Somebody's Gotta Be on Top

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Somebody's Gotta Be on Top Page 15

by Mary B. Morrison

  “That’s not his business. All I need to do for Darius is what he pays me to do. Dad, you need to call him and apologize. Your rejection is killing him.” Kevin didn’t care if Darryl called Darius. In order to gain control of Somebody’s Gotta Be on Top, Kevin needed to have Darius’s trust. And helping Darius get to know Darryl was a good way to gain Darius’s trust.

  Darryl objected. “It’ll be a cold day in hell before I do that. I don’t apologize to no one for nothing.”

  “Whateva, old man. I gotta go. I’m getting ready to present this proposal to Darius. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  Kevin hung up the phone, grabbed two copies of his proposal, and trotted up the back stairway leading into Darius’s office. Since Darryl’s attitude toward calling Darius was negative, Kevin would attempt to have Darryl call Darius again tomorrow.

  Darius pivoted, facing Kevin. “Man, make this your last time coming through my back door.”

  Right. Kevin had copied a set of keys to Darius’s office and around midnight, every night Kevin crept into Darius’s office and reviewed his computerized documents and read every piece of correspondence on Darius’s desk. Snooping was how Kevin had discovered Darius had started drafting a proposal to take over Ciara’s companies.

  Kevin sat at Darius’s conference table. “Man, join me over here.”

  Kevin never liked sitting at Darius’s desk while Darius was seated behind it. Sitting at the conference table, Kevin felt he was Darius’s equal.

  “I’ve been thinking, mein. Since you have all the power, this is the time to strong arm Ciara and gain that extra controlling interest you need. You know. While she’s dependent upon you. Here’s a draft proposal. It’s rough but I’ll clean it up by Friday.”

  “Let me see that.” Darius thumbed through the pages. Nodding, Darius said, “You slick dawg. I like this. Yeah, tighten this up. I’m taking Ciara to Las Vegas this weekend. So your timing is perfect.”

  “You going to be around later today?” Kevin retained both copies. For liability purposes, Kevin’s name would not appear on the final contract. Kevin had no interest in Ciara’s company.

  “Naw, I’m on my way to a meeting with Ciara’s attorney, Mr. Brentwood, and Candice. I’ll be back in tomorrow.” Darius studied Kevin “Don’t bother Ashlee. Whatever comes up, see me in the morning.”

  “Cool. You the boss.” Kevin exited through the front door. Kevin paused on the stairway by the door and listened until he heard Darius’s heavy footsteps enter the elevator. The old warehouse-style three-story walk-up building Darius had converted into an office was conveniently located near downtown. Kevin stepped into Ashlee’s office.

  “We have an important meeting today. I need you to cut a check for one hundred thousand dollars payable to NyVek and give it to me by noon.”

  “It’s eleven-thirty. Where’s Darius?”

  “He just left. I know what time it is. I have to hand deliver the payment. I’ll give it to Darius for signature at the meeting.”

  Ashlee shook her head. “I haven’t heard of NyVek.”

  “They’re one of our newest partners. Here’s the proposal.” Kevin waved the package in front of Ashlee.

  “Let me see that,” Ashlee said, grasping for the package.

  Kevin pulled the nine-by-twelve brown envelope away. “NyVek is on board through the end of production. I have to take this copy with me. I’ll make sure you get your copy.” Yeah, of something else, Kevin thought. “Friday. At seven. Don’t forget.”

  Kevin returned to his office. By the time he’d finish depleting Darius’s bank account, Darius would have to file Chapter Eleven. Kevin stopped by Ashlee’s desk on the way out, picked up his check, and walked downtown to his bank.


  Flight 1279 to Las Vegas was filling up. Darius lounged in his first-class seat next to Ciara. The more time he’d spent listening to Ciara reminisce about Solomon, the less Darius liked her. When Solomon was alive, Ciara had countless reasons for ending their relationship, including her expressed love for Darius. Now that Solomon was dead, Ciara acted as though she had never wanted her relationship with Solomon to end. Women.

  Darius reluctantly tolerated Ciara’s emotional breakdowns and moments of depression; some were worse than others. Ciara was extremely vulnerable, and Darius had every intention of taking advantage of her weakness. Business, women, and weakness didn’t mix, which further supported his belief that a woman would never become President of the United States.

  Darius leaned Ciara’s head on his shoulder and asked, “You comfortable, baby?”

  Wrapping herself in the gray blanket, Ciara trembled. “I am cold. It’s not cold on the plane but I’m freezing.”

  Darius twisted the air vent above Ciara’s seat, then tapped the stewardess. “I need another blanket.”

  “Sure, give me a moment.” The flight attendant reached into the overhead compartment and handed a plastic wrapped blanket to Darius.

  Darius lifted the armrest, wrapped their bodies together under both blankets, and kissed the nape of Ciara’s neck. His hand gripped Ciara’s breast. “Feel better?”

  “You are so crazy,” Ciara chuckled. “Yes, I do feel a little better. Better because you care. Thanks.”

  “Baby, I know you’re still grieving over Solomon but I need to know how you feel about our relationship.”

  “Oh, no you won’t. You’re not going to set me up again. Talk personal. Then business. Then act as if I’m the one who misunderstood.”

  “No, I’m not trying to set you up. I’m trying to see if you love me enough to marry me. This is strictly a pleasure trip. To help you relax. No business. And I am serious about taking our relationship to a higher level. Seeing how Solomon was here one day and gone the next made me realize I didn’t want to take you for granted,” Darius lied then hugged Ciara tighter.

  “Marriage? I think we’re growing in the right direction. Lately you’ve proven that. Like most relationships, we started off pretty rough. Business and personal. But if we can’t survive the hardest times, we’ll never make it to the best times.”

  Darius pinched Ciara’s nipple. “Speaking of hard. I’ll admit, the first time I met you, I was somewhat intimidated. When you stepped into that conference room, you commanded everyone’s attention.”

  “Yeah, everyone except yours.”

  “Not true. Especially mine.” Darius massaged Ciara’s neck and shoulders. In order to draw Ciara emotionally close, his hands had to maintain contact with specific parts of her body. Neck and shoulders for relaxation. Breasts and hips for sexual stimulation.

  Ciara exhaled. “But you acted as though you didn’t notice me.”

  “Why do you think I borrowed your pen? I knew that cheap-ass pen was fake but I also knew I had to have a way of seeing you again.” To steal away the contract, Darius thought. And if Ciara continued falling for his bullshit lines, she’d soon lose her business.

  “Really? You put that much thought into seeing me again?”

  “Really.” Darius kissed Ciara’s forehead but continued massaging her breasts.

  The flight attendant closed the curtain separating first class from coach, nodded then winked at Darius.

  “Excuse me,” Darius said, leaning Ciara forward. He deepened his voice and spoke to the first-class passengers. “There’s a very special woman on this plane. One that I love. Respect. One that makes me happy. Keeps me focused. One that I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

  Ciara sat up. She turned to take in the view Darius saw. Everyone was quietly watching Darius. Darius knelt. He retrieved a small black box from his pocket. When he opened it, everyone in first class gasped. Darius held the box in front of Ciara. He’d buy Ashlee another ring.

  “Darius,” Ciara whispered, shaking her head. “No.”

  “Yes. It’s time. Ciara Monroe.” Darius forced water to his eyes. “Will you accept the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Ciara was silent.

flight attendant said, “If you don’t, I will. Accept the ring and think about it later darling.”

  “Yes. Yes, I will,” Ciara said.

  Between the applause, Darius kissed and held Ciara. The attendant gave a glass of champagne to each person, coach and first class, over twenty-one.

  “Darius, you are so unpredictable. I had no idea. This ring is beautiful.”

  As soon as the plane landed, Darius hurried Ciara to the stretch Hummer limo, and instructed the driver to take them to a chapel. “Let’s not wait,” Darius insisted, “Let’s get married today.”

  Ciara’s eyes widened. “You are crazy. I was kidding when I said yes. There’s no way I’m getting married on a whim. I’m still grieving over Solomon. Baby, I didn’t want to embarrass you.”

  Darius refused to give in. Rule number four: self-actualization. Make success happen. “Now, baby. Come on. You’re the one who said we’re good for one another.”

  “Yeah, but you’re too unpredictable. Spontaneous. You act first and think later. I don’t like that.”

  “Precisely. That’s why I need you. To help balance me out.”

  Getting out of the car, Ciara said, “You’re serious.”

  “Yes. I am. I need you in my life. As my business partner. And my wife.”

  “Okay, I’m going to see if you’re serious. I’ve been married before. Hell, if it doesn’t work, we’ll get a divorce and I’ll get half of everything you own. Have you at least thought about that?”

  “Of course. I’m not worried about money dividing us.” In her dreams she’d get half.

  Darius escorted Ciara inside. “We’d like to get married.”

  “Sorry, Sir. The minister is performing his last wedding for today. We can schedule you for tomorrow.”

  “We’ll wait. I’ll see if he can accommodate us.” Darius gestured to Ciara to have a seat.

  When the minister entered the lobby, Darius greeted him with five hundred-dollar bills in hand. “We’d like to get married now.”

  The minister shoved the money in his pocket and said, “Praise God. Well, of course young man. Right this way.”

  Darius looked at Ciara and extended his hand. “Ready?”

  “If you are,” Ciara said, walking up to the small altar.

  “Since it’s just the three of us, my receptionist will be your witness,” the minister said, opening his Bible.

  Darius and Ciara had no wedding vows to exchange. After a brief ceremony, the minister pronounced them husband and wife. Marrying Ciara was a brilliant idea. If everything went according to plan, Darius would divorce Ciara well before the New Year and long before celebrating their first anniversary.

  Ciara asked, “So, where are we going to live?”

  “You have enough things to worry about. We can discuss that later. Until we find a home, we’ll continue living as we do,” Darius said. They returned to the car.

  Ciara smiled and sat closer to Darius inside the limousine. “I have an idea. Now that we’re husband and wife. So I’m not alone, why don’t I move into your house?”

  Darius shook his head. “That won’t work. Ashlee has to move out, then you can move in.” Darius had no intention of letting Ashlee move out and every intention of keeping his marriage to Ciara a secret.

  Thinking of secrets . . . Darius had no way of contacting Desire.

  “So what now?” Ciara asked, getting out of the limo in front of the Bellagio Hotel and Casino.

  “Don’t tell anyone in your family about our marriage yet. I want your parents to take part in our formal ceremony. First, we’ll announce to your parents and mine our plans to get married. Then we’ll have a big wedding. Let’s wait until January. That’s only a few months away.”

  Ciara shook her head. “That won’t work because you know I tell Monica everything.”

  “No, especially don’t tell Monica. I’m your husband and confidant. Don’t betray me.”

  Ciara rubbed the nape of her neck, silently staring at Darius.

  “Stop looking so serious,” Darius said, escorting Ciara into the lobby. “Wait right here. I’ll be right back. I have to use the restroom.”

  Darius stood inside the men’s restroom and dialed Kevin from his cell phone. As soon as Kevin answered, Darius said, “Go ahead and expedite the takeover papers. Have them ready for the attorney to review Monday morning.”

  Kevin said, “Solid. You the mein. I gotta run to a meeting with Tony. Call me later.”

  Darius frowned. “On Saturday? What’s the meeting about?”

  “Nothing you need to worry about. Enjoy your weekend. I’ll talk to you on Monday.”

  Darius said, “Nothing I—”

  Kevin hung up.

  Kevin was tripping hard. Darius almost hit the redial button when he heard, “Hi, this is Kimberly. I didn’t hear the phone ring. I hope I’m not disturbing you.”

  Darius signed heavily. “I’m really busy, can I call you—”

  Kimberly interrupted, “I just called to ask if you’ve heard from Ciara because I haven’t.”

  “I don’t know Ciara like that. Try calling her on her cell.”

  “Darius, stop lying. The woman passed out in your house. I know you know her.”

  “I don’t have time for this. Look, I gotta go.” Darius hung up on Kimberly, returned to the lobby, and made a mental note to follow up with Tony first thing Monday morning.


  Ciara was back at home and thinking about her history with men. The first two marriages were for love. The last two, money. Ciara believed in love. But when love died, the things money could buy, kept Ciara happy. Solomon was gone but there was nothing she could do to bring him back. Dead. Wow. Marrying Darius was her smartest investment. Emotionally. Sexually. Without a prenuptial agreement, Ciara dialed her family law attorney who’d handled her previous divorces. Starting over financially after marriage was foreign to Ciara. With each husband Ciara was smart enough to secretly maintain a separate bank account.

  If Darius ever asked for a divorce, he’d pay handsomely. Handsome. Solomon. Ciara still had Solomon’s ring. She’d never worn it so Ciara locked the ring in her home safe along with her other rings.

  “Yes, this is Ciara Monroe,” Ciara said, plugging her headset into her cordless phone. Ciara opened the oven and removed the baked salmon steaks stuffed with dungeness crabmeat and placed the ceramic dish on a cooling rack to avoid overcooking the fish.

  “Hi, Ciara. Surprised to hear from you this soon. You’re not divorcing Darius already, are you?”

  “Don’t be funny.” Ciara laughed. “I just got married. But I do want to protect my interest. So what did you find out?”

  “Well, congratulations. Wish more women would do background research on the guys they marry. At least a credit check. You won’t believe how many divorces I handle over bad credit. He didn’t know she had a gazillion credit cards all over the limits whose creditors are garnishing her wages. She wished he would’ve told her about the back child support, alimony, and tax liens. I like you, Ciara. You’re smart. Darius is a good catch.”

  Ciara gasped into the headset. “Oh, no. I hear a but coming.”

  “But, he’s not the sole owner of his company. His parents hold sixty-six and two-thirds interest. Darius owns the rest. He does have a living trust worth . . . are you sitting down?”

  “Oh, no. Don’t keep me in suspense. Tell me.”

  “Okay, his living trust is worth over sixty million dollars. And that’s his portion. His brother Wellington’s account is separate.”

  “Yes!” Ciara tossed a roll in the air then snatched it with one hand. “What I need to know next is how long do I have to stay married to this man before I’m legally entitled to half of his assets. And I’d like a reference to the best private investigator you know so I can track my husband’s every move. You know, just in case we go to court, I plan to stay one step ahead of Mr. Jones. I know he didn’t marry me for love. Sooner or later he’ll reveal his true
motive and when he does, I’ll have him by the balls. I hate men who undermine me.”

  Ciara heard the kitchen door open, so she knew Monica was listening.

  “Who’s undermining my baby sister?” Monica asked, entering and picking a black olive from the opened can.

  Ciara’s lawyer said, “Wow, you get more savvy with each marriage. Aren’t you glad I suggested divorcing Allen to regain your marital status but waiting to resolve division of assets?”

  Ciara smiled. “Yes, and thank you.”

  “Well, if you want a generous portion of Darius’s assets, you should have his child, and stay married to him for at least five years to establish grounds for maintaining your lifestyle. And enroll your child in the best preschool and school in town. If he establishes any new businesses, let me know. And I have the best private investigator money can buy. You got a pen?”

  “One second,” Ciara said, gesturing to Monica. “Take the vegetables off the burner ... Okay, I’m ready. Go ahead.”

  “His name is Theo. And his pager number is five-one. . . Theo will never give a new client any other number so don’t ask.”


  “I got it,” Monica yelled from the living room.

  “Thanks. I have to go rescue my guest from Monica. Bye.”

  Ciara removed her apron and mitten. Tossing them on the counter, she said, “Monica, is that Darius?”

  A male voice replied, “No, it’s not Darius.”

  Donavon? Ciara’s eyes widened. She hadn’t seen Donavon since he’d gotten married. The sleek black suit, the same designer suit Darius had on earlier, looked real nice against Donavon’s light complexion but nicer on Darius’s body. “Monica it’s okay, you can let him in.”

  “I don’t know why,” Monica protested, “when you have company coming any minute.”

  Donavon bypassed Monica. “It smells good up in here. Looks like my timing is impeccable. I almost forgot how well you cook.”

  “Your timing is off. I do have someone coming over. You should’ve called me.” Ciara’s pussy pulsated. Her body jerked for Donavon’s cunnilingus special.


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