Lavender Is a Harsh Mistress

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Lavender Is a Harsh Mistress Page 9

by Earl Watson

  “How did you know about me working on Wall Street?”

  “Easy, before they hired you at Strollmen Capital they called Princeton, as a background check. Well who do you think is one of the top money givers to your Alma Mater? Marcus my boy you are going to find out that there is very little that money can’t buy, especially if you’ve got a lot of it. It is almost as important as air. Now what do you say are you in or out?”

  “Well I wanted to go back to school for my masters and I wanted to finish that before....”

  “Don’t worry about that you can take classes over the phone.”

  “I don’t think that they let you get your masters over the phone.”

  “You are right my boy they don’t. But after I make a few calls I have 64

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress a funny feeling that they will.” Marcus gulped down his last corner of beer.

  “Who said that America isn’t a great country? I am in!” Vinny grabbed Marcus’ hand and shook it firmly.

  “Good! I have already purchased you a ticket to California.” Vinny’s demeanor quickly changed as a worried look spread over his face.

  “Roger is working with me now.” Marcus put down his empty can of beer.

  “What do you mean that he is working with you now? What happened to Vision Industries?” Vinny stood up and walked to the window. Marcus could never remember Vinny to be at a loss for words.

  “Vinny, why is he working with you? What happened?!” Vinny walked back over to the table and sat down again.

  “Roger was working for Vision Industries, but he cracked up because of the pressure, so I brought him in with me. He didn’t know much about the business but he was smart enough to revamp our inventory system. I gave him an office and a six figure salary to start.

  He had the leeway to do whatever he wanted. I was going to look out for him no matter what. But, what I didn’t know was that he was addicted to hard drugs and booze as well as anti-depressants. When he was working at Vision he developed a lot of mental issues.” Vinny’s voice dropped even lower.

  “I quickly came to realize that this was going to be an on going problem. I even put him into one of the best drug programs in the state, but he wouldn’t stay. I had a mess on my hands and that’s not the worst of it. There were days when I had no idea where he was.

  Once I got a tip that he staying on the seedier side of town. With the drug addicts, whores, pimps, alcoholics, ex-cons, every sort of loser that you can find. I hired a private security company and got five of their biggest guys. We found him in some hotel totally wasted. He didn’t have any idea who I was. The guys tied him up, gagged and restrained him in the back seat until I got him back to my house. I kept the security guys around a few days until he came to his senses.

  I could see that he was never going to be the old Roger that we knew in school. Every once in awhile he would remember who I was or this or that. But that was far and in between. I had him hidden away at my house for weeks and then the crap really hit the fan.” Marcus’


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress eyes widened as he pushed his empty can to the side.

  “You said that you were hiding him. That means that he was in some sort of trouble.”

  “Cleaver. Very cleaver Mr. Peterson, you are still a cleaver boy. Just before Roger cracked up Vision Industries had gone into the perfume and cologne business. They assigned him a project to come up with a product that would heighten a mans sexual drive. Roger did find such a formula. Vision did a world wide test and the results were shattering. It worked on over seventy percent of the men who tried it. Over ninety percent of women said that they would buy it for the man in their life. Marcus, Roger had come up with a gold mine! A formula that stood to make Vision hundreds of millions of dollars.

  Those bosses at Vision thought that they could just waltz into his office and locate the formula. After tearing his office apart and down to the last splinter. They came to realize what you and I have always known. Roger never wrote any of his formulas down, he kept them in his head. But could recall them just as easy as he could his name.

  Marcus, we can’t let Vision get their hands on him.” Marcus let out a high pitched whistle.

  “But Vinny, in Roger’s state can he even remember the formula?”

  “Marcus do you have any idea what kind of power and connections that a company like Vision has? I found out that they have five of the top corporate law firms on retainer. They had one of those firms file some bogus papers in a California court. The papers would allow the firm to act as Roger’s guardians on the grounds that he might be a danger to himself or others.”

  “But Vinny, Roger’s family would qualify before any law firm as a guardian.” Vinny banged his hand on the table to drive home a point.

  “Roger’s family is in bed with Vision! They gave his family a hundred thousand dollars if they would bring Roger to them or tell them where he was. Do you know what Vision’s plans are if they get hold of Roger.” Marcus replied as if he was afraid to ask.

  “No Vinny, what?”

  “They plan to have him treated in Mexico! Do you have any idea what kind of drugs that a private hospital could use on him in Mexico? Away from prying eyes and any questions being asked.”

  Vinny rubbed his hand over his forehead and gathered his thoughts.


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “But there is more. Because he worked for me they got a feeling that I might know where he was. They began to watch my house, I even thought that they might have tapped my phone, but I fooled them. When my gardener came by I hid Roger in his truck behind all of his equipment. I gave him seventy five thousand dollars to take Roger some place safe. Some place where Vision would have the slightest idea where he was.”

  Marcus stared off into the distance after hearing all that Vinny had said.

  “Thank God, Vinny. With that kind of money at stake they would not stop at anything to get their hands on him. Where did you decide to send him?” Vinny’s eyes teared up and he took a giant gulp of air.

  “I am sending him to you, I hope that you don’t mind.” Marcus walked around the table and wrapped his arm around Vinny. By this time he also had tears in his eyes.

  “I could never be friends with you again if you had sent him anywhere else. My grandmother has plenty of room here and she has always liked Roger, she won’t mind. She’s in China right now with her traveling club.”

  “Thanks Marcus, Roger will be here in two days.”

  “What airport am I picking him up at?”

  “Airport! I couldn’t take a chance by putting him on a plane. He would have had to show identification and Vision could have traced that in no time. He is being driven across country in my gardener’s van. Now here is the rest of my plan. Don’t forget my company has a phalanx of lawyers too. My wife’s father knows some pretty big people up in Maine. I’ve mapped out every detail down to the last second. By the time that Roger arrives I will be back in California.

  I will instruct my attorneys in Maine to file the necessary papers before a Judge that won’t ask any questions. I will need you to drive Roger up to Maine, and deliver him to a place called Latham Sanitarium. A doctor Upton will be waiting for you. He has already been contracted and has all of the necessary papers to treat Roger. Here is the best part. The court papers refer to a Roger McManus, but he is being admitted into Latham, under the name of “William Natty.”

  Marcus looked at Vinny and smiled.


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “Touche! You are quite a cleaver boy yourself. You can count on me.

  When do you want him there?”

  “He’ll be here in two days, give him a day to rest and then get started, the sooner the better.”

  “It’s a good plan. When do you want me in California?”

  “You have two weeks from today. I called a board meeting then so that I could show you off. Now Marcus, let’s get do
wn to brass tacks.

  You haven’t asked me how much you will be earning. How much do you think that you will be taking me for?”

  “To be honest I haven’t even thought about that. I am sure that you will be fair.” Vinny got up and took a stroll around the table. He leaned his head to the side and stuck his lips out like he was going to kiss someone.

  “Well my Natty Boy, I will be paying you three hundred thousand dollars a year, as well as an expense account of thirty thousand, a new car, and a bonus depending on how well the company does.

  What do you say to that?”

  “I say thank you very much!!”

  “That’s it, just thank you very much! Just for that I am going to make you work your butt off.”

  “Vinny that’s a lot of money and I am truly blown away by it. What ever I have to do I will so that you will know that you’ve made a wise decision.”

  “You don’t really have to do much of anything, and there is a lot of that. Just show up once and awhile with that money making face of yours. You are your own boss and you do what the hell you want too. If anybody has a problem with that and so much as looks at you sideways, they will be out on their ass!”

  Roger was dropped off exactly on time. The look on his face told Marcus that he sort of still recognized him. Marcus had already prepared a bedroom and after a shower they went downstairs to eat.

  Roger began speaking in a halting, unsure style.

  “I....think that I....know this house. It’s not your house it’s your grandmother’s house. Is that right?”

  “That’s right Roger, it’s my grandmother’s house. Do you remember it, do you remember me?” A softness came over Roger’s face and a twinkle flashed in his eyes.


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “I know you. We were like brothers, like best friends.” Marcus was elated and beside himself with joy.

  “Do you know me Roger, you remember me?”

  “We were....the best dressed boys at the school. But you always dressed a little better than the rest of us. They say that I am crazy, but I am not. I do remember some things it’s just that I didn’t turn out so well did I? I tried but I didn’t turn out so well. You are not mad at me are you Marcus?” Marcus’ eyes suddenly filled with tears that he hoped Roger didn’t notice.

  “Nobody is mad at you Roger. Vinny and I are going to get you help and things are going to be like when we were in school. We are going to be together again just like the team that we used to be.”

  “Marcus, do you remember the book “Catcher In The Rye.?”

  “Yes I remember it?”

  “Maybe I am a modern day Holden Caulfield, because there is something wrong with me but, no one can see it.”

  “No Roger, that character wasn’t real, you are.”

  “You know Marcus I never harmed a living soul did I?” Marcus shook his head trying to clear away the tears.

  “No Roger you never did, you only harmed yourself. Come on let’s turn in I am sure that you must be tired.” As Marcus helped Roger up the stairs. It broke his heart to see how difficult and unsure each step was for him. He looked like a young child that was just learning how to walk upstairs. By the time that Roger got into bed the twinkle in his eyes were gone and the softness on his face was also. His face was like a blank slate and his eyes were listless. Marcus made himself a pallet on the floor next to Roger’s bed. He didn’t want Roger to disappear in the middle of the night like he did in rehab.

  On the day that they left for the sanitarium the weather brought a slight rain and a chilling wind that came up the coast.

  Marcus found a warm coat to bundle Roger up in and let him lay across the back seat. During the entire drive Roger uttered only one sentence.

  “I got up last night Marcus to do some writing. I hope that you don’t mind.” Marcus was puzzled because there was no way that Roger could have gotten past him to go downstairs and do some writing. So he just fluffed it off and played along. The drive took a 69

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress little bit longer because of the weather. However by early evening they were pulling into Latham’s parking lot. Doctor Upton met them as planned and gave them the grand tour. Marcus was glad to see that Vinny had spared no expense. The place had everything that the troubled adults of the super rich needed. Marcus remained with Roger until bedtime before he left for the drive back home. He vowed to Roger that he would call weekly and come by to visit as much as he could.

  California, the land of sunshine, of eternal fun, of Disney-land, The Beach Boys, and the belief that it could give everything to everybody. After all, it wasn’t called the “Golden State” for nothing.

  But this time the gold wasn’t because of Sutter’s Mill, and the Eighteen Forty Nine Gold Rush. The new gold was to be found in Silicon Valley, where brains not brawn were prized. This was the valley that had made the state the eighth largest economy in the world.

  Marcus had just landed and was on his way to get his luggage when he heard his name being called.

  “Mr. Peterson, picking up Mr. Marcus Peterson, for Mr. Spinelli.

  Marcus turned around to see a well dressed man in a chauffeur’s cap.

  Marcus found the source of the voice and introduced himself and the man doffed his cap.

  “Please follow me Mr. Peterson.” Marcus followed the man and was ushered into a waiting car. As soon as the car pulled away Marcus looked around the interior in awe and commented to the driver.

  “So this is what a Rolls Royce looks like!”

  “Mr. Peterson I have been instructed to drive you to the office building for a board meeting. I hope that you are not jet lagged.”

  “No I am fine. Who’s car is this?”

  “This is Mr. Spinelli’s car, pretty isn’t it?”

  “It’s way past pretty.” The driver stepped on the gas and the car moved along the road like a hot knife thru butter. “Wait until we get to the parking lot Mr. Peterson. You will see some cars that will put this old relic to shame”. Marcus let out a light laugh.

  “It’s nice to see that Mr. Spinelli can afford such a car.”

  Vinny met Marcus at the front door and slapped his arm around Marcus’ shoulder.

  “Come on, let’s go and meet the Board. They walked into a large 70

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress office that was dominated by a large oak table that had been stained black. The other members of the Board were seated as Vinny and Marcus stood on a small stage. Vinny tapped his pen on the top of the podium and the gathering fell silent.

  “Ladies and gentlemen of the Board, may I introduce you to Marcus Vipsainus Peterson, your new member. In front of you is a folder that obtains all of his qualifications that I know you have all read.

  After reading it I am sure that none of you have any questions.”

  Vinny leaned over the podium and glared at the other members and raised his voice.

  “Are there any questions?!!!”

  There was not a peep out of anyone and Vinny turned back to Marcus.

  “Welcome Mr. Peterson, you are now on the Board. Alright everybody into the adjoining room for drinks and something to eat.”

  Everyone but the two classmates made a bee line into the other room. Marcus covered his mouth to hide a hushed laugh.

  “Is that it Vinny, I am on the Board just like that? Nobody even had any questions!”

  “I knew that they wouldn’t have any questions. That’s why I scheduled this meeting on their day to golf. They have exactly fifty minutes to eat, get drunk, and still make tee time.” Marcus just shook his head in wonder.

  “Is this any way to run a corporation?”

  “No it ain’t. But I am making a fortune! Lets get something to eat.

  But first I have something for you.” Vinny slapped a check into Marcus’ hand.

  “It’s a hundred and fifty thousand dollars, half of your yearly salary.

  I have arranged for you to pick up the most expens
ive BMW from a place not far from here. It’s a present from my personal expense account. By the time that you get back your expense account will be set up.”

  “Get back! Where am I going?”

  “You looked jet lagged my boy. The Board doesn’t meet for five weeks I expect to see you then.”

  He gave Marcus a playful bump on his shoulder.

  “By the way would you like me to get you fixed up?”


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “Fixed up! Fixed up how?” Vinny stepped away from Marcus and just stared.

  “You really need to get out more my boy. Fixed up! You know with the ladies, the senoritas, the ones with the soft skin and the high pitched voices, and the opposite genes.”

  “Do you have someone in mind?” Vinny held up his hand showing a gold wedding ring.

  “Sorry my boy, I am out of that business. I have been on lock down for almost three years. We have an eleventh month old and twins on the way. Marcus in California when you get divorced everything is fifty fifty and split right down the middle. Remember I went to Princeton, I am a really smart guy, and I know math!” Marcus pressed his lips together and gave Vinny a shoulder bump of his own.

  “Three kids! It’s good to see a Natty Boy that can do more than just dress well. How does it feel?” The playful look vanished off of Vinny’s face as he headed out of the room.

  “You mean marriage and kids? It’s a good deal Marcus, you might want to check it out sometime.”

  Marcus had selected a dark blue BMW with a tan leather interior. He pulled out of the dealer’s lot and headed straight for Los Angles. Marcus rented a condo in a swanky part of downtown for five weeks. For the first week or so he just did some sightseeing, ate at a few top restaurants, took in a few plays, and spent the hot afternoons at a few private beaches that Vinny was a member of.


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