The Azrael: Surviving the Outbreak

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The Azrael: Surviving the Outbreak Page 12

by Jesse Gagnon

  Randall smiled, turned around and walked away off of the railroad tracks. He walked over the road and towards the woods. As he entered the tree line he heard a roar so loud it frightened several flocks of birds in the area causing them to take flight. Randall’s ears rung a bit from the pitch of it. The alpha was dangerous, angry and extremely powerful. He too was a force to reckon with, but this alpha was the pure essence of primal rage. Randall also noticed that despite words, his actions communicated his intent. Maybe this was his answer.



  Giselle was completely overcome with emotions about her sister in law’s recent demise, her new Azrael like abilities and the fact that again she has survived another life threatening event. Her hands were shaking and she noticed the veins in her arm swelling as the urge to jump out of the truck and push her body to its limits constantly entered her mind. What is she? She thought. What she didn’t initially realize was that she wasn’t alone in the truck. A strange quick heartbeat thumped in her head. It sped up just recently. At first she thought that it was her own heartbeat, but after touching her breast she felt a different cadence within her own chest which was much faster, drowning out the sound of a much weaker beating drum. She smelled the air and smelled dirt, grass, Azrael odor and something else. It was a smell she was familiar with. A memory flashed in her mind of the Sunlight District, those children and Janie. She listened closer and heard breathing, it was not constant so it wasn’t sleeping. She spoke.

  “So, how long have you been in the back seat?” She asked. There was no audible response. However, the heartbeat sped up drastically. “I know you’re back there. Don’t bother hiding it child.” Again she listened and nothing. “Okay, I’m going to pull over and let you out with or without your consent.” She said pulling the truck over and turned it off. The child exited his cover beneath a pile of coats. He was roughly nine years old and had the look of horrifying fear on his face.

  “Please, ma’am. Don’t leave me out there alone.” The boy spoke looking out the window and searched for an Azrael hidden in the trees somewhere.

  “Why didn’t you speak when I spoke to you then? Didn’t your parents tell you that it’s rude to ignore a question when a grown up speaks to you?” Giselle asked with a hard look on her face.

  “No ma’am. Last time I spoke I got this.” The boy showed Giselle his arm that was badly bruised while his wrist looked swollen, maybe broken.

  “Oh my, that’s not a nice thing to do to someone. Let me have a look at it.” She asked. The boy hesitantly let her get a closer look at his injuries. She smelled the blood that was towards the surface of his injuries, the bruising. She listened closely and could hear his blood flow. It sounded restricted near his wrist by the swelling. The boy needed a doctor to fix his injuries. She was amazed at how much she could sense within his arm. “Who did this to you?”

  “A very angry man, he eats people. He wanted me to eat people too. Said it would make me stronger.” The boy said looking down and rubbed his arm.

  “Is that when he did that to you?” Giselle asked pointing towards his arm.

  “Yes.” The boy said trying to fight back tears.

  “What happened, boy? What is your name?” Giselle asked.


  “Steven, I’m Giselle, what happened?” She asked again. He sighed and kept a constant gaze out the window looking to the trees.

  “Mommy and Daddy were taking me to go look at Raven’s Grin. It’s some scary house that Daddy used to work at when he was younger.” He said, his breath fogged the window and he doodled on it.

  “I know the place. I’m from Mount Carroll too.” She smiled at him, he turned and he just stared at her.

  “I got out of the car, I was excited you know. I went to look at a car that was crashed into the building. When I turned around the men with beards were holding a knife to my mommy’s neck.” Steven looked down and fought the urge to cry. His heartbeat quickened and then slowed down and he continued.

  “Daddy was on the ground and he was bleeding. He was bleeding a lot. Mommy was screaming.”

  “That’s awful Sweetie. You don’t have to go on.” Giselle said.

  “No, I need to tell someone. It’s what Mommy always said. Tell your stories, talk about your feelings. It will make you feel better. She was a psychogist.” Steven said.

  “Psychiatrist? Okay, then go on if you want to.”

  “Yeah, Psychiatrist. The men with beards were angry that Mommy was making so much noise. I didn’t hear what they said, but they hit her really hard and she stopped moving. Daddy was not moving either. I was scared.” The boy rubbed at his arm and a tear left his eye and landed on his arm. He rubbed it into his skin like lotion. “They grabbed me and put me in the back of the truck. Said I’d be eaten by those zombies if I got out. Mommy and Daddy were back there with me too. I don’t think Daddy was breathing. They had a bag over his head with some rope tied around it. Mommy’s hands and feet were tied together behind her. She was bleeding a lot too. She woke up just before we got to that house.” The boy cried a bit more wiping away tears from his face and off of his arm.

  “Did she say anything to you Steven?”

  “Yes.” He looked up at Giselle and his eyes were distant. “Hide.”

  “There’s no shame in hiding Steven.”

  “I was too afraid to move. I wanted to hide, but I couldn’t move. They dragged her out of the truck by her feet. She was kicking them and screaming. They dragged Daddy out too and took him away to some wooden building near the house.”

  “The barn?”

  “I guess. I never saw Daddy again, but Mommy.” Steven looked down and his heartbeat quickened again.

  “What about Mommy?”

  “They took me to their house. Said I’d be their new son. Said that I needed to eat to be strong. Be so strong I’d be able to fight off those zombies.”

  “Did you believe them?”

  “I don’t know, I didn’t care.”

  “What happened next?”

  “I heard Mommy in the other room screaming. They brought me into the room and the men were on top of her tying her up to a bed. I looked away. The man with the black jacket hit me here.” He pointed to his back. “He turned my head and made me watch. She looked into my eyes and smiled. I closed my eyes. She said it’s going to be okay. It was a lie. It wasn’t okay.” Steven formed a fist with his right hand and punched the chair in front of him. “They stabbed her, cut her stomach. She screamed so loud. She was hurting real bad. One of the big men hit her across her face and she stopped. She stopped moving at all after that. They kept cutting her.” He closed his eyes and tried to control his breathing.

  “That’s awful Steven. Why would they make anyone watch …” She was interrupted.

  “They cooked her and tried to feed it to me. I said no, but they wouldn’t stop. They said shut up and eat it and shoved it in my mouth. I spit it out and he twisted my arm really hard.” Steven rubbed at his arm. “They ate her though. Said she was better than the last one. Said Daddy was next. But they got a call and put me in the truck. They were angry, real angry. When the truck stopped I heard them yelling and I heard gunshots. After a bit I looked up and saw them putting two more grown ups in the back of the truck. You were one of them weren’t you? I remember your face.”

  “Yes, they took me away.” She said.

  “I guess they forgot about me and I fell asleep right here. What happened to them?”

  “They won’t hurt anyone ever again. I made sure of that. Let’s get you to a doctor, okay?”

  “Okay. I feel a little better now.” Steven looked into Giselle’s eyes and squinted. “Your eyes look funny.” Giselle began to panic and looked at her eyes in the rear view mirror. They had a gray opaque ring around the cornea. It wasn’t exactly like the Azrael but it was enough to concern Giselle.

  “We both need a doctor.” She turned the truck back on and began to drive a bit faster do
wn the road. “Come up here with me.” She said helping him to the front seat by lifting him with her right arm under his left armpit. “Buckle up.” She added and Steven fastened his seatbelt. She ruffled his hair. “We’re gonna be alright now. Trust me I’m tougher than those zombies out there.” She smiled at him.

  “Tougher than those men?”

  “Those weren’t men Honey, they were sick monsters. But, yes, I’m tougher than them too.” She smiled, looked at her eyes in the mirror again and shook her head. “I’m one tough bitch.” She mouthed to herself in the mirror.

  They continued down 40 heading towards Chicago. Giselle noticed something in a corn field to her left near one of the ethanol plant safe houses. The fences were not maintained and looked overrun. A heartbeat of a lone Azrael thumped in the shade of a tree near the farm house. A distress beacon pulsed near the entrance from a lamp that the Azrael don’t seem to see. It seemed dimmer than usual. They were going to send an Azrael exterminating squad there. It’s what happens when a safe house is overrun with Azrael, especially those with the capabilities of producing ethanol fuel. She wondered where the others were hiding. She didn’t have time to investigate further. They continued down 40 and had to take back roads in Milledgeville, but bypassed a huge herd that blocked 40. They continued until they hit Sterling, all routes to 88 Highway were blocked so they took 2 and headed for the Dixon Family YMCA off of 52 and East Boyd Street. It was a Safe House that was well maintained like the Paul Simon Job Corps Center, besides she was running dangerously low on fuel.

  When they arrived, the power wasn’t operational. She parked in a diagonal parking spot to the east of the building. No lights were visible and the front door was wide open.

  “Stay here, I’m going to check it out.” She said. Steven nodded with approval and locked his door.

  When she opened the door a bullet struck inches from her face.

  “Don’t you fucking come any closer man! I’ll shoot your head clean off.” A man yelled from inside the building. “This place is ours.”

  “Get down Steven, these people are stupid. They are going to get themselves killed. Stay calm, I got this.” Giselle smiled at him and ruffled his hair again.

  “Stop it! I’m not a little boy.” Steven said with disgust.

  “Fair enough, stay quiet.” Giselle was parked next to a minivan and managed to back up and get behind it to try to get a better view. A bullet grazed the side of the van near where her hand was. He wasn’t a great shot, but he wasn’t bad. She decided to speak.

  “We just want to crash for a night, that’s all. We have somewhere to be. There is more than enough room for us all.” She yelled.

  “No there’s not bitch! The moment we start lettin’ people in here, the moment we end up dead. Fuck off. Find a new place. How about that building next to the Cash Store. Windows are broken in, but it’s a roof ain’t it?” He yelled out.

  “We are not going to that place sir. We are crashing here tonight, whether you agree to it or not.” Giselle threatened him hoping that he would make a mistake as she hid behind another car on the other side of the van. He popped his head out to see where she went and she saw his gun in his hand. She took in a deep breath and as if in slow motion she drew her pistol, removed the safety, and fired off two shots hitting the gun and the man’s hand. It was a tiny opening. However, she wasn’t an ordinary shooter anymore.

  “Aww, shit, the bitch shot me. She shot me.” The man yelled.

  “I could have shot your head off, but I chose to shoot your hand instead. I’m coming in.” Giselle focused her attention on the door, and inside. There were four heartbeats, three were moving quickly. They were scared, but the fourth was calm. She listened to their breathing and found the calm person breathing quickly. She could smell their breaths, their body odor and the aroma of sickness. The fourth was dying, but comfortable. There were no more threats.

  “Steven, come on, let’s get you inside and clean you up.”

  “But, there could be…”

  “There’s not, I know.”

  “But how?”

  “Trust me. I know.” They entered the building and the man was sitting down holding his hand. Blood was leaving his right hand, but nothing was broken. It was a graze.

  “You’ll be fine. Here.” Giselle tossed a gauze pad and a small medical bandage roll at him. “Clean it up, third door on the left. There’s a first aid kit under the table, hidden behind a giant stack of phone books.” Giselle nodded towards the door and the man jogged over to it. An old woman and a middle aged woman were hovered over a young girl about four years old. She was sleeping, but her breathing was troubled.

  “What’s wrong with her?” She asked.

  “She’s got asthma. Her breathing has been getting worse. Your shootout isn’t making it any better. We tried to get into Snyders Drug Store but there was a herd inside. At least fifteen is what I counted.” The old woman spoke.

  “No, it’s only thirteen. But it is still more than we have bullets for. Brian’s a nice man. He wasn’t going to kill you. He’s a good shot, but we were hoping to find an inhaler or something in here before we left. We didn’t want to risk not looking everywhere.” The younger woman said.

  “I can guarantee you that there is not an inhaler in here. Any medicine like that has been taken back to the Chicago District to disperse to the main colonies that live there. But Snyders may have what we need. How long has she been like this?” Giselle asked.

  “Three days now. She’s not responding to anything else. She’s not even taking any fluids. She needs an intravenous as well.” The older woman said. She seemed to know what she was talking about.

  “Were you a nurse or something?” Giselle asked.

  “Not a nurse, I worked part time at a retirement clinic. Hoped to meet the second love of my life.” She laughed.

  “Well, it’s good to meet you. What are your names? I’m Giselle and this here is Steven. I work for the Highwaymen. This is one of our safe houses, which is why it was well maintained. Also, his arm is a bit banged up from an abusive man. Do you think you could check on it for me?” Giselle asked.

  “Doris and this is my daughter Kelly and her daughter Chloe. Well, you already met Brian. He’s my granddaughter’s father. Don’t want to bother you with the specifics, but he’s not exactly the marrying type, if you know what I mean. Come here Honey. Let’s have a look at your arm.” Doris reached for the boy’s arm and he cringed as she handled it.

  “Thank you Doris. Giselle said.

  “Can you move it this way?” Doris asked and he nodded yes. “Don’t seem to be broken. It’s just a bit swollen from whatever hit him or whoever hit him. If you have any anti-inflammatory drugs in the first aid box you can give him a half dose. You might not have any left if Brian was in there. He’s a bit of a user, if you know what I mean.” Doris winked at Giselle.

  “Mother, you don’t know this woman. Stop telling all of our business.” Kelly said elbowing her mother in her side.

  “And who is she going to tell? The police? It’s just gossip Dear, don’t worry so much. He’s earned his reputation, just thought she should know.” Doris said dismissing her daughter’s words.

  “It’s okay. I meet all types of people out here trying to survive. I’m going to try to see what I can find out about the drug store, do a little surveillance. I’ll be back.” She walked over to Steven. “Hey, these people seem fine. I got Brian’s gun, so he won’t be shooting anyone else. Don’t worry, I’ll be back. See if you can gather up some food from the kitchen over there. I’m starving. I’ll see you in a bit.” Giselle walked out of the front door and shut it. She reset the alarm so the Highwaymen Station was aware that the situation was under control. A few blocks over she saw the drug store. It looked heavily looted and there was movement within. She found the thirteen heartbeats pounding away like there’s no tomorrow. However, there was a fourteenth, and it was not beating as fast but quick enough to be frightened. That’s probably wh
at brought them in there in the first place. Shit. She needed to plan.

  She reentered the YMCA building and explained the situation. She said in the morning she had planned on heading over, but she needed to gather weapons from the armory. However, John was there last and she thought that he had the only set of keys for it. Upon searching the entire facility she found that she was right. “Fucking John”, she thought to herself.



  As the group left, John reset the alarms on the Safe House and switched the power output of the generators to minimal to save on fuel. Only lights were being powered now. Solar outdoor lights lit the sidewalks when nightfall came. Although the morning was young, there was still a long walk ahead of them and an unknown amount of obstacles that they would face.

  “We’re taking Kedzie up to Ogden. It had heavy Azrael activity a few blocks back. I’m hoping it will be clear for us here though. If not, we have other back roads that we can take until it clears up.” John said leading the group towards Chicago.

  “Damn man, you really doused yourself in that stuff.” Mario coughed a bit as the breeze brought the aroma of the masking agent from John to Mario’s nose. John’s face turned red as he laughed. “Aww, man did you, wow.” Mario shook his head.

  “Did you shit yourself again John?” Savanna asked. John nodded his head and laughed hard.


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