Boys of King Academy

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Boys of King Academy Page 56

by Rose, Louise

  “No.” Archer spoke between gritted teeth.

  “In fact, Archer’s got something to say to you.”

  I arched an eyebrow, not bothering to keep the smug grin off my face as I turned my attention to Archer.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “What was that?” I leaned forward, dramatically cupping my ear as if I couldn’t hear properly. “I didn’t quite get that.”

  “I’m. Sorry.” Archer enunciated each word clearly and deliberately so there was no way I could pretend I didn’t understand.

  “And what are you sorry for?” Years of running schools and dealing with recalcitrant students allowed me to put just the right amount of patronising into my tone.

  “I shouldn’t have told you to stay away from Milly.”

  The truth was that Archer had done the right thing for his sister, but I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of telling him that.

  “It’s good of you to admit that.” I steepled my fingers, resting my chin against them. “But I’m not so concerned about the past as I am about the future.”

  “Archer and I have been talking about that,” Ivy said. “Milly doesn’t know the reason why you left the last time and we both think it would be better if we were to keep it that way.”

  “Do you, now?”

  “Which is why we have a proposition for you,” Ivy continued. “We will let you and Milly keep dating if you don’t tell her what happened before.”

  “You’ll ‘let’ me, will you?” I snorted. “I think you’ll find that Milly’s a grown woman who can make her own decisions.”

  “Yes, she is,” Ivy conceded. “But we all know that we could make life very difficult for you. I’m her best friend. There’s plenty of things I could tell her which would end any hope you have of a future with her.”

  “And if that isn’t enough, I know Declan and Romy would be more than happy to assist me in running you out of town,” Archer added. “Not that I’d need any help. You never could see things through when push came to shove.”

  “Is that right?” I wasn’t going to tell Archer that things had changed somewhat since we’d last met. He’d always relied on his fists to make his point, but I’d been training and if things got physical between us, he wasn’t going to find it as easy as he thought to beat me into submission.

  “But that’s not going to be necessary, is it, Archer?” Ivy glared at him. Archer rolled his eyes and shook his head.

  “No,” he said. “As long as Lucas treats Milly and Amber with the respect they deserve we won’t have any problems.”

  “I think I can safely say I have nothing but love and respect for both of them,” I said honestly. “You don’t have to worry about them. I have every intention of doing the decent thing.”

  “You’d better,” Archer snapped. “Because if you doing anything to hurt my sister or my niece, there’ll be hell to pay. And this time when you leave town, it’ll be for good, if you know what I mean.”

  I knew exactly what he meant. The one thing everyone knew about Archer was that he didn’t make empty threats. I was sure that if I stepped out of line, Archer would make sure no one could find my body.

  Fear wasn’t exactly the best motivation when it came to building a relationship, though.

  “I can’t believe you genuinely think this is the best way to protect your sister,” I said. “Don’t you think she has a right to figure things out for herself? Do you really think she’d thank you for interfering in her love life? After all, isn’t that the reason why you’re here – so she won’t find out that you’re the one responsible for her becoming a single mother?”

  Archer clenched his fist and slowly released it and I knew my words had hit their mark.

  Ivy glanced at him before leaning forward to address me directly. “You’re right, Lucas. Milly’s a big girl and she has a right to make her own mistakes. Even if everyone else can see that it’s a mistake. And if you do your best to make Milly happy but it doesn’t work out, that’s no one’s fault and no one will blame you, will they, Archer?” She nudged her partner with her knee. “Will they?”

  “No, they won’t,” he muttered. “But if Lucas turns out to still be the arsehole he always was, then I reserve the right to beat him to a pulp. Does that sound fair?”

  “Fine with me.” I shrugged. “I’ve got absolutely no intention of playing any games and my daughter deserves to know her father. I know I wish I’d had that chance.”

  “Then I guess we’re done here.” Ivy smiled and stood up, Archer following her lead. I stood up too, mirroring her body language. “It’s genuinely good to see you again, Lucas.” She reached over my desk to shake my hand. “You’re right. Amber should get to know her father. I hope that whatever happens between you and Milly, you make sure that little girl remains the centre of your world.”

  “She already is,” I promised.

  Ivy and Archer walked out of my office without a backwards glance. I sat back in my chair, slowly swivelling from side to side. There was no way I was going to be able to work on those reports any time soon. My head was reeling with the implications of what just happened. The fact that they didn’t want Milly to know they’d interfered in her love life gave me leverage.

  Leverage I might just be able to use to my advantage.

  Chapter Seventy-Eight


  “Do you think Daddy will like my dress?” Amber came running in to the kitchen where I was sitting at the table doing some marking. It was the fourth outfit she’d put on that day and she did a little twirl, the skirt fanning out.

  “I’m sure he’ll love it,” I said, barely glancing up from my work. If I could finish with these books in the next couple of hours, I could put my feet up and enjoy some child free time. Which would probably involve a glass of wine and a Netfix series, rather than going out anywhere exciting, but it would feel really decadent to do it in the middle of the afternoon. I might even really go for it and have a bubble bath. It would be wonderful to soak without having to get out every five minutes to deal with a screaming child.

  “You’re not looking Mummy.”

  I sighed and put down my pen and turned to see Amber’s dress.

  “You look beautiful,” I told her. “Daddy is going to love it.”

  “Do you think so?” Amber’s forehead wrinkled in a cute frown. “Maybe I should wear my Hello Kitty dress. It’s my favourite.”

  “Amber, I really don’t think Daddy will mind what dress you put on.”

  “I’m going to put my Hello Kitty dress on.” Amber turned and raced off.

  I rubbed my head to stave off the dull ache that was starting. It appeared that Amber had inherited my indecisiveness when it came to outfit choice. Until I had her, I had no idea just how wearing it was to have to give your opinion on every single item in someone’s wardrobe. As soon as she was old enough to dress herself, she’d drive me nuts by going through ten changes of clothes in a day. I remember apologising profusely one night to Ivy for all the times I’d made her sit while I figured out what I was going to wear. She just laughed and said that’s what friends were for, but I’d still tried to cut back on how long Ivy had to wait for me to decide what I was going to wear.

  My date with Lucas had seen me revert back to old habits. I was beginning to think it was a mistake even considering starting something with him.

  The doorbell rang, interrupting my thoughts.

  “Daddeeeee!” Amber screamed and ran to the front door, any idea of changing her clothes instantly gone. Having learned her lesson, she waited by the door, impatiently jogging from one foot to another as she waited for me to catch up with her.

  When I saw Lucas standing on the doorstep, my heart skipped a beat and I knew I was in trouble. Much as he drove me crazy, he had an effect on me made me want to forget about everything and drag him off to bed. It wasn’t that he was wearing anything amazing – he was in jeans and a T-shirt which had a picture of a bone on it with a slogan that said �
�I found this humerus.’ But it was the way he wore it, the outline of his well-defined muscles visible through the shirt, and his body language reminding me of just how confident he was in bed.

  “Look at my dress, Daddy!” Amber pushed herself between us and performed another little twirl. I was grateful for the distraction. It took my mind off wondering whether Lucas looked as good naked as I remembered.

  “It’s beautiful.” Lucas leaned down and picked up Amber, carrying her inside. “Now, are you ready to have fun?”

  “Yes!” Amber practically screamed the word and I winced, hoping she hadn’t just deafened Lucas.

  “I thought I would take you to see my house,” Lucas said. “I’ve got lots of surprises there for you.”

  “Yay!” Amber scrunched up her fists and waved them in the air. She was so cute!

  “Are you coming with us?” Lucas’s invite took me by surprise.

  “I thought you wanted to spend some quality time alone with Amber?”

  “I do and I will. But I thought you might like to come along this first time, make sure that you’re happy that my home is sufficiently child proofed.”

  I bit my lip gazing across at the stack of books I still had to work through. I really should stay behind and finish marking them. I was going to be up all night catching up otherwise and I could think of better ways of spending a Saturday evening.

  At the same time, the thought of spending more time with Lucas was tempting, very tempting. I hadn’t had a chance to speak to him since our date except a very brief text exchanging confirming this afternoon’s play date. Maybe hanging out together doing some normal family things would be good for us.

  “Okay.” Lucas’s face lit up and I smiled right back at him. “Just let me go get changed. I’m not exactly dressed for an afternoon playing with Amber.”

  “You look fine to me,” Lucas said. Was it my imagination or was there a little leer in his eyes?

  “I’ll only be five minutes,” I promised. “Why don’t you take Amber out into the garden and play?”

  “Okay.” Lucas carried Amber off in the direction of the garden, jogging her up and down to make her laugh.

  I hurried upstairs, wondering whether I should phone Ivy for advice on what to wear…

  Don’t be silly, Ivy. You’re not going to bother Ivy over something as stupid as this!

  But what did you wear for a date-not-date with your daughter’s father where you wanted to look good, but not like you’d made any effort?

  I pulled open drawers, tossing tops onto the bed as I rejected one after another for not being quite right. In the end, I decided to go with my favourite pair of jeans teamed with a dark blue blouse with ruffles at the neck. I loved the jeans because they hugged my bum and made me look like I had the perfect hourglass figure while the blouse meant that if we ended up doing something messy, it wouldn’t show the stains too badly. The fact that it outlined my breasts in a way that was subtle yet sexy had nothing to do with my decision…

  I slicked on a bit of lip gloss and mascara, quickly bundling up my hair in a messy bun. Pulling out a couple of tendrils for that tousled look, I nodded with satisfaction at my reflection in the mirror.

  “Not too shabby.”

  I headed back downstairs and out to the garden where I found Lucas pushing Amber on the swing.

  “I’m impressed.” Lucas looked over his shoulder at me when he heard me coming. “You said you’d be five minutes and were only ten. That must be a record.”

  “Oh, shut up,” I said affectionately, coming to stand next to him. Amber was loving having her dad push her on the swing and she giggled, kicking her legs as she shouted for him to push her higher.

  “We need to go,” Lucas said, grabbing hold of the swing and expertly bringing it to a halt.

  “But I was having fun.” Amber pouted. “Can’t you push me a little bit more? Just a couple of pushes?”

  “If I do that, there might not be enough time for me to show you everything I’ve got at my house for you,” Lucas warned.

  “Let’s go!” Amber didn’t need to think twice as she ran back inside as fast as her little legs would carry her.

  Lucas reached for my hand and I let him take it, the pair of us walking leisurely after our child. We didn’t talk. I had nothing to say and Lucas seemed content to enjoy the moment, but it felt good to feel like I was in an actual relationship with someone who wanted to do the little things like walk hand in hand together.

  “What took you so long?”

  Amber was standing by the front door with her coat on all ready to go, impatiently waiting for us to catch up.

  “You’re just too quick for me,” I told her. “Mummy’s old and can’t walk very fast. I can’t keep up with you. You know you run faster than lightning!”

  “I do, don’t I?” Amber said proudly, immediately mollified by the compliment.

  “So are my two favourite girls ready for an afternoon of fun?” Lucas asked, as he opened the car door for Amber to get in. There was a booster seat all ready and waiting for her and he strapped her in while I got in the front passenger seat. Once he’d secured Amber in place, Lucas got behind the wheel.

  “No driver today?” I asked.

  “I felt like enjoying a family drive with no interference,” Lucas replied, starting the engine. “Besides, it’s probably a good idea that Amber experiences more normal ways of getting around in riding in limos all the time, keep her grounded, you know?”

  “You’re the one who drives in limos,” I countered, bristling at the implication I’d spoiled her. “Amber and I very rarely use them unless it’s a special occasion.”

  “Grandpa has a limo,” said Amber from the back seat as Lucas pulled out. “He says it’s the only way a Knight should travel. I like Grandpa’s limo. It’s got lots of sweets in it!”

  “Yes, and Grandpa knows that you’re not supposed to have too many sweets,” I said darkly. “If he’s keeping a stash in his limo for you, I’ll have to have a word with him.”

  “Uh-oh. Sounds like Grandpa’s in trouble.”

  Amber laughed at Lucas’s joke as we drove out of the Knight estate and headed in the direction of his house. One of the reasons why I’d agreed to come along for the afternoon was because I was curious to see where Lucas lived. The Donatellos weren’t one of the Big Four families in King Town, so he didn’t own any of the ancestral land which traditionally belonged to the Houses. The estates were a show of status and only the Big Four were allowed to live in the large mansions set in acres of land. While there were other impressive properties in the town, these were reserved for those who held high status within the Houses, and I hadn’t heard of anyone selling any of those large homes. I couldn’t see Lucas living in the suburbs, though.

  I gazed out of the window, trying to guess where we might be going from the direction we were heading. We seemed to be driving towards the Archaic part of town, but that didn’t make any sense. Ivy wasn’t going to give her ex-husband a home on her estate. Lucas and Amber were too busy singing The Wheels on the Bus for me to ask him where we were going, so I watched the scenery passing by, waiting for us to arrive at wherever it was we were going.

  It wasn’t long before Lucas turned off the main road and went down a narrow country road. I crossed my fingers and hoped we wouldn’t encounter a car coming in the opposite direction. I didn’t relish the idea of having to reverse all the way back to where the road was wide enough to pass. However, the road was deserted and we followed it until it ended in a large, wrought iron gate. Lucas pressed a button on the top of the dash and the gate slowly pulled back, letting us in. Lucas slowly nudged the car forward until the gate was completely open, then he followed the road a little further until we came to a large house with a number of outbuildings. Lucas pulled into a garage next door to the house and switched off the car engine.

  “Here we are,” he announced. “Home sweet home.”

  “I had no idea this house was here,” I told him
. “My father pays attention to all the property sales in the area and I’m sure he would have jumped at the chance to buy something on the outskirts of Archaic land.”

  “Who says I bought this place?” Lucas asked, as he got out and went round to get Amber out of her seat.

  Frowning, I went round to his side of the car as he lifted Amber out and set her down on the ground. She ran towards the house. “What do you mean?”

  “I didn’t buy this property,” Lucas told me. “Solomon gave it to me. When he died, Ivy inherited the bulk of his fortune, but there were a few little secrets she didn’t know about. Before he died, Solomon had told me he wanted me to have a little bolthole where I could keep an eye on Ivy without her knowing if our marriage ran in trouble. Very few people know this place even exists. I don’t keep any staff here – the drivers collect me from the flat I have in town which is the address I use for official correspondence. This is where I come when I want some privacy. It’s perfect for my time with Amber. No one knows she’s here, so she’s perfectly safe, but obviously, as her mother, you need to know where she is when I have her. I’d just ask that you respect my privacy and don’t tell anyone about this place, for Amber’s safety if nothing else.”

  “Your secret’s safe with me,” I promised. “But you don’t need to worry about Amber. No one would dare do anything to the daughter of the Knight heir.”

  “She might be an important member of the Knight family, but she’s also a Donatello,” Lucas pointed out. “There are plenty of people out there who hated Penelope and think I shared her values – or rather, her lack of them. I was brought up to be paranoid about kidnappers and it was drummed into me that I should never trust anyone, even family friends. I had a code word I had to give the driver and it changed every day. Penelope would text it to me just before the driver picked me up so there was no chance that someone could find it out and trick me into going with them by knowing the word. Even with all these safeguards in place, I was very nearly snatched one time.”


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