborn as
s hole. I’m sorry for not saying the things to you I want to say. Just please come back to me. Give me that chance. All I need is a chance. Mostly, I’m sorry for never telling you that I love you.” Fighting back the tears of emotions and complete exhaustion, finally falling asleep slumped over her bed.

  The next thing I remembered was waking up in a room I didn’t recognize. Looking around I started to panic until I seen Gavin slumped in the chair his head laying on my hand. I had no idea how long I had been out, or how long I had been laying here or what happened. I have to get up and out of here, I thought. Starting to move my legs to try and get up my head started spinning and I made enough commotion to wake up Gavin. Snapping his eyes open he had never been so happy to see her awake. “Babe what are you doing? Please lay back down.”

  Laying back the tears started coming from my eyes and I started to panic. “Gavin, where am I? What am I doing here? I’m so scared.” Grabbing my hand in his he sat on the edge of the bed.

  “It’s alright babe I’m right here. It’s Saturday, he looked at his watch 2:00 in the morning. You fell on the ice and hit your head hard Thursday night. You’re in the hospital. Don’t you remember what happened?”

  Straining to remember, “I remember falling. I remember you holding my head and then nothing.”

  “You have a concussion. They were worried if you didn’t wake up soon you would fall into a coma. I was so worried Maddie.” He said looking down with his eyes watering fighting back the tears. He was a grown man he’d be damned if he was gonna cry.

  Looking at him I could see how worried and tired he looked. I was trying to help him so he could get some rest and now he looks even worse. “Gavin you look so tired you should go home and get some rest.” I said touching his cheek softly.

  “No, I’m not leaving you.”

  “I’ll be okay. See? I’m awake.” I said trying to act perky, but my head was throbbing so bad I thought death would be a better alternative at the moment. Then all of a sudden I felt my stomach roll, leaning over the bed I grabbed the garbage can and started empytying what very little, that was in my stomach. This was something I definitely didn’t want Gavin to witness but, what does he do? He stands there and holds back my hair careful not to hurt me anymore. “Gavin I’m so sorry.” Tears streaming down my face as I leaned back.

  “It’s alright babe. I’m gonna have to build you a padded room because your accident prone.” Trying to cheer her up a bit. Pulling me in close he gently gave me a hug. “I’m gong to go get the nurse and tell her you awake. I’ll be right back.”

  “Alright.” I said closing my eyes and leaning back on to the pillow.

  “Please don’t fall back asleep until I get the nurse.” He pleaded worried that she wouldn’t wake up again.

  Snapping my eyes back open, “Promise, but hurry I’m really tired.”

  “Alright.” Rushing out.

  For the next hour I proceeded to get poked and prodded and checked by the doctor and in a nut shell they decided I was going to live. I however needed to stay for at least a couple more days and they gave me the green light to fall asleep which was much appreciated. I was just so tired and my head hurt so bad. Gavin couldn’t be convinced to go home and hunkered back down in the chair until morning. I woke up first and didn’t have the heart to wake him. Not until the nurse knocked lightly on the door did he finally wake up. She came in with a light breakfast and a bundle of flowers.

  Getting up and stretching after she left the room, “I wonder who those are from?” Asking as he put them on the table and grabbed the card for me. “Here is the card.”

  “My vision is not the clearest yet, can you please see who they are from? I’m betting it’s not my mother.” I mumbled under my breath.

  Opening it he looked at the name and wanted to lie but, decided it would do no good. Putting the card down.

  “Well, who are they from?”

  “They’re from Clay.”

  “Oh.” I said wishing I would have never asked him to open it now feeling guilty.

  “What did the card say?”

  “It said Get better soon. Hope you know I love you and miss you, love Clay.” He said with disgust in his voice.

  “Gavin, it’s not like that.” I said trying to convince him.

  “Maddie it’s your business.” His gut throbbing with tension.


  “Please you just need to rest.” Changing the subject.

  “I think I will go home and get some rest today.” With obvious hurt in his eyes.

  “Alright.” Turning my head away from him. Leaning down he gave me a kiss on the forehead.

  “See you later Maddie. Feel better.”

  Walking out, obviously bruised. With a tear running down my face I knew I had hurt his feelings, and the moment he walked out that door I had never felt so alone my whole life. Alone and scared. I slept the rest of the day and if he showed back up he didn’t let me know about it. I vaguely remember Aunt Julia coming to visit with Kayla and Kylie and I remember the girls taking turns holding my hand but the medicine they were giving me was making me to drowsy. Monday rolled around and still no Gavin. I figured he had to go back to school and was surprised he went from not leaving my side to now not coming at all. It hurt more than I ever thought it would.

  Later on that evening when he still didn’t show I figured he was doing chores but, it got later and still no sign. Finally around seven thirty I hear a light knock on the door and opened up my eyes anticipating Gavin, but seeing Clay instead. Walking in with another bundle of flowers and a stuffed animal.

  “Hi, Madison. How are you feeling?” Asking as he walked over to the table to set everything down, sitting in the chair.

  “Better. Thank you.” When really I was mortified to let him see me this way.

  “I was worried about you, he said with concerned eyes. I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner I just didn’t want to get in the way.”

  “It’s alright. It was nice of you to come.”

  “Where is everyone? Family? Friends?”

  “Looks like your it.” I said trying to keep a smile on my face.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it.”Reaching for my hand to hold. Seeing just how vulnerable she really was at this time he knew he had to take advantage. He had to be that one person she could lean on.

  Oddly, I welcomed the comfort. To be honest I was still scared, lonely, and sad. There was two people I wanted here right now one my dad, and two Gavin. Since my dad can’t be here I really wanted Gavin but, instead here I sit with Clay.

  Walking down the hallway it took him forever to do chores and get cleaned up. He had stopped by after school, but she was out and he didn’t want to wake her. It was getting past visiting hours, but he had grown close with the late night nursing staff and they let him stay however long he wanted. Now that she was in recovery that was something they didn’t like to do but, make exceptions for him. When he got to her room he stopped short when he heard voices. Peaking in he Clay was sitting holding her hand. Feeling deflated he stepped back and slumped against the wall giving his head and aggravated bang on it. Right as a nurse came walking up the hallway.

  “Well, hey sweetie you here to see Ms. Madison?”

  “Yeah, I know it’s past time. I guess I should go.”

  “Nonsense, I do have to clear the rooms out, but since you family you can stay.” She said grabbing him by the arm pulling him into the room.

  When they walked in Clay noticed her face beamed into an instant smile.

  “Hi Gavin.” I said releasing Clays hand instantly. Which bothered Clay.

  “Visiting hours are over for guests. I’m sorry but your friend will have to go.”

  Getting up “Well, why does he get to stay?” Cutting him off before he gave Gavin an excuse to hit him.

  “Clay his parents are my guardians right now.”

  “Oh. Well, whatever. I’ll try to stop by tomorrow.” Leaning over giving her a kiss on her fo
rehead fixing his arrogant smirk on Gavin as he leaned down.

  “Alright. Thank you for coming.” I said giving him a nervous smile. The nurse walked out with Clay leaving us alone.

  “I shouldn’t of come. You need your rest.” Turning to walk out.

  Reaching out and grabbing his hand, “Gavin no. Please don’t leave me.” Pleading, not wanting to show any weakness but getting to the point where I didn’t care anymore. “I’m sorry. I’m still really scared and really lonely. My dad is gone. My mother even if she knows I’m in here, she doesn’t care. Your family is good to me, but I need you right now. Your all I got. I know we haven’t been getting along or even been acknowledging each others existence lately, but I don’t want you to leave. Please.” I said fighting back the tears.

  Looking at her he couldn’t refuse her. “It looks like you were getting along just fine with Clay.” Resentful, sitting down.

  “Gavin I want you here. Just a couple minutes. I’m all alone in here and I’m scared.”

  “Maddie, you don’t have to say anymore you know I’ll stay with you. You know I can’t stand to see you upset.”

  “I know and that’s why I hate to ask you. I feel like I’m being selfish. I know your probably tired and don’t want to be here.”

  Sighing, “If I didn’t want to be here I would have never came in the first place. Just close your eyes, and I’ll stay until you fall asleep.”

  Closing my eyes and breathing in his scent “Gavin?”


  “I’m so sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “For being a pain in your ass ever since I walked into your life. I don’t deserve your friendship or your time.”


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