Police Officer's Princess: A Single Dad, Brother's Best Friend, Police Officer Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 31)

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Police Officer's Princess: A Single Dad, Brother's Best Friend, Police Officer Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 31) Page 12

by Flora Ferrari

And now I’m so close to finally getting the only guy I ever wanted and his dad thinks I have some sinister plan to bring down their family? I mean yeah, I guess he needs to watch out for that sort of thing. His dad is rich and powerful, but Chance was never that way. He’s a policeman. He wouldn’t be doing that if he had a bunch of money.

  I catch myself. Of course he would. What am I thinking? That’s another reason why I feel the way I do about him. He does it because he wants to do it. He wants to rescue people and make the world a better place. Sometimes it seems like most people who get a lot of money use it to do nothing. Maybe Chance actually has it and now he’s using it to do something. If he has a safety net to fall back on it allows him to pursue his passion and give back to humanity. I mean, he’s not going to go hungry being a police officer, but he’s not going to get rich either. At least I don’t think so.

  I never really thought of the financial aspects of it all. All I ever thought about was him. I’d sign any paper or make any sworn statement that I had to to prove I wasn’t after him for anything else than just him. That’s all I ever wanted and that’s all I still want.

  Why can’t his father see that?

  Maybe it’s because he was absent from his life when he was younger. But maybe that’s the only solution for me right now too. To be absent.

  I haven’t actually been with Chance yet. And Charlotte and I haven’t really had time to bond either. Not nearly enough at least. His dad obviously doesn’t want me in the picture.

  Is that mean old man right? Does Chance need an older woman who’s more experienced than I am? A woman with a career of her own? One that doesn’t involve standing in dimly lit casinos every afternoon trying to scrape by? What kind of example is that for Charlotte? I mean I work hard, but I’m sure Chance’s dad doesn’t see it as something for his granddaughter to aspire to become.

  I slide down into the water submerging myself entirely. I feel like life is trying to drown me all of the sudden. I was riding high and now I’m not just crashing back down to earth…I’m plummeting to the depths of the ocean.

  I come back up and gasp for air.

  I have two options. I can stay and tough it out and battle his father for the rest of his life, causing conflict in not only Chance’s life but also his little girl’s. She’s been through too much already.




  The next day

  “I’m looking for Violet,” I say.

  “I’m sorry, sir, but we can’t confirm or deny the names of any would-be employees.”

  “It’s important. I can’t get ahold of her and I’m worried something might have happened to her.”

  The pit boss purses his lips. “I’m sorry. Like I said, we can’t give out any information. It’s the law.”

  I want to tell him I’m the law, dammit. Violet has suddenly gone dark and I haven’t been able to locate her. My only other options are to whip out my badge right now, check the police computers for a missing persons report, or call Vic and let him know.

  I don’t like the sound of any of those.

  I could give it another day and hope she turns up, but that’s definitely not my style. It’s not even an option. I’ve been in law enforcement long enough to know that time is of the essence in these sorts of matters.

  I doubt she’s missing, but I don’t know why she suddenly would just stop returning my calls.

  I feel for my badge in my pocket. I’m not letting her slip through the cracks.

  “Chance.” I hear my name and turn around.

  “Penelope. Hey, have you seen Violet?”

  “She just got here. She’s acting kind of weird. I think something’s wrong.”

  “Where is she now?”

  “She’s still in the back.”

  “Can I get back there?”

  “No, but let me see if I can get her to come out. Come with me.”

  We walk quickly towards a door that says Employees Only.

  “Wait for me here. I’ll be right back.”

  I don’t like this at all.

  I try and think what happened. What was it that could have made her suddenly go so cold? Why is she acting like this?

  It’s not something I said, because we haven’t spoken in an entire day. And it couldn’t have been something I did. We haven’t done anything since New Year’s Eve because we’ve both been working crazy long hours. What is it?

  A couple other employees pass by the door, looking at me like I’m some weirdo loitering. When they get closer to me they seem to change their tone and give me a wink. I’m not here for them. I’m here for Violet.

  I nod my head, but keep my lips pursed.

  I want to be friendly to Violet’s coworkers, but not encourage them to think I’m playing along with their flirting. They need to know I only have an interest in one woman, and that’s Violet. A woman judges a man partly by what her friends think, and right now I don’t need any negative vibes about me getting back to her like why am I stalking her outside the employees area? I’m obviously in the doghouse as it is. I don’t need to wind up stuck there for life.

  The door shuts behind the two workers, and then slowly opens. It’s as if whoever is inside is deciding if they want to come out or not.

  Finally when the door is half open I see her face. She’s looking down at the ground and it looks like she’s crying.

  “What’s wrong?” I say. I move in closer as she comes the rest of the way out of the door. I’m trying to read her…wondering if she’ll be accepting of the hug I can see she clearly needs right now and the one I’m dying to give her, or if it’s inappropriate since she’s at work.

  I can’t take it anymore. Etiquette be damned. I wrap her up in a big hug and feel the wetness from her tears against my chest. She hugs me back hard, and then her body goes limp. I don’t understand this hot and cold. It’s like she wants something and doesn’t at the same time and it’s killing me inside.

  “What’s wrong? Can you tell me?”

  “I’m transferring to Reno.”

  “What? No.”

  “There’s a Three Pyramids up there and they’re always looking for dealers. I’ll be up there in just a couple days.”

  “No. They can’t transfer you now.”

  “It’s okay. I can…learn how to ski. I hear they have great winter sports up in South Lake Tahoe. I’ll keep busy. I’ll be okay.”

  “Let me talk to your boss. Let me convince him to keep you here.”

  “It won’t help.”

  “At least let me try. I’m a good negotiator.”

  “It’s not my boss’ decision.”

  “Well then let me talk to the decision maker. I need to tell them this can’t happen.”

  She says nothing.

  “Help me Violet. Who can I talk to? Who made this decision that you should go up to Reno?”

  “I did.”



  There’s something about Chance that’s just so persuasive.

  He caught me just before I stepped into my boss’ office to request the transfer, so no damage was done.

  When my boss did call me in to ask what I wanted to talk about I just told him how much I enjoyed working at the Three Pyramids and how great everything was.

  I may have come across as a bit of a brown-noser, but that’s not too bad considering the alternative.

  But the real question is is this a solution or just a Band-Aid? I’ll stay in Vegas for now but what happens the next time I have a run-in with his dad and those bodyguards of his? I’m guessing he won’t take to kindly to having to repeat himself.

  But I don’t want to tell Chance. But by staying with him I doubt this will all just blow over.

  Why do things have to be so complicated?

  And my brother still doesn’t even know.

  What’s up with men in the first place? Why are they so territorial like lions on the Serengeti? Vic would try and keep me f
rom Chance although it’s not like he has any say over what I do with my own life. And on the other hand Chance’s dad will try to keep me from him, although he doesn’t really have any say in Chance’s life. It almost seems like men had it easier back in the jousting days.

  I laugh at the idea of Chance on a horse jousting his father and my brother. But then I imagine Chance as a knight…my knight. My knight in shining armor on a white horse. I would welcome getting swooped up by that knight and his horse any day. And if he had a unicorn for me to ride alongside him? Even better.

  But life isn’t a fantasy. Life is real and this blossoming relationship has real problems.

  The next one happens tonight. How do I explain to him that I’m…well…inexperienced?

  He’s lined up a sitter for Charlotte and we’re going out tonight. I assume he’s not going to just drop me off after dinner, but how do I live up to the expectations he probably has for me?

  I hear my doorbell ring and pull the curtain back. There he is. He looks so good in that white button down and those slacks that we don’t even need to go to dinner. We could just stay in and devour each other.

  But I’m not ready for that. First thing’s first, and that’s how to break it to him that I want him to be my first, last, and only lover.



  I slide the keycard into the door and hold it open for Violet.

  Dinner was amazing, but I still have room for dessert…and by dessert I mean that juicy booty of hers that walks past me right now and into the suite I rented for this evening.

  I can’t remember the last time I went all out for an evening, but it sure feels good. Making her feel good makes me feel good. I like to be able to provide for my woman…financially, emotionally, and physically.

  And we’re getting really close to the physical part.

  I think about what it’s going to be like to touch her, feel her, and taste her. I haven’t been with a woman in three years, and that woman was my wife.

  There are still a lot of feelings there, and I can’t deny those, but Violet has made me feel something different…something new.

  It’s not that being with Violet will help me move on. To feel that way would be to think she’s a rebound or a stepping-stone towards my own personal healing.

  It’s not like that at all. Violet isn’t a stepping-stone…she’s the whole path that is my future.

  I know what we’re building can take us far and long. And that’s what I want with this woman. The woman I’m about to make mine.

  “Care if I freshen up for a second?”

  I grab her ass hard and squeeze, sending her up on her tiptoes.

  “Oh!” she says.

  “Don’t be long,” I say.

  She walks into the bathroom before turning to face me. She’s got both hands on the side of the door and she’s peaking around it. The thin strap on her red dress is slowly inching off her shoulder.

  Part of me wants to slide my hand along her collarbone and help it along its path off her body. Another part of me wants to grab her dress by the front and rip it in half, tearing into her like the best present I ever received…birthdays be damned.

  I walk into the room and survey the suite.

  It’s nine thousand square feet of opulence that would make any billionaire jealous. I’d heard of the Sky Villa at the Palms when it first opened, but I certainly never thought I’d be staying there. Thankfully we had a guy at the station who left to work as the head of security for the Palms so he got me the room for tonight at one heck of a deal which was a huge help. It allowed me to budget more towards dinner and the extra rose petal service I added to the room. I couldn’t wait to see her face when she saw them all over the bed laid out in the shape of a heart. I didn’t want to be too aggressive at first, but how could she resist a rose petal heart on her bed for our first time?

  And when we were finished there was our own private open-air pool with a view of the city. I could alternate between looking at her body, which I knew was going to be absolutely stunning, and the incredible view of the entire city. All the magazines had called it the best view in the entire state…but they hadn’t been there in that pool with her.

  And neither had I, yet, but damn I was ready. I was ready for everything tonight.

  But just as much as I was in a hurry to dive right in, I was also ready to take my time. I wanted to get to know each and every curve of her body…each and every nuance that makes her who she is. I wanted to watch those tiny hairs on her body rise and fall only to rise again as I took her on a roller coaster of physical passion.

  And I was ready for it all. The slow build up. The speed. The twists and turns. The big drop that sends your heart racing at a million miles an hour and makes it feel like it’s beating in-between your ears. And the smooth climax and the feeling of safety and satisfaction at the end.

  I wanted it all. I hear the doorknob turn and realize it all starts right now.



  I take a slow deep breath in and blow it out. I raise my chin and pull my shoulders back. I take a step forward and exit the bathroom.

  Chance’s jaw hits the floor. “You…are…incredible, beautiful.”

  I didn’t know how to approach this moment so I did the most natural thing I could think of, with a touch of class.

  I take a step towards him in my stilettos, the only thing I’ve got on. I’m completely naked, waxed, and have my hair pulled back. I want everything on display and is it ever.

  I can feel the entire spectrum of light from the city coming in and illuminating my body. Red, blue, yellow, and green rays cover me like I’m in some kind of fantasy. It makes me feel powerful and almost otherworldly. It’s like I’m in some sort of fantasy, a totally different dimension between what’s real and what’s not.

  And the biggest reason why is him. After all these years I can’t believe this is finally happening, and it couldn’t be more perfect.

  Chance doesn’t move as I continue my catwalk towards him. His eyes run up and down my body while my eyes lock onto his.

  He looks euphoric as he takes in the sight of me. His posture, presence, and the way he stands there taking up space like he owns the entire hotel telegraph the amount of pleasure he’s experiencing…and how much he’s anticipating all the things he’s going to do to me. It’s turning me on like crazy, but nothing can get me wetter than when I see his pupils dilate from his subconscious and animalistic expression of his need for me displayed right there on his face. The way he looks at me with such desire is the sexiest thing on earth.

  I feel wanted. Lusted after. Powerful. I’m not used to it, and I’m not sure I ever could be. But I’m sure up for trying. And trying starts tonight. With him.

  I continue walking powerfully towards him. Earlier in the night it felt like I might fall, but with this sudden adrenaline rush I feel like I’m parting the sea and I’m floating right to him.

  I stop just short of him and run my index finger along the middle of his shirt right down the line from his chest to his stomach. It doesn’t take much to find it or to trace it. His muscles are so well defined and I can’t wait to follow the path all the way down, to the ultimate prize between his legs.

  His hand comes up and caresses my cheek. His fingertips are strong, his touch light. The contrast of this big man caressing me like I’m a delicate flower sends the tiny hairs on my arm up on end.

  He leans in slightly placing his nose by the side of my neck. He inhales slowly as his eyes close in rhythm to his breath.

  “You smell like perfection. Like a light flower garden to my dark forest. Like the refreshing spring rain to my heavy, thick thunderstorm. And you smell like heat. Like lust. Like passion.”

  I’m shocked at the words coming from his mouth. I had no idea he was so eloquent…no clue a man like this could express himself so fluidly and passionately while still remaining masculine. It’s the way the words come off his lips. How they
begin deep within his diaphragm and resonate through his chest making their way up from his throat and finally to the air where my ears suck them up like a single flower in the middle of the desert.

  It’s so much sexier when it’s unexpected, honest, and from a place so deep that it causes my back to arch as I stand here.

  He leans in closer and I feel his cheek brush against mine.

  Should I pull back and tell him this is my first time? Tell him I’ve been waiting my entire life for this moment?


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