The Enchanted Crossroads

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The Enchanted Crossroads Page 9

by Dora Blume

  “It’s not going to be easy. I may be a descendent, but I have to find my siblings. We all have to make the same decision to accept our powers. I have no idea what comes after our decision. Was there anything about it in the history you read?” I blinked up at him.

  He continued to scratch his chin as he thought about it. “Not that I remember. I didn’t believe it at the time, so I guess I didn’t read as closely as I could have. Tomorrow we can go back to my place and check out the books.” I sat back on the couch.

  His eyes met mine. “Do you know what you’re going to say to her? What your decision will be?” He bit his lip as he studied me.

  “I don’t know. I just found out about all this yesterday. I don’t know what to think about everything. It’s all a lot to take in.”

  “Well, you’re our only hope. I would give anything to not have to worry about Morrigans anymore. We already have demons to fight. Morrigans give us twice the trouble. I’m not the only one who’s lost someone they loved to the Morrigans. They’ve been hunting us since the beginning.”

  “No pressure or anything.” I dropped my eyes to the ground.

  He slipped his hand under my chin and raised my eyes to meet his. “It only means you’re important. I trust you will do the right thing.”

  I felt the fire in his eyes as he looked at me. I watched as his tongue swiped along his bottom lip. I wanted to taste those lips. I bit my bottom lip and let it go slowly. His eyes hooded as he looked at me. I inched my lips closer to his. He moved his hand from my chin to my cheek.

  “Your skin in so soft.” His eyes glittered and I couldn’t take it.

  I touched my lips lightly to his, seeing if he’d kiss me back. For a moment, he didn’t respond. My lips on his, a torturous beat ticked on the clock. Oh my god, what am I doing? He doesn’t like me like that. I began to back my mouth away from his. Shock and hurt filled me to my core.

  Then, his arm encircled my waist and he pulled me into him. His lips pressed against mine in a passionate embrace. My breath caught and I opened my mouth. His tongue slipped between my parted lips, lavishing my tongue with skillful strokes. He gripped me against him. I lifted my hands and laced them behind his neck, lightly stroking his hair. He let out a growl against my mouth when I gripped my hands in his hair and lightly tugged. He nipped my lip in response.

  He backed away from me quickly, his hands on my arms, holding me away. “Kaira, we can’t.” He breathed.

  “Why not?” I asked. I didn’t understand what the problem was. I could taste his desire in our kiss. I knew he wanted me. There was hesitation at first, but when his lips attacked mine I knew his true desire.

  “You don’t understand the rules of our world. Sex isn’t something that’s taken lightly among mages. We take our responsibility of procreating seriously. We don’t just hook up like humans do. When we’re together, it’s because we’ve made a serious commitment to each other. You’re not even sure you’re going to continue to be in our world.” His hands dropped from mine and his eyes stared at a spot on the floor.

  “Procreating? I’m on birth control. Besides, who said anything about sex. We were just kissing. What kind of girl do you take me for?” I stood my hands on my hips. “I didn’t know I had to make life altering decisions over a kiss.” I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen.

  Leif blinked in surprise. “I, uh, I…”

  I smiled at his sudden loss of words. It was nice knowing I had that effect on him. “I could go for some breakfast. How about you?” I asked.

  “Ah, yeah, breakfast would be nice.” He stood and followed me to the kitchen. “I can help. I’m pretty good in the kitchen.” He leaned against the counter and when I turned, my breath caught. There was something about the cocksure way he leaned against the counter that was irresistible. I licked my lip and met his eyes. There was a sparkle in them, and he gave me a cocky grin. His smirk made me realize he knew exactly what I was thinking. Not one to back down, I licked my lips again slowly.

  “Oh no, you don’t. I don’t like having anyone else in my kitchen while I’m cooking. You can have a seat at the counter until I’m finished.” I turned to the refrigerator, pulling out the eggs, sausage and butter. I placed the sausage in the pan and whisked together the eggs in a bowl.

  “Hope you’re okay with scrambled.” I commented.

  “Works for me. Did the Goddess give you any other information about your siblings?” he asked.

  When I heard the butter crackle in the pan, I poured the eggs. “No, she just gave me the amulet and told me it would alert me to my siblings. I’m not sure how it works, but I’m sure I’ll find out soon enough.” I shrugged and plopped a few pieces of toast in the toaster, pushing it down.

  “Yeah, so what are the plans for today?” he asked. I thought about it a moment. I divided the food on two plates before answering.

  “I’m ready for Monday. I wanted to make sure I was ready for work. Today, I want to go talk to my mom. I’m hoping she has some answers for me. I would like to know why she didn’t tell me I was adopted this whole time.” I turned and placed the plates in front of Leif and myself. I pulled the container of orange juice out of the fridge and set it between the two of us. I poured Leif and myself a glass. I slid the glass over to him and he nodded.

  “Thank you. So, we’re going to your mom’s. I didn’t think I’d meet the family quite so soon.” He waggled his eyebrows at me.

  “We? Excuse me, but I can go see my mom on my own. I don’t need you to go with me. I need to be able to talk to my mom privately. I’m not sure she’ll tell me if you’re there.” My eyes met his.

  He cocked his head to the side. “I’m going. I’ll sit in the car and twiddle my thumbs if I have to, but I’m going. You don’t know how to use your powers yet. Now, knowing you’re a descendent, you’ll have a target on your back. I’m not leaving your side until I know you’re going to be safe.” His gaze was brimming with fierce concern.

  “Ugh, fine, you do realize you’re about to meet my mother though, right?” I smirked, wondering if he’d get it. When he shook his head I knew he did.

  “I must say, I like the more agreeable side of you.” He winked ignoring my second comment.

  “I’m only agreeing because I know you’ll follow me either way. If you remember, you’re the one who didn’t leave Shar and I alone last night. You sat in your car downstairs. I’d rather you just tell me the truth. Hiding out in your car and following me places will get stalkerish real quick.” I rested my hand on my hip and gave Leif a peeved look. “I’m going to shower and change before we leave.”

  “Mmm, I’ll be thinking about that while I twiddle my thumbs out here.” He looked to the ceiling and clasped his hands together, spinning his thumbs in circles.

  “You think you’re so funny don’t you.” I shook my head.

  “I don’t think I am, I know I am.” He smirked. “Now, go get ready. I’d like to get on with the day. We’re burning daylight and all that.” He waved his hand in a shoeing motion toward my bedroom.

  I took a deep breath as I closed the door behind me. I could feel the tension between us since the kiss. I couldn’t lie to myself. I wanted more than a kiss. I knew he did, too. He was right. I didn’t know the rules about being a Mage. I didn’t think being a Mage changed anything about my sex life. I hadn’t exactly been thinking about procreating when I kissed him. I only felt the need to be with him. It was all encompassing when his lips moved against mine. I felt drawn to him in a way I’ve never felt before. I wasn’t sure what to think of all this.

  I hurried to get ready. I was beginning to feel calm again. Seeing my mom today would be a nice distraction. She always made me feel better about any issues I’m having with life. She’s the one who convinced me to ditch my last boyfriend. He was becoming possessive and the last fight we had scared me. My mom is the one person I can always count on. She’s been my rock, I wondered how today would change that. She had lied to me. I needed to know why.r />
  I took one last look in the mirror before stepping into the living room. Leif was sitting on the sofa one arm draped across the back. His eyes met mine. His gaze drifted down my body and then back up to my eyes. I watched as his tongue swiped along his bottom lip. My face heated under his gaze.

  “Ready to go?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I’m really looking forward to seeing my mom.”

  “I’m interested in meeting the woman who raised you.” His smile was kind. He brushed his hand through his hair as he stood. “Do you mind if I stop at my place before we head over there? I could use a change of clothes. Checking in with Haskell seems like a good idea, too.”

  “Okay, you were the one carrying on about burning daylight. I’m fine with it. I’ll call her on the way. She probably worked the late shift and will still be sleeping anyway.” I grabbed my purse from the hook. When I opened the door, Shar was leaning against the door jamb of her apartment.

  “Excuse me, but where do you think you’re going?” She had her arms crossed over her chest and was blowing on her nails like she’d just painted them.

  “We’re going to talk to my mom.” I responded quickly.

  “I protected the building, not your mom’s house. I don’t want you going anywhere.” Her voice was firm. She gave me a stern glare.

  “Shar, I’m going to talk to my mom to find out more about how she ended up raising me. I’m hoping to find out more information about my birth mother. You should be supportive of that.” I said crossing my arms and staring her down.

  “Ugh,” she threw her hands up in annoyance. “You can talk to her here. I’m sure she’d understand if you were in danger. She can hop in her car and drive over just as easily as you can go over there.” Shar shot back.

  “No, Shar. I’m going. If you want to protect me you can always come with us.” I added.

  She rolled her eyes at me. She crossed her arms again. “Fine, but I’m taking my own car. There’s no way I’m getting in the same car with him.” She jerked her head toward Leif. Turning, she grabbed her purse from her apartment. When she looked back to Kaira, she bent her arm at the elbow and jingled her keys.

  “That’s good cause I didn’t invite you.” Leif said, brushing his hand through his hair.

  I rolled my eyes when I looked between the two. “Come on. We’re going to Leif’s before my mom’s. Can I just meet you there?” I asked.

  “No, where you go, I go.” She crossed her arms.

  “Fine, let’s go.” Leif breezed past both of us and down the stairs. His hand brushed against mine and I got the shivers. I wasn’t sure how he always had an effect on me, but even the smallest touch elicited a reaction.

  I shrugged. “Alright,” I followed behind. He waited with the door held for me. I smiled, ever the gentleman. I turned and waited. Shar rolled her eyes at him as she left. I followed Leif to his car. He stopped, opening the passenger door for me. I’d never met a guy who was so formally polite. I’ve had guys hold doors for me, but only when I was walking up to them. Not once has a guy waited and opened it just for me. It was nice. I slid into the passenger seat. When I buckled my seatbelt, I saw Shar get into her car. She nodded in our direction when she was ready to go. Leif pulled out amidst the traffic.

  “I’m not so sure I should head to my place. I don’t know if I want her to know where I live.” He jerked a thumb to indicate Shar following behind us.

  “What, Shar? Why would you worry about her knowing where you live?”

  “She’s a Verity. Plus, I don’t know her. I wonder if you even know her.” He tightened his hands on the wheel before taking the next turn.

  “I don’t get what the big deal is with Verities. Are they one of the strongest out there or something? She seems harmless to me.” I shrugged. Yeah, I’d seen her take out a few guys without much effort, but she wasn’t a threat to me. She was my friend. We’d shared stories over dinner more times than I could count. We also had an affinity for watching entire seasons of shows in a night.

  “There not exactly the strongest, but they pack one hell of a punch. She can wield the energy of the universe and channel it through her hands. She can then throw that energy into someone to paralyze them. I personally don’t want anything to do with a Verity, especially her. My luck she’d be offended by something I said and send that energy straight into my balls. Not something I ever want to experience.” He shivered and I laughed.

  “She wouldn’t do that.” I chortled. “At least I don’t think she’d do that. I’ve heard some pretty interesting stories about how she took care of guys who continued their unwanted advances toward her. As long as you’re not trying to sleep with her, I think you’ll be fine.” I laughed again. I could almost imagine Shar taking care of guys who hit on her. We were friends but I hadn’t ever gone out with Shar. We were the kind of friends who hung out at home. It was nice because we were neighbors.

  “I’m not that stupid.” He shook his head. Leif pulled up to his house and parked in front of the garage. “Maybe I’ll introduce her to Haskell. That could be interesting.” He smirked.

  “Oh yeah, Mr. sexual innuendo meets, I’ll electrocute your balls if you speak to me like that. Should be a riot.” I rolled my eyes. “You don’t have to worry about it anyway. She’s meeting us at my mom’s.”

  Leif yelled, “Haskell,” as soon as we walked through the door. He continued into the kitchen and leaned against the counter.

  Haskell strolled into the room in a black tank top and red silk pants. “Where the bloody hell have you been?” he asked.

  “I stayed with Kaira last night.” he said.

  Haskell’s voice changed to intrigue, “Oh yeah? You having a sordid affair? It’s about bloody time.” He laughed and clapped Leif on the shoulder before heading to the fridge.

  Leif rolled his eyes. “No, Haskell, I need to know what you found out about Kaira’s birth mom. She doesn’t have a Sage guarding her but a Verity assigned by Hecate herself. She’s one of the descendants.” Leif explained running a hand through his hair.

  Haskell's eyes locked on mine. “You’re serious?” He gave me a thorough examination and I shifted uncomfortably.

  “Yes, Hecate explained everything in a dream. I have to make the choice to stay a mage or go back to being human. If all five siblings make the choice to stay a mage, we can destroy the Morrigan. I’m not sure how exactly but it’s a little early for that discussion.” I shrugged.

  “She came to you in a dream, aye? What a peculiar Goddess.” He mused tapping his finger on his chin.

  “Why is she peculiar?” I asked.

  “Well, she’s going tromping through other’s dreams. I don’t want anyone invading my dreams. What a serious invasion of privacy.” Haskell cupped the back of his neck.

  Leif let out a laugh. “That’s because your dreams are basically porn. Wouldn’t want to interrupt one of those. Besides, the Goddess has better things to do then interrupt your dreams.”

  “Okay, so, Leif are you going to change? I’d like to get to my mom’s house sooner rather than later.” I crossed my arms and watched him.

  “Don’t look at me. He’s the one stalling on telling us about your birth mother.” Leif held his hand out toward Haskell.

  “Oh, why yes, your birth mother. Well, I do have some news. It appears we were right. You most likely got your powers because she passed. I found out she passed away on Friday night. It looks like the whole thing is being covered up by someone, so I don’t know how she died. I did get the name and address of a sister though. Based on her bank transactions, I believe her sister is the only one she’s kept in contact with. I will write it down for you. Maybe you can pop over and meet her. She may have more information than anyone about your mother.” Haskell walked out of the room and returned moments later holding a slip of paper in his hands. “Here, love. I hope this helps.” He handed me the paper.

  “Caroline Blake,” I read aloud. “What was my mother’s name?” I asked, my eyes meeting H

  His voice softened, “Catherine Blake,” he said.

  “Catherine,” I breathed.

  “Your mum and Caroline were twin sisters. If anyone can tell you about her, she can.” Haskell said. He took a step toward me and placed his hand on my shoulder. “I’m sorry for your loss, love. She seemed like a smart woman. She did a lot to protect you and your siblings.” He rubbed my back a moment before meeting Leif’s eyes and stepping away.

  “I’m going to change. I’ll be back in a few moments. Why don’t you go relax in the sitting room for now.” Leif made a gesture toward the living room.

  “I’m fine. Go get ready. I’d like to talk with Haskell more about what he learned.” I swallowed hard. I wanted to know as much as I could about my birth mother. It felt wrong to find out about her after her death. Maybe Caroline would be able to tell me about my past and my family. I wanted to meet her so bad, but I knew I needed to talk to my own mother first. I loved my mom, but she had some serious explaining to do.

  “You okay, love?” Haskell asked. I hadn’t realized he’d been watching me as I processed this information.

  “Yeah, I’ll be fine. We’re going to talk to my mom today. I want to know how it is I didn’t know I was adopted.” I shrugged.

  “Oh, you weren’t adopted, love. There is no record of you being born at all, not to your birth mother at least. I don’t know how she did it. Your record says you were born at Abbott-Northwestern hospital to your real mother, Laurie. There is no record of a birth to Catherine. Your mum must have quite the power over at the hospital to be able to forge records like that.” He nodded appreciatively. “The only reason I was able to put it together was because she used a credit card at a diner near there called One Good Egg. It’s not around anymore, but I found the transaction. It’s amazing the blueprints we leave behind in our lives without even realizing.” He scratched his chin.


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