Lycans Embrace [Southern Supernatural Alphas] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Lycans Embrace [Southern Supernatural Alphas] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 14

by Sara Anderson

  “Good, I will inform Marcus.”

  Derek punched the air, thankful the shifter breeds would work together and not fight. The various breeds tended to fight over territory and their differences. Although Jerod and Wyatt’s packs had made peace with the surrounding werewolf and werebear territories, other prides saw werewolves as the enemy and would attack for the slightest offense.

  Derek turned to inform Marcus and Anna that they’d found a solid lead to find Rachel. Fucking rogues. “At least it’s not a pride that took her,” Derek muttered to himself. It was bad enough they were facing a war with the bloodsuckers, he didn’t want to be fighting cats, as well.

  Derek turned to the staircase when he heard his old 80s Ford F-150 start up. He stopped. Had Marcus taken his truck? No, Marcus preferred his own new Dodge Ram with all the bells and whistles.

  Derek pulled the curtains apart and saw Anna in the driver’s seat. “Marcus,” Derek yelled. “Where is Anna going by herself?”

  “What?” Marcus yelled from his office. “I don’t know. Stop her.”

  Derek was already moving to the door. His panic spiked at the thought of the vampires or coyotes getting ahold of Anna. Once Mortef saw for himself that Anna was thoroughly mated and he couldn’t use her against them, he’d kill her.

  Once he got to the driveway, his red Ford turned down the highway toward Chattanooga. Derek changed directions and ran toward Marcus’s Silver Ram. He met Marcus at the truck and hopped in the bed of the Dodge as Marcus started the engine. He held on to the side rails as Marcus gunned the gas and they took off after their mate.

  Derek had a suspicion as to why Anna was running. It had to have something to do with Rachel. They were going to spank their naughty little mate as soon as they caught her, and it didn’t take long for Marcus to catch up to Anna.

  Marcus pulled the Dodge alongside the Ford and Derek jumped into the bed of the Ford. He could hear Anna sobbing, and she was beating on the steering wheel.

  Derek popped the back window open and leaned his head in the window. “Pull over, Anna.”

  “I can’t, Derek. I’m sorry.”

  Derek deepened his voice. “Anna, do it now. I don’t want to shift to wiggle through this window, but I will.”

  With a mournful cry, Anna pulled over the truck. Marcus pulled his Dodge in front of Anna as Derek jumped on the roof of the truck then landed next to the driver’s side. He opened the driver’s side door and found Anna sobbing into her hands.

  Derek pulled her out of the truck and held her against him. “Anna, sweetheart, don’t cry.”

  “They’re going to kill her. She called me from her phone, then some guy told me to he’d let his pack have her, and they’d pass her around until she died.”

  Derek’s hands tightened painfully on the frame of the truck. “That’s not going to happen, Anna.”

  Anna felt her body shudder. “How do you know?”

  “My enforcers and some pride enforcers are tracking their den right now.” Derek had an idea. “I think I need to call Logan and get some enforcers. We may get a lucky break.”

  Marcus nodded. “They are expecting Anna, so one of our trucks showing up won’t send them running like the cowards they are.”

  Derek grinned. “Then we can pick a fight.” Fighting, aside from fucking, fighting was one of his favorite pastimes.

  Chapter Ten

  Anna could have kicked herself as she sat in between Marcus and Derek. She’d once again let her impulsiveness almost get her into trouble. If she’d stopped to think for just a moment, she would have gone to Marcus and Derek about the phone call. Instead, she’d taken off to exchange herself for Rachel. That would have just given those fucking coyotes two people to use against Marcus and Derek.

  “You realize those fuckers wouldn’t have let Rachel go. They would have kept her and then they would have had both of you. Mortef may not realize you’ve mated us both and when he saw you couldn’t be used against us as a slave, he would have killed you.”

  Anna hung her head feeling ashamed. “Yes, I know now, and I’m sorry. I just didn’t think. It’s a failing of mine.”

  Marcus picked her hand up. “You will be spanked later for that, little mate of mine, but I promise, you’ll like it.”

  Anna wondered how they could be so lighthearted at a time like this. They were going to meet vampires and rogue coyotes and fight, yet they acted like they were heading out to a party.

  When they pulled into her neighborhood, Marcus pulled over and slid out of the driver’s seat. Marcus and Derek got down as Anna crawled back into the driver’s seat. Now that she was here, she wondered what the hell she was thinking when she took off by herself. She glanced down at her warrior mate, Derek, and felt her heart skip a beat. She was so thankful he was here with her and realized how stupid she had been to take off on her own.

  “Okay, Anna, like we said, just pull in the driveway and turn out the lights. Don’t get out of the truck. Make them come out to you.”

  Anna nodded and put the truck in drive and headed down the street. The front yard had a “For Rent” sign already, and the window was repaired. The pack must have fixed it like Marcus promised since her landlord hadn’t said a word about mess or damage when he’d left a message about the deposit check.

  She turned out the lights and sat in the truck like her mates had ordered. Soon the door opened, and a slinky man walked out. “Anna, come in here.”

  Anna leaned her head out of the window. “Where’s Rachel?”

  “She’s in here. Now get in here before we pull some shit with her.”

  “I don’t believe you. It’s a trap.”

  The slinky man stomped down the stairs. “Goddammit, Anna. Did you have to make this difficult?” He walked over to the truck as two more men walked out of the house and down the stairs.

  “Keep her quiet, Mack. We don’t need the cops here.”

  Mack turned, but he never had a chance to say anything. Moving so fast they seemed to blur, Marcus and Derek opened the door and were on the men. Even when they kept their human form, they were deadly predators.

  Derek sliced through Mack’s throat with one of his razor-sharp claws and snapped the neck of another. Marcus grew claws in place of his fingernails and drove them into the throat of another man. It all happened so fast that Anna wondered if she didn’t just imagine the whole scene. The only thing that kept her from deciding she imagined it were the dead bodies on the lawn.

  “Stay in the truck, Anna. If anyone approaches you, hit the horn.”

  Anna nodded and locked the doors of the truck when they left. She watched as other trucks showed up. Some of the men who got out she recognized from around Marcus’s home. Another she swore she’d seen at the BDSM club. None of them did more than glance at her as they walked into the house.

  It was a good thing her house was on a street that held mostly businesses, and it was dark out. A coyote crashed through the front window and tried to run down the grassy yard. A massive werewolf followed and attacked the coyote with his sharp claws and teeth.

  The savageness of their fight had Anna watching in terror. The coyote’s dark eyes flashed in the moonlight, and the wolf’s yellow eyes flashed a moment before the wolf’s teeth sank into the coyote’s neck and it died with a sickening gurgle that Anna heard even through the glass.

  The wolf glanced at her, then loped back into the house. The structure seemed to shudder with the violence that went on inside of it. Anna was relieved she’d already cleared out and gotten her deposit back. The house must be a mess now, even if no walls were destroyed.

  She heard muffled yelling and then a man fell through the second-story window and landed with a sickening thud on the driveway.

  A large man with blonde short-cropped hair walked out carrying Rachel. She looked a little beaten up, but she was alive. Rachel glanced at her, but her eyes looked haunted, nothing like her vibrant friend. Anna opened the door with a cry and ran to the man holding her dearest f
riend. “Rachel.”

  The man stopped and let Anna see Rachel. “I am going to take her back to our territory and let our doctor examine her.”

  “What did they do to her?” Anna asked in a fearful whisper.

  “They are lawless coyotes. They have no honor and do not obey the council’s laws. We won’t know how bad she was treated until our doctor can talk to her.”

  “Thank you for taking care of Rachel,” Marcus said as he walked down the stairs. “I need to get a cleaning crew here and get this mess cleaned up and deal with my misbehaving mate.”

  Logan smiled, nodded at Anna, and got into the back of an SUV.

  “Anna,” Marcus said, drawing her attention away from Rachel.


  “You left the truck after I told you not to.” Marcus stared at her with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “I’m sorry. I saw Rachel.”

  “You are a part of this pack and my mate,” Marcus said, cutting her off. “You obey us when we tell you to do something, especially when it is to keep you safe, or we will show you how uncomfortable our punishments can be.”

  Anna felt her anger rising. “I am not a child, and Rachel’s my friend.”

  “And what if that wasn’t one of my enforcers, but a coyote that had Rachel? You do not know who is safe and who isn’t.”

  “Couldn’t they just smell me?”

  Marcus shook his head no. “Coyotes don’t have their sense of smell in skin, which is how Derek and I could sneak up on them. In human skin, they lose all their shifter senses and their human eyesight sucks.”

  “All of this is so strange to me. I’m sorry, I just didn’t think.”

  “That’s twice in one night you acted impulsively. We will discuss this dangerous tendency you have.” Marcus leaned in and gave her a soft kiss. “But you are new to all of this, so we’ll make sure you at least have fun.”

  Derek stomped down the stairs. “Well, we didn’t find any fucking bloodsuckers to take out.”

  Marcus shook his head. “No. I think Mortef set them up and used us to clean up his mess with these fucking dogs. I don’t suppose the enforcers left any of them alive?”

  Derek shook his head. “No way. Once the scent of fear hit the enforcers turned into the efficient killing machines they’re trained to be.”

  “Damn. Well, at least that is one rogue pack that is gone.”

  Derek stared at the stars. “And there are many more to take their place. Coyotes are as stupid as they are disloyal.”

  Marcus sighed. “That they are, but the others will pull back for a while after we wiped out this pack. It will take Mortef a while to whip new ones up enough to dare strike at us like this again.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Anna stood before her mates with goose bumps on her naked flesh, and her nipples pointed out. They were in a semi-private room at the secret club, The Underground. A wall with frosted windows and heavy curtains made the room private. Still, she could hear the noise of the club as leather stroked flesh and cries of pleasure filled the air.

  Anna resisted the urge to look around while her Masters displayed her body for anyone who peeked in the curtain to see. Instead, she concentrated on the supplies they pulled out of their bag.

  Even though Marcus had snarled and looked mean, she knew they would never really hurt her. Sure, they might spank her a little harder, but it wasn’t anything she couldn’t endure.

  “Come, little mate,” Marcus ordered.

  Anna went to him and lay her body over his lap when he patted his legs. “You earned thirty swats for scaring us and then disobeying me.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you.” She drew in a relaxing breath. Rachel had been hurt, but she was in good hands. Rachel was in shock from everything she endured, but the doctor assured them that she would recover.

  “I know, which is why I won’t make this as painful as I could. As your Alpha, it is my job to discipline you. What is your safe word?”

  Anna smiled. Marcus was far more than her Alpha. He was the love of her life, her forever soulmate, and one of her best friends. “Needles.”

  The first stinging swat took her breath away. Anna breathed through the pain at first, but then she couldn’t hold it in anymore and let out a cry of pain.

  She tried to get down, but Derek held her as Marcus spanked her ass. Derek’s hands stroked over her arms. “You are so strong and brave, darlin’. Let go now. Let us take care of you.”

  Anna did as Derek asked. She let go of the responsibility to take care of everyone around her. She had two strong men that wanted to care for her every need. She didn’t have to be the strong one anymore. The first tears filled her eyes. Grief over her lost parents hit her first. She’d never mourned over the loss, but now the pain of her parents’ rejection stung.

  “Talk to me, sweetness.” Derek stroked her hair gently and then he gripped her and pulled her head up to meet his gaze. “I’m mean enough to stare down your demons.”

  Anna barely noticed that Marcus had stopped spanking her. His hands moved soothingly over her back and ass. Still, the pain of her loss gutted her, and she let out another stream of painful sobs. “How could they just turn their backs on me? They won’t even speak to me in a text message.”

  Derek held her face in his hands. “It is their loss, Anna. They are the ones that will never know what a treasure you are. You know that there are plenty of our elders that would happily adopt you as their own.”

  Anna nodded her head. She did know that. Marcus and Derek’s mothers were far more loving to her than her own mother had ever been. She didn’t have to hide anything from them or worry about their disapproval. She was free to tell them anything, and they still loved her.

  “Are you ready to continue, little mate?” Marcus asked.

  Anna nodded. “Yes, Master, I am. Thank you for letting me get that out.”

  Marcus again hit her ass hard, and the sting sank into her skin. It flared her arousal and her body relaxed. She felt herself start to float and her pussy throbbed with every swat of Marcus’s hand.

  Then she was on her back on the bed they shared with her men on either side of her. “You drifted off to subspace, my sweet little mate,” Marcus whispered while he gently stroked her chest.

  Anna sat up and winced slightly at the pain. “I did?” She’d read about subspace but had never experienced it before.

  “Yes, you did, now let’s move on to more pleasurable things,” Derek said as Marcus pushed her down onto her back. “I know you are shy but have you ever fantasized about someone watching you make love?”

  Anna felt her cheeks burn a little as she nodded. “I have, but then again, I’m too shy.”

  Derek’s gaze met hers. “Well, now you do not have any control, darlin’.” He nodded and the mirror changed to a window. Outside of the room was the general meeting area where anyone could see them.

  Anna felt the heat of embarrassment turn her face red as her pussy clenched in a jolt of arousal. “They are all going to watch us?”

  “Yes. You came so hard that first night in the truck. No one was even watching, but you didn’t know that. Now I am curious how hard you’ll come knowing you have an audience.”

  Anna sighed as Marcus eased her back on the bed and he spread her legs wide. He snarled a sound that was more animal than man. Anna looked down to see his eyes had turned black and his skin had darkened with the fine hair as he struggled to hold on to his skin.

  “Don’t worry. I’m in control,” Marcus said with an inhuman growl.

  “You don’t sound like it,” Anna stated. Marcus barely holding on to his human side didn’t frighten her at all. If anything, it made her lust burn hotter. The pain from her spanking mixed with her desire and melded into one sensual ache.

  Marcus hadn’t spanked her, but his need for her was evident by his massive erection. Marcus wanted her so much it drove him to the edge of losing control. She felt the same way, only she didn�
�t change into an animal.

  Derek pushed her head down, and his blue eyes filled her vision. “If he loses it, I’ll fight him off and keep you all to myself.”

  Anna opened her mouth to protest, but before she could say a word, Derek lowered his head and pressed his lips to hers in a dominating kiss. His hand went to her hair and tangled in the silky lengths of her auburn hair, and held her head still so she was powerless to do anything but take whatever Derek had planned.

  Anna’s eyes opened and moved to try to see if anyone was looking in the window. She felt a stinging slap on the fleshy part of her thigh. “We are all that matters, Anna.” Marcus’s voice snapped her attention back to them.

  Derek ran his tongue along the seam of her lips in a silent command to open for him, and she obeyed. She parted her lips, and his tongue surged in and twined his tongue with hers.

  Marcus’s hot mouth encircled her clit, making Anna arch her back and moan into Derek’s mouth. Her pussy throbbed with the need to come, but instead of stroking her bundle of nerves to make her orgasm, Marcus kept the pressure light. It was enough to drive her to the brink of ecstasy, but not enough to fall over the edge. Anna cried out while Derek dominated her mouth.

  “Beautiful,” someone murmured. “Look at how she submits to her Masters.”

  “I need to find a human female like that. Lycan females don’t like to submit like that,” someone else whispered.

  “Hush, no talking during a scene,” Logan said quietly. “If you want to talk, leave.”

  Both of her lycan Masters raised to their knees on the bed. The evidence of their arousal bulged in their leather pants. “It’s not fair that you get to wear clothes,” Anna complained.

  “We’ll be bare soon enough,” Marcus assured her.

  Derek moved to her bent knees and spread them apart. Anna could not help but look at the window where a group of people watched.

  “Eyes on me, darlin’,” Derek reminded her.

  Anna moved her gaze back to Derek as he lowered his face to meet the apex of her thighs.


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