For The Sub (Mastered)

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For The Sub (Mastered) Page 2

by Cartwright, Sierra

  Niles had underestimated her earlier. He’d figured Damien continued to have her at his events because she pleased his guests and didn’t stand out, but she was more complex than that. Early in his business career, Niles had learnt that any employee with a heartfelt desire to please should be rewarded and retained. Damien had apparently reached the same conclusion, after all, even during times of economic hardship, the Den’s membership had continued to grow, despite some hefty membership fees. “I’d be delighted to redden your cunt,” he told her.

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  Even though the answer was rote, her tone conveyed gratitude. He left her long enough to grab a pair of cuffs and to lower the hook. Without being told, she extended her arms. As he fastened the soft fabric around her wrists, he asked, “Do you want to use anything other than the club’s safe word?”

  “Halt is fine, Sir.”

  “Any slow word?”

  “I can’t imagine one will be necessary, Sir.”

  Niles was adept at pushing subs to the utmost limits. After all, that created the most compelling of all videos. But he also knew how to read a sub’s non-verbal clues. He knew, often before they did, when they’d had enough. “Do you have any conditions or limits I need to be aware of?”

  “I have no medical concerns. As far as limits, nothing that will leave a permanent scar.”

  He nodded and affixed the cuffs to the metal hook. “If at any time you’re too uncomfortable, let me know,” he said.

  “Of course, Sir.”

  “Do you need a spreader bar for your legs?”

  “That won’t be necessary, Master Niles.”

  He knew she’d do anything he commanded, but he wanted her to be able to let go and surrender to his lash. “Would it make the experience easier or more pleasant?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Already he was learning to look at her eyes for an answer. The depths were expressive and revealed more than her words and tone together. He saw her gratitude and anticipation. She was looking forward to this. He wondered if she often had the chance to just let go and enjoy herself. Since this was her job, it was her obligation to ensure the Den’s guests had their needs met. Tonight, he wanted more than that for her. He was glad she’d approached him, rather than wait for another Dom to claim her.

  Niles fetched a metal bar. As he knelt, she widened her stance to allow him to attach the straps to her ankles.

  This close to her, he inhaled the unmistakable, sharp scent of female arousal. Unable to resist, he spread her labia. “You’re already damp, pretty sub.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered.

  He slipped a finger inside her hot pussy. She locked her knees. “It’s okay to respond. In fact, I’d like it.”

  He pressed his thumb to her clit then pulled back.

  “Nice, Sir.”

  He alternated between applying intense pressure and a glancing touch, keeping her off guard. She swayed in time to his fingering and the way he teased her clit.

  “I’m getting wetter, Sir.”

  He backed off a bit. “Are you close to coming?”

  “Yes, Master Niles.”

  Nothing surprised him. He’d been with women who could orgasm from the lightest of touches. Others were capable of multiple orgasms. There were some who required so much stimulation that he was grateful for the assistance of an electric vibrator. Each sub was unique, and he enjoyed finding the right combination of touches that would make her respond. “Should I get you off?”

  “It’s your choice, Sir.”

  “Of course it is.” He slid his finger deeper before pulling out. With a rhythmic, rocking motion, he increased the frequency of his thrusts.

  She whimpered.

  So damn hot. Her pussy tightened around his finger and she moved as much as the bar permitted, encouraging him to put more pressure on her clit. Wanting to please her, he followed her lead.

  “I’d like to come, Sir.”

  “I’m sure you would,” he said in soothing tones at odds with the way he stimulated her.

  Her whimpers became groans.

  “Sir, I’m going to come.”

  “Not yet, you’re not.”

  “Master Niles, I’m begging you to either let me come, or stop now, Sir. At least”—she dragged in a couple of rapid breaths—“slow down.”

  Ignoring her, he continued the relentless torment.

  “Damn, Sir…”

  Her beautiful walls all but convulsed around his finger. How was it he’d never scened with her before?

  “This is a taste of what’s to come, sub,” he warned. He moved his hand to sting her pussy with a quick, vicious slap.

  She called out his name and jerked her hips as she came.

  He reached to put one hand behind her and another on her abdomen, steadying her. She was so far gone, trembling and moaning, that he wasn’t sure she’d be able to keep her balance otherwise. He hadn’t pulled the hook taut, so it offered little support.

  Niles smiled. “You’re so perfect, Brandy.” He looked up at her. A fine sheen of perspiration dotted her chest, and she took a deep breath.

  When she appeared to have herself under control she said, “I came without permission, Sir.”

  Like she had earlier, she tilted her head to one side. Rather than drawing her eyebrows together when she was puzzled, she angled her head. How long would it be until he knew all her responses? “Now I have a reason to punish you when I see you again,” he said.

  “Punish?” she echoed. “You’re a fiend, Sir.”

  “Let’s add disrespect to the list, shall we?” he mused.

  “But, Sir—”

  “Along with arguing.”

  “I…” She closed her mouth.

  “Good choice.”

  Her head was still tilted, and he doubted he’d ever seen anything more charming. And he wasn’t finished with her yet. “Your pussy is bright red,” he said.

  “It feels as if it’s on fire, Sir. And that was from a single smack.”

  She sounded as if she were looking forward to more.

  “Did you like it?”


  “I’ve heard that sound when women eat chocolate cake.”

  “That, Sir, was better than cake. Even though I wasn’t supposed to come—”

  He grinned. “Oh, I meant for that to happen, I promise you.”

  She was silent a moment before adding, “Thank you, Sir.”

  He placed his hands so that both were on her rear then moved his face between her legs. “Fuck my face, pretty sub.”

  Brandy was too well trained to question him or hesitate.

  Instead she moved her hips. “Dear God, Master Niles…”

  He liked the high pitch to her voice, as if her vocal cords were rubbed raw by desire. After easing one thumb a bit deeper in her ass, he sucked her clit into his mouth then released her to cover her pussy with long sweeps of his tongue. He liked the musky taste of her and the urgency of her responses. If she wasn’t restrained, he had no doubt she’d dig her hands in his hair and hold his head prisoner. As it was, she had to count on him to support her weight as she ground her cunt against his mouth.

  Her heat covered his face.

  “Do me,” she demanded.

  Fuck. This woman was hot.

  It had been so long since he’d felt this alive, this engaged, that he’d go a long way to please her.

  He used his tongue as she moved her hips. She bent her knees to change the angle as much as possible and give him greater access. He slid his tongue into her dampness and she screamed.

  “I can’t hold off, Sir!”

  In response, he forced his thumb all the way inside her tightest hole. She continued to press her pelvis forward, and he dug the fingers of his left hand into the soft flesh of her buttocks.

  Without another warning, her body went rigid before she moved again in short, desperate little motions as she fought for her orgasm.

  With his mouth, his touc
h, he helped her along.

  She raised herself onto her tiptoes, and the slight shift forced his tongue deeper.

  One of her heels slammed onto the floor, a sound of satisfaction if he’d ever heard one.

  “That was sensational,” she whispered as he drew away. “Thank you, again.”

  An intense flare of lust gnawed at his insides. Making subs shatter was his passion. But it was nothing more than a job. He never engaged. Instead, he held himself and his emotions at a distance. He used a critical and artistic eye to make the scene sizzle. This time, though, his focus was solely on her. “I think that’s enough of an appetiser.”

  “Oh, Sir…”

  After washing up, he returned to her.

  Damn. He liked the way she looked there, naked, blonde hair a cascading waterfall and curves designed to accommodate a man’s body. She looked beautiful, but not in the classical way he had always preferred. Niles skimmed a forefinger across her cheekbone. “Would you like to continue?”

  Instead of the usual response where she would defer to his decision, she said, “Yes, please.”

  The certainty in her voice stoked his craving for her.

  He crossed to the wall and raised the hook, stretching her body taut, keeping her in place and wide open for him. “Comfortable?” he asked as he crossed the room to check her bonds and positioning. He knew erotic pain could trump real cramps, at least in the short-term. It was his responsibility to ensure she was free to enjoy his torture.

  He walked around her, looking at her from every angle. “You’re a beautiful woman, Brandy.”

  Her nipples were erect, as if begging for his touch. There was nothing clinical about the way he took hold of each and squeezed the pink flesh between his thumbs and forefingers. This was about her pleasure rather than for maximum effect.

  With a soft sigh, she closed her eyes.

  “Look at me,” he instructed.

  She complied right away.

  “Good,” he told her. “As much as possible, I want you looking at me. Talk to me, communicate with me. Scream, even.”

  “I’m not much of a screamer, Sir.”

  “Yet,” he countered.

  “Challenge on, Sir.”

  “Bratty sub.”

  “You could have ordered me to be quiet.”

  “No chance in hell.” He couldn’t remember anything this pleasurable in…perhaps years. “Any preference in floggers?”

  “Thuddy, not stingy.”

  “So I can beat you for a good, long time?”

  “Yes, please, Sir.”

  “It will be my pleasure.”

  Her eyes were wide. He saw expectancy in the deep blue depths. He and Brandy were more alike than he might have thought. What they had done had merely whetted her appetite, as it had his.

  Chapter Two


  Instead of being satiated, Brandy felt hungry, and she wanted more.

  Master Niles had said he had no script, but her body had responded to him as if they’d done this a dozen times in the past. It wasn’t just the way he touched her, it was the relentless tone in his voice and his see-all expression. He’d pulled her tight, leaving little room to move. Her body arched towards him, stretched like a bow, seeking his attention, ready for him.

  Earlier this evening, she’d opened the door for his arrival at the Den.

  She hadn’t been prepared for her reaction to him. She’d inhaled his scent, that of power and prestige. He’d looked at her, and she’d thought his hazel eyes were haunted by loneliness.

  She’d scolded herself for being fanciful. For the past two years, she’d forced herself to toughen up and be more practical even though it went against her heart’s demands.

  Tonight, she hadn’t been able to shove aside the indelible image of the pain etched in his expression. It had tapped the nurturing instinct that life had taught her to quell, pitting her need for self-preservation against the urge to trail her fingertips across his brow.

  As she’d performed her duties, greeting guests, fetching drinks and accepting jackets, she’d thought of Master Niles and recalled the way he’d so competently handled the situation on Ladies’ Night. There’d been no drama as he’d stalked over, grabbed the man who was starting to get rough with her and escorted him outside. No one had seen what had happened next, but the overenthusiastic newbie Dom had not returned.

  Master Damien, Gregorio or a House Monitor would have stepped in the moment they realised something was wrong. But Master Niles had arrived first.

  She knew she owed him nothing, but thanking him had seemed polite and an excellent way to open a conversation.

  Until tonight, she hadn’t considered sceneing with him. Of course she would have been delighted to if he had ever requested her services, but to her knowledge, he hadn’t participated in any scenes since his wife had died.

  Brandy had known the beautiful and elegant Eleanor. In addition to being a dutiful wife and sub, she’d had a prestigious law career. The woman embodied everything that Brandy was not.

  Still, she was glad she’d gathered the courage to approach him. Even at the Den, there was a hierarchy amongst Doms. Master Damien owned the estate and commanded respect as a result. Because of the way he behaved, she had no doubt he was accorded that same attention anywhere he went.

  Next on the list were long-time Doms who had earned Master Damien’s regard. He invited some of those to serve as House Monitors.

  Tonight, as he did once a year, he hosted an invitation-only party for long-time members and friends.

  Master Niles ran a production company. Of course she’d heard rumours that he was a skilled handler and kept things professional. He didn’t fuck any of the actresses, even if they offered. Now that she’d been with him, she didn’t blame them for trying. His motions, his lack of hesitation, no-nonsense tone and oozing confidence had already exceeded her expectations.

  Feeling greedy, she licked her lower lip as he crossed to the wall and selected a flogger. The purple leather strands were wide, and she knew she’d feel its impact like a caress.

  “Do you like to have your breasts whipped?” he asked when he turned towards her.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said.

  Master Niles stood there with a flogger in hand. His white shirtsleeves were turned back and he wore tailored trousers and stylish wingtip shoes. With his dark brown hair clipped in precise lines and the stern expression on his face, he was over six feet of pure dominant deliciousness.

  Although he’d recently given her two orgasms, her pussy throbbed with anticipation. Many times, Doms wanted her to play a role. She might be a maid who’d forgotten to polish a piece of silver, or a schoolgirl who hadn’t done her homework. She had a locker at the Den, stuffed with different outfits and shoes.

  She had a lot of duties—the uppermost was ensuring guests enjoyed themselves. Doms asked her to show their subs how to do certain tasks, and sometimes they just wanted to be served. She liked most of it. As with any job, there were days that sucked, times she felt tired and wanted to go home to the comforting craziness that greeted her.

  But Master Niles was different. He hadn’t been focused on himself—he’d concentrated his attentions on her, giving her what she wanted, perhaps because she’d been the one to suggest they scene. Over the years, she’d been with dozens of Doms, enough to know this man had no equal.

  With a flick of his wrist, he shook out the flogger. Brandy held her breath.

  He walked around her, re-checking the restraints, running his fingers across her shoulders to ensure nothing was hyperextended. She forced herself to breathe instead of demanding he get on with it.

  Stunning her, he wrapped his arms around her body, imprisoning her, one strong arm across her chest, the palm of his other hand pressing against her lower belly. The whip hung from one of his fingertips, the strands lying against her thigh. With the way she was tied and now held, she couldn’t move.

  Her senses swam as he lowered a hand to cu
p her left breast. His touch was masterful, and she surrendered to it…to him.

  He rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, his touch exquisite and light. He came in closer, and she felt his erection against her. She smiled at the proof he was as turned on as she was.

  As he increased the pressure, he moved his other hand lower to cup her mound.

  “You’re so wet, Brandy,” he said.

  She closed her eyes so she could let herself go. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Tell me what you want.”

  “Rub my clit, Sir. Let me come.”

  “I might prefer that you don’t orgasm so I can keep you on edge.”

  “Of course, Sir.” She took a breath, a trick she’d learnt years ago at a class for new subs. It gave her a moment to sort through her thoughts and allowed her to not react without thinking. “Whatever pleases you, Master Niles.”

  Against her ear, he laughed. “You’re a terrible liar.”

  “Sir?” She opened her eyes and didn’t blink.

  “Your leg muscles tensed. If you were a poker player, we’d call that a tell. What just came out of your mouth is in conflict with what you want.”

  She froze. In less than half an hour together, this man had figured out her reactions, better than she knew them. Even she hadn’t realised she’d tightened her muscles.

  “Relax,” he urged. “I’ll let you know what I expect.”

  He moved two fingers between her labia, her dampness serving as the lubrication for him to glide across her most tender flesh.

  Because his touch was so compelling, she had no choice but to do as he said. As much as possible in the strict bondage, she surrendered to him, leaning back. “This is so sexy, Sir,” she whispered. “Thank you.”

  At first, he used the gentlest of motions. As she became moister, he began to rub her clit and press into her. She moaned, urging him on.

  For a few moments, he indulged her, continuing to manipulate her nipple while stroking her pussy. She pressed her toes into the ground. And the moment she began to moan, he dropped his hands, and she heard him take a step back.

  “Perfect,” he said.

  What? Her body vibrated with arousal. She sucked in a breath then forced it out from between her clenched teeth. She’d seen some of his videos. He was an expert in dragging multiple orgasms from his actresses. There was no faking the way he left them shattered, sweating and panting.


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