Making of a Magister (Realm of Hulsteria Book 3)

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Making of a Magister (Realm of Hulsteria Book 3) Page 21

by Frank David

“Very well,” Daniella turned as the group rushed up the stairs toward the opening. Two men stood watch at the top. “I will need to deal with them. They will not let us pass.” Daniella focused on the men. The man on the right grasped his chest as he collapsed. The other man rushed to his aid. He fell upon his companion. “They are down. Let us continue.”

  They had reached the forest. The wagon and horses sat only feet from them. “You are free. Take the wagon to Kanieri.”

  “I do not like leaving you both behind,” Casey said, hugging her children.

  “You have no choice. We must stay, but you can be free. Go before we are discovered.” Daniella pushed her mother toward the wagon, knowing the woman would not leave on her own.

  “Going somewhere?” the voice echoed behind them.

  Daniella turned to see Diana standing in the entrance. Celeste ran behind the Goddess.

  “Celeste?” Luke called out.

  “Foolish boy. Love is the greatest deceiver,” Diana laughed. “Celeste is my child. Do you think she would betray her mother?”

  “Celeste is your daughter?” Daniella could feel the emotion in her throat as she said the words. She had difficulty swallowing.

  “She is.” Diana glared at her.

  “I am sorry, Diana. Please allow my family to leave. I will stay. I will fight for you. I will do as you please,” Daniella pleaded.

  “I am not an unfair woman.” She looked to the three at the wagon. “I will allow two of them to leave. The other dies,” Diana laughed. “The decision is yours, Daniella. Who will die?”

  Luke moved slowly toward Diana and Celeste. The ground began to move beneath them.

  “I do not think so, boy,” Diana said as she raised her hand. Luke fell to the ground.

  “Luke!” Daniella screamed and rushed for her brother.

  “He is fine. He is only sleeping.” Diana raised a hand, stopping Daniella from coming closer.

  “Take me. It is my fault my children are here,” Stephen spoke up.

  “Oh no, that would make it all too easy for her,” Diana cackled. “Your father will live. Now will it be your mother or brother who dies?”

  “I cannot decide between them. Please do not do this,” Daniella fell to her knees. The tears soaked her face.

  “I could kill all three,” Diana glared down at her. “Decide before I decide for you.”

  She looked at her mother. The tears in her eyes glistened in the moonlight. Her brother stood motionless at Casey’s side.

  “I am sorry, Elliot,” Daniella said through her tears.

  “No!” Casey screamed as the Goddess took her son. His lifeless body dropped beside her. “You should have picked me! It should have been me!”

  “I am sorry, mother. I could not take your life.” Daniella sat rocking on the ground. “I am sorry…”

  “Go!” Diana commanded. “Go, before I change my mind. You will find your sanctuary, but you will never find peace.”

  Stephen and Casey sat as the wagon headed off in the direction of Kanieri. Casey looked back to see Diana dragging Daniella back into the cave. The girl struggled but was powerless against the Goddess.

  “We have lost our children,” Casey said. Her heart was breaking.

  “I am sorry,” Stephen said as he guided the wagon through the forest.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven – Astrid and Amanda

  The palace was quiet as the carriage approached. It had been a long journey. Braynard’s visions had given her the strength to return to Hulsteria, but she still worried about Stela. She feared she may say the wrong thing or do something that would displease the Empress and lose her head as a result. She knew, though, that she had to come. She had to offer her assistance.

  She spied the young woman exiting the carriage in front of her. She did not expect to see the young Imperial Princess, but it made her more at ease.

  “Princess Amanda,” Astrid greeted her as she exited. “What are you doing here?”

  “My sister has sent me to offer my support to Stela,” Amanda commented as she hugged Astrid.

  “I have come at my sister’s request as well,” Astrid laughed. “I guess that is the lot when you are second born.”

  “I do not wish to be here,” Amanda admitted. “Braynard came to Angelique and showed her what was to become of Savien if Diana’s followers were victorious.”

  “It was the same for me. Though Braynard showed me what was to come. Be glad you were spared the visuals.” Astrid took Amanda’s arm as they made their way to the palace doors.

  The guards opened the doors as they approached. “The Empress is in the Throne Room,” they said as the women passed them.

  “I can understand why you were sent, Astrid. You will be of use to Stela. Your power allows you to be an ally,” Amanda sighed. “I have been sent so that I might send word to my sister. I am a glorified raven.” She laughed.

  “Your power is much greater than you realize,” Astrid commented. “If additional assistance is needed, you can quickly call more troops and your mother would bring them.”

  “I suppose you are correct,” Amanda smiled. “Let us go see Stela.”

  The guards outside the Throne Room stopped them as they approached.

  “Imperial Princess Royal, Astrid Imaz of Trokha and the Imperial Princess Royal, Amanda Lyons of Savien, to see Her Imperial Majesty,” Astrid announced.

  “Of course, your Imperial Highness,” the guard bowed as he opened the door and announced them.

  Stela looked up upon the announcement. She smiled to see her cousins. Harris smiled as the two women made their way across the room.

  “Astrid. Amanda,” Stela said as she stood to greet her guests. “What are you doing here?”

  “We have come on behalf of our realms to offer our support,” Amanda answered. “We have been shown the importance of the battle you are about to undertake. We come to stand beside you.”

  The two women turned as the side door to the room opened. Thomasine approached.

  “Thomasine!” Astrid called out as the older woman joined them. “I did not get a chance to speak with you at the wedding. I am so happy you are fine.”

  “Thank you,” Thomasine smiled. “I am glad to be home.”

  “How perfect that you have her back. She spent much time with Diana. Has she given you all the details of what they have planned?” Astrid pried.

  “She has shared all she can remember,” Stela turned and reached for the older woman’s hand. “I am just glad she is safe and back with us.”

  “Imperial Princess Royal, Sofia. Lady Felicia Lester and Lord Liam Lester,” the guard announced. The group turned as the three walked across the room.

  “Felicia,” Astrid rushed to her. “Is this your child?”

  “It is Princess.” She lowered the child so Astrid could have a look.

  Astrid looked at the child, then to Harris. “Who is the child’s father?” she asked.

  “It is who you suspect,” Harris answered. “He is mine.”

  “Scandalous!” Astrid giggled. “The Emperor Consort has a bastard child already? And with your wife’s sister’s lover! You must explain to me one day how exactly things work here in Hulsteria.”

  “We have all come to terms with it,” Stela answered, rolling her eyes. “It was before Harris and I met. I knew he had fathered Felicia’s child. It came as no surprise. Calm yourself, Astrid.”

  Astrid’s fear of Stela returned. Only in the palace for a few minutes and she was already upsetting the woman who could take her head if she so desired. “I am sorry, I meant no disrespect. It is just after the situation between Edmund and…” she stopped herself, not wishing to incur any additional anger in Stela.

  “Yes, I see the similarities. However, as I stated, this was before we knew each other. We all have a past. I was not pure when I married Harris, I could not expect him to be.”

  “How far along are you?” Amanda asked, seeing Stela’s belly.

  “I am seven months,�
� Stela said as she placed her hand on the child inside her. “Yes, I know Astrid.” She glared at her cousin before she could comment. “Harris and I have only been married for six months. The math is simple.”

  “I was not going to say anything,” Astrid blushed. “What occurs between a man and a woman is of no concern to me.”

  Harris laughed. “Is that so? It would seem it is very much a concern.” He smiled letting her know he was not upset.

  “Kyle and I have been engaged for many years and we can control ourselves.” Astrid gave Harris a look of disdain.

  “You live in separate realms,” Harris laughed. “Have you never purchased a horse?”

  “I have,” Astrid responded.

  “Did you not take it for a ride before you bought it?” Harris returned the glance. “There is nothing more disappointing on your wedding night then to discover you have purchased a gelding.”

  “Harris!” Stela scolded. “That is not polite.”

  Harris laughed. “If she can say impolite things, then I may as well.”

  “Harris, you are horrible,” Amanda blushed as she laughed.

  “Is it any wonder I succumbed to his charms?” Felicia gave him a look as she moved toward Amanda to show her the child.

  “I will have rooms prepared for you both. I am glad you are here.” Stela gestured to the guard behind her. He ran off to make the preparations.

  “How do you plan to deal with Daniella?” Astrid finally asked.

  “My powers keep coming. I think I will be fine against her. It is all the others she will bring with her that troubles me.” Stela looked upset.

  “What powers?” Amanda asked.

  “It seems I am unable to be harmed which will serve me well. I can heal, at least myself. I have not tried it on any others. I can sense the blood of others, knowing if they are tied to Diana. This is how I discovered Courtney’s betrayal,” Stela paused. She thought of Courtney. She regretted taking her life and wished she had not reacted so quickly. “Then there is the blade. It came to me when I confronted Svetlana. It was not with me, nor anywhere near me. It simply appeared in my hand.”

  “Svetlana,” Amanda stopped Stela. “Is it true she claimed to be from another realm?”

  “It is,” Astrid said. “I was at the wedding, as was your sister, Angelique. She is from the land of the barbarians. Those who Declan exiled found a home on distant shores.”

  “Angelique did mention it, but I found it difficult to believe. Do you think she came here with the intention to bring strife?” Amanda asked.

  “She attempted to have my son killed. I am sure it was her intention to harm me was well, had I not finished her first.” Stela stared out beyond those gathered. She felt no remorse for the woman she struck down.

  “Be thankful she was unable to harm the boy.” Amanda smiled.

  “My son was able to protect himself.” Stela stood tall as she confessed to her son’s ability.

  “How, he is only eight?” Amanda wondered.

  “That is still quite the mystery. According to my sister, he has great power. Which leads me to believe my own powers are still being discovered.” Stela smiled with pride. “Sofia said that a man was guiding him, telling him how to use the powers he possessed. I can only assume, as did she, it was Braynard.”

  “If Joseph is as powerful as you say, is he not a threat to the realms? Is it not possible he will bring death to our people?” Amanda watched as Stela’s face showed her disapproval at the questions.

  “I have seen that we are to be attacked. We are on the defensive. It is the people of Zabytyy who will bring the war to the shores of the four realms. It is Joseph who brings the realms together, so they might stop Diana’s followers.” Stela’s eyes let Amanda know the questions were to stop.

  “Stela, I meant no offense. I apologize,” Amanda curtsied.

  “I am sorry. I know my son. I do not believe he is capable of the things which the queen has claimed. He has seen visions of his future and he is terrified. I believe if he were leading the attack, his fear would not be so intense.” Stela lowered her head. She remembered the boy’s pleas that she not face his father. He warned her that if she did his future was sealed.

  “Yes, let us not fight,” Astrid said, fearing Stela would become angry and there would be one less ally in the room. “We have come to help you prepare and stand by you when Diana’s people come for you.”

  “Thomasine,” Amanda turned to the woman. “Do you know how many followers stand beside Daniella?”

  “Princess, the cave was full and vast. I did not count the heads that gathered. They possessed all forms of magic. Earth, air, fire, and water. Some moved through time. Others were able to move from one end of the cave to another in a blink of the eye. Then there were the most frightening of the followers. The ones able to inflict pain at a distance without ever touching their victims. I believe these gifts to be the most threatening. I have never seen gifts such as that in the Scientia.” Thomasine closed her eyes. The visions of those being tortured then healed brought her heart pain.

  “Will the Scientia support Stela?” Astrid looked at the old woman, wondering if she was still a member of the organization.

  “I do not know. I am no longer allowed to speak with any of its members. Braynard cast me aside. He sent word that I live but follow Diana. I am now seen as a heretic to the Scientia.” Thomasine placed her hand over her chest as she said the words. “It is in Braynard’s hands. If he wishes you to have assistance, he will allow the Scientia to stand at your side. Otherwise, they will remain observers in this war.”

  “I think we all know where Braynard stands on this issue. You made it very clear you wanted nothing to do with him when you threatened to kill him at your wedding.” Astrid tried to hold back the laughter but failed.

  “Yes,” Stela sighed. “I do believe I acted rashly. He may have been of service to me. However, I do believe he cannot be trusted. He has played with so many lives and that I cannot forgive. I cannot forgive him for Rupert.”

  “You must forgive him,” Astrid said. “You need him now, more than ever. You must welcome him back to court. It was Braynard who brought Amanda and I here. He showed us what was to become of our realms if you failed.”

  “I must agree with Astrid,” Amanda added. “You must try to forgive him for his actions. I do believe he has the best of intentions.”

  “Stela.” Sofia reached for her sister. “I know how much you loved Rupert. If he was to turn against you, was it not better for Braynard to have him removed? Would you not have struggled with taking his life had you been forced to face him?”

  “You know I am weary of Braynard,” Harris began. “But I do believe he is doing all of this for you. Perhaps it is time you welcome him once more.”

  Stela stared at those gathered. She looked at Thomasine.

  “You need him, my dear,” she smiled. “I worried about what he was doing to you, which is why he tried to end my life. I do think he means you no harm. The attempt against me was to protect you, as much as himself.”

  “Braynard!” Stela called out. She was sure he would have appeared as they all talked about him, but he did not. “I am sorry for my behavior towards you. Please, come to us.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight – Stela and Braynard

  The man appeared before them. He entered silently, watching them closely.

  “You called?” He stared at her.

  “I am sorry for how I acted at my wedding. It was an overwhelming time. I do hope you can forgive me.” Stela nodded her head to greet him. “Would you leave us? I need to speak with Braynard alone.”

  “Are you sure?” Harris asked.

  “Braynard means me no harm. Leave us.” She smiled.

  Stela watched Braynard as the others left the room. “I am struggling with your involvement in Rupert’s death. It is probably what hurts me the most. You know what he meant to me.”

  “It was not my intention to hurt you. I was protecting y
ou. He was dedicated to Diana. He would have had no choice but to follow her commands. He would have stood against you. You would have had to strike him down, or allow him to take your life.” Braynard could not look at her as he admitted his guilt.

  “I am sure you are aware that Antonio told me everything?” Stela took her seat. “Do not be angry with him.”

  “I am not,” Braynard admitted. “You deserved to know the truth. I should have been honest with you from the beginning. I could not tell you for fear you would reject your destiny.”

  “I can fight what you say will happen?” Stela placed her hand on her belly, as the child moved.

  “To reject your destiny is to die,” Braynard whispered. “I do not believe you wish to end your life. I am offering you eternity. I am offering the chance to watch your children grow, your grandchildren. It is the chance to make Saaveth the land you wish it to be.”

  “I can only do so much. The war that Joseph must face is set to destroy Saaveth.”

  “It is true, the war will come. It will change the face of Saaveth. However, after the air has cleared, you will begin to make Saaveth greater. You will lead its people into a new era. You will answer their prayers with love and compassion, traits I lost centuries ago.”

  “Is that why you allowed Victoria to die?” Stela asked.

  “It was a difficult decision,” Braynard paused. “If I had allowed the child to survive, she would have only died later. It would have made the death much more difficult for Lena.”

  “Lena took her own life!” Stela yelled. “Her mother returned the bodies to Hulsteria shortly after Joseph took the throne. How would allowing the child to live have been worse?”

  “Imagine if you were to lose one of your older children. The pain would be impossible. The death of any child is difficult but as the bond between parent and child grows, the difficulty of the loss becomes greater as well. I did not wish to see Lena suffer such a fate. I know those in the room that day see me as a monster, but my intentions were good.”

  “I suppose I can understand your reasoning,” Stela confided. “I do not agree with it, but I can accept it.”


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