The Enchanted Crossroads

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The Enchanted Crossroads Page 18

by Dora Blume

  “When we left, you snapped at me. You were angry about something. What?” I blinked up at him. He scratched the bristles on his chin. I liked that he let the hair on his chin grow out. It gave him a rugged look that made him even more attractive.

  “I wasn’t mad at you. I was angry about the whole thing. You shouldn’t have been put in that situation. It was my fault. I knew they were going to come after you, and I should have called for backup. The deposition was so important to you and I didn’t want to disrupt it. If anything this is all my fault, not yours.” He bent his head and walked out of the room.

  I wasn’t sure I believed him. I knew he was angry. Why else would he have snapped at me like he did? I shook my head. I shouldn’t be thinking like this. He cared about me. Why would he lie about being angry with me? He had no reason to lie. Unless he didn’t want to be honest with me because it would change how I felt about him. Would he go that far to make sure I bonded with him? I wasn’t sure what he would do for this whole bonding thing. I decided I needed to know more about it. I stood and walked back to Leif’s office. I heard him talking to Haskell in the kitchen. Part of me wanted to listen in on their conversation. The other part knew I needed to learn more about who and what I was. I hated that I lost my last connection to my mom. I didn’t know Caroline all that well, but she was my family. I felt her loss as if I’d known her my whole life.

  I should have went back to the office. I needed to check in with Nicole. I grabbed out my phone and dialed. “Hey Nicole, do I have any appointments tomorrow I can’t miss?” I asked. I knew there was no way I was going to be able to come into the office tomorrow.

  “Ah, no, I guess not. Why are you okay?” she asked. I could hear the concern in her voice. I never called to get out of work. In fact, I rarely missed a day.

  “I just have some family stuff going on and may need to take a day or two off.” I didn’t want to explain everything to her. I owed her more than I was saying though. We’d worked together for years.

  “Oh my goodness, Is your mom okay?” she asked.

  “Yes, my mom is fine. I can’t really talk about it right now. Do you think you can clear my calendar for me. I’ve never so much as taken a sick day so I’m sure it’ll be fine if I take a few personal days.” I knew it was fine, but it felt better to say it aloud.

  “Sure, I’ll clear all your appointments until Thursday. Do you think that’s enough time or should I schedule them for next week?”

  “Reschedule them for next week. I don’t want to have to put anyone off more than once.”

  “Okay, is there anything else you need, hun?” she asked. I knew Nicole cared for me. She would help me in any way she could. Too bad she couldn’t help me with this. At least I’d have work out of the way for the week. Then I could focus on not getting killed by Morrigans. I needed to try to find my brother or sisters, too. There was just so much going on, it would be hard to prioritize my job right now.

  “No, thank you so much, Nicole. I will call if anything comes up. Also will you call if you have any trouble with rescheduling. I appreciate you doing this for me.” I was so relieved. I’ve never taken off work, but I knew I needed to. The courthouse was too close a call to ignore. Caroline was dead because I couldn’t fight. I needed to spend some serious time in the training room, learning how to defend myself.

  “Your welcome. Let me know if you need anything. Take care of yourself.”

  “Thank you, I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Okay, hun, bye.” I hung up the phone. I felt better having one thing off of my plate. Now I just needed someone to train me to battle. I wasn’t sure Leif was up to it. He’d been stabbed earlier and I wasn’t sure how healing worked. Would he still be sore? Would he be able to train without injuring himself again? I needed to know. I wasn’t going to wait for him to come find me. I was going to find him. I walked into the kitchen. Leif was standing in front of the stove. I leaned against the counter watching him. He cursed when his wrist touched the oven rack while he tried to take out a pizza. He dropped the pizza pan with a loud clash onto the top of the stove.

  I laughed and he whirled around, mouth open. “Ah, honey you cooked.” I laughed.

  “Well, I’m trying.” He shrugged. “Haskell said he needed to rest after healing me. He planned on continuing research after he took a nap. He mentioned he may have a lead on where your mom stashed another kid, his words not mine.” He looked down when he realized what he’d just said.

  I took a step toward him. “It’s okay. I appreciate it. I took the next few days off work so I could focus entirely on finding them.”

  I watched as he sighed audibly. “Oh good, I don’t know if I can keep you safe at the office. It’s better if you stay out of sight. The two times we’ve gone out, we’ve been followed or attacked. I have a great security system here. I can keep you safe.” He turned back to the stove. “Pizza?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, I could go for some pizza. Haskell wasn’t kidding you really don’t cook.”

  “I can make a few things. I just don’t do it often.” He shrugged. “I’m usually busy. I have to coordinate with a lot of people to keep everything in our area running smoothly. It’s why I’m an Uber driver. I can work when I want to. I usually only take shifts when we are looking for information. It’s amazing how much someone will tell a stranger, especially a driver.” He cut the pizza and put two slices on each of our plates. He slid one in front of me on the counter.

  “Thanks,” I wasn’t sure how to bridge the subject of training. I figured I’d stroke his ego. I took a bite of pizza before speaking. “So, you’re pretty good with a sword.”

  His eyebrow rose as he looked at me. “Uh, I guess. I wasn’t good enough or I wouldn’t have gotten stabbed.” He watched me as I took another bite.

  “Well, I was thinking since I took a few days off you could train me how to fight.” I looked down at the table afraid to meet his eyes. I needed him to agree to this.

  I felt his eyes on me. “I could do that.”

  “Really?” I snapped my head up in surprise. I knew he wanted to train me before, but I didn’t think it’d be that easy. “Can we start right away?” I perked up in my chair. After realizing how inadequate I was in a fight, I wanted to start right away.

  “Not tonight. We’ll start first thing tomorrow. I think we both earned a night off.” He glanced to the door before looking back at me. “Have you thought about the other thing we discussed?” he asked.

  I narrowed my eyes at him confused. “What other thing?” I asked.

  He cocked his head to the side and gave me the “duh” look. “The whole bonding thing?” His voice rose at the end.

  “Oh that.” I took another bite of my pizza.

  “What’s that mean?” he asked, his tone sharp.

  “Nothing, I haven’t had much time to think about it with everything going on.” My tone matched his harshness. I didn’t mean to be rude, but it was true. “I’m sorry, I really haven’t had time to think. I know I like you. I can feel the pull toward you. Everytime you touch me, I feel the energy spread through my body. I just don’t know what it all means. I know I feel something, but I just don’t understand it.” I shrugged. I looked up and met his eyes. I saw kindness and hope in them.

  “Let’s go to my office. I’ll read you the history.” He held his hand out to take mine. His hand was warm. I felt the familiar tingle go down my body. Every time he touched me, I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to feel his body against mine. I shivered at my thoughts. He turned to look at me over his shoulder. “Are you cold?” he asked.

  “No, I’m fine.” I nodded to him and we continued down the hall. He let go of my hand to grab down a book from the shelf.

  “Let’s go back to the couch. He took my hand again and we went back to the living room. He sat on the couch, and I sat next to him curling my legs under me. He opened the book in his lap. “Why don’t you relax back while I read to you.”

  “I’m not going to lie,
that was by far the hottest thing a guy has ever said to me.” I leaned back.

  He smiled. “Comfortable?”

  “Very,” I smiled.

  “Good, now this was written shortly after The God Morrigan fell in love with Hecate. It wasn’t always so easy for them. When Morrigan first showed interest, everyone tried to stop him. Hecate’s father laughed at Morrigan when he went to speak to him about how he felt about his daughter. Hecate’s father wouldn’t let Morrigan anywhere near his young girl. One of the daughters of the fates was in love with Morrigan. She had been for years, a crush quickly turning to infatuation. Morrigan didn’t want anything to do with her. He was infatuated with Hecate’s beauty and kindness. Morrigan would sneak off to catch Hecate alone. Although Hecate’s father was a God, he didn’t watch her all the time. Morrigan would sneak her lilies from his mother’s garden. Morrigan wasn’t considered a worthy God for Hecate. She had her own people to look after, Morrigan had been known for being selfish. He changed when he met her. He went out of his way to do things for her. Then, when he realized her heart was with her Mages, he began doing things to help them on Earth. Hecate watched and admired him for it. Her admiration grew to love as they began to sneak off together. Finally, she had to tell her father. She was pregnant with her first child. Her father was furious. He put a spell on them that forced him to bond with her for life. After the spell was cast, it transferred to all Hecate’s Mages. Anything that affected the Goddess affected us. Hecate’s father made sure she would always be the one in control over him. He created a matriarchy without even realizing what he’d done. He made it so Morrigan could never be with another woman sexually. It may be why he holds a grudge against her even after centuries. Now, all male Mages are impotent with anyone who isn’t there mate once bonded. But no pressure or anything.” He gave me a mischievous grin.

  I laughed, “Okay, so it was all about a father protecting his daughter after being angry over her getting pregnant. Not the most romantic love story I’ve ever heard.” I met Leif’s eyes.

  “Yeah, they were really in love in the beginning. He would bring her flowers and they would sneak away together. It was very Romeo and Juliet. Her father didn’t accept him. They were from two families of Gods who hated each other. They snuck around because they loved each other, and he wouldn’t give up. There’s something to be said for that.” He set the book down next to him.

  “I guess, they didn’t both die in the end, but they certainly didn’t end up happily ever after.” I bit my lip.

  “They were happy together for a time. Sometimes it’s important to be happy in the moments you have. Not every moment in your life is supposed to be happy. Sometimes you have to work at it. There’s something to be said for enjoying the entire journey, not just the best parts of it.” He placed his hand over mine. I wanted to kiss him. I licked my lip and stared at his.

  I leaned forward. My eyes focused on his. I wanted him in every way. My lips met his. Our kiss was gentle at first. I wrapped my hand around his neck and stroked his hair. Our kiss deepened. I wanted every part of me touching him. I wondered if in the spell, there was something about this strong attraction. I wanted all of him. I pulled him closer. We kissed, his tongue did amazing things to me. He sucked my lip before pulling away.

  “I can’t do this. I want you. It’s getting harder to stop.” He looked at me with desire and pain in his eyes.

  “So, don’t stop.” I rested my hand on the hard muscles of his chest. I could feel his pulse race below my fingertips. I watched as his pupils dilated.

  His eyes widened as he looked at me. “Are you sure? There’s no going back once we decide. I told you I wouldn’t pressure you into anything. I will give you all the time you need.” He wrapped his arms around my waist. It was as though he needed to touch me as much as I needed to touch him.

  I nodded. “I’m sure. I want you. I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I’ve wanted you. I feel connected to you on a deeper level. Make love to me, Leif.” I rubbed my hand down his arm. I wasn’t sure if I was making the right decision, but I was sure about Leif. I wanted him. I wanted to be with him forever.

  His breath caught at my last words. “It’s only been a few days.” Leif breathed. He took my hand in his.

  “I know, this is crazy. I’m yours forever. I’m ready to make it official. I’ve never felt like this toward anyone. I want you. The bonding is for life. Could we even fight it? You knew this already, didn’t you?” I squeezed his hand.

  “Yeah, but you didn’t I didn’t want you to be forced into a decision this important.” His eyes searched mine. I moved one hand to rub the taut muscles of his chest. His breathing quickened and I watched him bite his lip.

  “Why fight it anymore. I want you, Leif. Make love to me.” My voice was firm. I was done talking about this. I wanted to feel him, all of him. I wanted to be bonded with him forever. I knew it didn’t make sense. My brain usually controlled everything I did. This time I wanted to do whatever my heart desired.

  He lifted me up into his arms. He kissed me as he walked me to his bedroom. He lowered me gently down onto the bed. He kept kissing me as his weight pressed against me. I felt a surge up my body, relishing the feel of his strong body against mine. I gripped his bicep as his tongue explored every inch of my mouth. I wanted to taste more of him. I slid my hand up his shirt, splaying my fingers across his hard chest. I tugged at his shirt and he reached down to pull it over his head. I licked his nipple and latched on for a moment, biting him before letting go. I heard his breathing grow ragged as I licked and sucked his other nipple.

  He gave me a mischievous look before saying, “My turn.” He lifted my shirt above my head and used it to hold my arms in place. He unclasped my bra and took one nipple into his mouth. I felt a combination of tongue and teeth against my sensitive skin. I moaned against the sensations pulsing to my core. The need for him grew as he continued to lick and suck. I slid my hand past his waistband and rolled my thumb over his tip. His breath caught. “Careful, it’s been a little while. I want to take my time with you. It’s the only time we’ll get to bind our energy. I want to enjoy every second of it.” He licked my nipple again before moving back to my mouth.

  The need for him increased. My heart pounded in my chest. He unbuttoned my pants without parting from my lips. I wiggled my hips and tried to get my pants down. He laughed against my mouth and gazed into my eyes. I could see both desire and delight. “Anxious?” he asked. He got up on his knees and stared at me as he slid my pants down my thighs. He kissed my instep after pulling my pants free and throwing them behind him. I bit my lip in anticipation of what he’d do next. I gripped the sheet with one hand. I wanted to feel him. He kissed his way up the inside of my leg. He inhaled when he reached my panties. His teeth grazed my inner thigh and I squirmed and moaned at the pleasure licking through me. He slipped his finger over the band of my panties and slid them down painfully slowly. I couldn’t help but wiggle on the bed. I wanted to touch him so badly, but he was staying far enough away so I couldn’t touch him.

  “I can see the need in your eyes. It’s driving me crazy. Tell me what you want Kaira.” his voice was husky and deep as he spoke. My head swam as I felt his fingers slide between my legs. When his finger stroked just inside me, I moaned loudly. He stilled his hand. “What do you want Karia? I want to hear you say it.” He stroked again, slowly. I cried out in my desperation. He moved again, once twice, then stilled. “Kaira?” his voice was insistent. My thoughts were everywhere. His finger inside me, the buzzing going throughout my body. I wanted him.

  “You,” I breathed.

  “Just me? What do you want me to do?” he asked and flicked his finger.

  “Oh God, you, I want you inside me.” I called out. I wondered if Haskell was close. He would definitely hear me. Not sure why I thought of that now.

  He unzipped his pants and they were on the floor in seconds. He moved between my legs positioning himself. He dipped his head to suck on my nipple a
gain. I felt his tip rest at my core. I could feel every nerve in my body as he sucked on me. I scratched up his back. I couldn’t help it. I needed him. “Please,” I whimpered.

  His head moved to my mouth. His kiss was full of passion. His tip moved closer to where I needed him. I felt him pulse against me. I nipped his lip. He pulled back. “Is there something you want, Kaira?” His mouth spread into a playful smile. His eyes sparkled with mischief. He knew exactly what he was doing to me. I couldn’t believe he’d been able to hold out so long. It had been a while for me, too. I wanted him inside me so bad. My eyes pleaded. I bit my lip. He slipped in just a little.

  “Oh, please, Leif, please. I need to feel all of you.” I begged. I wasn’t a beggar, but he was toying with me. I needed him so bad and he knew it. He brushed his hand over my hair and stared deep into my eyes.

  “You ready?” he asked.

  “Oh God, Leif. I think we both know I’m more than ready.” I gripped his shoulders. I wiggled my hips against his hip. His breath caught at the friction I was creating.

  “I’m all yours, forever.” He slid himself to the hilt. I moaned. He filled me completely. He waited for my body to adjust to him before he started rocking. I clutched at him as he moved faster. Oh God, I was already hoovering on the brink. His hand dipped between my thighs and his finger stroked in rhythm with his thrusts. I pulled his mouth toward mine and kissed him. I gripped my hand in his hair. I could feel myself building fast. Oh God, he was so amazing. I didn’t want this feeling to end. I kissed him again. When he pulled away he looked down into my eyes.

  “Lock your hand with mine.” he said, taking my hand and intertwining our fingers.

  “Oh God, Leif I’m so close.” I whispered.

  “I know baby, I can feel you.” He quickened inside me. I clasped his hand harder. My other hand dug into his back. He let out a moan of his own. When my release came, I felt him at that same moment. We both called out at the same time. I rode out the orgasm as he pulsed inside me. Our hands stayed locked together.


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