For Your Love

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For Your Love Page 22

by Caine, Candy

  “Apology accepted. So, tell me, who is Amber Bennington?”

  “I’m a physical therapist major, finishing next spring. I’m hoping to get a clinical residency in Orthopedics. What about you, Dillon?”

  “I’m in my fourth year of the DVM program, specializing in surgery.”

  “That’s a Doctor of Veterinarian Medicine, right?”

  He nodded, smiling.

  “That’s super.”

  “You like animals?”

  “Who doesn’t?” Amber replied emphatically. “Sometimes, I wished the world were inhabited by animals, rather than people who acted like animals.”

  “Me, too,” he said, nodding. “Dogs, especially, give unconditional love. They don’t care who you are or how you look.”

  A loud collective cheer erupted around them, drowning out all further conversation.

  The rally had begun and Amber and Dillon were quickly swept up into the excitement.

  * * *

  After the rally, Dillon asked Amber if she’d like to meet him at the library the following afternoon. They could study together and then afterward, perhaps have some dinner. Dillon seemed nice and studying at the library sounded okay with her, so she agreed. Being just friends with him would be acceptable, she reasoned, thinking about her mother’s antipathy to white men.

  Amber had never dated a white guy. Her mother had often told her that white boys tended to only want to play with black girls. Mainly, they wanted to have a taste of the “sweet brown sugar”— not marry them. When she was growing up, Amber hardly ever came in contact with white boys, so her mother’s philosophy was moot. It wasn’t until she entered Ohio State University that she encountered them, and though they seemed pleasant enough, she still kept her distance. Actually, she remained aloof from everyone, studying more than trying to attract dates.

  Now that she met Dillon, Amber found herself concerned over her own actions and not his. She was very attracted to him. There was something about him that made him quite appealing. Was it because he was supposedly the “forbidden fruit” her mother had warned her against? She tried to convince herself it was only because she hadn’t dated in a long time, but that didn’t work. Worst of all her mental arguments made her think about him more. Her mind replayed a picture of Dillon over and over again in her head as she changed into her pajamas and got ready for bed. She kept visualizing his eyes—so vividly green, unlike any color she’d ever seen on a person before. And when he smiled at her, she tingled inside. And it was a sensation Amber liked.

  Dillon had walked her all the way to her dorm. He had said goodnight and given her an innocent peck on the cheek. Amber’s heart tripped as she watched him walk away. It was apparent that he had no ulterior intentions. She wondered why she was a bit disappointed. Maybe he only wanted to be friends. That’s what she wanted too, wasn’t it? That would take the decision and worry out of her hands. She went inside and found the dorm empty — not that she was surprised. Shawna often didn’t come back after a date.

  Amber slipped into bed. The feel of Dillon’s lips seemed imprinted on her cheek. She could hardly sleep that night knowing that she was going to meet Dillon the following afternoon.

  * * *

  Shawna was back in the dorm by the time Amber returned from breakfast at the cafeteria the next day.

  “You’re first getting back from last night?” Amber asked, realizing it was a stupid question, one that she regretted the moment the words left her mouth.

  “When did you become such a mother hen, Amber?”

  Amber pursed her lips. “Sorry, didn’t mean to come off like that.”

  Then Shawna was all smiles. “Last night, I met this guy named Steve. He comes from Cincinnati. And from what I saw at the rally, you didn’t do too badly, yourself.”

  Amber began to tell her about Dillon, but Shawna yawned and leaned back on her bed. A moment later, she was sound asleep. Amber rolled her eyes and grinned at her roommate. She stuffed her books into her messenger bag, grabbed her coat and purse, and left for the library to meet Dillon. On the way, she called her mother to say hello, knowing that Aretha liked to hear from her at least once a week.

  She wanted to tell her mother about Dillon, but thought better of it. Aretha would ask her a hundred questions about him. Amber feared letting on that he was white and having her jump to conclusions, before preparing her. Then again, chances were she and Dillon would remain just friends, so why distress the woman in the first place? So they had the usual conversation. Amber was studying hard and her grades were good. Aretha was fine and already at work. It was a brief conversation and they said goodbye.

  When Amber arrived at the library’s front door Dillon was already there. He greeted her with a bright smile, which immediately sent warmth through her body.

  “Somehow, I knew you’d be early,” he said. “Personally, I couldn’t wait to see you again—to finish our conversation.”

  “Maybe I just couldn’t wait to dive into the books.”

  He chortled. “Yeah, tell me another whopper.”

  “I don’t know, I thought I was pretty convincing.”

  They went inside to a study area and sat down facing each other at a table. It was hard to keep her mind on anything else, but him, but Aretha’s words about white boys echoed in Amber’s head forcing her to concentrate on her work.

  With taking only one break they studied all afternoon. More than once, Amber caught her mind wandering and found herself focusing more on the rugged good looks of her study partner than her work. She had to constantly remind herself that she only wanted to be his friend and nothing more. Graduation, acceptance first into the orthopedic clinical residency and then a job at a good rehab center or hospital was her endgame. But that wasn’t what truly mattered most. Getting her mother into a better neighborhood and helping her retire was.

  Afterward, they had burgers and fries at a small pub. As they were eating, someone fed some coins into the jukebox. Subconsciously, Amber began to move to the beat.

  “You seem into the music. I’ll bet you like to dance, too,” Dillon said.

  Her face heated. She hadn’t realized she was moving to the music. She tamped down her embarrassment. “I love to dance.”

  He grinned. “That’s good to know, because I do, too.”

  “What else do you like to do?”

  “I like to ski. Have you ever gone skiing?”

  “No. Which is probably a good thing. I’d hate to break a leg,” she replied glibly.

  Dillon chuckled. “You don’t always break a leg, you know. It’s not a requisite.”

  Amber smiled. She then changed the subject. “I meant to ask, do you come from Ohio?”

  “No. I’m originally from Mooreland, Indiana, which is a small farming area.”

  “I wouldn’t take you for a farmer.”

  “I’m not. My father is.”

  Amber couldn’t help but notice the subtle change in his tone. “You sound angry.”

  “I haven’t spoken to my father in nearly seven years.”

  “That must be awful. My mother expects a call from me once a week. If I miss a call, I get one from her and a good scolding. Would I be overstepping if I asked you what happened between you and your father to cause such a rift?”

  “Before I answer, let me ask you a question,” Dillon said.

  “Sure.” Amber took a sip of her beer.

  “How does your mother feel about your becoming a physical therapist?”

  “She thinks it’s a great idea. Why do you ask?”

  “Did you choose to be a physical therapist or was it her suggestion?”

  “It was mine.” Amber began to sense where this conversation was heading.

  “At least your mother didn’t decide how you were going to live your life. She gave you the chance to decide what you wanted to become.” Dillon’s handsome face clouded.

  “Didn’t your father want you to become a veterinary doctor?”

  “Not by a lo
ng shot. His grand scheme was for me to take over the farm when he retired. You see, I come from a long line of farmers. I had an older brother in the reserves who was killed in Afghanistan, though his body was never recovered.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Amber didn’t know what else to say.

  “Yeah. My big brother, Sean, was a good guy,” Dillon said, his eyes misting. He took a moment and sipped his beer before continuing. “After his death, it fell to me to keep the farm in the family and when I told my dad I wanted to become a veterinarian, he laughed. He didn’t understand that I didn’t share his love of the land. Because my dreams were different from his, our relationship grew strained, and finally, irrevocably cut when I was accepted to Ohio State.”

  “How awful. Your dad sounds like a very stubborn man. You’d think he’d come around by now.”

  “Stubborn isn’t the word. Not only didn’t my father come around, he disowned me.”

  Amber was horrified. It would be awful if her mother ever disowned her. She reached over and laid her hand over his. “That’s harsh.”

  “I don’t care that he even cut me out of his will. That part I could live with. But the fact that he refuses to recognize me as his son truly hurts. You see, my old man won’t even talk to me.”

  “I can’t believe he hasn’t seen or spoken to you in so many years.”

  “Believe me. I must have tried to contact him at least a hundred times.”

  “I do. But, how does your mother feel about this?” Amber asked.

  “My mother died from cancer when I was thirteen. All I have left is my dad.” Dillon’s voice was rough with emotion. Amber felt his pain as her heart immediately went out to him.

  “I’m so sorry, Dillon.” She gently squeezed his hand.

  He grimaced. “Me, too, but it doesn’t change a thing.”

  “So, how do you pay for school?”

  “My grandfather left me a trust fund, which my father can’t touch. I knew he’d never allow me to go to school, let alone pay for it, so I’ve been living off of that and do some tutoring on the side to raise extra money.”

  “If it weren’t for my scholarship I wouldn’t be here, either.”

  “You know…I’ve wanted to become a veterinarian ever since my pet turtle died. He knew that. Why couldn’t he understand?”

  Amber shook her head. She could see how committed Dillon was just by looking into his eyes. She felt the same commitment, but was lucky her mother had encouraged her. “They say that time heals all wounds. Hopefully, when you start to practice, your father will come around. He’ll see how happy you are treating sick animals and understand it’s a good thing. A thought just occurred to me.”

  “What’s that?” Dillon asked.

  “On your farm, did you have any animals?”

  “I know why you’re asking. It’s not that kind of farm. The only animals raised are hogs for slaughter. Basically, the farm produces soybeans and grain corn.”

  “So I take it your father really never used a veterinarian to care for the hogs.”

  Dillon shook his head. He took one last sip of his beer and put down the mug. “This conversation has become too damn depressing. Let’s get out of here. I feel like dancing and know just the place.”

  The place that Dillon had in mind wasn’t too far away. It was a step up from the usual type of bar found near a college and didn’t look too seedy. It catered to an older crowd and its jukebox played generally quieter music.

  Amber was still trying to wrap her mind around Dillon’s bad relationship with his father, when he led her to the small dance floor and wrapped his arms around her. She wasn’t at all ready for the rush of sensations that quickly enveloped her. When was the last time she felt this way with a guy? Every time his eyes met hers, her heart turned over.

  They were moving to a slow dance. Dillon held her close—so close she wasn’t sure whose heart she felt beating. She found his cheek soft and his after shave quite pleasant smelling. It reminded her of freshly laundered towels. She nearly laughed at her silly comparison, but the thought didn’t stifle her desire to snuggle and rub her face in his neck. What the devil was wrong with her? She shouldn’t have such thoughts about him. And yet, she couldn’t stop her heart from thudding in her chest.

  The song ended, but Dillon didn’t release her. They stood there on the dance floor staring deeply into one another’s eyes for a beat. Her heart fluttered and her pulse skittered alarmingly. Then Dillon lowered his head and gently brushed his lips against hers.

  Though the kiss was nothing more than a whisper, all her senses leapt to life. The touch of his mouth on hers was electrifying and she moved toward him, impelled involuntarily to kiss him back. He was so close now that she could feel the bulge of his erection and wanted to rub herself against it.

  Just then a student named Joe from one of her classes tapped Dillon on his shoulder. “Hi, can I cut in?”

  Amber was ready to say no, but Dillon cleared his throat. “Sure, man, but, don’t forget she’s saving the last dance for me.”

  “Okay,” Joe said. “I get it. Just this one dance.”

  In a way, Amber was glad that Joe had asked her to dance. She had nearly lost her way.

  Dillon’s kisses had been quite disturbing and upset her balance. Her attraction to him was unwise—something her mother would never approve of.

  But when the dance with Joe ended, Amber was back in Dillon’s arms once more as another slow song started to play. She was once again inhaling his sweetly intoxicating musk. Damn. His closeness was like a drug, lulling her to euphoria. Her feet seemed to be drifting along on a cloud.

  Dillon kissed the top of her head. Amber turned to face him and his lips covered hers. A familiar shiver of awareness rippled through her. Slowly, they moved to the music in a tight circle, her body clasped firmly to his. She could feel his uneven breathing on her cheek and all she could think about was touching Dillon. All thoughts of her mother were gone.

  Amber shifted her body slightly so she could rub against Dillon’s growing erection. A moment later, he whispered into her ear. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Again Dillon walked Amber to her dorm door. Only this time he didn’t kiss her cheek. He drew her close. His gaze was as soft as a caress causing a surge of excitement to pass through her. Gently, he lifted the hair from her neck and kissed her exposed skin. This turned the excitement into a dizzying current and she nearly swooned as his mouth found hers.

  Hastily she opened the door to her room and no sooner was it closed than Dillon had her pressed against the door, his hard body imprinting hers. It was no innocent kiss. It was a full throttle assault on her mouth by his lips and tongue. If he hadn’t been holding her tightly, her rubbery legs would have collapsed and taken her down. Amber had been kissed, but never like this before. Every nerve in her body was awakened and her emotions whirled and skidded. What few thoughts she still possessed spun wildly out of control.

  They came up for air, but it was Amber who possessed the burning desire, an aching need, for another kiss and to touch him. It was she who pressed her open mouth to his and rubbed the bulge of his erection eliciting a guttural sound from Dillon.

  In one fluid motion, Dillon pushed up her skirt and pulled down her panties. He cupped her breast through her clothes and kissed her, his tongue plunging deeply into her mouth as he slid two fingers into her slick opening, his thumb rubbing her clitoris.

  Raven fumbled with his belt and zipper as he continued to stroke her sex. He pushed up her top and slipped his hand under her bra, kneading her nipple between his thumb and finger. Amber moaned in pleasure, but his mouth on her hers stifled it. Finally, with the rasp of his zipper, she freed his throbbing cock. Somehow he’d retrieved a condom and tore open the foiled packet with his teeth. As he hastily sheathed himself, Amber stepped out of her panties. She could no longer wait to feel him inside.

  He lifted up one of her legs so that she was half-straddling him. With a grunt and a swift thrust, Di
llon pushed deeply into her, causing her to gasp in pleasure. Then grabbing her butt and lifting her, he began to pump furiously.

  Amber nearly cried out as he ground into her. The clitoral stimulation drove her pleasure into hyper drive causing her to match his urgency with her own fervent needs. Their lips collided with savage intensity as he continued to pump into her. Amber felt her body begin to melt from the inside as one wave of ecstasy washed over her after another. She’d never experienced an orgasm as intense as this one. Dillon continued to thrust into her for several more minutes until she felt his body stiffen as he emitted a low guttural sound from somewhere deep inside his throat.

  A thud against the door as a student stumbled and hit the door as he passed by, brought them back to their senses. God, what had she been thinking? Shawna could return at any moment!

  Dillon kissed her gently as she slid to her feet, and for a moment they just stood with their foreheads pressed together.

  “Are you okay?” he whispered, his voice raspy.

  “Hmmmm,” Amber murmured.

  Dillon pulled out of her and went to the bathroom to get rid of his condom. Amber walked on shaky legs to her bed and sank onto it. When he came out of the bathroom he pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said. Then he left.

  Amber watched him go, her body still quivering from their lovemaking.

  Save the Last Dance — Coming in September 2014 to MyRomanceStory and many of your favorite online eBook outlets.

  About the Author

  Whether she’s writing a short story or novel, Candy Caine will make her interracial romances hot and spicy. Always striving to entertain her readers, Candy tries to breathe life into her characters, making life often interesting for her husband, Robert back in their home on Long Island, NY. And both are trying to teach their fifteen-year old yellow Lab, Sammy, new tricks.

  Candy loves to hear from her readers. You can reach her at [email protected].


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