UNDENIABLE: Sexy Sizzlin Romance (Siri's Saga Book 1)

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UNDENIABLE: Sexy Sizzlin Romance (Siri's Saga Book 1) Page 9

by Jessika Klide

  "Very good. Thank you." I take my key and give him the tip.

  "You’re welcome. Thank you."

  When I leave the parking lot, I hook a left and drive around to scope out the entrance on the north side of the club. It’s the parking garage. Hmm. Without knowing what she drives, and if they have designated spots, that’s a bust. No way will I be able to catch her going in or out. Too random.

  I head out on to the highway and turn toward my house. My thoughts swirl around Seary. Where is she from? Where did she study dance? I thought I was immune to lust, but she busted that myth down and stomped on it. Is Bianca right? Commitment? Wow, what a word choice. Commitment. I guess my focus on her was completely committed. I certainly wasn’t aware of anyone else in the room. Hmm. And I am definitely going to commit to fucking her.

  I arrive still lost in my thoughts, park, then head upstairs to take a quick shower and wash off the cigarette smoke before bed. Stripping, I toss my clothes in the dumbwaiter and push the button to send it to the laundry room. My hard dick leads the way to the shower. Turning the water on, I get in, hoping the cold water will shrink my cock and I can get in and out quick. I’m beat. Stepping directly under the waterfall, I gasp when the cold water hits my head, runs down my chest, and between my legs. Brrr! That’s painful! Maybe I should have jumped in the swimming pool instead. Shampooing the gel out of my hair, I start to shiver, then the warm water arrives. I lean into it, and wash away the suds, being careful not to touch my cock. The cold water worked and it’s deflated enough to manage. When I step out, I grab a towel, dry off, then walk naked to the bed, and collapse on it. I’m asleep before I can crawl under the covers.

  My eyes pop open. Johnny said. 'She said in the cutest southern accent.' She’s a southern girl. I smile and fall back to sleep.

  A sexy siren, wrapped in gold threads, sings and dances, calling to me. I’m hypnotized and walk like a zombie to her. Taking the gold thread she offers me, I pull it hard and she spins like a top. The thread unwinds and falls silent on the ground. I’m watching, waiting, hungry to see her gold tipped tits. Desperate to bury my face and get lost in them. Suddenly she stops and stands naked before me, holding the other end of the gold thread. She pulls on it to draw me nearer. I take a step towards her and step on something. I look down. I’m naked and my cock is huge. The gold thread has wrapped itself around my legs and turned into a heavy gold rope. When I look back at the sexy siren, she has turned into a blonde Wonder Woman. We stand there before each other and she smiles, reaching her hand out to mine. But I can’t move. The heavy gold rope is now the lasso of truth and it’s forcing me to acknowledge the way I feel about her. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I open my mouth to tell her, "You are simply stunning," but the words won’t come out. I try and try, but can’t speak. She slowly backs away until she vanishes from sight. I cry out. "NO!"

  Staring at the ceiling, I’m shivering in the darkness. The dream still holding my mind, I lay there in a cold sweat. Not thinking of anything, but the horror of that feeling. I put my feet on the floor and sit up. Fuck! Fucking fuck! I stand up and start to pace. I need to run. Going into the closet, I grab a pair of boxer briefs, sweat pants, hoodie and Nike’s. I run down the stairs, through the front door, and out the gate without thinking of anything but the panic inside me and getting it cleaned out. I run to the end of the street and around the corner to the next one. I run until the sun has risen.

  My clothes are drenched with sweat as I walk back up to my house. Entering, I hear the sounds of humming coming from the interior. Maria! I smile. Tiptoeing I make my way through the house until I’m standing outside the laundry room, waiting for her to exit so I can scare her. My back flat against the wall, I hear her turn on the dryer. She hums and then I hear her coming towards me. I hold my breath and prepare to jump. As soon as she exits, I grab her and yell. She screams bloody murder and I hug her up tight to me. She slips her arms around my waist, burying her face in my chest and we laugh our asses off.

  "Ha! Ha! I got you good!"

  "Yes you did, Asshole!" She looks up at me, then sticks her tongue out, pushes me away and walks off. "You stink. Go get cleaned up while I go grocery shopping. I’m going to use you as a guinea pig for a new recipe." She flips me off as she leaves out the side door.

  When I first met Maria, she was living in one of my apartment buildings. I walked in for my appointment with the manager and waited outside the office patiently while she attempted to negotiate a deal whereby she cleaned vacant units in exchange for rent. She explained that she had income from a cookbook she had just published, but it would be 90 days before she received her first check. She just needed an extension of time. The office manager explained that Maria would have to sign a new lease in her name and without the money for the deposit and first month’s rent, her hands were tied. Maria thanked her for her time, walked out and closed the door behind her. She smiled politely at me, but had tears in her eyes.

  I held my meeting and when it was over, I asked for an explanation of Maria’s situation. The manager told me she was a good resident and had lived there for two years while she went to culinary school. She had just graduated and was looking for a job in a kitchen, but hadn’t found work yet. She and her boyfriend had had a big fight and he had moved out. The apartment unfortunately was leased in his name. I asked to see the background check on her, then I looked on Amazon and saw her cookbook was ranked in the top 10.

  When I knocked on her door, and introduced myself, she invited me in. I was shocked by what I saw. Her kitchen was spotless, and set up like a miniature professional kitchen. She had converted her living room area into a studio. I was impressed with the equipment and knew she took what she was doing very seriously. There was barely any room to move. She asked if I would like a cup of coffee and I asked for a cup of cappuccino instead. She made me one, complete with a heart in the foam, and served some delicious homemade cookies. Before the afternoon was over, I had negotiated a deal with her to be my house sitter in my new house in Red Rock Canyon. She could live in the guest house and use the kitchen in the big house for her video blog.

  Watching her walk away, and flipping me off reminds me of the time years ago when she told me she wanted to do my laundry. We argued over it. She was stubborn and insistent, but I refused to think of her that way. " No. We are friends, Maria. You agreed to housesit for me. Laundry is not part of the agreement. Drop it." She snuck up here in the middle of the night anyway to do my laundry while I was sleeping. I heard someone down stairs, creeping around and came down to investigate. At the time, there were no motion sensor lights inside and I stalked the noise in the dark. I located the intruder in the hall, and flattened my back against the wall, waiting to ambush them. When she went by, I hit the lights and pointed my gun at her. She screamed bloody murder and dropped like a rock. I was horrified and thought I had killed her, but she had only fainted. When she came to, I was leaning over her face and whispering. "Maria. Maria."

  Her eyes focused on mine and she said. "You’re butt naked, Asshole!"

  We died laughing and she sat up, then pranced off. Before she left the room, she flipped me off.

  Laughing, I enter the laundry room and strip, then head upstairs for another quick shower. The long run helped to clear my mind. Enjoying the warm water, I take my time, thinking about the renovations in the east wing I want to do and specifically keeping my mind off Seary. I’m feeling great when I go back down stairs to wait for Maria to return. In my office, I turn on my laptop, then go to the drawing table and roll out the plans to review. I like working with my hands and doing as much of the construction as I can. I make a project schedule, a list of subs I will use for what portions, a timeline on completion and a list of what materials I’ll need for the entire project, and what I’ll need to start.

  When Maria returns, I go to help her. I spend the remainder of the day, eating and being her guinea pig for several new dishes, laughing and cutting up with her, teasing her
that this taste terrible as I eat every mouthful and then helping her film and edit her clips. We finish washing the dishes together, grab a bottle of wine and go out on the patio to watch the sunset.

  Sitting quietly with her, I’m again thankful for my life and comfortable with the way things are. Then Maria starts to talk. "You know, Aurei. Every time I see the sunset from here, the burnt orange glow changing into deep scarlet red on the rock, I think of how passion would look if it had colors. Like a fire that flames orange, then as it gets hotter, burns red until it’s so hot, it will scorch your heart no matter if you make it as hard as that rock. You know?" She looks at me. "I miss that. I miss the passion of love." She stands and says. "Goodnight." Then walks back inside without a backward glance.

  I’m left alone watching the passionate sunset and seeing a flame called Seary dance in front of my eyes and I feel the place in my heart she has already scorched. It’s warm and feels strangely free.

  I wait until the sunlight is completely gone, then I go back into the house, put my wine glass in the sink next to Maria’s and head upstairs to change. I have to see her dance again. Crazy as it is, I have to know if the lust she sparked last night was a fluke or if it was real.


  I drive my Jaguar to Been Jammin' and get in the line for valet parking. It’s long and I sit patiently, thinking about the construction in the East Wing and whether or not I’ll go to Italy this year with the family for Christmas or decide to come out here to work on it instead. A limousine pulls past, and I watch with curiosity who is in it. When the car door is opened, I see a pair of stilettos appear and my heart skips a beat. But then I see a redhead exit and my heart goes back to beating normal. I pull up under the canopy and an epiphany hits me between the eyes. What if she is driven to work and uses the fucking front door? It wouldn’t be the first time a club asked their stars to promote their show by allowing the fans close access.

  When the valet takes my information and keys, I ask if the redhead was a star.

  "Oh no. Only here. That was Cat. She’s part owner, but you never know who will show up. I’ve opened the doors of limo’s and discovered Brittney Spears, Jennifer Lopez and once Toby Keith." He smiles. "Super nice guy."

  "That’s fly!" I pull a $20 out of my pocket. "Does Seary arrive in a limo?"

  He grins at me and winks as he takes the money. "She sure does about two hours before her show starts too."

  I enter the casino and walk straight back to the Club. When I arrive at the hostess podium, the hostess politely asks. "Do you have a reservation?"

  "I want a reservation," I state and smile.


  "The Gentlemen’s Club."

  "There isn’t anything available tonight, but I can put you down for tomorrow night."

  I look away, trying not to show my displeasure at having to wait another night. It’s not in my nature to let things just happen. It’s in my nature to make things happen. "Yes. Please. Put me down for tomorrow night." I give her my name and contact information, then walk away a few feet, stop and walk back up, holding a $50, leaning in and whispering to her. "I forgot to tip you. Excuse me."

  "That’s very considerate of you."

  "If you have a no show tonight on a reservation, please give me a call. I want to fill it. There’s a twin in my pocket for you if you do."

  She laughs. "If there are triplets in your pocket, I can guarantee we will have a cancelation tonight."

  I laugh too. "If you can get me one of those elevated booths in the center before Seary’s show starts, there are quadruplets in my pocket for you."

  "Be here at midnight." She leans away. "And marks it down on her board."

  "We’ll see you then." I wink at her and pat my pocket.

  Walking away, I feel like a gambler feeding an addiction. Heading back to the entrance, I check the time. It’s 9:45pm. She should be arriving in 15 minutes. Sitting at a slot machine close enough to see outside, I watch the vehicles arriving, absentmindedly feeding it $100’s and pushing the buttons letting the reel spin pissing money into it. At around 9:55, four big men in suits, arrive and standby just inside the lobby. At 10:00 sharp, a limo pulls up. The big dudes walk and stand post, then one of them opens the door. A small pair of red Converse tennis shoes and distressed skinny jeans appears first, followed by a red cable ribbed sweater that accentuates nice plump breasts under it. Laying on top of the mounds is one thick braided blonde ponytail. The young lady, wearing a ball cap that’s pulled down snug shielding her eyes, stands up and exits the vehicle. Instantly my heart goes from zero to three thousand RPM’s and my breath gets cut off in my throat. It’s Seary. I recognize her by the elegant way she moves. The four men casually surround her and they walk as a unit inside. She smiles at the doorman when he speaks to her and waves at him with her fingers.

  Impulsively, I hit the cash out button to intercept her path. No plan in mind. Shooting from the hip. I’ll come up with something. Bells start clanging and the light on top of my machine starts spinning. I freeze. What the hell? I hit the jackpot. Not now! I turn back to watch helplessly as her entourage walks by. She peeks around a massive body to look at my machine and I see her smile of happiness. My heart skips a beat and my breath hangs up again. What a true beauty she is. No makeup and she’s still stunning. Her light green eyes shift to find mine. The winner at the slot. My gut draws up with nervous anticipation, wondering what feeling I will get when our eyes connect, but her bodyguard’s stride blocks the direct connection and my eyes trail after her retreating figure. Her ass looks perfect in those jeans.

  I turn to the lady sitting two machines down and tell her. "Congratulations, ma’am. You just won the jackpot. It’s all yours."

  She looks startled with my words, then recovers quick. "Thank you! What a nice young man you are!"

  As I walk away, I hear her friend add. "What a handsome young man too!"

  I close the distance behind Seary, analyzing how her detail proceeds and how they assess the crowd. They are trained bodyguards. On the lookout for prowlers and possible stalkers. An older couple waves at Seary, calling her by name, and she waves back, then stops to chitchat and pose for a picture. She slides in-between them and they hug her up tight while one of her goons takes the picture. I circle around to get a better view, but stay far enough away not to be seen. It’s hard to tell if her goons are more for crowd control than safety, but the way their suits are cut, they could be packing weapons.

  They continue without incident and I fall in line behind them all the way to the fake patio at the Club entrance, and watch as she disappears from my view.

  Knowing she’s here getting ready to perform, sets me on edge and I decide to wait at the bar. Wedging myself between the men crowded around, a nearly topless bartender, I order a Crown and coke tonight. UFC is on the screen overhead, and I absentmindedly watch the two dudes grappling on the ground for position, letting my mind go over the details and formulate a plan of action. I haven't played this game before. Hmm. Do I begin my seduction first? Her team is punctual which means predictable. I could work that to my advantage. Do I get in her path and get noticed? Getting her alone in a VIP room is a must, and the ideal scenario, but if all else fails, I can book a Fucking Fantasy.

  I decide to text Darren while I wait.

  *I’m at the Club. Bart runs a top-notch establishment.*

  A couple of minutes go by unanswered. He’s probably asleep.

  *And Seary?*

  *I saw her dance last night. Pure magic.*

  *Awesome news!*

  *My recommendation is to invest.*

  *Excellent! I’ll let Bart know I’m a go. Do you want in too?*

  *No. Conflict of interest.*

  *Thanks for your help, Buddy.*

  *No problem.*

  Someone touches my shoulder. I look to see Beverly smiling at me as she slides up next to me.

  "Mr. Moore." She smiles like a cat who just got a bowl full of milk. "Do you need my hel
p getting a table tonight?"

  "No. I have a reservation."

  She nods. "I’ve just left Seary’s dressing room."


  "Trust me on this, you won’t want to miss a single second of it." She pats my back. "Look me up afterward. I’ll be sitting right over there again tonight when you leave. I have news."


  "Enjoy the show."

  "I’m sure I will." I turn my attention back to the MMA fighters bloodying each other up overhead, but not seeing them. She has news. That’s a good thing. If it wasn’t good, she wouldn’t have spoken.

  My alarm goes off at 11:55pm and I walk back to the podium with $200 in my hand. The same hostess greets me and says, "Right this way, Mr. Moore. Tara, I’m going to seat him myself. Cover for me."

  Tara checks me out and grins. "Sure."

  I follow her to an elevated booth just outside the first row of tables. Designed to seat 10 people, the view of the stage is perfect and I give her the tip when she seats me. The room is packed again and the dancers who are on the stage are really good, high-quality talent.

  "THUMP, THUMP. THUMP THUMP" The strobes blind me. Anticipation makes my heart beat faster, my abs harden and my cock pulsates as it gets ready to see Seary in action. The correlation between the beating bass and throbbing strobes with my heart and cock aren’t lost on me. Brilliantly played!

  Tonight, Seary doesn't start with an opening act, she dances out onto the stage alone without music. It’s powerful and profound. She doesn’t have on a stitch of clothes. Her entire body including her hair is painted deep red and dark purple. Fucking A!

  When the music starts, it’s "Wild" by Troye Sivan featuring Alessia Cara. The words seep into my soul as I sit there mesmerized watching her dance. Careful not to expose her pussy, she bends, twirls, splits, and dances wildly. I’m guilty like the lyrics say of trying not to fall, putting up old walls and fences, but she has torn them down and it’s hopeless. Could we be alike? I focus on breathing deep to calm myself. I can’t turn away. This woman drives me absolutely wild! Fuck! I want her so bad. I’ve got to have her.


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