Daddy's Dinner

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Daddy's Dinner Page 3

by Keira Moon

  Maybe she was afraid I'd come home while she was out there, but apparently satisfied she returned and resumed. I heard her now... three different times she got vocal... and it was music to my ears. Finally she relaxed and set a timer and laid back in the sun. I'd watched and wanted to masturbate myself... but held off. Slowly I walked back to my kitchen and entered silently. Sometime later he was over and we were working on his car when he commented that she frequently ran around the house nude... that he'd tried to break her of the habit for years... but she enjoyed it. I told you that I have a strong libido... so you can guess where that bit of information disappeared to. I want you to understand... none of what I've told you was purposeful... or intentional. She was always a proper lady in every regard... and never once flirted with me. I was hyper observant after that first incident, and I'd have given a testicle to have seen her walking nude or partially nude through her home... or see her sunbathing again. But it hadn't happened... but now... the rest of the story. I really meant it when I said they were happily married... I thought so then... and do now. However things have changed. He and I usually arrived home at about the same time every afternoon. But as I'd told you... our garages are on opposite sides of our houses. I'd arrived a few minutes early on this particular afternoon and as I passed... I noticed his car wasn't there. I busied myself around the place for an hour and figured that he was home by then so I walked next door and knocked. She hollered out asking who was there...

  I answered and she told me the door was unlocked and for me to come on in. I went in and looked around... and asked where he was... she said that she was in the kitchen and to come on out. I walked slowly to the kitchen and still didn't see him... maybe he was in the garage. When I got to the kitchen she was busy at the sink and without turning she told me to sit down. I did and then asked if he was in the garage. She told me slowly that he wasn't here... that he'd been called out of town this morning and would be gone for the weekend. I felt self-conscious and said I was sorry that he had to be gone... and that I hadn't meant to bother her. I stood and was about to leave when she turned around. She'd been crying and there were still tears in her eyes. She asked me not to go... to stay and talk for awhile. I asked if she was sure and she said yes... and took a seat at the other end of the table. She rubbed her eyes... and I asked what was wrong. She said that she knew we talked and I shook my head. She asked if we 'really' talked and I asked what she meant. It was difficult but then she explained that women always talk about 'personal' things... about home life... and love. Then she asked if we ever talked like that. I felt a bit self-conscious but smiled and said that we never did. She started crying again and said "I'd hoped..." I leaned closer and asked "Hoped what?" And now the tears really flowed and she told me that he'd had an affair a few years ago... and she hadn't known about it... but his sex drive had dropped during that the time... and he'd never wanted sex. It went on she said for over a year... and then finally she'd confronted him when she found a card in his jacket.

  It was a nice thank you card from a lady... thanking him for the previous afternoon. The gal had slipped it into his jacket without his knowing. When she found it she was devastated and insisted on knowing what was going on. Eventually he'd told her... broke off the affair and promised never to do anything like it again. At this point I was incredulous... she was so perfect... and so vibrant... and so interested sexually... as I recalled from that morning. She was crying now... and said that things seemed normal for the last few years... but in the last few months their sex life had zeroed out. Their Anniversary was this weekend and he wasn't even going to be here... and she knew that he'd forgotten it. I got up... walked over and tried to console her... finally I dropped to my knees on the floor in front of her and tried to assure her that I felt he wasn't cheating on her. Between sobs she said that it must be her then... she wasn't attractive anymore. I put my arm around her and she leaned her face into my shoulder and sobbed as I assured her that she was tremendously attractive... to any man. She replied with a thanks and a comment that I didn't have to lie. Lie? I assured her that I was in no way lying... she was more than attractive... sexually and every other way. She asked if personally I'd ever thought she was attractive... always I assured her. "Show me?" she asked. I told her that I couldn't do that... that she'd hate herself tomorrow... that they were friends of mine. She looked at me and cried even harder saying that she knew I was lying... and pushed me away.

  I held tight and pulled her to me. I kissed her... at first her cheek... but I couldn't help myself and soon I was at her lips. She resisted for a few moments and then returned my kiss with more passion than I'd ever felt before. I'm sure there are cynics out there that will say I was seduced... and I was... but not intentionally... and not by her... my own desire did it. When finally she pulled away... my hands were on the hem of her dress and I raised it slowly... watching her eyes... and then I glanced down and she was nude beneath... and I spread her thighs and buried my face. I felt her hands in my hair... and then felt her body quiver as I brought my lips in closer and kissed her mons. She was dry... not aroused as I was... as I placed my hands around her waist and pulled her to me. I love giving oral... and love the way it provides foreplay and can stimulate a lady. Her body was beautiful... and I wanted it... more than anything else... and I didn't care about anything but the two of us. I tasted her... and teased her... and her hands wrapped in my hair and she pulled me hard and close. I heard her cry... and thank me... and then her leg was up... and she'd slid forward to the edge of the seat and turned slightly as I raised her. She was sweet and hot... growing wetter... and in almost no time she'd climaxed and was crying my name... as I moaned and whispered hers. I raised my head from under her skirt and slowly unbuttoned it and then opened the bodice and gazed upon perfection. Her soft tummy and firm young breasts... and her eyes were shining through her tears. I kissed each nipple and devoured her breasts.

  I laid my cheek against her tummy and just held her. Finally I pulled her onto the floor with me... onto a kitchen rug... and opened my jeans... and took her there. It was perfect... she was perfect... responsive to everything... participating... helping... talking... urgent... and even as we climaxed... I was looking forward to the very next climax. Her voice rang in my ears... and then I heard her whisper my name... and then shout it as she climaxed. I had no doubt that she'd been without sex for months... the two of us were an even match... each of us trying to wear the other out... and losing. After awhile I helped her close the house and then we went out the back door and over to my place. She brought her cell-phone in case hubby called... but she said he wouldn't. Once at my place... we were naked... and I had the woman around my house that I'd always wanted... a gal that loved me... and sex... and nudity. We made love in every part of the house... in some areas twice... and it wasn't just vanilla sex... although I'd have settled. We enjoyed fantasies that we'd only dreamed of... and it was all good. We spent two nights together and every daylight hour. All of the time... not only was her body perfect... but she'd begun to realize that it wasn't her... and I was grateful for that. Before he was due back we'd made plans. She was his wife... and would remain that way... and remain faithful until she couldn't take more... and then she'd signal me... and I'd fix things... until next time. If he wanted sex... she would yield and provide what he wanted... first... he would come first. The three of us were great friends... and remain that way... and we're all happy. By the way... a trip to the doctor and some tests and they found his problem... it wasn't infidelity this time... but they couldn't fix... only slightly reduce the problem. Now her esteem is back and she's more beautiful than ever.

  A Pirates Life for Me

  Captain Bran looked over the starboard side of the ship as the huge vessel was bobbing slowly away from the docks. The crew was restless and looking for a bit of fun after being away at sea for a while. He himself looked forward to finding some amusement, rum and a quick relief to his aching groins. Instead, the scallywags managed to find
a bar with nothing but trouble and an hour or two brawling among the drunken regulars. A few of the crew had kidnapped a few girls and tied them on board. He wasn't looking forward to the squalls between the shipmates over the women they brought aboard, but he knew eventually all the men would have their turns at them and settle down. So long as they got the ship sailing and their course charted he could care less about the fights. He watched the town they departed begin to look smaller and smaller upon the horizon, his blue eyes looking intent and somewhat displeased he didn't get the chance to fulfill his urges. An hour later he noticed a particularly huge fight between the crewmates and rushed over to see what the entire ruckus was about. A smallish Hispanic girl with long, wavy locks cascading around her face in wisps was cursing at them and spitting on whichever one would dare to get closest to her. They sneered and made fun of her while her arms were tied behind her helplessly to the mast. They all argued about what each one would do to her and who would be first. Her shirt was torn from all the hands grabbing at her. She wriggled against the mast trying to get free nearly exposing her tan breast from her ripped blouse.

  Her skirt was tattered in the same fashion. Her legs looked long even though she barely stood 5'3", muscular and strong. He liked that a lot. She had very nice, firm tits and a round ass. Her hips were very curvy and the more he stared at her the more ideas invaded his mind. She turned to face him and could tell that he held some importance over his crew the way he carried himself and his demeanor. She nearly pleaded with him just using her facial movements and deep, brown, puppy dog eyes, until she saw the same look of lust wash over his face as he watched her. Disgusted with the look he was giving her she looked away from him not wanting to give him the pleasure of her eye contact. There were a total of 7 girls on the ship and yet this one intrigued him so much. Maybe it was the disgusted look she gave him, the sassy way she mouthed off to them, and her wild eyes that hated them all. He couldn't explain it but he decided he would untie this wench and keep her for himself. He walked over to her in a calm voice said "I'm going to untie you and I promise you this if you misbehave or spit on me I will hand you back over to my crew. I don't think I need to remind you that I have 47 men on this boat awaiting your flesh anxiously and don't mind sharing." With that, the voluptuous girl nodded and awaited him to cut her ropes free from her wrists. They were red and chafed from the rope burns. She tended to them with her shirt trying to dry the blood and blisters. Without hesitation or giving her an opportunity to act anymore; he grabbed her arm and started towards his cabin as he gave glances of sheer dominance at his crew.

  He dared one of them to protest his decision as he roughly pulled the girl towards his cabin and held his jeweled, trusty scimitar with his other hand still sheathed in its leather. He opened the heavy, wood cabin door and flung her into the room. She spun around wildly, her hair flinging about around her tear stained face and looked at him waiting to pounce on him in rage if he approached her. He picked up a bottle of rum and took a big swig from it, gulped the warm liquid down and set it down on the table then wiped his mouth dry with the sleeve of his white shirt. "What is your name wench?" He asked her coolly. "Why do you care?" she asked with hostility. "Maybe you didn't understand the question." With that, he swung his arm back and let it fly with minimum force and backhanded her cheek. "When I ask you something you will learn to answer me. Without question! Is that understood or do I need to show you I am a man true to my word and throw you out to the rabid, wolves waiting on deck?" She clutched her rosy cheek which ached from his hand and replied more timidly. "It's... its ...Heather." She stammered, still looking at him with a hatred he found quite amusing. "What do you want with me, why am I here?" "You're here because I'm sure one of my men if not the whole damn ship fancied you. I would think it best on your part to do as I ask or we shall find out just how popular you are." He walked towards her and she felt his fingers pick up a lock of her brown, hair and twirled it around his finger while looking at her beautiful body up and down drinking the image all in.

  He took the piece of hair he was playing with and smelled it. It was so sweet and fragrant. The smell made him dizzy; he hadn't smelled something so feminine in a long time. He'd nearly forgotten what a woman smelled like; after being stuck at sea for many weeks at a time. Nothing but men surrounding him; for what felt like decades. He took his hand and slid it over her bare shoulder where her ripped shirt once laid. She shuddered at his touch. He could tell she was plotting in her mind when to make her next move. He was no fool to think he had tamed this wild, exotic thing so easy. He liked the challenge, in fact, it made him stiffen more to the idea she was going to resist him. Unlike the other sluts, he had bedded from port to port anxious to lie in his bed hoping to acquire his loot and settle him down. He loved how nervous but fiery she was, he walked around still touching her shoulder moving it cautiously across her neck and her collarbone as he continued to pace around her. She watched him out of the corner of her eye careful to not look directly into his blue eyes. He was starting to grow weary of the game he was playing with her and began to inch closer and get a good feel of those fat tits she had tucked away behind that corset. He grabbed her by the waist and pushed himself against her squeezing them while seeing her neck exposed he placed his lips sucking slightly at the nape. She hissed at him shoving him away, "I don't take kindly to men who think they can own me and have their way with me." "I don't believe I asked for your opinion, so as long as you are on my ship you will do as I command."

  He pulled her to him again. He could feel her struggling and laughed at her efforts. Without warning, she bit his chest until he let go and she tried to run towards the door. He quickly thwarted her attempt to escape and grabbed her by the back of her head nearly dragging her to his bunk. He grabbed his dagger from his boot and held it sharply to her jawline. An evil grin appeared on his face as he heard her gasp and felt her resistance weaken under his arm. He sat her down on the bunk and asked: "Are you going to be a good girl now?" She looked up at him still with so much fire and nodded a "yes" motion shyly. "I don't believe you; therefore I am forced to use measures which will ensure me you will." She watched him in wonder to see what he had planned for her. He reached over to the drawer and pulled out three pairs of shackles. Her eyes grew so big and the fire quickly turned to deep seeded fear. He placed the shackles around her wrists and hooked them above her head on an iron wrought hook that use to hold a lantern for reading. He took the second pair and hooked one of her ankles and slipped the other side of the shackle around the leg of his bunk, then proceeded to repeat the same steps for the other leg. Heather looked up at him pleading again with her eyes. Her lip quivered and he could tell she was searching for the right words to convince him not to go through with his plans. She grew angry at herself for not having the wit to find the words. He began to rub the calf of her leg as he crouched down in between her legs and slowly slid his hand up her inner thigh.

  Her head tossed and turned back and forth as he leaned down to kiss her. He grabbed her hair and held it tight so she couldn't move then smashed his lips hard against hers. Her mouth was sweet like she had been eating fruit pies and her tongue was warm and flickering all inside his mouth trying to find a way out. She bit his lip and his hand stopped sliding up her thigh and to his lip. He licked it and could taste the blood starting to form where she had bitten him. It was a taste he was all too familiar with. He chuckled at her efforts. "You're going to have to do a lot more than bite me I'm afraid; my saucy little whore." His tone was more playful than threatening. She could almost swear he liked it. With that, he slapped her leg and began to continue his quest for what was at the top of her thighs. He could tell she was fidgeting under him not enjoying being helpless at all. He couldn't help but become more and more aroused by all this. He got to her soft, well-shaved mound and began to play with the tender folds of her cunt. She was a little wet; however, he knew a way to fix that immediately. He pushed her skirt up and leaned down on his knees until his face b
ecame flush with her clit. He flicked the top of it a little at first to tease her like he was licking a wound. His tongue glided all over her fat, brown lips, and meaty pussy. He dipped down into her taut honey hole and stuck his tongue deep inside. Her pussy tasted almost as sweet as her mouth. Minutes later he was devouring her and she laid there flinching and arching her back as far as she could trying so hard not to enjoy the sensations he was sending through her body.

  Once he saw her flood his tongue with her creamy, thick cum; he rubbed his hard cock through his tight pants and got up from between her legs. He left her to skirt up so he could sit and look at her swollen clit and lips while he took another sip of rum rubbing himself. He unzipped his pants and walked over to the side of the bed. She tried not to look at him but was forced to when he grabbed the back of her head and pushed the tip of his cock through her lips. She tried to argue but it was muffled instantly by the enormous raging dick being shoved into her mouth. He had both hands on her head now holding her steady so he could fuck her pretty, little, pink mouth. He could feel her throat tense up every time he put the tip of his dick near her tonsils. He then took his hips and with immense determination he plunged his cock deep into her throat watching her eyes widen and become teary from the pain. She gagged on it and choked and coughed when he finally pulled it back out. She moaned and he watched her pussy lips start to flutter. He realized something amazing. This wench just had an orgasm from his cock in her throat. He placed his cock inside her mouth again and started to fuck it once more. Her eyes were saying no but her cunt was cumming all over the place every time he shoved his fat prick in her throat making her take him deeper and deeper. The moans she made were like sirens singing their songs of seduction to him. He could listen to it all day as it echoed in the back of his mind. He was lost in the ecstasy his cock was enraptured in. He finally couldn't contain it any longer and felt himself start to spurt his juices all over her tonsils.


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