Lavender Is a Harsh Mistress

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Lavender Is a Harsh Mistress Page 11

by Earl Watson

  “Come on baby help me finish.”

  She put his still erupting penis back into her mouth and could feel his powerful hands start to move her head faster. After about twenty seconds he began to slow down until he had finished. Cathy re-80

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress moved it from her mouth and began using her tongue to lick it up and down. She looked up at him with a satisfied look on her face.

  “On second thought Marcus, when I do die no matter where I go.

  Forget about sending any of that desert that we had. Just send me up some of this,it tastes even better. It was good to the last drop. Now let me wash you up so that we can continue this in the bedroom.

  You do have a bedroom don’t you?” As she straightened up Marcus placed his hands on her buttocks while pulling her closer toward him.

  “Of course I have a bedroom, and I can’t wait to show it to you.”

  Cathy licked her lips with her tongue in a flickering motion like a snake.

  “After giving you the best blow job in the world like I just did. You had better be ready to do more than just show it to me.”

  When she got to the door of the bedroom she had trouble seeing it because of the poor lighting. The only thing that she could see was a small lamp in the corner on a night stand. Marcus reached around her and turned on the lights. Cathy was instantly bedazzled and her eyes widened as she saw how big the room was. She focused on the king sized bed that was covered with a handmade silk quilt, that looked as thick as a pillow. It was brown and tan with bold white stripes at the bottom. In the middle of the quilt was a cro-cheted replica of the Roman Coliseum. The headboard was made out of a stained reddish birch wood, and so were the night stands. At the bottom of the brass lamps was a carved wooden head of Julius Caesar. The carpet was mostly cream colored with light brown lines around the boarders. The same chandelier that hung in the kitchen also was positioned over the bed. A smile came to Cathy’s face as she looked up and saw that the ceiling was mirrored.

  “Nobody, nobody lives like this! Oh I get it. This is like a Hollywood set and all of this stuff are props.” She snuggled under Marcus’ neck as they moved closer to the bed. Marcus pulled back the quilt and motioned for her to get in.

  “You rest here while I go and freshen up your drink, I will be right back.” As she started to move away she reached out and held onto his erection.

  “You don’t think that you could leave this with me until you got 81

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress back, do you?”

  “It wouldn’t be much fun that way. I will be right back.” As he re-trieved her glass from the living room he one again had that same thought that had eluded him a few minutes ago. He freshened up her drink and got another beer before returning back to the bedroom.

  “Here you are, I hope that it’s to your liking.” Cathy took a sip.

  “Hey you’re kind of heavy on the gin. I had better let the ice cool this until later. After all I want to remember this night. It’s not every girl that gets to slip on Cinderella’s glass slipper and then take the prince to bed” She moved over to the center of the bed,

  “Come on get in the water is fine.” Marcus put his beer on the night-stand and got into bed with his back against the headboard. She nestled up to him and laid her head against his chest.

  “Nellie is never going to believe this.”

  “Who is Nellie?”

  “She’s that girl that I told you about that works with me. The blond girl that wanted me to give you her number. Are you sorry that you missed out on her?” Marcus could feel that she was steering him into dangerous waters.

  “No I am not sorry. What man could be sorry when he is laying next to you?” She moved her chin under his neck and kissed his Adam’s Apple.

  “It’s so good you hear you say that. With some black guys these days it’s all the rage. Now I know what color meat to serve you on Thanksgiving.” Marcus gave her a soft kiss on the top of her head.

  Cathy threw the heavy quilt off of their bodies and rolled to the center of the bed and lay in a spread eagle position.

  “I hope that this dark meat will definitely put a smile on your face.”

  Marcus dimmed the light from the chandelier and got on top of her.

  She put her arms around his neck and pulled his face close to hers.

  “I bet that you have something good for me. I also bet that you know exactly where to put it.” She planted her mouth against his and forced her tongue inside. Marcus’ body was perfectly aligned with to where he could enter her. He lifted his body up a little to connect with hers and suddenly stopped. His mind had finally zeroed in on that elusive thought that had been running around in his head. It 82

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress was Cathy’s response to a comment that he had made while driving to his condo. Marcus had said to her that he was glad that she had found someone to watch her son. She had replied in a off handed manner.

  “So am I. She will stay with him until he falls asleep. Then she is stepping out to go to a party. But she will be back before the early morning, he never wakes up before seven.”

  As this comment came back to him Marcus’ body froze for a second as he was about to enter her. He hoped that in the dim light she didn’t see the queer look on his face. But there was no way that she couldn’t notice that his penis had softened. She removed her mouth away from his and felt for his penis.

  “Don’t worry, sometimes men need a little help to get started again.

  She tried to massage it again and get it hard enough to at least get him started. But it looked like that the more that she tried the softer it got. She was determined to bring it back to all of it’s fullness so that she could experience all of it’s pleasure.

  “I know what to do, let me go down on you again.” Marcus knew that taking him into her mouth again wouldn’t do any good. He had to think quickly.

  “Look, sometimes when I get to excited to much this happens. I want you so badly that I get overly excited and it has the opposite reaction.” He kissed her on the mouth but the passion was gone there also. “Don’t be upset I will be as hard as a brick in a little while. Then you will be really sorry. You will be begging me to stop.” She used her hot tongue to lick his lips and replied in a sultry voice.

  “Don’t bet on that, you’ll lose.” Marcus rolled off of her and sat on the side of the bed. He leaned back and kissed her and hoped that she still didn’t realize that the passion was gone. His mind was racing. He knew that he had to say something before she stared asking any probing questions about his sudden lack of interest. He moved his mouth away from hers and started kissing all over her breasts.

  “I think that you have the best set of breasts that I have ever sucked on.”

  “Do you like them, do you really?” Marcus leaned back from her a little and started slowly stroking them.

  “They are more beautiful than K-1 and K-2.”


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “What are they?”

  “Two of the most beautiful mountains in the world.” His mind was still racing. He couldn’t go on all night just complementing her. She would soon be expecting him to perform and if he couldn’t, why?”

  There was no way that he could tell her the real reason for his loss of sexual desire for her. How could he tell her that it was because of that small boy at her house. He would soon be all alone when the babysitter left. Cathy had said that he would sleep all thru the night.

  But, what if he didn’t? Suppose on this night he woke up in the early morning to find no one there? Marcus knew that time was running out. There had to be a way to get her to go back home to her son.

  Out of the blue his mind latched onto something.

  “Cathy I think that what is wrong tonight has nothing to do with me wanting you. I think that it’s more about me worrying about a friend of mine. He is someone that I went to college with and is in a lot of trouble. It’s something that has been on my mind
even before I came to LA. I thought that my coming here I could get away from it for awhile” He told her all about how Vision Industries, was one of the worlds most evil companies and how they were hunting Roger.

  He didn’t mention anything about the formula. But he did tell her in detail how Roger had cracked up. Most of the story was true but he felt the need to add as much drama as he could. By the time that he had finished Cathy was almost in tears. She inched closer to him and wrapped the quilt around both of them.

  “No wonder you are having trouble getting it up. Who could blame you? If I had a close friend that was in the same fix. Sex would be the last thing on my mind too. I feel so sorry for you. Maybe we should try and get together another time in a few days.” Marcus lowered his head for more effect.

  “I feel so ashamed. Something like this has never happened to me before. Maybe you are right and we should plan to get together in a few days. I promise that I am going to give you enough hot sex to drive you out of this world. I hope that when I call my friend in a few days he will be safe, and thank you for understanding. Cathy kissed him on his arm.

  “Do you need me to spend the night just for support.”

  “No at times like this I prefer to be alone. But don’t forget you owe 84

  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress me a rain check.” She looked into his eyes and replied.

  “I will do you one better than that, how about ten rain checks?”

  Marcus got her home within an hour and he was glad to see that the babysitter had not left yet. As he drove back to his place he was not proud of the way that he had duped Cathy. Yes he had averted what could have been a tragedy. But he hated the idea that he had to use Roger’s problems as a cover story. But it was Cathy’s casualness about leaving her son that bothered him the most. She herself had reveled to him that she had left her son like this many times before.

  Marcus could only assume that just like tonight it was so that she could go out with a man. The more that he thought about it the more he realized. That he and Cathy could never be more than friends.

  By the time that he had pulled into his garage the soft rain had returned. Marcus remained sitting behind the wheel of his car, a rush of emotions and thoughts began to flood over him like a tidal wave. He wasn’t thinking about a boy that he didn’t know. He was thinking about a boy who was the same age as Cathy’s son. When this other boy was left alone he would put on a brave face, acting like he didn’t care. But deep down he cared deeply. This frightened boy had to learn how to make friends with the darkness. Hoping that there were no monsters hiding in the dark corners of the room waiting for him to fall asleep. Then tear him from limb to limb. This was the same boy whose face beamed like the morning sun when his mother returned. As soon as she turned the key he couldn’t wait to show her that he wasn’t afraid at all. It didn’t matter what he had to suffer thru. All that mattered was that she had come back. Marcus lost track of the time while he reflected on the past. When he stepped out into the rain he noticed that the rain had started to fall faster. He looked up into the gloomy night and let the rain mix with his tears. Early the next morning Cathy called him.

  “Marcus are you feeling better today?”

  “Yes I am and once again I am sorry about last night.”

  “Forget about last night are you free today?”

  “No I have to meet with another dot/com today.” Cathy paused for a few seconds.

  “I...thought that you were on vacation?” Once again Marcus had to think quick.


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “I am but my boss called and asked me to do him a favor while I was down here.”

  “Will you be tied up for the whole day?” He could tell that from the tone of her voice that she sensed that something was wrong.

  “Maybe, but what about dinner at Bozquies tomorrow? I will meet you there at six.” Her voice became flat and unenthusiastic.

  “Alright....I will meet you then.” As she hung up the phone he knew that tomorrow he would have to tell her the truth. He didn’t want to spend the next three weeks dodging and lying to her. It was eleven o’clock that same night when his phone rang, it was Cathy. He reached for the phone with the intention of answering it. But just couldn’t bring himself to speak to her. He let it ring for a few minutes before it stopped.

  Boziques was super crowded when he and Cathy walked in.

  This time it was the owner who came over to greet and then seat them. He escorted them to the table they had before. “Mr. Peterson we are very busy tonight so I personally will be your waiter.” He quickly brought them their drinks before going into the kitchen.

  Cathy lead off with the first question.

  “You don’t want to see me anymore do you?” Marcus clenched his teeth before summoning up the courage to answer.

  “No I don’t think that would be a good idea.” Cathy put her hand under her chin and looked at the waterfall.

  “Can you tell me why, did I do something wrong?” He took a sip out of his glass before he answered.

  “Cathy last night when you left your son with the babysitter and you knew that she was going out after he fell a sleep, that really bothered me. Suppose there was a fire or someone had broken in?”

  “But Marcus, you don’t even know my son. He knows how to take care of himself.” Marcus didn’t need to clench his teeth to find courage now.

  “What does that mean? He’s a kid!” She shot right back at him.

  “What are you so upset about? He was fine, nothing happened!”

  “You mean nothing happened this time!!” Cathy looked away at the waterfall again before replying and started to shake her head slowly.

  “I can’t believe that it bothered you that much.” Marcus had more than enough courage now.


  Lavender Is A Harsh Mistress

  “What bothers me is that he could have been my son. There would be no way that I could forgive you if anything happened to him” Her face puffed up as if she was going to explode. Her eyes were now the color of simmering embers.

  “Forgive me! Now I understand what last night was all about. You lost all desire for me because of that?” They both stopped talking when the owner came back with warm rolls. Marcus took this brief pause to calm himself down. He didn’t want to come off as too judgmental. His voice was no longer filled with any anger, but more matter of fact.

  “Cathy you are a very sexy girl with a killer body. We have only known each other for a few days and it has been an honor that you were so attracted to me. But you never leave your child to go out with a man, even if that man is me.”

  Cathy now picked up her fork and began digging it into the table cloth. She also had calmed down a little.

  “You are serious about this aren’t you?”

  “Yes, I am.” She dug the fork into the table cloth harder and again stared at the waterfall. They sat in complete silence for a couple of minutes before she asked.

  “Can we get past this Marcus?”

  “I think that maybe if....” Marcus stopped because this not what he really wanted to say.

  “No Cathy, I wish that I could but I don’t think that I can.”

  She placed the fork on the table but continued to look at the waterfall and said dejectedly.

  “So that’s it. I have been convicted and sentenced for violating the one rule that no mother is ever allowed to violate. The rule of thinking about myself before my child. I guess that it has been that way ever since Eve gave birth to Cain. I can see it in your eyes and hear it in your voice that there can never be a chance for us now. All I can say is that I am sorry.” She turned her eyes away from the waterfall but still didn’t look at him. She focused on putting the fork neatly back on the table. She stood up and looked around the full restaurant.

  “You know Marcus, I am never going to meet anyone like you ever again. But it was fun being Cinderella, for a few minutes.”


r Is A Harsh Mistress Marcus’ eyes followed her as she disappeared into the large crowd and walked out of the door. The owner brought their meals and placed them on the table. Cathy’s dinner remained where it was placed until it was cold. He had lost his appetite and just picked over his food, paid the bill and left.

  Marcus’ five weeks were over and he was to stay with Vinny for a few days while he searched for a place to stay. Vinny sat down with Marcus around his pool.

  “Now listen old buddy, I have talked it over with Janice and she has decided that you are going to live with us. I mean what are we going to do with all this space? Besides Janice has threatened that if you don’t move in with us we are going to move in with you. Do you have any idea Marcus what it would be like to live with a small child, a woman expecting twins and a man who is really a child himself? On top of that I really miss you, and I need you to teach me how to put a teething baby to sleep. Marcus I mean it buddy, you have just got to stay.” Marcus got up and started to skim the pool.

  “Alright I will stay, but not because of you. I am staying because your wife needs a real grown up man around the house and your son is going to like me better!”

  “You know I paid over a hundred grand for the pool and haven’t even swam in it yet! I let the kids from some of the poorer areas come over and take a dip once in awhile. Now come over here and sit down and finish your beer, there is something important that I need to talk to you about.” Marcus pulled up a chair and took a seat at the patio table.

  “I have some great news my boy! This is something that only you, me and my wife are privy too. I have gotten a few offers to buy the business.”

  “A few offers from who?” Vinny couldn’t stop the confident grin that took over his face. In a voice that was filled with unbridled happiness he relayed his secret to Marcus.

  “In a year maybe less, some of the bigger companies are thinking about buying me out if we keep growing like we are now. With the amount of outside business and government contracts that we have now. It’s a given that we are going to keep growing. We have enough work now to keep us in clover for at least ten years. Now hold onto 88


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