Omega - Part Six: Coming Home

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by D. J. Heart

  Omega - Part Six

  Coming Home

  By D.J. Heart

  2015 Copyright © by D.J. Heart

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  Chad rubs his hands down flat over his thighs, palms clammy with nervous sweat. The flight attendant walks by, patting him on the shoulder as she leans down.

  “Can I get you anything, Sir,” she asks, voice understanding and kind. She probably thinks he’s afraid of flying. Shaking his head he offers up a tight smile. Nodding and giving him one more patronizing pat on the shoulder, she moves on just as the pilot announces that they’re ready for landing.

  Tray-table already up, seatbelt fastened, Chad waits for them to get on with it. Peter has no idea he’s on his way home, and though Chad thinks he’ll be welcome back - that Peter will be happy to see him and want to work things out - the nagging fear that Peter won’t refuses to leave him alone. He doesn’t know what he’ll do if he goes home only to find things the same. Or if Peter is still mad.

  Chad jolts when the plane touches the ground, lost in his thoughts and caught of guard by the quick descent. When he looks up the flight attendant is giving him a sympathetic look. His ears burn with embarrassment, though he has no intention of correcting her mistaken impression of him. He’s not like Aiden and Peter. Who cares what some random person thinks of him? It doesn't matter in the end. Then again, neither Peter nor Aiden would ever permit themselves to show their nerves like this. No wonder Aiden thinks he’s pathetic.

  Smiling, letting the flight attendant know that he’s OK with a small nod, he pulls out his phone and checks the time. His stomach twists when he sees how many missed calls he has from Evan, but he knows that if he’d talked to his young omega he would have folded like a house of cards and run home the second the boy asked.

  He still feels like a dick, though.

  Before he left, sitting in the airport, Chad had called Peter to let him know he was on his way back. The sound of Peter’s voice, like a tamed growl, had frozen him in place and robbed him of his ability to speak. It was easy to forget, after not hearing it for a while, just how hypnotic Peter’s voice really was. How it vibrated deep into his bones and made him shiver.

  Chad had chickened out, hanging up before saying anything and turning his phone to airplane mode. He wanted to go home, and he was scared that Peter would say something stupid and hurtful that might make him change his mind.

  The plane taxis into the gate, rolling precisely into place and coming to a full stop. The stillness as the engine cuts off is wonderful, though Chad is too worked up to really appreciate it like he usually does.

  The steward hands him his coat as he gets up, smiling graciously as he removes his gym bag from the overhead compartment and exits the plane along with the other business class passengers.

  The airport isn’t busy at this time of day, so there’s no line to get a cab. Without traffic he should be home in under half an hour, or at the office in twenty.

  “Where to,” the taxi driver asks, coming around the car and taking his bag. Chad lets him have it, sliding into the back seat as he gives the address to the residential tower rather than the office. He’ll go home, take a shower, and then head into work to face Peter. It’s a coward’s move, but Chad doesn’t care.

  “Very nice,” the driver, a pleasant Armenian beta, says with an impressed look. Chad smiles, used to people being surprised by his rather refined address. If he were on his own he’d be stuck in a bachelor pad on the east side of the city, and though he’d be perfectly happy with that, he will admit that he’s grown accustomed to a certain lifestyle.

  The driver talks a lot, his chatter enthusiastic and pleasant, and Chad makes an effort to be pleasant in return. The driver must sense his nerves, however, because after five minutes he nods to himself, turns on the radio, and doesn’t say another word. Chad is grateful.

  Leaning his head back and closing his eyes, Chad wonders if Evan will be at home or if Peter has taken him to the office. He’s almost as nervous of facing Evan as he is of facing Peter, not able to help feeling like he’s failed the boy by leaving.

  Hopefully Evan will be understanding.


  Evan is… discontent. That’s the right word. Discontent and bored. Peter had woken him a little before noon, his mind still heat addled and slow, and shoved a huge plug up his ass before kissing him on the forehead and telling him he had to go to work.

  It was infuriating. Evan needs cuddles and kisses and for Peter to fuck him until his annoying heat goes away. Sure, the plug helps, but it isn’t what he needs. His skin itches, his hole twitching around the foreign object as it produces more and more slick. It is just the right shape, but still all wrong. He needs a knot, needs to be pumped full of come and forced to hold it. Needs a big muscular body plastered to his back, holding him tight as he’s stretched wide open.

  Evan can almost feel it. Can imagine Peter lifting him to his hands and knees, steady and calm, holding him firmly in place as he rams his cock deep into his hole, filling him… Evan jerks his cock, the plug in his ass a poor imitation of what he really wants.

  With a frustrated huff, Evan stops jerking his cock and rolls onto his back. He takes a deep breath, hole throbbing, and lifts his legs to his chest. The position is awkward and uncomfortable, but it serves its purpose. Hugging his legs tight with one arm cinched behind his knees, Evan reaches down to the base of the plug and yanks the annoying thing out.

  The empty feeling is horrible, so much worse than the nasty itchy feeling of the plug, so Evan rams the fat bulb back inside with a brutal push.

  Evan freezes, the slide of the widest part of the plug over his sensitive rim making him shudder. That felt good. Discomfort forgotten, Evan starts fucking the plug in and out of his hole, the feeling of being fucked and filled so much better than just the latter. He moans, arms getting tired as he relentlessly works the big toy in and out of his ass at a fervent pace.

  Balls pulling up, cock hard and dripping, Evan is more than ready to come just from fucking himself, but his body stubbornly refuses to let go and shoot his load. It wants an alpha, and no way is it wasting an orgasm on a rubber plug. The sensation of being right on the fucking edge is good at first, but as the minutes pass into the double digits, the frustration takes over and eclipses any pleasure there is to be felt. With a scream of rage, Evan pushes the plug as deep as it will go and drops his legs back to the mattress.

  It’s fucking useless. He’s an omega, and he’s in heat. There is no way of taking care of this on his own. He knows that. Can feel it on a primal level.

  He needs to call Peter. Being in heat is awful, and it’s Peter’s job as his alpha to fix it. Standing, pushing off the mattress with unsteady legs, Evan stumbles into the living room and finds his phone on the coffee table. He pulls up the contacts menu, just three contacts blinking back at him. He stares at Chad’s name, longing making his hole clench down hard. He pushes the little phone icon next to Chad’s name, hoping that this time the alpha will pick up the phone.

  It goes straight to voicemail - just like it has every time Evan has tried to call Chad - and the cheerful way Chad announces that he isn’t available right now makes Evan want to cry. He hangs up and calls Peter, hole aching so bad he feels like he’s about to burst into tears.

  “Evan, how are you?” Peter says, sounding distracted. Evan shudders at the sound of the alpha’s voice, hole leaking slick and clenching down on the plug like it wants to show Peter just how good it can be.

  “I’m OK, I think. I’m still in heat though. Are you coming home soon?” Evan closes his eyes, wishing he had the gu
ts to tell Peter to get his ass home and take care of his omega.

  Peter is quiet a few seconds too long, and Evan’s heart sinks. He can’t take this much longer. He feels like an addict in need of a fix, and he’d do anything to get it. If this is how omegas who are sold by their alphas feel every day, Evan thinks those alphas should be shot on the spot, along with the assholes who buy them.

  “Not just yet. I’ll be home at seven,” Peter says, crushing Evan’s hopes.

  “But I’m-”

  “You’re going to be a good boy for me and wait,” Peter interrupts, voice hard. “Now go take a cold shower and then eat something. If you need another plug - or a toy - you can get one from the bottom drawer of my dresser in the bedroom. Do you understand?”

  Evan nods, Peter’s commanding voice making him feel almost drugged. Of course he’ll be a good boy for Peter. He’ll follow his alpha’s instructions like they were handed down from God himself, and when Peter comes home and sees what a good boy he’s been he’ll be praised and rewarded with Peter’s knot. It will be wonderful.

  “Evan, do you understand?” Peter asks again, the words dripping with stern displeasure.

  “Yes, alpha. I’ll be good,” Evan says, the knowledge that he’s already managed to make Peter unhappy crushing.

  “Good. I’ll see you tonight no later than seven. Be good.” Peter hangs up before Evan can get another word in. He puts the phone down, still feeling like he’s going to burst out of his skin, but at least now he has a plan. Something to focus on. He stands up, leaving the phone on the couch, and heads to the shower.

  It’s going to be a long one.


  Peter hangs up the phone, ignoring the way his cock throbs and grows fat with need. He’s already taken half the day off, and there is simply no excuse for going home early. If any of his employees ever asked to go home to take care of an omega, Peter would laugh in their face and fire them, so doing it himself is out of the question.

  But he wants to. It’s unexpected, and the guilt he feels for leaving Evan to his own devices while he suffers through his heat is unwelcome and annoying. The whole point of getting Evan was to make things easier, to soothe the part of Chad that needs someone to dominate and fuck. So far nothing about Evan’s addition to the household has been easier. Peter was not supposed to get attached to Evan, not like this.

  “I’m sorry about that,” Peter says, turning back to Richard Cruz. The alpha has come by to thank him for taking care of his omega rights activist problem, and the whole thing has Peter feeling like dirty scum.

  “New omega?” Cruz asks, interested and amused. Peter nods, Evan being the last thing he wants to talk about with an omega house owner.

  “Yes, it’s his first heat,” Peter says, forcing a smile. “I’m sure you know how it is.”

  “Just be firm with him and he’ll be fine. You’d be amazed what you can get an omega in heat to do just to please an alpha,” Cruz says, grin stretched wide and cruel. Peter is disgusted, but he doesn’t let it show. There’s nothing to be gained from antagonizing the man.

  “I’ve never really been interested in omegas,” he says, leaning back in his chair, “I got him for my mate.” Evan is the last thing he wants to discuss with Cruz. If ever there were two parts of his life that shouldn’t overlap, these are it.

  “That’s right, I heard you were mated to an alpha. Is that why you haven’t used the passes I sent you for the club?” Cruz asks, sounding curious rather than offended. Peter had almost forgotten the VIP passes Cruz had given him. He has them tucked away in a drawer somewhere, and he has no intention of using them. Not ever.

  “Yes, sorry. That was very thoughtful of you, but I just don’t understand the appeal of omegas,” Peter says, raking his eyes over Cruz’s muscular form. He decides to have a little fun, letting his mouth curl up in the tiniest smirk as he says, “No fight in them.”

  If there’s one thing Peter is good at, it’s seducing alphas who never in a million years would have considered submitting sexually to another alpha. He has it down to a fucking art, though an unpracticed one since he found Chad. Chad might never have thought he’d submit to another alpha, but Peter didn’t have to use any of his tricks to get the younger man into his bed. Chad was there because he wanted to be there.

  Cruz shifts uncomfortably, startled and unnerved by the sudden tension. Cruz won’t know that Peter is just fucking with him, Peter’s reputation as an alpha fucker having preceded him, and Peter hasn’t crossed the line of actually hitting on him. Squaring his shoulders, Peter watches Cruz try to figure out how to respond. It’s hilarious. They’re closely matched, but Peter could take Cruz in a fight and they both know it. If they actually got together, Peter would end up on top. He smiles wider, showing just a little too much teeth.

  “Well,” Cruz says swallowing, “To each their own, I suppose. As I said, I just wanted to come by and thank you in person for your services. We haven’t had any problems since hiring you, and we couldn’t be happier.”

  “That’s good. I would hate to let you down,” Peter says, professional mask snapping back into place. It wouldn’t do to sour his business relationship, no matter how distasteful he finds Cruz or his business. “Was there anything else I could help you with?”

  Cruz nods. “There was one thing, actually,” he says, still looking a little uneasy. “I need a new omega wrangler for my downtown location. The guy I’ve got now can’t keep his hands off the merchandise.”

  Peter doesn’t let the disgust he feels show on his face. “What do you think I can do to help you?” This is not his area of expertise, nor does it fall under services ever provided by his firm.

  “I was hoping you could recommend someone? We need an alpha for the position, and I’ve been impressed with your people so far…”

  Peter smiles ruefully and is about to say no when he thinks of Aiden. Where Peter has a moral objection to what goes on in Richard Cruz’s businesses, Aiden doesn’t give a shit about omega rights. On the other hand, Aiden isn’t malicious or cruel, and he has no interest in omegas. Peter can’t help but think that Aiden would be perfect for the job. The omegas under his care wouldn’t have to worry about their wrangler sneaking into their cages at night and taking liberties, and Aiden would be strict but fair. That, and Peter owes him a job.

  “I do know someone, actually. Aiden Halsted. He’s ex special forces, and an old buddy of mine. He just retired from Topgrunder. If you make him a decent offer he might be a good fit.” Peter writes down Aiden’s number, sliding it over to Cruz.

  “Thank you,” Cruz says, taking the number and tucking it in his pocket, “And he won’t have a problem keeping his hands off the stock?”

  Peter laughs. “Aiden prefers alphas. He has no use for omegas at all, thinks they’re weak.”

  Cruz nods. “Lots of people think that. They’re wrong, but I get it.”

  Peter is surprised. “You don’t think omegas are weak?” he asks, making Cruz smile and shake his head.

  “I think they’re vulnerable, but they’re not weak. They wouldn’t survive long enough to be profitable if they were weak,” Cruz says, chuckling. Peter wants to strangle him.

  Having said what he came to say and asked what he wanted to ask, Cruz takes his leave and bids Peter goodbye. Peter watches the door close, finally rid the vile man, feeling sullied and ashamed of doing business with him. For a minute he contemplates dropping him as a client, as a gesture to Chad if nothing else, but the rational part of his mind quickly squashes that silly notion.

  Getting back to work, determined to finish early so that he can be home by seven like he promised, Peter puts the vile alpha out of his mind.


  Showered and fed, Evan trots into the bedroom in search of something that will provide him a bit more satisfaction than the nasty plug still lodged tight in his ass. He crouches down in front of the big dresser, pulling the bottom drawer out with trembling eagerness. He stares into the open drawer, gas
ping at what he sees.

  It’s a fucking treasure chest of cock. Evan stares at all the toys - rubber, metal and glass - wondering which one to play with first. There are just so many options! His eyes land on a particularly large purple dildo with an inflatable knot, and the choice is made. Grabbing the monstrous dildo, the rubber textured to feel almost like skin, he jumps up on the bed and eagerly lifts his legs to his chest. He pulls the plug in his ass out with a wet squelch, the stretch as it passes his rim amazing. The ten seconds between removing the plug and getting the dildo in place, however, are sheer hell. His fingers tremble with need, making it hard to get the fat length into the right position, but eventually he manages.

  Evan is an omega. It’s not his job to fuck himself, he thinks, frustrated. It’s his job to be fucked. Hard and fast, cock drilling his hole until he blacks out from the intensity of his alpha’s strength and need.

  But he does his best. The dildo is huge, bigger than either Peter or Chad (though not both at the same time), and it hurts going in. Sweating like a pig, grunting and gasping, Evan forces the dildo deep into his hole, the stretch just intense enough to distract him. He gets it all the way inside, fake knot and all.


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