Dirty Racing: A DD/LG Outing

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Dirty Racing: A DD/LG Outing Page 2

by Haley Monroe

  After the first few spurts of jizz run down my throat, he removes his hand and allows me to pull back. I gasp for air, drops of wasted cum and drool leaking from my open mouth. I moan softly once my brain has all the oxygen it requires, and my right hand encircles his softening shaft. “Thank you, Daddy.” I murmur as I lick and suck off any trace of our play from his cock.

  My body scoots back and I tuck Daddy’s dick back into his pants, zipping and buttoning him back together, but I spot the stains from my messy mouth all over the crotch of his jeans. “Ooh, no.” My eyes bounce up to his relaxed face.

  “What is it?” he grins.

  “Look what I’ve done.” I pout, my hand rubbing at the splashes of drool that are already being soaked up by the thick material of his jeans.

  “It’s okay, pretty girl.” Daddy reassures me. He tucks some of my hair behind my ear. “It shows how hard you’ve worked for me. It shows just how badly my filthy little slut wanted to earn my cum.”

  “You aren’t mad?” I ask, biting into my swollen, cock stretched lip.

  “No, silly girl. Daddy’s very proud of you.” His praise wipes away my concern and I swipe the back of my hand across my wet mouth. “Buckle back up now and sit pretty. Our day is almost about to begin.”

  The price of parking.

  I click my seatbelt back into place and push my hair back from my face. The traffic has opened enough for us to finally see the entrance to the speedway. I glance over at the car beside my half of the car and find two young men smiling like fools at me. My cheeks burn with embarrassment and I grab Daddy’s hand. “Do you think they saw?” I ask him in a half whisper as my fingers point at the window and the people on the other side.

  “I know they did.” he confirms. I lower my head and try to figure out how I feel about strangers having watched me give Daddy a blowjob in the car. I can taste just a little bit of his essence in my mouth and my tongue pokes at the back of my teeth. “Are you ashamed of serving me?” His tone is neutral, like he has no care in if I am or not but that he would just like to know how I’m feeling. My head snaps up and shakes.

  “No, not at all.” I squeeze my fingers around his and he grips mine back. “I kind of thought someone might see when I bent down to do it. I just sort of hoped that they wouldn’t pay attention.”

  His grin makes my belly tighten. “I’m sure you wiggling your pretty ass in those wet shorts was very hard to ignore, baby girl.” He pulls his hand from mine and brushes the back of his knuckles against my reddened cheeks lightly then rolls down his window, and the summer heat floods into the car. It feels sticky, and the chill of the A/C has vanished. “I like people watching you serve me, kitten. It makes me proud to be the owner of such a well behaved little girl. You shouldn’t fear others seeing you. Does it bother you?”

  “I don’t think so. I feel kind of shy, but it also turns me on to know that they might want me too.”

  “Oh, they do want you, baby. But no one will have you like I do. I’m not a jealous man, and sharing you can be pleasing for both of us. However, if you ever feel uncomfortable and wish not to do something, just like with everything else, all you need to do is speak up and I’ll adjust my plans. Okay?” He gives me a serious look.

  “Okay, Daddy.” He is so wonderful. I love how he keeps me on my toes and that I’ll never know what to expect with him but also that he respects my limits. He knows just how to push them to find out where they really lie.

  Daddy lifts his smart phone and greets the person at the gate. They use a scanner thing to wave over Daddy’s phone and then welcome us to the race. My lips press together but I can’t contain the giggle of excitement that bursts out of my chest.

  We are so close!

  “You’ll be in lot B.” the Attendant tells us, obviously uncaring of my burst of energy. “Continue straight down this way, and they’ll guide you from there. Enjoy the race.”

  “We will.” Daddy answers before rolling up his window and driving us forward toward the first person wearing a reflective orange vest and waving a matching colored wand. They wave us on through, and past three more people who are dressed exactly the same.

  I casually wonder if those people have enough water stashed around them to keep them hydrated for the job they have to do in this heat. I make a mental note to purchase a few bottles of water to hand out when we leave.

  I’m surprised that the parking area is a massive grass lot, like when we go to the state fair. It seems like an ocean of multi colored cars are already lined up on the uneven ground. The car stops and I flick off my seatbelt, throwing it aside and jumping out of the car. My shorts have ridden up with all my squirming and I pick the denim from my ass while watching Daddy get out of the car.

  His arms go up above his head as he stretches, and my mouth waters for more of him. He has slipped on a dark pair of Aviator glasses, shielding his eyes from me now but they make his face seem harder, more intense than normal and even that turns me on. He gives me a smile that slightly softens his face before he opens the back door of the car and pulls out a small backpack.

  “Come here please, kitten.” he calls me. I hurry around the back of the car, waving my hands at the dust the cars around us have kicked up in the air. He slams the door and props the backpack up on the trunk. “Let’s put on your sunscreen.” I giggle at him, he really is a very good Daddy.

  “Yes, Sir.” I hold out my hands for him to squirt the creamy goo in my hands but he scoffs.

  “Just be still.” Instead of filling my hand he pours a thick amount of SPF 50 into his own hands and squats down in front of me. His hands start on my left leg, near my ankle. Rubbing the protective lotion up my calf and over my knee. When he gets to my thigh, I get antsy. His fingers knead and massage me as the lotion gets soaked into my skin. His face is so close to my pussy that I have thoughts of pushing his mouth to my mound but I don’t.

  I stand still like a good girl. He adds more cream into his hands and does my other leg in the same way, careful to not miss a single spot of my pale skin. People are walking by. Some of them glance at us and others just keep moving. More people have coolers in their hands and open containers already to their lips.

  My eyes wonder around as Daddy works, and I see a lot of people have set up little camps. Like tailgate parties. Lots of camping chairs and shade covers dot the parking lot between cars, and music from different vehicles battle to be heard. “We should have done that.” I look down at Daddy who is finishing up my right thigh. He stands and looks around.

  “You wanted to tailgate?” His sticky hands turn my body around, and he starts at my shoulders then covers my exposed back. As he rubs me down, my ass brushes across his thighs, and I moan accidently.

  “I don’t know,” I answer honestly, “but it does look like fun.”

  “It gives me an idea.” he whispers darkly in my ear and even under the too hot sun, goosebumps shiver down the length of my spine.

  “Does it?” His big hands curl forward to massage sunscreen over my collarbone, but he doesn’t stop there. I feel his hands moving farther down. Over the tops of my breasts and then down into my tank top. He grabs each of my breasts in a tight hold and pulls my body flush against his.

  I gasp and look around to see if anyone is watching where his hands are. People are laughing and talking, but no one is staring. He pinches and plucks at my nipples with his slippery fingers and I shift my feet in the dirt. “Daddy,” I plead. My body is so worked up from sucking him off and all of his touches that every tug on my sensitive nipples makes my clit throb.

  His hands pull back from my tank top and he adds even more sunscreen to his hands. He treats my arms the same way he did my legs, lathering them up. The care in his fingers makes me feel cherished and childlike. He spins me around to face him again, and his fingers smear the lotion over my cheeks and forehead. “We don’t want baby to get burned, do we?” I can see myself reflected in his sunglasses.

  The white lines on my face look silly, and
I reach up to help him rub them in over my freckles. “Nope. I hate sunburns.” He dabs some sunscreen over his own high cheekbones and across his forehead then down his own arms while I watch him. His tee shirt covers his shoulders and most of his perfectly defined biceps but I know they are there. Hidden from me but still around for when he’s ready to lift me up like a rag doll that I like to be for him. “Can we go now?” I bounce on my toes and he chuckles. “Can we?”

  “Yes, princess.” He tosses the sunscreen back into his bag and slings it onto his back. His arm comes around my waist, and I hear the car as it beeps to signal he has locked it. I lean against his body and push my arm under the backpack around his hip.

  Together we walk towards the track, following the crowds of people going in the same direction. Smells of food being grilled fill my nose, and I feel like it’s the fourth of July instead of half way through the month.

  Nothing says summer more than sunscreen mixed with grill smoke and laughter. I look up at him happily, and he tips his head down to kiss my upturned mouth sweetly. “You happy?”

  I nod. “Very.”

  “Good.” His hand slips into the small pocket at the front of my hip as we walk.

  “Oh hey!” A masculine voice calls from the right of us. “Richard!” Daddy’s head turns in the direction of his name, and his feet stop moving, making me halt beside him.

  “Ron.” Daddy laughs and lets go of my body to greet the man. They shake hands and Daddy lifts his sunglasses to the top of his head. “Good to see you. Ready for the race?”

  “Oh yeah,” the man named Ron agrees. “The boys and I are all set up. Why don’t you come on over for a beer?” The guy waves his hand over towards two big pickup trucks, where a few guys are sitting around the opened tailgates like their very own little camping set up.

  “I’d love to.” Daddy smiles at me and motions for me to join them. I walk just behind Daddy, hating that we aren’t going down to the fairway just yet. “This is my little, Brynn.” I’m shocked at how he introduced me and realize these must be some of his kinky friends. Daddy pulls his sun glasses back over his eyes as Ron’s own eyes find mine and he smirks.

  “Hi, Brynn.” Ron speaks to me as Daddy sits in one of the offered folding chairs. His eyes move from my sneakers up my legs and over my belly then stop on my full chest.

  “Hi.” I squeak. Daddy pulls me down onto his lap, but I sit with my back straight, and my toes still touching the dirt.

  “Have you been to a race before?” Ron asks as he hands Daddy a beer from a cooler that sits on the trucks tailgate.

  “I haven’t.” I look over my shoulder at Daddy who is taking a sip of his beer. “Not like this anyway.” The water from the cooler drips down the can and along the inside of his wrist. My tongue aches to lick up the droplets but I just swallow instead.

  “It’s a lot of fun.” Ron drops into another empty chair and points to the two men beside him. “This is Dave and Chris. We go to the race together every year, it’s a tradition.”

  “How fun.” I smile, beginning to relax a little.

  “Where is your wife?” Daddy asks Ron.

  “Oh, we leave the girls at home so we can enjoy the race bunnies.” The men chuckle and I feel Daddy’s hand on my belly. Holding me in place as if he knows I’ll want to squirm. He doesn’t just hold me still though. His hand dips into my shorts in the same way that he had asked me to do in the car. My breathing begins to grow heavy again, and I feel sweat beading at the back of my neck. His fingers inch deeper until his middle finger presses against my clit and I gulp.

  All three sets of male eyes are on me. My legs press closed, and Daddy tsks me from behind. “Open your legs, baby girl.” he orders and slowly I obey. “Brynn here has a problem with patience.” he tells his friends, and Ron laughs loudly.

  “I’m sure you are helping her learn to deal with that.” Chris lifts his beer to salute Daddy, and I look down at my open legs. I can see Daddy’s hand stretching the fabric as he toys with my needy clit. His touch feels so good, and I have to admit that knowing these men are watching me makes it feel even better.

  “It’s a work in progress.” Daddy jokes. “Maybe you guys wouldn’t mind helping with a lesson?” My spine stiffens even more, and I wiggle on his lap. We’ve talked about him sharing my body before, and it was on my wish list of things to try but we’ve never been in a position for him to do so until now. I look over my shoulder at him and he sips from the cool can in his hand. “Brynn is learning how sexy it can be for others to join us in our play sessions.” Daddy looks at me and whispers. “These men are my friends, each a Dom in his own right, and if you are uncomfortable just say so, okay?”

  “Okay.” I give a weak smile.

  “I’m always happy to help with a girl’s education.” I hear Ron answer.

  “Drink this.” Daddy offers me his drink and I gratefully take a swallow. The cold liquid washes down my hot throat and fills my belly with happy bubbles. He takes the can back and removes his hand from my shorts. “Stand up, baby girl.” I do as he asks and again pull at the hem of my little shorts. “You know you aren’t allowed to come, until I say, right?” I nod. “Good girl.” He leans back and drinks a little more from his can. “I want you to go sit in each of my friends’ laps.” He tips his head like he is thinking. “For five minutes each. That should be doable. They have my permission to touch your slut body as they please, do you understand?”

  I shift my feet and nod again. “Yes, Daddy.”

  “If you are a good girl and can hold your orgasm like I desire, I just might consider letting you get off today.” My mouth drops open in surprise.

  “Might consider it?” I scoff. His eye brow lifts above his glasses.

  “Possibly,” he nods, “unless you’re going to misbehave in front of my friends.” He shrugs like he doesn’t care either way. “Then that hungry cunt can wait a few more days.” I fight the urge to growl at him.

  I’ve already been on edge for two days. I accidently got off while masturbating for him on the phone three nights ago, ever since then he’s told me my pussy is in a time out. It didn’t slow my desire for him. It actually made me wetter, made my pussy beg for more of his touch, and for his permission to release all the built-up lust that I’d been holding on to.

  I spin on my heels and turn to Ron first. He was the closest one sitting next to me in the semi-circle of men. I ease myself into his lap as he welcomes me. “The ones with fight are always the most fun to train.” Ron is speaking more to Daddy then to me, but it still makes me want to roll my eyes.

  He shoves his beer into the circular opening on his chairs arm and reaches for my hips. He is an attractive man, much like Daddy but possibly a little younger. His hands aren’t as big or as sure when he touches me, but he still acts as if he has every right to do just that. And he does, because Daddy said he could. My eyes flick over to Daddy’s as Ron’s hand searches between my legs.

  My body responds, clenching and flushing. I can see Ron and I in the lenses of Daddy’s glasses. Ron’s fingers find the knot in the seam of my daisy dukes and he manipulates it to grind directly over my clit. My hips jerk against his touch and he groans. “You know this is almost as much torture for us as it is for her.” Ron mentions casually to Daddy. “Her hot body bucking and jerking against my hand is making my dick hard.”

  Daddy laughs. “Eh, well, if she’s good the rest of the day I’ll bring her back after the race for you all to reward her.”

  “Would you like that?” Ron whispers in my ear as he works my clit in slow but hard circles. “Can you feel how hard you have me, Brynn?” I moan as I nod. “Would you like for your kind, caring Daddy to bring you back here after the race so I could pump my load into your hot pussy? I can feel you burning my fingers through these itty bitty shorts you have on. Fuck!” he curses, and his other hand grabs my breast. He pushes my boob against my ribcage as he works me. “You have a very lucky Daddy.”

  “That’s the fucking tr
uth.” Daddy agrees, and my cheeks blush again simply because he is happy to own me. My sweat is beginning to trickle down my spine as the pressure of an approaching orgasm settles in my lower belly. I watch as Daddy looks down at his watch. “Two more minutes, Ron.”

  With the warning hanging in the air, Ron presses his nose to the side of my neck, I feel him inhaling my scent and he grunts under me. “You’re delicious.” He mewls and stops rubbing my clit. I sag against him a little at the break of sensation between my legs. He rubs my inner thigh and then slaps me hard.

  I squeak and jump a little, but I love the sting. I look down to find his hand print blooming in my skin and squirm on his hard cock. “Thank you.” I whimper.

  “I should have known.” Ron growls, and his fingers pinch at the underside of my breast from outside of my tank top. He twists his pinched fingers slightly, and I begin panting. I lean into his hand to ease the pressure building, and my hands grab the arms of the chair we’re in. “Richard always finds the girls who like a bite of pain.” His voice is heavy in my ear. “I like that. A lot.”

  “Times up.” Daddy announces loud enough to break the spell Ron’s pinched fingers were weaving over me. Ron stops touching me save for to help lift me off his lap. I stand still for a second and let my wobbly legs adjust to being upright again. “Move along, princess.” Daddy’s voice makes my feet move toward Dave, the next man in line. He is on the other side of the first trucks tailgate and kind of hidden between the two pickups.


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