Science Fiction Short Stories Books 1 & 2: Twelve Engaging Sci-Fi Tales (One Mind, Different Voices Series)

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Science Fiction Short Stories Books 1 & 2: Twelve Engaging Sci-Fi Tales (One Mind, Different Voices Series) Page 4

by Erik R. Van Asch

  "Dad!” Jenna cried out and ran to him followed closely by Peter. She held up his head, checking for obvious wounds but found nothing. Peter verified he had a heartbeat and was breathing before pulling out his cellphone and dialed 911. Within minutes Emtek Emergency Services arrived. Scanning the ID card that all citizens were required to hold, they were able to quickly identify any past medical conditions and relevant information that would help them give the best care to their patient. As the scanner emitted a “beep” and his information filled the screen, the medic holding the scanner paused and raised an eyebrow. He nudged his partner and showed him the screen, the partner’s eyes widening a bit at what he saw. Peter asked guardedly, “What does that say? Is he ok?” “Oh yeah”, replied the medic holding the scanner, “This is just basic patient history and information we have in Emtek’s database.”

  “Can we see that? asked Peter. “Sorry sir, patient confidentiality.” He looked at his partner briefly and then tucked the scanner away hurriedly.

  As they moved towards the van, the other medic looked at Jenna, “Aren’t you Jenna Stiles, the news lady?” Jenna managed to flash a smile, “Yes, I am.”

  “I love your show”, he replied as they loaded him into their vehicle. Edgar started to awaken and groggily smiled at his children who were looking on, understandably concerned. The medics paused for a moment as Peter and Jenna leaned in and Edgar said softly. "Call your Uncle Bill". Closing his eyes he exhaled deeply and they finished loading him into the ambulance. "We are headed over to Emtek General Hospital on 8th Street if one of you would like to ride along?", the driver said hurriedly. "I suggest we move though, if this is a stroke, time is extremely important right now." Jenna and Peter looked at each other and Peter nodded. "I got this Jenna, go with Dad. I'll come by after I gather some things and get a hold of Uncle Bill. Do you want me to call the news station for you?”

  Jenna was holding back tears and hugged Peter. "I’ll call them on the way and tell them I have an emergency, someone will have to fill my spot. I'll call you as soon as we know something."

  “You better lil sis, hang in there.”, he whispered and squeezed her shoulder running back into the house as they pulled away, lights and sirens lighting up the surrounding neighborhood.

  Entering the house, Peter was already pulling his cellphone out of his pocket and dialing Uncle Bill's number.

  "Hi Uncle Bill, it's Peter."

  What's wrong Peter? You sound out of breath. Is everything alright?"

  "It's dad", Peter choked a little bit on that statement and Uncle Bill replied, "Emtek on 8th Street?"

  "Yes Uncle Bill, they think it's a stroke."

  "I'm on my way to pick you up, I will be there in 5 minutes."

  They hung up and Peter broke out in sobs. It was hard being the strong one and sometimes it was too much. He was always there for everyone else and without his father around he didn't know how he could do it. Taking a deep breath and gathering himself he regained his composure and started gathering some of his father's things to take to the hospital.

  Uncle Bill arrived, as usual, exactly when he said he would. Unlike his father's run-of-the-mill sedan, Uncle Bill always drove in style and his newest Jaguar fit the bill perfectly. Being the family Doctor for as long as Peter could remember, he always drove the top of the line and they always looked brand new. Of course, the advancements that Emtek made in polymers and paint didn't hurt. One could buy a vehicle with a lifetime guarantee on paint degradation and even scratches. Emtek’s “self-repairing” paint cost a mint but was well worth it.

  Emtek had been around for 35 years and seemingly came out of nowhere. Within 5 years of creation, they swept the globe with technology innovations of which the world had never dreamed. The partners behind Emtek remained silent and operated in the background, a privately held corporation who maintained their day to day operations but left their public face, and relations, to the one and only Penny Steelwater. Coming from a local news channel with her perfect looks and contagious smile she was the perfect representative to what could be labeled as the primary pioneer of technology and innovation in the 22nd century. The Corporation had interest in every technology-related business in the world and advanced every field they touched with very few exceptions. Medical and automotive fields were but two of the areas in which they were considered the last word.

  Casting a strong figure even when in distress Uncle Bill always instilled comfort and confidence in his patients and family. Today was no different. He walked in the front door and pulled Peter into his arms, not saying anything but just comforting him. Peter pulled away, "Thank you Uncle Bill", he said smiling slightly.

  Looking a bit exasperated Peter shrugged, looking around. "I have no idea what I am supposed to bring." Uncle Bill smiled, "Is this the bag over here?" He gestured to the duffel bag Peter was working on. "Yes, it is. Does that look right to you?"

  Uncle Bill rifled through the bag. "Looks good to me!" Are you ready to go?", and he threw the bag over his shoulder.

  "Yeah", said Peter.

  Uncle Bill paused, looking at Peter. "How has your father been feeling? Has he said anything about not feeling well?"

  "No, he hasn't said a word. He has looked a little tired recently but just pushes it off on working too hard. I should have pressed him more about it."

  Uncle Bill nodded absentmindedly, "Has he talked about why he has been working so much recently?"

  Peter laughed somewhat bitterly, "Of course not! You know he never talks about work."

  For as long as Peter could remember his Dad would never speak of work. He knew that his father was in the technology business and worked with the government but that was all anyone was allowed to know. According to his father, "He would need a Top Security clearance" in order for them to talk about his work. Dad gave this speech to everyone in the family so nobody had asked him more than "How are things?" in many years.

  Uncle Bill's mind seemed elsewhere at that moment. Edgar meant a lot to Bill. They had weathered out some hard times together when Edgar's wife passed away from illness. Edgar had always been the "wunderkind" but always eagerly brought Bill along and truly made him who he was today, as a man and as a professional. Remembering abruptly where he was, he quickly snapped back. "Yeah, I have heard the speech many times, Peter." He flashed a comforting doctor-patient smile and squeezed Peter's shoulder. "Let's get to the hospital."

  Jenna paced outside his room. Nothing had changed on the ride into the hospital and based on the analysis provided by the emergency staff he was admitted immediately. Although she was his daughter, oddly enough the medical staff stated that according to his medical records they were prohibited from releasing any information to her. A nurse opened the door and stepped out, walking over to her.

  The nurse held her hands behind her back, looking at Jenna in a genuinely comforting way. "You must be Jenna?"

  Jenna nodded and asked, "Is he ok? Can I go in?"

  "Of course you can", she smiled broadly. "My name is Monica and I am the head nurse at the moment. He came around a short time ago while we were getting him settled into his room. I expect he will be very happy to see you. Please go in", she gestured to the door.

  "Can you tell me what's going on?” she almost pleaded.

  "Your father has requested that he be allowed to do that. I am sure you understand.” Her head bowed slightly and she smiled again, walking away towards the nurse’s station.

  Jenna opened the door slowly, not wanting to disturb her father. As her eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room she saw her father lying in the bed, tubes, wires and oxygen tethering him to the wall. Tears filled her eyes at how weak looking he was. She caught her breath and he opened his eyes and smiled.

  She walked over and leaned over the bed, tears coming out now. "Dad, I was so worried!” she said through sobs. He smiled and hugged her tight to him in the bed, patting the back of her head. "It's ok sweetheart, everything is fine." He held her out a little bit and wiped away h
er tears. "It's ok my Jenna."

  "Dad, the nurse wouldn't tell me what was wrong. Please tell me everything is ok?"

  "Everything will be fine my dear, where is Peter? Did you get a hold of Uncle Bill?"

  Just then the door clicked open and in walked Peter, followed by Uncle Bill.

  Peter put his arm around Jenna and leaned down to hug his father. "Dad, tell me everything is ok. What's going on?" He looked between Jenna and his father for answers. Jenna squeezed her father's hand. "We just got in the room, Dad's not talking as usual." She rolled her eyes and looked distressingly at Peter and her father.

  Edgar smiled his broad charismatic smile and leaned up to squeeze Peter's arm, "Sorry about Dinner son." Peter laughed, "To hell with dinner, Dad. Do they know anything yet?"

  Uncle Bill cleared his throat in the background and Edgar looked over. A serious look on his face he looked at his children. "Can you give me a moment with your Uncle, please?

  Peter immediately started to lose his temper. "Can you just please tell us what’s going on, Dad? We are worried sick!” Jenna looked away, a disturbed look on her face.

  Edgar tensed and cut him off with a look. "Peter, now is not the time for this", said Uncle Bill.

  Edgar relaxed a bit in the bed and interrupted him. "Actually Bill, I think this is the perfect time for this." He sighed and leaned back in bed. "I think we don't have any more time for this. Peter, can you and your sister please give me a moment with your Uncle? I will only be a moment."

  Peter sighed, the temper fading from him. "Ok Dad, sorry. Come on Jenna." He squeezed his father's hand and put his arm around Jenna, walking out, not looking at Uncle Bill.

  They stood in the long-white hallway for a moment just looking out of the long window outside his room. It overlooked Emtek towers, a beautiful campus of architecture that was commonly called "The Ivory Towers" for their pearl and ivory colored marble. They had improved the lives of not only the local residents through the creation of jobs but the world itself through the advancements they had introduced in every major technological field.

  "I can't imagine life if something happened to Dad, Jenna.”

  "Peter, he has always given us everything we need. Just be there for him now.” she said.

  Peter turned, “Ever since Mom died he has done everything for us. He paid for my technology and business degree, he bought you the best telecommunications education you can find. He has taught us the value of hard work, money and empathy and made us work for what we have and taught us not to squander what we have, to be the best people we can be. That's just Dad. And here I am being selfish and just worrying about me."

  Peter stared out the window sullenly. "You are right, I am sorry." He hung his head, staring at the floor. "I just don't know what I will do without him. And here he is scaring us like this and we don't know what’s going on."

  Just then the door opened and Uncle Bill came out. He felt Peter tense when he put his hand on his shoulder. "I am sorry Peter, this is hard on all of us." Peter turned around and hugged him. Uncle Bill was almost as much a father to Peter as Edgar. Uncle Bill looked up and beckoned Jenna over, "Your father would like to speak with both of you." He gestured towards the room and urged both of them forward.

  Jenna and Peter held hands as they entered the room. The lights were a little brighter and their father looked a bit better in the light, the back of the bed was up more and he sat up much straighter, looking a lot more like the strong figure he was.

  He motioned to the chairs that Uncle Bill had arranged and smiled his fatherly smile, pressing a red button on the intercom. "Yes Mr. Stiles?” a nurse responded. "I will tell you when to send her in", said Edgar. "Yes Mr. Stiles." A light click was heard as the room's electronic lock engaged.

  They sat down, still holding hands, looking curiously at each other, Uncle Bill and their father.

  Edgar smiled wider than he ever had. "I would like to tell you everything."

  He looked thoughtfully past them at the wall, searching for the correct words.

  He cleared his throat, "Forty years ago at 25 years old, your mother passed away." He paused and took a sip of water from the hospital tray beside him. "I loved her more than anyone I had ever met, and then we had the two of you." He beamed at both of them. "I never wanted anything but the best for you and I tried in earnest to give you everything. I did want you to learn however, that it takes hard work to be successful. And look at you now."

  He turned to stare at Peter. "Peter, you have a brilliant mind. I have given you the best guidance I can to get you ahead in life and you have shone brilliantly."

  Peter snorted and smiled, "Yeah for all that's worth, Emtek still won't hire me."

  Edgar smiled and laughed. "All good things Peter, all good things."

  Still staring at Peter he said, "You have become a consummate businessman, a force among men when it comes to technology and have the creative mind of an artist when it comes to innovation." Peter just looked at him with an awkward smile, not trusting himself to say anything.

  Turning to Jenna he reached out and took her hands. "And my dearest Jenna, every smile that crosses your face reminds me of your mother. You are her image. I have nurtured you as best I could to be independent, smart and also business-savvy. Even when you decided to pursue your telecommunications degree I supported you and taught you as best I could how to earn what you receive, to work hard, and to always work hard for what you want."

  "You have father, thank you so much", she looked apprehensive. "You are scaring me dad. What's going on? It's bad isn't it?" He just smiled and nodded a little, holding up his hand to stop her from continuing.

  He continued, "Thirty-five years ago I discovered a way to harness thought. I discovered that the brain worked on a particular "frequency", for lack of a more descriptive term, and that it was already being broadcast in a way very similar to a radio wave."

  Jenna and Peter looked at each other, blank looks on their faces along with confusion. Jenna looked at Uncle Bill and he just nodded solemnly and looked towards Edgar.

  "I called it the god frequency", he chuckled. "I was so full of myself then." Uncle Bill smiled a little as well but still stared at Edgar.

  "I was working in neurology and discovered it quite by accident", he continued. "I spent a few years figuring out how to perfect a device to capture these brain waves that everyone was already broadcasting. I spent the next few years embedding this device into every device I could create, marketing and selling these devices to the world through a shadow corporation." Jenna and Peter still looked confused.

  He coughed a little and took another sip of water, "Unfortunately I needed a device to tap into these waves so one could listen. For that I created a receiver of sorts and after much testing this receiver was implanted into my left frontal lobe, near Broca’s area."

  At that, both children looked at their father as if he had gone insane. "Uncle Bill, call a nurse please!” Peter yelled out. "I think something is seriously wrong." Jenna stood up, considerably distraught, "Relax Dad, we will get someone in here."

  Edgar looked at Bill, and laughed, "And you wonder why I have held out for so long." He spoke out firmly, "Sit down and relax you two, I am being quite serious right now." They both looked at Uncle Bill who responded with a nod of his head,

  "He really is serious right now guys, you need to listen”, Uncle Bill stated stoically.

  They both sat down, amazed and shocked looks on their faces.

  He cleared his throat again, "So I have spent my life building an empire for the two of you and I built this on a secret you need to take to your graves. Mind me on this one now", he said. "There are people, governments, countries that would at the very least kill you for this information and this technology. For your own safety you must keep this to yourselves. Swear it!" He became quite animated. Jenna and Peter both nodded, numb at the implications.

  He waited for a moment and Peter responded, "Ok wait, if this is all true. What dev
ices? What are you talking about?"

  Edgar and Uncle Bill both smiled broadly but Edgar became a little sad. "I wish I could have told you earlier, I am sorry. It is just too dangerous of a secret. Unfortunately I am now paying for that secret. I was diagnosed with a glioblastoma in my left frontal lobe, most likely caused by this technology I created."

  "Oh no, Dad!” Jenna stood up crying and hugging her father. Peter just sat there numb.

  Edgar hugged her tightly and then motioned for her to sit back down. "I am sorry sweetheart, it is advancing faster than I expected. The doctor is giving me only several months to live. With the advanced treatment from Emtek's best Doctors, such as your Uncle Bill, I was hoping to live much longer. Unfortunately I can no longer remove it as it is too deeply embedded into my frontal lobe. It has embedded itself quite deeply in my tissue."

  Peter looked on at Uncle Bill, puzzled. "You work for Emtek?" He nodded.

  Looking back at his father. "Dad, I can't figure out how to word this any better, who are you?"

  Edgar didn't laugh. He looked to Jenna and said, "I could give you a breakthrough story that would advance your career as a journalist and shoot you straight to the top, but I’m going to give you so much more.” He turned to Peter, "And I am going to hand you the most powerful technology you have ever seen."

  He looked between both of them, "I have spent my life building the two of you, coaching you, to be powerful, earnest and good people. I have spent my life bringing you to this moment. I am the CEO and co-founder of Emtek along with your Uncle Bill. We have spent the last 35 years building an empire for the two of you. Now that my reign is ending, I will need the two of you to take control."

  At that, he pressed the red button once again and a voice came over the intercom, "Yes Mr. Stiles?"

  We are finished, please proceed.” he replied.

  "Yes Mr. Stiles.", she replied.

  A moment later the door clicked and opened, revealing a smiling Penny Steelwater. She strode across the room, touching Bill on the arm and moving in to stand next to Edgar. "I hope you are feeling better Mr. Stiles?" She placed her hand on his shoulder. "I am feeling as best as I can expect Penny, thank you. I would like you to meet my children, Jenna and Peter."


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