Trickle Up Poverty: Stopping Obama’s Attack on Our Borders, Economy, and Security

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Trickle Up Poverty: Stopping Obama’s Attack on Our Borders, Economy, and Security Page 3

by Michael Savage

  The more we learn about the way Pelosi is running Congress, the more we see we’re living in an oligarchy, not a democracy. This is why the Tea Party movement is ready to throw the bums out. They know the local undertaker could do a better job representing them than Madame Pelosi, a monarch in her own mind, who’s hell-bent on passing a socialist agenda that doesn’t resemble the America they know.

  The America they love.

  The America they must now fight to defend.

  From J. Crew to Screw You

  When Michelle Obama was on the campaign trail with her husband, the press fawned over her thrifty, budget-conscious attire. Much was written about her contentment with a J. Crew wardrobe and the fact that her husband Barack wore suits right off the rack—as if they were an average American couple watching every nickel to make ends meet. You know, the kind of frugal people just living paycheck to paycheck who’d clean up the pork in Washington.

  What’s more, Michelle gave us the “I’m-no-different-than-you-I-wasn’t-born-with-a-silver-spoon-in-my-mouth” speech when she told a crowd on the campaign trail, “There’s a lot of people talking about elitism and all of that. But let me tell you who Barack and me are, so that you are not confused. Yeah, I went to Princeton and Harvard, but the lens through which I see the world is the lens that I grew up with. I am the product of a working-class upbringing.”8

  That charade lasted maybe five minutes after Michelle’s husband landed in the White House.

  Virtually overnight, as if she were suddenly royalty, Michelle was sporting a handmade Naeem Khan dress and a pair of Bochic earrings valued at more than $5,000. Five grand for earrings? My first car cost less than that. And, what does the Empress of America spend on a staff of twenty-six personal assistants?! The First Lady wasn’t elected and has no official duties, and yet she certainly enjoys the trappings of royalty; or should I say the life of a Czarina?

  Let’s set aside the cost of her full-time personal makeup artist and hairdresser. If she feels the need for some help in that department, fine. But let’s look at the list of servants: there’s Michelle’s Chief of Staff who, at $172,200 a year, makes more than some bank presidents. Add to that a Director of Policy and Projects for the First Lady at $140,000, a Director of Communications at $102,000, a Deputy Chief of Staff to the First Lady at $90,000, and a Director and Press Secretary to the First Lady who makes $84,000. Should I go on?

  How about $75,000 for a Director of Scheduling, $70,000 for a Deputy Director of Policy and Projects (since when is the First Lady involved in making policy decisions?), another $65,000 for a Deputy Director/Deputy Social Secretary—she’s got two of them, $62,000 for someone to coordinate her events, $60,000 for a trip director—again, she’s got two of them probably because she’s planning lots of trips at your expense—and that’s just a partial list.

  When taken together, Czarina Michelle’s twenty-six-person staff costs taxpayers $1.75 million dollars, excluding the cost of their elite benefits package.9 You might wonder what benefit you’re getting for that. But wait, there’s more. Much more. That figure doesn’t include the necessary Secret Service detail or the White House staff of servants who must cater to her every whim—whether she’s serving wagyu steak valued at $100/pound at a White House cocktail party,10 or motoring around Paris in a twenty-car caravan with her daughters for a weeklong European vacation while visiting all the “must-see” sites.11

  I imagine she’s proud for the first time in her life to be an American tourist.

  Look, I understand how things work. Laura Bush was no penny-pincher, either. She had a sizable staff as well, although not as large and her tab was about $700,000 less than what Michelle is dropping. But both are out of line to spend taxpayer money to that extent while the economy is in a tail-spin, that’s all. As one commentator pointed out, “Mary Lincoln was taken to task for purchasing china for the White House during the Civil War. And Mamie Eisenhower had to shell out the salary for her personal secretary.”12

  Where’s the fiscal restraint from our First Lady?

  Why aren’t the Obamas leading by example?

  Whatever happened to president-elect Obama’s call to Americans to make personal sacrifices? While on national television, Obama proclaimed, “Everybody’s going to have to give. Everybody’s going to have to have some skin in the game.”13 Remember that one? Or, how about this: President Obama, having just tripled our national debt, had the audacity to say, “After a decade of profligacy, the American people are tired of politicians who talk the talk but don’t walk the walk when it comes to fiscal responsibility. It’s easy to get up in front of the cameras and rant about exploding deficits. What’s hard is getting deficits under control—but that’s what we must do.”14

  We must do?

  “We” who?

  We—not he, obviously.

  Of course, this nice little teleprompted speech begs the difficult question: If the Spender in Chief can’t get the First Lady to pare down her bloated budget, how can the man be taken seriously when he claims he wants to cut wasteful government spending? What happened to walking the walk? He’s lecturing us about fiscal responsibility while tripling the federal budget deficit and increasing our national debt by $1.9 trillion. In fact, according to the Economics Editor of the United Kingdom Telegraph newspapers, Edmund Conway, “under the Obama administration’s current fiscal plans, the national debt in the US (on a gross basis) will climb to above 100pc of GDP by 2015—a far steeper increase than almost any other country.”15

  But there’s a much more insidious dimension to all of this.

  I’m talking about Michelle Obama’s vision of the future, which, no doubt, has been shaped by the man she married—along with the indoctrination of her leftist professors at Harvard and Princeton. As I’ll document in the next chapter, Barack Obama is a Red Diaper Doper Baby (RDDB); a full-fledged Marxist-Leninist. As such, he and Michelle are moving us toward a two-class society common in socialist nations: the ruling class and the workers. This explains why Michelle will never cut her staff or spending. As a newly arrived member of the ruling class, she believes she’s entitled to it.

  Her extravagance and hypocrisy haven’t gone unnoticed by the people. America is breaking under the weight of one of the deepest recessions in our history and they wonder how Michelle can take a pleasure jaunt to the Eiffel Tower. How can she have the audacity to take a million-dollar vacation when people all across America are losing their jobs and their homes? In the end, this, too, will backfire. The taxpayers don’t like seeing their hard-earned money being wasted.

  The taxpayers don’t consider themselves second-class.

  The taxpayers don’t like being lied to.

  The taxpayers don’t want a First Lady who fashions herself as Czarina.

  This Land is His Land

  As I write, Obama’s czars are eyeing one of the largest federal land-grabs in history. Their target? That depends. A confidential internal government document stamped “NOT FOR RELEASE” somehow found the light of day. In it, Obama’s henchmen identified fourteen sites in nine states spanning millions of acres primarily in the west. With the stroke of a pen, bypassing both public and congressional consent, Obama plans to designate thousands of square miles as “National Monuments.” This Soviet-style mandate by fiat would prohibit any development of millions of acres rich in timber, clean coal, gold, minerals, natural gas, and other vital resources.

  Translation: States and local communities will lose jobs and tax revenues.

  Can Obama do that?

  Can Barack the Buccaneer use the powers of government to shutdown the natural resources of individual states? Technically speaking, yes. Hiding behind the Antiquities Act, this president—who promised an open and transparent government—can use his executive power to hijack and yank the land out from underneath a state and turn it into a national monument in the name of “conservaaaaation.”

  As you well know, this seizure of property deprives ranchers, miners, and other
s in the energy development business the opportunity to make a living. How will they support themselves when energy production, ranching, and mining grind to a halt? What does Comrade Obama think they’ll do for work?

  Become community organizers?

  The pirating of public land has been done before, most notably by Bill Clinton in 1996. President Clinton took a break from getting a Lewinsky in the Oval Office long enough to place 1.3 million acres in southern Utah in a federal lockbox, permanently making the land off-limits to current or future exploration and development. Almost a decade later, the people of Utah are still furious and, upon hearing about Obama’s plans, have further reason to distrust and fear their government. Gary Wilcox, a resident of Utah, remembers what went down the last time around: “I keep thinking about what President Clinton did to us … came in here, snuck in here, did the land-grab. I can see that happening right now.”16

  Obama’s land-grab by the feds is another example of what he must have been thinking when he announced, “We are going to roll up our sleeves and we are going to remake this country, block by block, neighborhood by neighborhood, county by county, state by state.”17 Remake the country? By the looks of how he’s operating, Obama’s real agenda is to “take over the country” acre by acre.

  Some two hundred years ago, James Madison, the fourth President of the United States, warned about the kind of intrusion on freedom and liberty currently “under review” by the forty-fourth president. Madison said: “Since the general civilization of mankind, I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpations.”18

  Isn’t that precisely what Obama’s Leninist-like behavior is doing? Behind closed doors, out of public scrutiny, he is orchestrating another “silent encroachment” against the people of this republic. He’s been very careful to do his dirty work behind the scenes rather than resort to the violence Madison mentioned—at least for now. But one has to wonder what the true purpose of Obama’s proposed militia may ultimately be. Or didn’t you hear about that one? Unless you were listening to my show at the time, you’re probably be in the dark. Maybe two newspapers reported his statement.

  Here’s what this Lenin-wannabe said in the early days at a campaign stop in Colorado Springs, Colorado:

  We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded19 [emphasis added].

  Don’t we already have a National Guard? Don’t we already have the FBI, DEA, TSA, park rangers, state troopers, sheriffs, and local cops in all fifty states? What’s the man talking about? Is he working toward the creation of a police state? The fact of the matter is that Obama’s plan to create some sort of domestic army that is “just as powerful” as our military is reminiscent of a certain German in the 1930s who had his own brownshirts. Or have you forgotten that world leaders down through the ages have created their version of a “national security force”?

  Remember the KGB, the Gestapo, or the Praetorian Guard?

  Look, I know this might sound far-fetched. But wasn’t it Obama’s pal and handpicked czar, Ron Bloom, who said, “We kinda agree with Mao Zedong that power comes largely from the barrel of a gun”?20 There you have it. What more do you need? This Leninist-Marxist administration turns to Chairman Mao, the butcher of China—an evil dictator responsible for the deaths of more than sixty million people—for inspiration. The more we learn about Obama, the more we see he envisions an oligarchy, not a democracy.

  This land-grab by the feds is causing the people to brace for tyranny. They know only the people can stop it. I’m afraid there’s very little time left.

  The people Speak Up

  As I wrote in my bestseller, Liberalism is a Mental Disorder, the sheeple will not walk around forever with a zipper on their mouths while the left systematically dismantles our great nation and everything that gave rise to this shining enterprise of freedom. The middle class has awakened. They see clearly what is happening to them and they don’t like it.

  They resent the arrogance of their leaders.

  They are livid over the intrusion into their personal freedoms.

  Their wallets are on life-support.

  They detest illegal aliens getting free medical care and other social “services.” And the last thing they want is for the country to end up like Greece—bankrupt! What’s more, they understand America is embroiled in a crisis that threatens democracy. They know what must be done. Which is why they’re turning up in record numbers to elect constitutionalists—or run against incumbents for office.

  The elections in New Jersey, Virginia, and Massachusetts have sent a tsunami shock of voter outrage right to the doorsteps of Washington, D.C. The politicians on both sides of the aisle are saying they hear us—there’s something going on in the land that they cannot control. Even after Obama descended from his throne to campaign heavily in these three states for the Democratic candidate, the trio of Democrats lost. It was a stunning trifecta of defeat.

  Meanwhile, history was made on Long Island, New York, where the citizens handed their State Assembly seat to forty-five-year-old Dean Murray, a local businessman and Tea Party organizer. Murray is the first Tea Party supporter to take office since the movement began. Reflecting on his victory, Murray said, “What this movement is about is ordinary citizens, taxpayers, hard working people who have just had enough … we want fiscal responsibility. We want accountability from our political leaders, and we want personal responsibility.”21

  I think it’s safe to say Murray won’t be joyriding on Air Force aircraft.

  He’s not the only Tea Partier jumping into politics at the local level for the first time. As Fox News reports, “A plethora of Tea Party followers are now running in Republican primaries across the country, either for open seats or challenging incumbents in Alabama, California, Illinois, Michigan, Mississippi, Ohio, Texas, Utah and elsewhere.”22 Moreover, a number of those currently in power are quitting or changing parties rather than face certain unemployment.

  Arlen Specter comes to mind.

  As a Republican turncoat, Specter voted in favor of Obama’s reckless $800 billion stimulus package. That didn’t sit well with the people of Pennsylvania. Faced with a crushing primary challenge by Pat Toomey, a former business owner who, at one point, held a twenty-point lead in a race for Specter’s seat, Specter ducked and ran for cover, switching his party affiliation to Demoncat.

  It’s encouraging to see the Tea Party holding conservative candidates accountable when, for example, they unseated a three-term RINO (Republican In Name Only) in Utah, Republican Bob Bennett. By the time this book rolls off the press, no doubt there will be others who will be given a much-needed boot from office. In other words, the Tea Party is working. How? By holding Washington elites accountable for their fiscal irresponsibility with the threat of unemployment. As a WorldNetDaily commentator points out, “tea partiers now play the role of Red Army commissars who sat at machine guns behind their own troops to shoot down any soldier who retreated or ran. Republicans who sign on to tax hikes cannot go home again. 23

  I say more power to them.

  The Mad-Hatter’s Tea Party

  Even a blind man can see that the Tea Party movement has changed the political landscape of the country. The evolution of the Tea Party movement has probably been the most important political development in the last two years. Much of its initial success has to do with the purity of the party. By that, I mean it’s neither a Republican nor Democrat movement. It’s organic. It’s autonomous. It’s of the people. And it transcends traditional labels or party affiliations.

  The movement gained strength because, at its heart, this is a center-right country. Regardless of prior political party affiliation, the middle class has joined hands to stop the left-wing onslaught by the most powerful,
most dictatorial president this country has ever seen. But I want to help you see what’s going on. I want you to see how the Tea Party movement is being co-opted and gobbled up primarily by the Republican Party, the beltway boys, the neo-conservatives, and the old boys in checked pants.

  Take Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele. Much like the snake in the Garden of Eden who tempted Adam and Eve to go over to the dark side, which they did and now we’re paying for that lapse of judgment, Steele has made a number of tempting overtures to various leaders of the Tea Party movement in order to co-opt it.

  Oh, sure, Steele talks a good game. After inviting and meeting with fifty or so Tea Party leaders deep within the belly of the RNC Headquarters, Steele said, “We share a common purpose in stopping President Obama’s agenda and standing up for principles such as smaller government, lower taxes, free enterprise, and the Constitution.”24 Sounds good on paper.

  Don’t be deceived.

  Don’t let this Republican charmer trick you.

  What Steele and the old guard within the GOP fears most is that the Tea Party movement will, as Senator Orrin Hatch—another Republican RINO—put it, “fractionalize the Republican Party.”25 I say it’s time to pull out the Savage Decoder Ring. What Steele and Hatch really care about is maintaining their power and control of the GOP. They’re scared because of the emerging conservative versus establishment split. They’re looking over their shoulders at the Tea Party movement fearful that true conservative candidates will emerge and unseat their more moderate buddies in office.

  Then there’s Sarah Palin.

  I personally think she’s a good woman. I think her heart is in the right place when it comes to this country. But she’s dead wrong about the Tea Party movement. She fails to see that this is a movement made up of people driven by core principles, principles valued above any party affiliation. Am I being unfair? Here’s what the former Governor of Alaska told a crowd in Little Rock, Arkansas: “Now the smart thing will be for independents who are such a part of this Tea Party movement to, I guess, kind of start picking a party.”


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