Loyalty (RiffRaff Records Book 4)

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Loyalty (RiffRaff Records Book 4) Page 14

by L. P. Maxa

  “What?” That one word came out as a breathy whisper.

  I smiled, taking her face in my hands. “I know it’s fast, and I know it seems crazy. But I am. I’m falling in love with you. And I’m not asking you to say it back, and if you aren’t there yet, then that’s okay—”

  I didn’t get to finish my sentence, because she grabbed the collar of my shirt and kissed me. She wrapped her long legs around my waist, bringing my rapidly swelling cock flush with her core. I growled against her lips, bracing one hand on the mirror behind her. I lifted her, carrying her with ease and lying her down on the bed. I didn’t break our kiss until I left her to lock the bedroom door. I’d had every intention of simply crawling in bed and sleeping next to her for a while.

  I’d been pissed. I’d been upset and frustrated. But the second I saw her gorgeous face, all of that faded away. Now all I felt was love, and want. When I turned back to her, she was kneeling on the bed, untying her robe. “Katie.”

  “I know it wasn’t on your list.” She bit at her lower lip, not because she was trying to turn me on, but because she was inherently sexy. “But I added it to mine.”

  “Baby.” My word was like a plea, like I was begging her to put me out of my misery. “There is no pressure here. None.” I stood at the footboard, my hands clenched at my side. I wanted to reach out and touch her. “We aren’t out of time. We already decided that this wasn’t the end.”

  “This is what I want, Cash. This is what I want for my first time. I want to feel. I want it to be crazy and wild.” She let her robe fall off her shoulders, now kneeling in front of me completely bare. “You’re the one, there is no doubt in my mind. You’ve had my every first.” She grabbed my hand and dragged me onto the bed. “Why stop now?” She winked and my dick twitched in my pants.

  I swallowed, my mouth suddenly dry. I was nervous, and I was excited. But most of all, I was falling in love. “You sure?” She nodded.

  I grabbed the back of my shirt, pulling it over my head and tossing it to the ground. I stepped back, toeing off my shoes as I unbuttoned my pants, and then let them fall to the floor. When I was down to my boxer-briefs, I crawled up the bed, crowding her space until she was lying down. The only light in the room was coming from the bathroom, and it was highlighting her face.

  I searched her eyes, looking for doubt. Looking for fear. But there was none of either. I kissed her, pouring everything I felt into it. I wanted her to feel like she was special to me, because she was. I wanted her to love the memory of this night, because no one’s first time should be a regret.

  I settled my body on top of her, letting her feel my weight. I reached between us, sliding one finger inside her center, then another. She gasped and I rested my forehead against hers, whispering against her lips. “I promise it’ll get better. Relax for me, baby.” I felt some of the tension leave her body and when I captured her nipple in my teeth, she arched against my hand. “Like that, Katie.”

  I used my free hand, reaching between the bed and the mattress by her hip. If Beau was anything like Crue…I smiled to myself when my finger hit against a long strip of condoms. I pulled them out and tore one off with my teeth.

  “Wait. I want to, um, I want to put it on.” Katie’s eyes were on the wrapper in my teeth. “Is that okay?”

  I nodded. “Are you kidding? It’s fucking hot.” She snorted, but took the packing from me, pulling one out and holding it between her finger and thumb like it was a used Kleenex. I knelt, my dick bobbing in front of her face. She looked up at me and started to giggle. “Are you laughing at my cock, baby? You’re going to hurt its feelings.”

  “I’m sorry.” She held the back of her hand over her mouth, trying to hold in her giggles. “It’s staring at me.” She put the condom on the tip. “Like this?”

  “Yeah, now slide it down toward the base.” She used her whole hand, rolling the condom over the length. I closed my eyes, I couldn’t watch her hand wrapped around my dick like that, I’d never last. She looked so damn sexy, and it felt so good to have her touching me. “Now pinch the tip, gently, make sure all the air is out.” She pinched the head of my dick and I started to chuckle. “The tip on the condom, baby.”

  “Oh. My bad. Okay, done.”

  When I opened my eyes, she was kneeling again, her face right in front of mine. I had to ask. Again. “You sure?”

  “I’ve never been surer of anything in my entire life.”

  I took her face in my hands, kissing her perfect lips and guiding her back down to the bed. Her thighs fell apart, making room for my hips. I positioned myself at her entrance, and pushed inside her a little, going slowly and letting her adjust to the invasion. I looked down at her, silently asking if she was okay. I kept my gaze trained on hers, slowly pushing in all the way. Past her barrier, and then burying myself completely.

  I braced one elbow beside her shoulder, and threaded my fingers through her hair, letting my teeth graze her lower jaw. I moved in and out of her slowly, my movements unhurried and gentle. After a few seconds, I felt her start to move with me, arching into my thrusts. Seeking more. “Good girl, just like that.” I placed open-mouth kisses under her ear, letting my breath tickle her skin. “I want you do to whatever feels good, Katie.”

  She whimpered, digging her heels into the mattress. “Cash, please don’t stop, I…”

  She was close. I could feel her walls clamping down on my dick, and when she did that I could barely move. I gripped her upper thigh where it met her ass. “You’re so fucking tight, baby.” I bit down on her shoulder, my pace quickening on its own. I was losing a little bit of control. “Are you okay? Am I hurting you?”

  “No, keep going, please.” She arched her neck, her bottom lip between her teeth. I grabbed her thigh, hiking it up higher on my hip. Opening her further, driving into her a little deeper. “Yes, Cash, oh my god.” Her eyes were closed tight, a frown on her face.

  “All you’ve gotta do is let go, baby.” I nipped at her jaw, my hips slamming into her now. Her quiet moans filling the room. “Let go, Katie. I promise it’ll be worth it.” I let my teeth scrape her neck and I tightened my hand in her hair. I buried myself to the hilt and then ground my pelvis against her clit.

  She cried out when she came. I put my hand over her mouth, resting my forehead against hers. Her walls were clamping down on my dick so fucking hard I came as soon as she finished.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I opened my eyes then shut them because the sun coming in through the window was so bright it hurt. What time was it? I tried again, only opening one this time and glancing at the clock beside the bed. It was after nine.

  “You’re awake.”

  Both eyes flew open at the sound of Cash’s voice. He was standing shirtless in the doorway leading to the bathroom. “You’re still here?”

  He was still here and he was falling in love with me. When he’d said those words last night, my heart has swelled inside my chest. I was falling for him too. And as insane as that all sounded…I was. I’d never been here before, never had feelings like this. But it all felt, well…perfect. And sunny. And like fireflies, and dancing in the dark.

  “Of course I’m still here, where else would I be?” He crossed the room, to kiss the corner of my mouth. “Come on.” He reached for my hand and pulled me into a sitting position.

  “Ow.” I knew I’d be sore. But I didn’t realize I’d be so sore that sitting down would hurt. How was I supposed to get through breakfast? Or any other meal? Or that dumb baseball movie we were supposed to watch?

  He dragged me to my feet and then toward the bathroom. “I know, I’m sorry.” He kissed the back of my hand and pushed the door open. “That’s what the bath is for.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “You drew me a bubble bath?” In answer he grabbed the hem of his shirt, the one I was currently wearing, and lifted it over my head. “Aw, you really are in love, aren’t you?” I was playing, trying to break the seriousness of the moment. He
was so thoughtful, so kind. It was making me blush.

  “Well, we can’t have you limping around the compound all day now can we?” He tickled my ribs and then helped me step into the bathtub.

  I sank down into the steamy water and almost cried at how amazing it felt. I laid back, resting my head on the edge of the large tub. “You getting in?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. If I get in there with you looking all naked and sudsy, you’ll end up more sore than you were when you got in.” He winked. “I’m going to head home and change, and then I’ll come get you for the movie.”

  “Through the front door? Like a proper date?” I made my eyes go wide. “Pulling out all the stops today, huh?” I shook my head and let out a dramatic sigh. “You shouldn’t work so hard, you already got me in bed.”

  He squatted down beside my head, a grin on his face. “You feelin’ a little sassy today, Katie Baby?”

  I scooped a handful of bubbles and placed them on the top of his head. “I’m feeling a little lonely in this big ‘ole tub.” I sat up, wrapping my arms around his neck, and kissed the corner of his mouth. I moved my mouth to his ear, whispering, “Please,” and pulling him easily over the side.

  Water splashed out onto the floor as Cash’s body settled on top of mine. “You’re crazy, you know that?” He smiled as he pulled off his boxer briefs, tossing them into the sink and getting bubbles all over the mirror. He sat back down, reaching for my hands and guiding me into his lap.

  “Are there condoms hidden under the bathtub as well?” I peered over the side like I was looking.

  “No.” He rested his forehead against my chest. “No sex for you.”

  I fisted my hand in his hair and pulled his head up. “Get out.”

  He snorted out a laugh. “I’ve created a monster.” I put my arms around his neck and as he trailed his fingertips down my stomach. “Touch me.” His teeth nipped at my lower jaw as I wrapped my palm around the length of his cock. He’d caressed every inch of my body, inside and out. We’d had sex. But this was the first time I was touching him like this, other than the condom lesson, I guess.

  “Tell me what to do.” I wanted to make him feel good. I wanted to make him feel as good as he always made me feel. His eyes stayed glued to mine; all the humor faded until all that was left was fire.

  He slipped a finger inside my core, going still when I winced. He pulled it out then circled around my clit. “Just keep touching me.” He closed his mouth on my nipple, making me moan loudly. I bit my lips, trying like hell to keep quiet. We weren’t in the middle of nowhere this time.

  “I don’t want to do it wrong.” I gasped when his finger went back inside me, curling forward and making me bite his shoulder to hold in my whimper. “See?” He did it again and I ground against his hand, wanting more. Needing him deeper. “You’re like an expert at how to make me feel good.” He did it again, proving his point and making me tighten my hand on his length.

  “I’m in a bubble bath with my naked girlfriend fisting my dick for the first time…I’m pretty much going to come in about three seconds flat, Katie.” He covered my hand with his other one, moving my fist, showing me how to stroke him. “Like that, baby.” He called me his girlfriend, and it made me giddy. I wanted to smile and tease him for it, but then his movements started to match my own. We were going to the same speed, both chasing a release. The heel of his hand came into contact with my sensitive clit and I came instantly, panting in his ear, whispering his name.

  “Fuck, baby, don’t stop.” I kept going, watching my movements under the water. His head was thrown back and his eyes were closed. His hips were moving, like he was humping my hand. It was hot. I couldn’t tear my eyes away. “Katie…” He said my name as he came, like I’d done with his. He picked his head up, and dropped it against my chest. “Holy shit.”

  “Holy shit good? Or holy shit you’re really bad at hand jobs?”

  “Holy shit if I wasn’t falling in love with you before, I would be now.” He lifted his face and winked at me, a sleepy smile forming on his face.

  “Should I still be sitting in this water? Your sperm aren’t, like, trying to find their way to my, um…”


  I gasped, my jaw dropping open. “Don’t use that word.”

  He chuckled. “No, I’m pretty sure the hot water and the bubble bath solution have killed all my swimmers. Although, babies out of wedlock is kind of my family’s jam.” He stood up and then helped me to my feet.

  “Well since I don’t want my father to try to murder you the first time he meets you, let’s keep the baby-creating to a zero, m’kay?” I patted his bare chest and then left him standing in the bathroom. It was after ten o’clock in the morning. I needed to show my face with the Conners’ before they came to look for me. Plus, I needed to call my dad before he…

  My thought was cut off when my cell vibrated from where it was plugged in and charging on the nightstand. Before he FaceTimed me, I had to think of was what I was going to say. Too late. What I was afraid of was happening.

  Quickly, I put my robe on and went into a corner where there was no way he’d see Cash when he came back into the room. “Hi!” Inwardly, I winced. I needed to tone down the cheerfulness. “Hey, Dad.”

  He grinned when he saw my face. “Hey, Bug, what are you doing today?” He was walking down what looked like a long hallway with wall sconces every few feet, which meant he was at a hotel.

  “Uh, I think I’m going to go watch a movie with some of the other kids.” Kids. I wanted to roll my eyes. None of these kids were kids. They all had adult problems, and adult amounts of freedom.

  “That sounds fun.” He stopped walking and narrowed his eyes. “Are you still in your pajamas?”

  My eyes darted across the room when Cash came out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped so low on his hips I could almost see his package. He was using a smaller towel to dry some of the water from his hair and he stopped short when he saw me in the corner with my phone in front of my face. “Yeah, Dad, I’ve been lazy this morning. Lying around, reading and stuff.”

  Cash got a big grin on his face and then he whipped off his towel and dropped it on the floor. I held my hand out under my phone, trying to tell him to stay away from me. He either didn’t see my frantic gesture or he didn’t care. When he dropped to his knees in front of me, I decided to go with he didn’t care.

  “Katie? Did you hear what I said?”

  “Oh, uh, yeah. I mean no.” I shook my head. “Sorry, Dad, the TV is on in the background and I got distracted.” Cash lifted the flaps of my robe and licked my clit. I popped the top of his head, but he only chuckled quietly and did it again.

  “I said that I am excited to see you and your mom this weekend.”

  “Me too. I miss you guys.” I sent him a frown. “And Kase, I wish he could come to London too.”

  “I know, Bug, I do too.”

  Cash slipped a finger inside me and I bit down on my lip so hard I was a little terrified I drew blood. “I’ve gotta go, Dad. I don’t want them to start the movie without me.”

  “Okay, sweetheart, I’ll talk to you later. Have a good day.”

  “Bye.” I hit the red button five times, making sure I’d ended the call completely before lifting my robe the rest of the way and staring down at Cash. “There is something seriously wrong with you.”

  He sat back on his heels. “You want me to stop?”

  I fisted my hands in his hair and brought his mouth back to my clit. “Nope.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Katie and I were snuggled in the back row of my parents’ media room. We got there first for that specific reason. Brody and Landry were in the seats in front of us and to the right. Then Halen, Beau, Jett and Marley were in the row in front of them. Crue and Avory were missing. In fact, I hadn’t seen my twin since I’d punched him in the face last night. And I wasn’t going to apologize, not for that.

  My twin could be a selfish pr
ick, and for the most part I let him get away with it. But not anymore. He didn’t respect my relationship with Katie, and he’d pissed me the fuck off.

  “Are you ready to watch one of the greatest movies ever made, Katie Baby?” Brody was leaning his head back, smiling at us.

  “I mean you guys have really hyped this film up.” She winced, which was adorable. “I’m a little nervous it’ll fall flat.”

  Brody scoffed. “Impossible.”

  I pointed a finger in his direction, making a circular motion. “It’d behoove you to keep your eyes forward for the duration of the movie.” I gestured with my head in Katie’s direction.

  “I got ya, bro.” He gave me the thumbs up and then turned around.

  When the opening credits played Katie gestured to the screen. “That’s the quote you guys were saying the other day. The one about the religion of baseball.”

  I nodded. “Yeah.” I sat up straighter in my seat. “Hey, Crue, do you…” I trailed off, deflating when I remembered that he wasn’t here. He wasn’t here because we’d gotten in a fight and I’d hit him.

  Katie put her hand on my cheek, turning me to face her. She kissed the corner of my mouth, and then rested her head on my shoulder.

  “Making love is like hitting a baseball. You just gotta relax and concentrate.” Landry quoted out loud along with Susan Sarandon’s character. Damn. We really had made her watch it a lot when she was on bed rest.

  Katie whispered, “Is that why you told me to relax last night?”

  “Yes.” I whispered back.

  She threw her legs over my lap and my hands immediately went to her thighs. Not touching her wasn’t an option. When the first sex scene came on she let out a little mock gasp. “This movie has sex in it? I don’t think I’m allowed to watch this.”

  I buried my face in her neck, making her giggle. “Just wait, baby, it gets better.”


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