by Timothy Beal
Caminiti, Paul J., 69
Campus Crusade for Christ, 11–12
Campus Life Club, 12, 13
Campus Life magazine/editors, 15, 18, 71–72
Campus Life on Wheels, 13
canon formation, 106–10, 216, 217
capsa, 92
Carpenter, Joel A., 10, 204
Castells, Manuel, 225
Celebrate Recovery Bible, 50
celebrity authors of Bibles, 51, 144
Chaim, Yosef, 196
Chambers, Oswald, 24–25, 27, 28
Christian consumerism, 20–21
Christian entertainment industry
beginnings, 11
See also specific events; specific movements
Christianity (early)
Bible as unimaginable, 85, 106, 107, 116–17
compared to digital network society, 190–91
house churches, 100, 103, 111–12, 113–14
network society, 108–10, 214–15
no canon, 106–10
sacred capital, 96, 102
scriptural culture overview, 86–88, 90–110, 214–15
scripture diversity, 22, 102–6
separating from Judaism, 100
See also Jesus movement (early); Roman Christianity; scriptures (early)
Christian Soldier’s Penny Bible, The, 133
Christian Woodstock, 11–12
Christ Pantocrator, 89 Cicero, 184
Cixous, Hélène, 201
Clark, Kenneth W, 216
Clement, 103, 112
Codex Amiatinus, 119, 128
advantages, 115–16
Codex Amiatinus, 119, 128
Codex Sinaiticus, 117, 140, 218
early Christianity and, 98, 114–16, 213
oldest, 114
storage capacities, 115, 116
uses, 114, 115, 116, 213, 218
Codex Sinaiticus, 117, 140, 218
Cohen, Leonard, 178
Colbert Report, The, 31
Colbert, Stephen, 31
Colosseum, 111
Columbia Records, 176
Complutensian Polyglot Bible, 122, 125, 218
Comstock, Andrew, 138–39
Constantine, Emperor, 110, 116, 117–18
Christian consumerism, 20–21
emotions and, 44–45
family Bibles and, 139–40
felt needs and, 44–45, 46
identity and, 35
Contemporary English Version, 62
Coptic language, 103–4
copyright laws/effects, 48, 78, 104, 130–31
Council of Carthage, 217
creationists, 44, 46, 155
creation stories
cosmological/anthropological versions, 152
female companion to God, 154
Genesis, 149–52, 181, 221–22
human creation, 151–52
Job, 152–53
John, 154
order of creation, 151–52
polyvocality of Bible and, 149–55
Proverbs, 154
Psalms, 153–54
Shabbat, 151
Wisdom and, 154
Word and, 154
Yam and, 153
“young earth believers,” 155
Cromwell, Oliver, 133
cultural icon
Bible as, 4, 5–6, 21, 81, 83–84, 178, 179, 202–3, 207
traditional icon vs., 5, 202–3
Curie, Marie, 159
Damascus, Pope, 118
Daniel, book of, 102
Daniel in lion’s den, 100
Danvers, Henry, 134
Darlowe, T. H., 218
Darwin, Charles, 8
David, 13–14, 29, 53, 60
Da Vinci Code, The (Brown), 31–32
Dead Sea Scrolls
about, 91
scripture diversity and, 104–5
See also specific scrolls
de Hamel, Christopher, 218
Delilah and Samson story, 52–54
Derrida, Jacques, 148–49, 189, 221
Deuteronomy, 3, 9, 99, 101, 132, 163, 222, 223
Job vs., 163–68, 185, 223
Devotional Bible: Experiencing the Heart of Jesus, 51
Dewey, David, 209
Diatessaron (Tatian), 103
Didache, 109
digital revolution
Bible and, 79–80, 189–91, 196
as collaborative, 190
as hypertextual, 79, 189
inventions of 1980s and, 78–79
overview, 78–80, 211
print culture and, 78, 79–80, 147, 189
as processual, 189–90
digitization effects, 78
Dillard, Annie, 27
DiMarco, Hayley, 42
disciples of Jesus
Jewish tradition/Scripture and, 92, 213
See also specific disciples
distress crop
Bible and, 81, 144
grapefruit tree example, 80
Divine Liturgy, 76
“divine wrath,” 60
“documentary hypothesis” (Wellhausen), 8–9
dos-à-dos (“back-to-back”) Bibles, 133
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 173
Duct Tape Bible, 49
Eastern Orthodox churches, 76–77
Ecclesiastical History (Eusebius of Caesarea), 109
Egyptian language, 103
Ehud, 14
Elijah, 87
Elisha, 87
English Bibles
about, 16, 125, 128, 144
early examples, 133–36, 134
importing, 131–32
See also specific Bibles
English Civil War, 130, 133
Epp, Eldon J., 216
Erasmus, 122, 123, 125–26, 218
Esau and Jacob, 13
Esther, book of, 128, 166, 210
Ethiopic language, 125
Eusebius of Caesarea, 109–10, 117–18, 214, 217
nineteenth century, 6–8
popularization vs. preservation dilemma, 70–78, 81–84
See also neo-evangelicalism
Eve and Adam, 66, 66
Every Man’s Bible, 51–54
evolutionary theory, 8, 10, 46, 155
criticism of, 130–31
daughters as possessions, 155
Pharaoh/killing of firstborn, 129–30, 161
slavery and, 155–56, 222
suffering and, 160, 161
Explo ’72, Campus Crusade for Christ, 11–12
Explore, 42, 47
faith and ambiguity, 175–76
family Bibles
about, 139, 221
beginnings, 139–40
“material Christianity” and, 139–40
Family Testament, and Scholar’s Assistant, The, 135
felt needs
for Bible as Word of God, 50, 57
Bible sales, 44–45, 67
Biblezines, 44–45, 46, 47–48
biblical ambiguities and, 63
consumerism and, 44–45, 46
value-added Bibles, 50, 54, 57, 58
Felt Needs Bible Merchandising System, Thomas Nelson, 44–45
Ferrar, Nicholas, 131
Fewell, Danna Nolan, 208–9, 222, 224
Finney, Charles, 9
Fishbane, Michael, 224
formal-equivalence translation, 59, 61
Foster, Richard, 210
4Q Testimonia, 94
Franklin, Benjamin, 130
free Bibles, 48–49
functional equivalence, 59–64
functional-equivalence translation
definition, 59
examples, 59–62
interpretation/ambiguity and, 58–61, 62–64
use of, 59–64
> Bible study/groups, 9, 204
biblical inerrancy, 9, 30, 141, 142, 143
“bibliolatry” and, 83
Briggs heresy trials and, 9–10
conflict/criticism of, 9–10
late nineteenth century, 8, 9
popularization and, 71, 72–73, 74- 75, 81, 83
reinventing itself, 10–11, 21
Revised Standard Version and, 142, 143
Revised Version Bible and, 141
Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes (1925), 10
See also neo-evangelicalism
Gadamer, Hans-Georg, 224
Galatians, 101, 156, 158, 186, 222
Gallup, George, Jr., 32–33
Gallup poll, 5, 201–2
Gamble, Harry Y, 212–13, 214, 217
creation stories, 14–15, 149–52, 181, 221–22
translation/effects, 149–52
Genesis: A Living Conversation (public television series), 191–92, 225
Geneva Bible, 129–30, 131
Gideons International, 49
Ginsberg, Allen, 37
Golfer’s Bible, The, 50
Goliath, 29
Good News Translation, 82, 212
of the Hebrews, 109
Matthias, 110
of the Nazareans, 103
Peter, 110
Thomas, 103–4, 110
Gospel Book, Eastern Orthodox churches, 76–77
Gospel harmonies, 131, 217
canon and, 109
Jewish Scriptures and, 102, 103
resurrection stories, 168–69
See also specific Gospels
Grafton, Anthony, 215
Graham, Billy, 11, 16, 72–73
Grateful Dead, 53
Great Isaiah Scroll, 91–92, 91, 215
Greek language
alphabet, 103
Koine Greek, 98
See also polyglot Bibles
Greek Septuagint (“Seventy”), 93, 98, 105–6, 120, 124, 126, 127, 128, 216
See also polyglot Bibles
Gregory VII, Pope, 130
Gunn, David M., 208–9, 222
Gutenberg, 22, 79, 120–21, 129
“Gutenberg Bible,” 121, 203
Hagerty, Barbara Bradley, 30
Haines-Eitzen, Kim, 214–15
handbag/Bible combination, 49
Harper & Brothers, 139
HarperCollins, 34, 35
hassatan, 164
Hastings, Wayne, 44, 208
Head, Murray, 19, 20
Hebrew (biblical) language, 93, 124, 126, 127
Hebrews, Gospel of the, 109
Hobbs, Gertrude, 24
Holocaust, 165, 166
holy ark, 76
Holy Bible, Woman Thou Art Loosed! Edition, 51
Leviticus and, 55–57, 58, 59
translation and, 58–59
value-added Bibles, 55–57
Hoskins, Richard Kelly, 156–57
house churches/communities
about, 100, 103, 112
remains of, 111–12, 113
scripture diversity, 103–6, 113–14
Howl (Ginsberg), 37
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 79, 189
Huckabee, Mike, 29–30, 31
Hurtado, Larry W, 217–18
Hux, Martin Luther, 142
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), 79, 189
icon defined, 202
idol defined, 83
Ignatius of Antioch, 103, 135
“I Have a Dream” (King), 159
Illuminated Bible, 139
Illuminated World, 82, 212
Immerse, 49
Inclusive Bible, 68
industrial revolution, 140
inner-biblical exegesis, 224
InterMedia Partners VII, 34
Isaac and Abraham, 100, 192
Isaiah (prophet), 37, 102, 105, 216, 222
Great Isaiah Scroll, 91–92, 91, 215
Isaiah scroll and Jesus, 86–87, 88, 91, 92, 94–95, 96, 97–98, 105–6, 186
Jacob and Esau, 13
Jael and Sisera, 14, 44, 53
Jakes, T. D., 51
James, 103, 109, 128, 219
James I, King of England, 130–31, 219
Jeremiah (prophet), 222
Bible as library, 147–48
Bible evolution and, 118–20, 126, 128, 129, 147
Brothers Karamazov, The, and, 173–74
on cross, 163
as interpreter, 186
Isaiah scroll and, 86–87, 88, 91, 92, 94–95, 96, 97–98, 105–6, 186
Jewish identity, 99
Jewish tradition/Scripture and, 92, 99
language of, 93
New Testament/rereadings and, 185–86
parables, 193
“reading Bible” and, 87–88, 89
resurrection stories (Gospels), 168–69
social justice, 156, 158
teaching beginnings, 86–87
words of, 14, 29–30, 56, 57, 82–83, 163, 169
Jesus Christ Superstar, 18–19, 20
Jesus movement (early)
Gentiles and, 100, 103
Jewish tradition/Scripture and, 99–100, 102, 104
Koine Greek, 98
See also Christianity (early)
Jewish Diaspora, 93, 98, 99, 102
Jewish Scripture
diversity, 22, 104–5
earliest copies, 104–5
rereading of, 185–87
sacred capital of, 76
testimonia, 93–94, 102, 105, 108, 190
versions of, 22, 93
See also scriptures (early); scrolls; specific scriptures
Jiménez de Cisneros, Cardinal, 122
Job, book of
creation stories, 152–53
Deuteronomy vs., 163–68, 185, 223
Job’s story, 164–65, 167
Johanan, Rabbi, 95
John (Gospel), 100, 109, 114, 154, 168, 169
John, Apocalypse of (Revelation), 103, 107–8, 109, 128, 186–87
John of Patmos, 107
Johnson, Blind Willie, 176–78
John Thomas Scopes, Tennessee vs. (1925), 10
Jonah in the whale, 100
Josephus, 135, 214
Rabbinic Judaism, 187, 189
sacred capital and, 76, 96
See also Jewish Scripture; scriptures (early); synagogues
fate of, 19–20, 170, 171, 172–73
Jesus Christ Superstar, 19, 20
Jude, 109
justice of God. See theodicy
Justin Martyr, 214
Kahle, P. E., 215
Kant, Immanuel, 174
Keefer, Kyle, 216
King James Version
as “Authorized Version,” 131, 136, 141
as Bible of England, 131
“Jesus and,” 88
laws regarding, 131
popularity/sales, 59, 206
public domain and, 48
translation and, 59, 60, 61–62
universal translation idea and, 140, 141
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 159
Koine (“common”) Greek, 98
Kugel, James, 213, 214
Laocoön (Blake), 182
early print Bibles, 121
third century, 98
word meanings/derivations, 42, 75, 146, 147–48, 184
See also polyglot Bibles
Latin Vulgate, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127
Led Zeppelin, 176
Leningrad Codex, 215
Lentz, John, 193–94, 195
Leviathan, 153
Leviticus, 3, 52, 55–56, 224
Lieberman, Saul, 213, 218
Life Applications Study Bible, 54–55, 57, 58
“Lifeboat Bible,” 138, 138
Life Recovery Bible, The, 50
Linafelt, Tod, 63–64
Lin Chi, 178
Lindars, Barnabas, 214
Lindsell, Harold, 180
literacy, early Jewish/Christian, 95–96, 99, 212–13
literary reading, 33, 205, 211
Living Bible, The
about, 15–17, 18, 204
critics of, 72
translation and, 15–16, 17–18, 58–59, 63