The Great Inversion and the Future of the American City

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The Great Inversion and the Future of the American City Page 27

by Alan Ehrenhalt

  6 “Stapleton was a significant proving ground”: Peter Park, personal interview, July 2010.

  7 “People got married at Villa Italia”: Bob Murphy, personal interview, July 2010.

  8 “It was a boarded-up mall”: Ibid.

  9 “The most important part”: Mark Falcone, personal interview, July 2010.

  10 “It didn’t take long”: Bob Murphy interview.

  11 “the first project in Colorado”: City of Englewood, Colorado, website,

  12 But the march of the New Urbanists: Alan Ehrenhalt, “The Dilemma of the New Urbanists,” Governing, July 1997, p. 7.

  13 “the most important phenomenon to emerge”: Herbert Muschamp, “Can the New Urbanism Find Room for the Old?” New York Times, June 2, 1996, p. 27.

  14 “It is so far beyond what anyone else has done”: Quoted in Alan Ehrenhalt, “Suburbs with a Healthy Dose of Fantasy,” New York Times, July 9, 2000, p. 15.

  15 “This is a fantastic opportunity”: Andres Duany, quoted in Michael D. Shear, “Density Debate’s Large Stakes,” Washington Post, July 19, 2001, p. T14.

  16 “High density is not a punishment”: Ibid.

  17 “What Duany wants to do”: Quoted in Shear, “Density Debate’s Large Stakes.”

  18 “I think he is being arrogant”: Gerald Connolly, quoted ibid.

  19 “100 percent downtown corner”: Quoted in Ehrenhalt, “Breaking the Density Deadlock,” p. 11.

  20 “would be guided by market demand”: Quoted in Lisa Rein and Kafia A. Hosh, “Transformed Tysons Still Years Away in Fairfax,” Washington Post, June 24, 2010, p. A1.

  21 “it took forty years”: Ibid.

  22 “There are lots of places like Tysons Corner”: Adam Ducker, quoted in Robert McCartney, “A Transit-Friendly Tysons Corner Would Support Growth, Cut Auto Traffic,” Washington Post, June 27, 2010, p. C1.


  1 It is perfectly possible to argue: See Joel Kotkin, The Next Hundred Million: America in 2050 (New York: Penguin, 2010).

  2 “fifth great migration”: Robert Fishman, “The Fifth Migration,” Journal of the American Planning Association, Autumn 2005, p. 11.

  3 “will reurbanize precisely those inner-city districts”: Ibid.

  4 There are those who predict: See Christopher B. Leinberger, The Option of Urbanism: Investing in a New American Dream (Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 2008).

  5 Similarly, according to Professor Nelson: Arthur C. Nelson, “The New Urbanity: The Rise of a New America,” Annals, a journal of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, November 2009, p. 195.

  6 In 1990, according to statistics compiled by John Thomas: John Thomas, “Residential Construction Trends in America’s Metropolitan Regions,” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, February 2009.

  7 “I woke up this morning”: Lyrics from the song “Gentrification Blues,” by Judith Levine and Laura Liben, 1982, quoted in Tom Slater, “A Literal Necessity to Be Replaced: A Rejoinder to the Gentrification Debate,” International Journal of Urban and Economic Research, March 2008, p. 216.

  8 “The bear pit of gentrification debates”: Rowland Atkinson, “Gentrification, Segregation and the Vocabulary of Affluent Residential Choice,” Urban Studies, November 2008, p. 2634.

  9 What is new in the past decade: See, for example, Lance Freeman, There Goes the ’Hood: Views of Gentrification from the Ground Up (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2006), and Jacob L. Vigdor, “Is Urban Decay Bad? Is Urban Revitalization Bad Too?” National Bureau of Economic Research, working paper 12955, March 2007,


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