
Home > Nonfiction > SevenDeadlySinsSeries > Page 13
SevenDeadlySinsSeries Page 13

by Unknown

  I gazed down at my black heels in confusion. Then it occurred to me, I really shouldn’t be wearing sharp heels on a plane, they weren’t stable and could damage the carpet, “Okay, sure.”

  I held my breath as she kneeled next to me in the aisle and ran her hands across my heel. With great care she slid my shoe from my foot and turned her attention to the other one. The sensual touch caused my nipples to harden beneath my blouse. As she stood up she appeared to notice them, “Is there anything else Mr. Michaud?” the sex devil questioned.

  Carlton shook his head nonchalantly, “No that’s it Ms. Williams, thank you.”

  Carlton had studied my expression and issued a chuckle as she headed off down the aisle, I blushed deeper under his scrutiny. That woman was a damned menace to my sexuality!

  The plane took off much quicker than any other flight I’d ever been on. Just a few minutes in the air and the pilot came over the loud speaker to inform us about our flight details. I was busy staring out the window across Carlton’s chest and barely registered the fact that Ms. Williams was standing beside me with a small cart complete with afternoon snacks and two mixed drinks. Without asking, she leaned over me again and unbuckled the seat belt, once again pressing her luscious breasts in my face. She quickly moved over and released Carlton as well before returning to her own ‘upright’ position. “You and your guest are free to move about, sir. I have afternoon tea, sandwiches, as well as your usual cocktail. Will that be all, sir?”

  He nodded with a smirk of humor that I found disconcerting.

  Ms. Williams disappeared through the door at the front of the cabin. I could only assume she was the one taking care of Nucy and Jargon. I felt Carlton’s hand on my thigh, and I leaned back into my seat and turned to face him. “You okay, Liz?” he asked.

  “Perfect.” Well, it was almost true, aside from my inner slut screaming at me to question my sexual preferences.

  “You seem a little, I dunno, distant?”

  “Just wondering what Ms. Williams is doing back there with the dogs. I think she really likes you Carlton.”

  “You’re being silly. Ms. Williams tolerates me. It’s you she wants,” he laughed wickedly.

  “I don’t know Mr. Michaud, sometimes I’m not sure you realize just how enticing you can be! So how many women have you been with in this plane?” I said with a fresh determination.

  “Now you’re being childish. I’ve never paraded any woman into public view before, you know that. You’re absolutely the first woman I’ve wanted to show off. My personal life, up until now, has always been just that… personal. She’s nothing more than an employee, so let’s leave it at that.”

  I smiled tediously, and in the childish voice he’d just referred to, “I just don’t like to share, I guess. Maybe I need a good spanking, Master.”

  “My thoughts exactly. Stand up!”

  I looked at him through the corner of my eye as I reached up and touched his necklace. I actually considered playfully telling him no, but just looking at that devilish grin and his stern command instantly soaked my panties. “Are you going to punish me?”

  “Most definitely!”

  “What about, Ms. Williams?”

  “What about her? You want her to join us?” he said with a wry deadly grin.

  “Carlton! I meant is she going to come back in here, and you know it!”

  “Now!” he said ignoring my question completely.

  I was taken a little shaken, but the naughty streak inside me just couldn’t stand it any longer. I stood as instructed, awaiting my orders.

  “Now raise your skirt.”

  I grabbed the hem with both hands and slowly raised the skirt about my waist.

  “What the hell is this, slut?”

  “What, Master?”

  “You’re wearing pantyhose? And panties?”

  Embarrassed, I could do nothing more than blush. His attempt to look angry was far from convincing, but I loved his effort. He raised the arms on his chair and pointed at his lap. “Bend over.”

  My hesitation was not an act of defiance, but more a stunned moment where my head began to spin wildly out of control.

  “Now, slut!” he ordered with masterly control, his voice boomed through the pressurized cabin.

  I leaned over his lap hastily, feeling his hard on press into my stomach. My hands reached out for the floor beneath me as I lowered my entire weight upon him. His hands slowly massaged my ass through the pantyhose and panties. At least they were a beautiful pair of black lace panties; I’d just bought them at Sachs last week. His first slap was light; I needed much more than this from him. “Harder please!” I mumbled. I don’t know why my inner slut was complaining, I was pretty convinced that my panties were going to leave a wet spot on his thigh regardless. As his hand came down harder on my ass cheek I flushed with need.

  “Mmmm,” I moaned, trying to encourage his commitment to this exercise.

  “You like that, don’t you slut?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Shut up!” he said forcefully, slamming his hand down onto my ass much harder. His fingers spread out, caressing my ass between slaps.

  Smack! Now his hand came thundering down upon me, pushing me slightly forward as his cock twitched beneath me. Smack! The prickly stings were beginning to multiply as my ass warmed to his touch. Smack! That one actually hurt, but the pain quickly turned to the familiar warm buzz that heightened my arousal. I felt my nipples pushing against my bra as he held me down with his left hand while spanking me harder and harder with his right. In between the spanks he pushed his fingers between my legs, forcing my panties uncomfortably into my slit as he comforted each ass cheek. And when I thought his passion could grow no harder against my chest, I felt him grab the pantyhose with both hands and rip them open, exposing my flesh and black lace panties. His hardness felt like steel against my shirt as the stretchy fabric ripped apart. Then he hooked his fingers into my panties and I silently prayed, Oh no! Not my new panties! He yanked them up sharply, and the thin lace fabric dredged into my clit and sent a sensation so sharp and sudden that I nearly lost my breath. Finally, the fabric gave way to his firm grasp as he ripped the expensive panties from my body.

  “No!” I screamed in mourning of their loss.

  “Shut up, slut. I can’t believe you would dare wear all this in my presence!”

  I started to say something to the effect of “you’re going to pay for another pair!” but his serious expression and my coursing juices held my lips pursed tightly.

  “You will not wear panties again for the remainder of this trip! Understand, slut?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Smack! His hand came crashing down on my bare ass, forcing me deeper into his control. “Count them out, bitch!”

  Smack! “One, sir!”

  “You disappoint me, slut. I don’t ever want to see panties on you again!”

  Smack! “Two, sir!”

  “Don’t you think I deserve better than that?”

  Smack! “Three, sir! Yes, you deserve better!”

  “Do you know why you are to never wear panties around me again?”

  Smack! “Four, sir! No, Master. Teach me!”

  “You will make yourself available to me at all times, is that clear?”

  Smack! “Five, sir! Yes, Master. At all times.”

  His assault stopped, fingers now spread my ass wide with scrutiny, stretching my openings to their limits. “You’re wet as hell, slut. Does this turn you on?”

  “Yes, Master.” It was true. I was so fucking turned on by the thought that he viewed me as his property, and his willingness to take me and collar me was enough to make me completely powerless. With my ass buzzing from the intense spanking, I was completely mesmerized by this man. If he’d have asked me to open the cabin door and leap out I wouldn’t have questioned him.

  His fingers probed between my legs, roughly spreading my pussy lips open as he sank his finger deep inside me. “Is this what you
need, Liz? Something always in your tight little pussy?”

  I whimpered with desire unable to speak. He wriggled a second finger in my pussy as his left hand spread my cheeks. He out pulled his fingers, completely soaked with my juices, and gently spread them around the rim of my ass. I clenched uncontrollably as he returned his fingers to my aching cunt. His left hand probed into my ass as he continued to finger my pussy.

  His excitement was clearly evident; it pushed its way into my stomach. My mind raced in fourteen different directions as my fiery red ass cheeks gave way to the enormous pleasure his fingers were providing, tantalizing my g-spot and now, knuckle deep in my ass. My orgasm was not going to wait much longer. And while I loved his fingers, I couldn’t help but think that maybe he had a toy or two in that secret room that might fill me even more. I shook my head, trying to shake those thoughts from my mind. Right now, he had me close to orgasm with just his fingers. “May I come, Master?” I managed to squeeze out of my mouth.

  “No!” he said emphatically. “Not until I tell you to!”

  “Please, Master,” I begged.

  “Are you going to wear panties again?”

  “Never in your presence, sir.”

  “And why?”

  I gritted my teeth, struggling to keep my orgasm at arm’s length while he feverishly fingered my pussy and ass. “Because I must always be available to pleasure you, sir!” I said in a choppy, uneven breath.

  He sank his fingers deeper inside and commanded me, “Come, slut!”

  I unleashed the most powerful orgasm I’ve ever had, flooding his fingers with my come as he held me tight. I shook uncontrollably on his lap as he forcibly held me down. His physical control was comforting as my body reeled uncontrollably unleashed.

  Spent, I dropped to my knees, completely exhausted by my orgasm. I looked up at him, his soft warm eyes still held a fire I hadn’t quite seen in him before. Most people probably would have been frightened by the power in his eyes, but I felt comfort and peace with him. It was definitely my pleasure to serve.

  After a couple of moments of him stroking my hair, he said, “Go in the bedroom and get cleaned up, my dear. And Liz…”

  “Yes, Master?”

  “Thank you.”

  I scrambled to my feet and pulled my skirt down over my torn pantyhose. Quickly I entered the bedroom to fix my hair and makeup, I studied my flushed appearance in the mirror. I am the definition of freshly fucked! I thought with a small laugh. My mind flashed back to the image of that secret room. He’s got much more experience with this than he lets on...

  “Holy hell! Liz you did it again! I’ve got the solution!” He kissed me tenderly; a smile nearly encroached on his lips.

  “Glad to be the plumber again. Mind telling me your brilliant solution?” I teased.

  He shook his head, “No, no, let me make sure it’ll work first. I don’t want anyone to think there’s another option. Besides we’re landing now. Let’s get the dogs back on leash and buckle in.”

  Within an hour we were driving towards downtown Charleston, both dogs as well as Carlton were mesmerized by the scenery around us. “Lots of water here, eh?”

  I chuckled, “It’s a peninsula, Carlton.”

  “Hmm…” he leaned back as Charleston whizzed past us. “My secretary has us staying at the Francis Marion Hotel, is that okay?”

  “What? Oh no Carlton! We’re staying at my house, and we’re having dinner with my Aunt Kerry. Is that okay?” I’d forgotten to tell him my plans. In all fairness I’d planned on running through the details in the limo ride to the airport and on the plane…but other matters had come up.

  His grinned down at me, “It’s hard to think about punishing you when you’re so fucking beautiful, Liz. But from now on, please don’t plan my schedule without my input.”

  I put on my best naughty girl face and pouted, “Oh come on, Carlton. My Aunt would strangle me if I didn’t make plans with her. Besides I’m not the only one bringing a man to dinner tonight! This is a new thing for her, and I’m dying to see what the cat drug home!” I laughed, “And having you in my bed at home is a dream I’ve had since I was a budding cheerleader.”

  He scanned my face with interest, “You think I’m the man of your dreams? Wow Liz, we’ve seriously got to get some excitement into your life!”

  I leaned forward and traced my tongue across his lips, “Stop teasing Mr. Michaud, one of New York City’s most eligible bachelors shouldn’t make fun of himself. It makes the rest of us think you’re insincere or don’t own a mirror.” I rustled to go through my purse to freshen my lipstick. The driver pulled to a halt directly in front of Frazier, Rice, Rutledge and Calhoun. Car horns instantly sounded from behind us as traffic quickly backed up on Broad Street. Charleston has never had a talent for traffic. All it takes is one lost tourist and cars can grind to full halt for an entire afternoon. Somehow, one of our country’s oldest cities has never been able to figure out a way to fix the problem.

  I handed the driver directions to my house and instructed him to just let the dogs loose inside the fence. They’d be fine until we got home tonight. Nucy had an overly large doggie door and a lick fountain in the garage so they could just let themselves inside and get fresh water. Carlton tipped the driver a hundred dollars for tending to the dogs for us. “You ready, Mr. Michaud?” I grinned, finding confidence in familiar surroundings.

  He stood on the uneven pavement in front of Charleston’s most prestigious law firm and nodded down at me, “Let’s go see what these good ole boys got.”


  “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Miss Liz Martin, Esquire!” The robust woman at the front reception desk stood and barreled towards me. I laughed as she jiggled with such animation.

  “Good afternoon Cassie! How’s Berkeley?” She hugged me tightly encasing me in several hundred pounds of genuine love.

  “That old coot never changes child, you know that. He’s gonna be flaming pissed when he hears you’re in town and didn’t tell us you were comin’. I’m telling you if I hear him bitchin’ about paying to buy shrimp again I’m gonna need some bail money. Whatcha drag home with ya?” Cassie openly studied Carlton Michaud. “My, my, my, darling,’ if you haven’t bedded this man you gotta screw loose,” she mumbled beneath her breath, yet still highly audible within the entire office’s range of hearing.

  I swear I thought I saw Carlton blush. A smirk escaped me as I saw him squirm. “Carlton Michaud, this is the one and only Cassie Swinney-Beaufain. Cassie was my mom’s best friend; she’s the one who talked me into going to law school!”

  “Shamed to say I did that,” she shook her head in disbelief. “Just never met a kid so damn inclined to it. But you did all the hard work little lady! Alright now, Benton’s Daddy is waitin’ on ya’ll, so let me fix you here…” She moved towards Carlton to straighten him up; I thought he was going to back away. Cassie had a way on intruding on your personal space. But he stood firm as she arranged his tie and plucked a small string from the sleeve of his jacket. Then her attention turned on me, “Your hair is just like your mothers…” she tucked in several loose strands and stood back to look at us, “Straighten up, Liz!” she barked. I instantly stood straight up. “Good, you two make a fine lookin’ pair. I guess there’s no word on that, huh?”

  I laughed, “Oh Cassie…”

  Carlton stepped forward and placed his hand on my shoulder, “As a matter of fact Mrs. Beaufain, we are a pair. Liz show her your necklace?”

  My head turned upwards in a flash, did Mr. Hush Hush on the workplace relationship issue just openly acknowledge our…whatever the hell it is? I started to question him but the look in his eyes showed me that he was dead pan serious. He wanted to see me brag about my collar? Oh hell, what would it hurt; the only ones who know it’s a collar are me and Carlton. To the rest of the world it just looks like a very, very, very expensive diamond necklace. I lifted it above my shirt to show it to Cassie.

  “Oh snap! The boy’
s done gone and collared you?” Cassie whelped with a grin that that would span the Cooper River.

  It was my turn to blush, “Cassie! Shame on you! I brought this man down here to work and your gushing over him like he’s fresh meat!”

  But Cassie shook her head, “If only your dear sweet Momma was here to see you… collared…”

  “Cassie!” I exclaimed, this was getting downright uncomfortable. Fortunately she started leading us down the hallway towards the conference room.

  “Now child, you know that collaring has been around since the Egyptian days. But I guess I should explain, Carlton I come from a fine line of Gullah women.” She directed her speech to him and I knew he was in for an education. “Back in the old day’s metal was too costly to afford for most folks. So they used to weave beautiful dyed strings into necklaces. Twas even a ceremony where the groom finished the knots so tightly that no one could ever find them again. So, this ain’t nothin’ new, its only them freaks in my books that make it look all evil like with their leather clothes and whips and such. No, in my family, collaring is a special thing. I remember when Berkeley put my first collar on,” she said whistfully. Oh back then it was just a thin little gold chain. That’s all we could afford back then. Now I got solid titanium, I suspect that’s what yours is too, right Carlton?”

  Carlton was laughing; leave it to Cassie to erase whatever worries he’d suffered in our journey to Charleston. He reached over her head as she opened the door to the conference room and held the door for us both to enter, “You’re absolutely right, Cassie. It’s titanium. The strongest metal I could find.” His voice lowered to a whisper, “Can’t have her escaping once I tie her to the bed now, can I?”

  Cassie’s dark skin flushed a deep magenta, “Oh lord!” She bellowed as we stepped inside the conference room. But I heard her mumbling as she stepped past us to deliver the file to Bing Frazier who sat at the head of the table, “My girl wouldn’t dare risk popping them diamonds off that collar. She’d lay there and take it like a woman… my girl would.”


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