LA Misbehaved - Complete (Married A Stripper Book 2)

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LA Misbehaved - Complete (Married A Stripper Book 2) Page 63

by M. S. Parker

  Ebony hair, wide green eyes so thickly lashed, I could almost imagine him putting on mascara.

  He smiled, but then he slid his gaze down to linger on my breasts. I managed not to cross my arms over my chest. The look left me feeling dirty. And pissed off.

  Dominic moved slightly in front of me and held out his hand, a faint smile on his face. It wasn’t a nice smile. “I can’t say I do, Penelope. Joshua.”

  Joshua accepted Dominic’s proffered hand and I watched as the man’s face went slightly pale, his mouth tightening. I glanced down and saw his fingers being slowly crushed by Dominic’s grasp. As much as I would’ve liked to see the lecher’s hand broken, I couldn’t let Dominic do it. Moving in, I rested a hand on his upper arm. “Dominic,” I spoke softly, but it was enough.

  The handshake ended abruptly. Penelope laughed, and the sound was delighted. I managed not to roll my eyes, but it took an effort.

  She thought that little display was about her. It figures.

  Dominic flicked his eyes over at her as he shifted his body toward mine, resting his hand at the small of my back. His stance was close, protective. “Penelope, you’ve already met Aleena. Joshua, this is Aleena Davison.”

  “Dominic, really.” Penelope made a disparaging noise. She apparently had an entire symphony of them. She sighed and shot me a dismissive look. “You need to stop working from time to time. Have a social life. Bring a date on occasion, not just your secretary.”

  Dominic smiled at her. Any anger I might have felt suffered a quick, abortive death as Dominic pressed a quick kiss to my temple. His fingers flexed on my back and I shivered.

  His gaze was steady on Penelope as he spoke, “I did bring a date.” He waited a moment to let that sink in, then he looked down at me, making it clear they were being dismissed. “We better go and mingle, make sure everybody’s having a good time.” He held out his arm.

  I took it, a thrill going through me as he pulled me close enough to make it clear it wasn’t merely a polite gesture. As we walked away, I could feel Penelope glaring daggers into the back of my skull.

  I waited until we were some feet away before I said, “You do know that if looks could kill, Penelope would probably be getting arrested for murder very soon.”

  “It’s a good thing looks can’t kill.” Dominic was smiling, but it was that cold one again. “That bastard would be dead too.”

  I didn’t have to ask who he was talking about. I knew, no matter what I said, on some level, Dominic was still thinking ‘mine’. This time, I didn’t mind.

  We stopped a few minutes later as he introduced me to another couple. There was speculation in the eyes of the woman, but the man greeted me warmly. We chatted for a few minutes and then moved on. That seemed to set the tone for the evening. I would get curious gazes from some, cool glances from others while others would smile and seem perfectly interested in meeting me. I did catch a few men checking me out, but no one was as blatant or disrespectful about it as Joshua had been.

  We’d been there maybe thirty minutes when another guest arrived and with it, the temperature dropped. Or so it seemed. Jacqueline St James-Snow took one look at me and scowled.

  I didn’t change my expression.

  Her attention flicked toward Dominic and she gave him a regal nod, her face smoothing out.

  That was the beginning and end of their interaction for the evening.

  Anytime they accidentally ended up too close, one or the other would casually steer themselves in the other direction. I went with Dominic, of course, and by the end of the night was feeling vaguely dizzy.

  I wanted to ask what was going on, but, despite how much Dominic had shared, I didn’t feel comfortable asking. Besides, this was hardly the time and the place. I couldn’t deny that part of my reasoning was selfish. I didn’t want to worry about things that involved his mother or Penelope tonight. I only wanted to enjoy a real date with a man I knew I cared far too much about.

  Trouver L’Amour’s office were massive and sprawling, tucked inside a building that had probably a good dozen rooms that were almost impossible to find unless you actually worked in the building.

  One of them was a private bathroom for the employees.

  We’d been ready to head out and I’d ducked out ahead of Dominic to use the facilities while he hung back to shake a few more hands. There were still several couples around. Not Penelope and Joshua, but a few clients still lingered. Key personnel from management remained to handle things until all the clients were gone and Dominic wanted to make sure the management had a good example of what he expected. They, after all, would be responsible for things like this when he moved on from Trouver L’Amour. Nobody—including Dominic—seemed to know when that might be. It could be a few months or even a few years. He felt it was better to be prepared.

  Inside the bathroom, I finished washing my hands and I checked my makeup. The glow on my face made me look strange. Almost unrecognizable. At least to me. I looked…

  “Happy,” I murmured, feeling a little dazed at the idea. How long had it been since I’d felt this way? Not once since coming to New York, not truly happy. There’d been a few moments snatched here and there, but nothing like this.

  I might have followed that chain of thought more thoroughly, but the bathroom door opened and I automatically turned to look. The sight of Dominic ducking inside made my heart skip a beat.

  “This is the ladies’ room,” I said, chiding him.

  He didn’t speak as he came up to me and grasped my shoulders. Without a word, he turned me so I was facing the sink and mirror. His eyes were two blazing jewels, bright and clear. He wrapped his arms around me and pressed his cheek against mine, the scruff rough against my skin.

  He still didn’t say a word.

  His eyes held mine as he caught my hands and guided them into place on the polished marble vanity. There was enough distance that it left me bent slightly at the waist. He remained silent as he pulled the bottom of my dress up over my hips, leaving me with my ass thrust up and back toward him. I shivered as the cool air caressed between my legs. My thighs were already damp.

  “I’ve been reaching in my pocket all night, feeling that bit of silk,” he said softly, tracing patterns on my ass with his fingertips. “You know how many times I’ve looked at you and thought about you being bare under this, Aleena?”

  When I didn’t answer, he brought his hand down sharply on my ass.

  I gasped out, biting my lip to keep from making any noise. Aside from instinctively knowing that he didn’t want it, I didn’t want anyone hearing us. As the sting receded, I whispered, “No, sir.”

  “Too many times.” He put something down on the vanity next to my left hand.

  The entire world narrowed down to that single item.

  It was a soft silicone plug. I didn’t need measurements to know this one was larger than the last one he’d had in my ass. He’d used that one twice more since that first time and while it had still burned, I knew I’d feel a difference. This one wouldn’t go in as easily. The sight of it made my heart race and my skin felt too tight, too hot, too small.

  “You’re not going to—”

  Dominic said, “Be quiet, Aleena.”

  I swallowed and did just that. I knew better than to argue with that tone unless I planned to use my safe word.

  He said nothing else.

  The weighted silence added to the tension as he prepared me. And that’s all it was, simple preparation. He didn’t caress me, didn’t play with me. He didn’t kiss me or stroke me or any of the other things I’d come to associate with our sex life. He didn’t even kiss me. I felt the cool slick of lubricant and then his finger was pushing past my ring of muscle. I took in a shuddering breath at the familiar painful pleasure. After just a few strokes, he added a second finger, scissoring the two until my fingers were curling against the cool marble. My legs were quivering and I almost protested when he removed his fingers, catching myself just in time. I heard the sound
of him lubricating the plug and I was all but panting in anticipation by the time he was done.

  My entire body was already shaking when he pressed the rounded, blunt tip against my anus and gripped my hip with his other hand. “Don’t make a sound, Aleena. Nod if you understand.”

  I gave a single, sharp nod, not trusting myself to move anything else. I was afraid I’d fall apart if I did, beg him for a real touch. His hand tightened for a moment and that was it.

  He pushed the plug inside me.

  I squirmed and shuddered and when it got to be too much, he backed off, giving me time to adjust before he pressed forward once more. Each agonizing inch seemed to last an eternity. My entire world consisted of the smooth stone under my palms, the hand on my hip and the narrow point where pleasure and pain met. When he finally had it settled inside me, he gave me another moment and then drew my skirt back down over my hips.

  “Look at me.”

  I met his gaze in the mirror, catching a glimpse of my own wide eyes.

  “How does it feel?” He curled his arm around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder. His body was close to mine, but not flush against me.

  Swallowing, I squirmed a little and then responded honestly, “Tight. Uncomfortable.”

  He slid his hands around my waist to rest on my stomach. “It’s larger than the one I’ve been using. It’s going to stay inside you on the drive home. And I’m going to fuck you while you’re wearing it.”

  I bit my lip to keep from making a sound. I wasn’t sure if it would’ve been protesting or begging. I didn’t have the chance to analyze it though because he was taking my arm and we were walking out to the limo. Each step was agony, making the plug shift inside me. I could barely manage to walk normally. Only the fear that someone would see a change in my gait and figure out why, kept me moving in a natural way.

  Then there was the ride home. It was...intense. Every bump, every slight movement of the limo jostled the plug. I hadn’t lied before. It was tight and uncomfortable. And then things got really interesting. We’d gone maybe five minutes and something vibrated inside me .I jumped and gasped and shot Dominic a look. He was staring outside.

  What the...

  I looked back out my window, trying to calm my racing heart and wondering why he was trying to look so disinterested.

  Thirty seconds later, it happened again. I whipped my head around to stare at Dominic. Hot, wicked blue eyes greeted me.

  And the bastard was smiling. “Is something wrong?”

  I gasped as it happened again. “What are you…?”

  He lifted up his hand and he was holding something in it. As I watched, he pressed a button and it happened again. The plug inside my ass started to vibrate. It lasted longer this time. I was practically wailing when he stopped. I don’t know if it was seconds later or minutes, only that I was shaking and clutching at the seat, a climax hovering just out of my reach. I wouldn’t have thought it was possible to come only from something in my ass, but I was so wet and desperate to come, I would have begged for it if I thought it would have done any good.

  I turned to rest on my hip, unable to take any more pressure on the plug.

  Dominic asked again, “Is something wrong?”

  “You,” I panted out. “Are an evil bastard.”

  “If you can keep from climaxing until we get home, I’ll reward you.” He pushed the button again and I clenched my thighs together and ground my teeth. It was going to be a long ride home.

  I wasn’t entirely sure how I’d managed to hold off my orgasm, but when the car stopped in front of the penthouse, I was a quivering mass of need, desperate for release. I was so focused on not coming that Dominic had to practically pull me out of the limo. My legs buckled and he wrapped his arm around my waist. It was all I could do to put one foot in front of the other and I was pretty sure I kept whimpering the entire walk to the elevator.

  When the elevator doors slid shut behind us, I tilted my head back and whispered beseechingly, “Dominic, please.”

  He brushed his lips against mine in an almost-kiss. “We’re almost there, baby.”

  “I’m almost there.” I clutched at him, forgetting myself, forgetting everything but the need for release. I cupped him through his trousers. His body tensed and I heard him suck in a breath. I flexed my fingers, wanting to hear that sound again.

  Instead, he caught both my wrists and walked me back to the wall. He pinned my arms over my head, his mouth coming down on mine. I parted my lips, sliding my tongue into his mouth, curling it around his. He made a growling sound in the back of his throat as I drew his tongue into my mouth, sucking on it. And then he was pulling back. I tried to follow, but he was too tall, able to hold me in place while denying me what I wanted.

  “Greedy, greedy Aleena,” he said, his voice rough.

  “Damn straight.” I writhed against him, desire turning my body into one giant nerve ending. I needed him.

  The elevator came to a stop and the doors slid open on a whisper. I made a sound of protest as he released me. The walk from the elevator to inside the penthouse was a blur and when the door closed behind us, I turned to him, squirming, my body half-tensed for another jolt from the plug while everything in me readied for climax, or whatever form of torture he had ready. It didn’t matter, as long as I didn’t have to wait anymore.

  He moved to stand in front of me and I held still as he slowly stripped me naked. Like in the restroom, the removal of my clothes was almost detached. Unzipping the dress and peeling it off without touching my skin. My bra joining the dress on the floor, but no attention paid to my breasts. The inside of my thighs were dripping and I flushed as I wondered if I’d left a wet spot on my seat in the limo.

  Damn him and his games.

  “On your knees.”

  I went down automatically.

  “Open my pants. Take me out.”

  “Yes, sir.” I swallowed hard and followed his orders, my hands shaking. I was still awkward at this, but I licked my lips in anticipation, remembering the feel of him in my mouth, the weight and taste of him on my tongue. I leaned forward, eager to feel it again, but he grabbed my hair and stopped me.

  “Did I tell you to lick my cock, Aleena?”

  “No, sir.”

  I looked up at him and saw the expression on his face. He was in the mood to play with me today. Fine. I could play. “But you said I could have a reward.” I made my voice as sweet as possible.

  Something dark and primal flashed through his eyes. He brushed his knuckles against my cheek. “Are you saying that having my cock in your mouth is a reward?”

  “I’m saying anything with you is a reward.” When I leaned forward this time, he didn’t stop me and I opened my mouth, took him inside.

  He groaned, the hand in my hair tightening painfully.

  I took him deep and felt him shudder.

  A stab of pride went through me. Knowing I could make a man like him feel this way – it was definitely a reward.

  I wrapped my hand around the base of his cock as I focused on the few inches I could take comfortably. I circled the head with my tongue, teasing the tip before sucking on it, repeating it several times before slowly taking all of him, my body fighting the need to gag. I cupped his balls, caressing the soft skin, bringing him close, so close. I could feel it in the way the vein along the underside of his cock pulsed against my lips. I could hear it in the way his voice all but rasped out my name.

  And then he was dragging me up.

  I barely had time to register being on my feet before he had me bent over, my hands braced on the low coffee table, his hands gripping my hips.

  He drove inside me, hard and fast. He was buried so deep inside me I could barely breathe. Everything else around me was gone as every fiber of my being focused on where our bodies joined. I was so full. Too full. It should have hurt, but my body was throbbing, unable to figure out if what it was feeling was pleasure or pain. Then his hand twisted in my hair and he jerked me u
p. It was an awkward angle and his grip on my hair send pinpricks of pain through my scalp.

  “You’re so fucking tight,” he said in my ear as he pulled out, slowly, then surged back in, making me gasp. “I can feel how full you are. You were tight before, but’re like a vice, baby. Can you feel it?”

  “Yes.” I could barely process the question.

  His hand came down on my ass and I cried out.

  “Yes, what?” he demanded.

  “Yes, sir. Yes, sir!” The answer came automatically.

  He spanked me on the other cheek and I bounced up on my toes, gasping as the vibration rippled through me. My pussy tightened and Dominic hissed. His fingers tightened on my hip as he withdrew, then pushed back in, rocking his hips in a slow rhythm.

  “I love the way you move.” His hand slid around my stomach and then lower, fingertips skimming down only to stop just above where I wanted him.

  “Please,” I gasped, pushing back against him.

  I was rewarded with another smack to my ass and my back arched. Fuck.

  “You like it when I spank you, don’t you, baby?”

  “Yes…” I waited a second too long. Then added, “Sir.”

  He spanked me again and I came, crying out my pleasure as it burst over me.

  “That’s my girl.”

  He took me to the floor on my hands and knees and started to ride me hard and fast, with deep, brutal digs of his cock that drove the screams from my throat even when I didn’t have the air in my lungs to muster sound. The angle allowed each thrust to press the plug deeper, sending another jolt of pleasurable pain through me and sending wave after wave of ecstasy through me until I didn’t know where one climax ended and another began.

  It was too much and not enough. I couldn’t handle anymore but I didn’t want him to stop.

  I heard Dominic swear in a low, heavy voice and then…nothing.



  I’ve had intense sex before and I’d been with women I taken well past the point. I’d watched as they blacked out and felt satisfaction at a job well done, a reputation upheld.


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