LA Misbehaved - Complete (Married A Stripper Book 2)

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LA Misbehaved - Complete (Married A Stripper Book 2) Page 12

by M. S. Parker

  “Not sure it’s smart, but I know it’s what I want,” I said, rising up on my toes to bite his lower lip. “Come to my room.”

  He shuddered, eyes closing for a moment. Then, nodding, he eased away and shot a look around the area. I didn’t know what he was looking for until he spoke, “Can you park it for me?”

  One of the valets came forward from where he’d been standing in the shadows. Once Dash had a ticket in hand, we started toward the doors.

  I felt awkward and strange in my skin, like something about Dash unsettled me. I didn’t know why. I wasn’t the sort of girl who took a new guy home every night, but I wasn’t a nun either. This shouldn’t have felt any different than when I’d been with Baylor, but it did.

  When Dash reached out to place a hand at the small of my back, I couldn’t stop a shiver that raced all the way up my spine. My nipples were already tight, sensitive to the minor friction offered by my bra. I wanted to throw myself at him, and rub all over him the moment the elevator doors closed behind us. Beg him to put his hands on me.

  I didn’t though.

  It was a glass-walled elevator on all sides, save for the door. I was adventurous, but definitely not voyeuristic. A kiss was one thing, but I knew the next time I kissed him, I didn’t want to stop.

  As soon as I was through the door, I tossed my purse onto the nearest flat surface and reached for him. He was already moving toward me, and I opened my mouth as his came down on mine for another deep, starving kiss. His grip was tight on my hips, the lines of his body deliciously hard against mine.

  The hotel door met my back as he crowded up against me, and I almost laughed when the phrase between a rock and a hard place popped into my head. He would be nearly a full foot taller than me when I took my heels off, but even now, he loomed over me, around me, his very presence giving me a feeling of security I’d never had with anyone else.

  “Tell me you’ve got a condom,” he said, his voice rough.

  “In my purse.” I never trusted a guy to be prepared.

  “Good.” He reached over and grabbed my bag, shoving it into my hand.

  As he leaned back, I unzipped the main compartment. Then I had to catch my breath because he hadn’t just been leaning back to give me room to get the condom out.

  “I’ve been wanting to do this all day,” he said, voice raw as he hooked his fingers in the straps of my dress.

  His gaze darkened as he slowly tugged the stretchy material down. I shifted my arms, giving him the space he needed to get the dress down to my waist, leaving me in my silver silk-and-lace strapless bra. As he took a few seconds to admire the garment, I managed to get the condom free and toss my purse back onto the nearby table. All my attention focused back on him as his fingers found the front clasp on the bra and flicked it open.

  He muttered a curse as he cupped my breasts in his hands, thumbs brushing across my nipples. I made a sound in the back of my throat as his touch sent a shiver of pleasure through me. He smiled the sort of dark smile that made my knees week, then he plucked at my nipple. Hot little darts of pleasure jolted straight down to explode inside my pussy.

  “More,” I begged.

  He didn’t need additional prompting. He wrapped one arm around my waist, the other moving under my ass to brace me as he lifted me against his chest. My legs wrapped around his hips as I clung to him, his arms going around me to support my weight as he leaned me back.

  I cried out when he took my nipple into his mouth, his teeth scraping the sensitive flesh before soothing it with his tongue. I dug my fingers into his hair, holding him close as he began to suck on my nipple. He alternated pressure, playing my body like a fine instrument as he coaxed the heat inside me into a flame.

  I felt the ridge of his cock, heavy and thick as it pulsed against me, and I shuddered, twisting against him until I had him tucked right against me, nothing separating us but my panties and his trousers. He moaned, the vibration against my skin making my eyelids flutter.

  “I spent all day wanting to do this,” he murmured, his voice low enough that I wondered if he’d intended for me to hear it.

  The idea that he’d been thinking about me like this all day drove me a little crazy, especially since I’d been hungrier for him than I had been for any of the mouth-watering food Didi had made.

  Then his mouth moved to the other breast, the suction harder, the teeth sharper. I moaned, arching my back.

  “Want more,” I said, wiggling against him.

  He went rigid, mouth releasing my breast to allow him to take a shuddering breath. I rolled my hips, loving that I could affect him that much.

  Slowly, he lifted his head and stared down at me.

  “More,” I said again, using my legs to rub me up and down along his length.

  A hard shudder wracked his body, and he braced both hands on the door by my head. He dropped his head so that his forehead rested against mine. Closing my eyes, I reveled in the increased pressure even as I cursed the clothing that kept my skin from his.

  He started to rock his hips, slow motions that managed to put just the right amount of pressure and friction against my throbbing clit. It was like the most erotic dance I could imagine, every inch of me hyperaware of his body. Clinging to him, I began to mirror his movements. My orgasm was already building. So close. So close–

  He shoved away from the door, taking me with him, but ending our dance before I was able to find release.

  “No,” I whimpered. I tried to move on my own, but he held me too tightly, a silent laugh rumbling low in his chest.

  Holding me in his arms, he carried me into the sitting area and lowered me onto the couch. I pushed at my dress, helping Dash get it off. He didn’t wait for me to assist with my panties, simply tearing them off. The sting made me gasp, and then he thrust two fingers inside me, deep and rough, and I cried out.

  It was exactly what I needed, and I came, the assault to my body more intense than I could have imagined. Then his fingers curled, finding that sweet spot inside me, pushing me even higher.

  When my body fell back against the bed, every muscle limp as jelly, his hand withdrew, and I made a sound of protest, reaching for him, but failing to find him. I was half-blind in the dark room, but I managed to make out his shadow. I heard foil ripping, then he was back, covering my body with his.

  His mouth found mine, and I eagerly explored his body with my hands. I wished I could see more of him. I wasn’t foolish enough to think that we would become something more than just this night, and I wanted to remember everything. When we were sitting in a meeting at work, I wanted to be able to picture every muscle, hear every sound.

  He grasped my hips, and his eyes met mine. I had only a moment to know what was coming before he lifted me and thrust deep. I would have cried out, but he kissed me, swallowing the sound even as my nails dug into his shoulders. He’d taken off his shirt and pants, as if he needed to feel his skin on mine as much as I did.

  He kissed me like I’d never been kissed before. Like he was starving, and I was the only thing that could satisfy him. His hunger fed my own, and I rocked up against him. He took me hard and fast, riding my body at a pace that left me gasping.

  His cock swelled, sliding over sensitized skin, shoving me right back into that realm of pleasure where nothing existed but the two of us. He muttered my name against my lips, tangled a hand in my hair, crushed me against him.

  Biting his lower lip, I pleaded, “More. Harder.”

  He laughed, the vibration rippling through every place our bodies touched. “I’m about ready to fuck us through the bed and into the floor.”

  “I’m good...” A spasm of pleasure twisted in me, and I moaned. “I’m good with that.”

  He responded by catching me behind the knees as he pushed up onto his own knees, slowing his thrusts as he pushed my legs even farther apart. I cried out as he stretched me wider, hit deeper. It felt amazing, but it still wasn’t quite enough.

  Then he stroked his thumb over
my clit, and my breath froze in my lungs. He did it a second, then a third time, each caress matched with a hard thrust, combining sensations into a ball of pleasure that threatened to overwhelm me.

  And then I exploded, my world going white.

  Dimly, I heard a ragged groan, and his hips jerked against me. His body stiffened, and then he collapsed against me, his head between my breasts.

  My heart hammered, so loud in my ears, I could hear nothing else for the first few seconds. I could barely raise my hand, but I managed to get it to the top of his head, to stroke my fingers through his hair.

  As I started to get my breath back, he spoke, “Please tell me you have more than one condom because I sure as hell don’t want to be trying to find a place open tonight.”

  The table was cool and smooth under my chest, and behind me, Dash was all heat and muscle – and cock.

  That beautiful, thick, amazing cock.

  I groaned as he slowly filled me. We were up to my third and last condom, and I couldn’t fault his choice in position. He’d come up behind me as I was trying to get everything back into the purse I’d dropped when we came inside.

  I hadn’t even gotten close to finishing that task, but sex was more fun than organization. Especially when I was approaching orgasm number...I realized I’d lost count somewhere around six.

  Gripping the edge of the table, I bit my lip to keep from crying out as he hit the end of me. There’d been a couple times in the past where I’d had a weekend sex marathon, but Dash was nothing like my prior lovers. Everything was more intense with him, and I knew my body would be feeling it for days.

  But it felt damn good right now.

  He pulled out, just as slow as he’d gone in, and it was torture.

  The best kind of torture.

  Moaning, I thrust back against him – or tried at least. One firm hand on my hip kept me from moving too far.

  “Be still,” he demanded.

  “Stop teasing me,” I countered, voice breathless.

  “Every time you bent over a desk this week, especially in that skirt you wore the other day, I’ve wanted to do this.”

  He drove in harder, and I gasped as a jolt went through me. I was so sensitive that I was riding that fine line between pain and pleasure, unable to think of anything beyond him and me and the fire between us. I slapped my palms on the table, needing to touch something, needing some sort of outlet.

  “Just like this…” He slammed into me again.


  I closed my eyes, letting each thrust drive out little primal grunts of sound. I was beyond being able to form coherent words.

  “Fuck, Astra,” he ground out the words, each syllable telling me that he was as far gone as I was. He shoved a hand into my hair and bent me back, twisting my head around until he could kiss me, bite my bottom lip. “You drive me crazy.”

  I might have told him he did the same to me.

  If I could have talked. If I could have breathed.

  But I couldn’t.

  He yanked me up, bracing me against him with one arm around my waist as his mouth made its way down my neck. All my weight bore me down on his cock, our height difference forcing me to the very tips of my toes. No more deep, driving thrusts. Just slow rocking moves and my own internal clenches. Just the irrepressible sense of fullness, of being stretched to near the breaking point. That and the gentle sucking and biting on my throat that told me he was marking me.

  “I…I can’t…Dash…”

  He let go of my hair and palmed one of my breasts, squeezing my nipple until I hit the point of no return.

  The climax tore into me, and I fell apart.

  Lying on the couch, curled up against him, I fought the wave of sleep that was coming. Between the awesome meal Didi prepared and the vigorous exercise Dash and I had just done to work off all those calories, I was about ready for bed. Well, for sleep anyway.

  He’d put on his pants before we’d collapsed here. I hadn’t bothered with anything, just grabbing a long sweater I’d tossed on the back of a chair.

  I yawned, smothering it behind my hand.

  “You’re tired.”

  The words sounded oddly stilted.

  I straightened, twisting to look at him. I didn’t have much of a chance though, because he got up now, looking around the suite of rooms with an unfocused expression. “I…” He stopped and rubbed at his neck.


  “We’re both probably tired,” I said with more cheer than I felt. “Long day, lots of food. Great sex.”

  His eyes came back to mine, but they were guarded.

  “Don’t feel like you have to hang and cuddle.” I rolled my eyes and forced a smile as I looked away.

  He looked really uncomfortable. Dash was a nice guy, but as good as he was at impulsive sex, I had a feeling he’d always avoided someone he actually knew. I’d always tried to keep from hooking up with guys from work, but I hadn’t managed to hold to my good intentions a time or two. I was eager to avoid the awkwardness I’d experienced then. Trying to spare us both, I got off the couch and went over to kiss his cheek with a light, platonic touch.

  “This was fun. A release of all that tension between us. A good time, but no reason for either of us to get moon-eyed.”

  “Of course.” He gave me a short nod and turned away.

  As he gathered up his clothes, I rubbed the heel of my hand over my chest as an ache began to throb there.

  No. This wasn’t awkward.

  It was just…miserable. In under three minutes, he was heading for the door, and I had to bite my lip to keep from asking him to stay. From telling him that I’d changed my mind, and I wanted him to spend the night here, with me.

  But I didn’t.

  He was moving so fast, it was like he couldn’t wait to get out of there, and I wondered if I’d misread the situation, if there wouldn’t have been any awkwardness because this had been just another night for him. Maybe he hadn’t been nervous. Maybe he’d been trying to figure out how to let me down easy.

  And I’d apparently just done it for him.

  Part II



  Day six.

  Grabbing my phone, I silenced the alarm and dropped it on the bed, scowling at the device as though it had personally insulted me.

  It had been almost a week since I had sex with Dash.

  It had also been almost a week since I’d seen Dash.

  If anybody would have asked me if I missed him, I’d have lied and asked who they were talking about, but it was just me and my lonesome in the hotel room, and I was coming to an annoying revelation. I sucked at lying to myself.

  “I miss him,” I muttered.

  Throwing my forearm over my eyes, I pondered taking five more minutes to doze but decided it wasn’t worth it. I’d go down to the gym and do a quick run on the treadmill, then get my ass ready and head to the clinic. Since I’d spent the last few days working out to burn off excess energy, I’d dropped a few pounds, but it wasn’t nearly as much fun as my sex-a-thon with Dash.

  Maybe I needed to focus on something else. Like the fact that I needed to start looking for a place of my own. Hotel living was fine for a few days but beyond that?


  It was another one of those lying to myself things. I finally accepted that part of me hadn’t expected to want to stay here, so I’d avoided looking for anything permanent. But I did want to stay. I missed the kids and my old co-workers back in Philadelphia, but even thinking about going back to that kind of work right now left me raw.

  And this was something different. A challenge. There was very little I liked more than a challenge.

  Of course, Piety was here too, and I was actually starting to like Camry.


  Of course, he was avoiding me.

  “I should have stuck to my no work rule,” I told my reflection as I looked into the mirror hanging over the dresser. The woman in the mirror nodded along with m

  Nice to know we were in agreement.

  I grabbed clothes, changed, and pulled on my tennis shoes. I would go for a run. Then get ready for work. Maybe today would be the day.

  I had to see him sooner or later, right?

  “We’re almost done putting together a preliminary report on the benefits package.”

  I smiled at Sean over my cup of coffee. “Thanks.” He was turning out to be my right hand.

  Gianna sat in the seat across from him, her legs crossed, swinging one foot lazily.

  She was turning out to be as much a pain in the ass as I expected.

  “I think we need to fine-tune some of the information when it comes to new hires,” she said for the thousandth time.

  “We’ve already gone over this,” I said, shaking my head at her. “Maybe you don’t get sick, and maybe you don’t have kids, but others do. I refuse to add a rule that any new hire who’s absent more than once in the first six months gets tossed. We’d lose half our staff.” I paused, then added, “For all you know, you’ll come down with the flu next week.”

  She waved it off with a roll of her eyes. “People are always faking the flu and being sick. More than one day off is needless.”

  “Not up to you.” I eyed the coffee in my cup, almost certain there should be more. Apparently, it was going to be one of those days. “We’ve got three more counselors who are scheduled to be interviewed, right? Today and tomorrow?”

  “Yes.” Sean tugged at his collar. “And Mr. Lahti will be present for those interviews.”

  Surprise, surprise. I nodded. “I’d like you to be in there as well.”

  “I want to be in there too,” Gianna said, lifting her chin.

  Hell. No.

  “You’re not needed.” When she began to argue, I held up a hand. “There will already be four people in attendance since Mr. Leiu comes to every final interview. I think that’s intimidating enough to any interviewee. Besides, there’s plenty for you to do around here.”


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