Noble Blood

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Noble Blood Page 15

by Dana Marie Bell

  “Which you are. Now get back into the car and go home, Queenie. And take Toto with you.”

  She let the corners of her lips lift into a small smile. Duncan was practically vibrating next to her. She bet Jaden would regret calling him that.

  The door swung open. Charles’s butler bowed to Duncan. “Lord Malmayne.” He ignored Moira completely. Waving his hand, he gestured for them to enter. “Please, follow me.” Duncan’s hand tightened on hers, but he didn’t correct the butler. They didn’t have time to mess with the fae’s prejudices. They followed the butler past the sweeping, grand staircase to a room off to the left. Moira’s sneakers squeaked on the polished marble floors. The entire entry was done in blinding white and gold, from the Carrera marbled floors to the gilded stair rail. It made Moira’s eyes hurt just looking at it. She preferred the cooler tones of blue and green to this cold museum-like décor.

  The butler threw open a door. “Lord Malmayne to see you, sir.”

  “Show him in, Bradley.”

  Moira bit her tongue at how they’d been announced. The butler hadn’t even said “and guest”, leaving Moira to question just where Charles Malmayne lumped her in Duncan’s life.

  She didn’t have to wait for long. “Ah, I see you brought your…wife with you.” The sneer that crossed Charles’s face and the relaxed, easy posture he held by the mantelpiece were belied by the shaking of his hand as he lit his pipe. “To what do I owe the honor?”

  Duncan walked forward, taking Moira with him. From the look on her Sidhe lord’s face, things were not going to go well for Charles. “I know you sent the powrie to kill me.”

  Moira hid her surprise. Powrie? She hadn’t heard that name for redcaps in years, not since that trip to visit the Dunne half of her family in Ireland. The powrie lived more in Scotland and Ireland, and the Dunne sprites were very familiar with the vile redcaps.

  “What makes you think I want you dead?”

  “I looked into the mind of one of them before Sean Dunne took steps to remove the threat.” Duncan’s body language was just as relaxed as Charles’s, but he kept a firm grip on Moira’s hand, his thumb stroking across the back. “His orders were to kill me. What he planned to do to Moira was merely icing on his sick cake.”

  Charles’s eyes darted to her before returning to his pipe. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He took a drag, blowing out a fragrant stream of smoke. “Besides, it’s entirely possible that an enemy of ours merely made the redcap think I’m the one who gave him those orders.”

  “Oh, no. I know tampering when I see it, and I saw no signs of it. This was all done by you, Charles.”

  Charles gave him a cocky grin. “You can’t prove that, Duncan, and we both know it.”

  “One of the powrie was in your employ as a bodyguard.”

  Charles shook his head. “I would never employ a redcap, Duncan. I did have an invasion of them, true, but it was dealt with.”

  “Oh? How?”

  “At least two of them were found unconscious near the entrance to my attic. Several more were found beaten around the estate. They were removed forthwith by my own men.” He took another drag off the stem of his pipe, blowing the smoke right at Moira. “I wonder how they came to be here?” He shifted, shoving one of his hands into his pocket. “They are Black Court, and it’s well known the Malmaynes are White Court.” He eyed Duncan sideways, a sly smile on his mouth. “One of them appeared to have been bitten. Perhaps your pet vampire knows something about that?”

  Duncan returned Charles’s smile with interest. “Why don’t we ask my bondmate when he gets here?”

  The pipe froze. Charles stiffened. “Bondmate?”

  Duncan nodded regally. “I have the great good fortune to have formed a tribond, Charles. Congratulate me.”

  That last was no request. Duncan demanded respect for his two mates as Lord Malmayne, and Charles, unless he wanted to prove himself a traitor, would have no choice but to comply.

  “Congratulations.” The tone was strained, but Charles gave what was required of him. “Although I’m certain how the rest of the clan will feel about this.”

  “Does it matter?” Moira kept her eyes on Charles, despite the urge to look at Duncan. His tone and posture were so arrogant she was startled. “I think you keep forgetting something.” Silver sparks began dancing in the air. “I am Lord Malmayne. The clan follows me. If they object to my matings, that is their problem, not mine.”

  She’d never seen this side of him before, the cold lord demanding respect from someone beneath him.

  “It is our problem when you mate with someone so far beneath you, nephew. Think! By marrying Moira you’ve caused endless trouble, not to mention what your mating to that damn vampire will do.”

  “Why is it so important that Leo Dunne marry into the Malmayne clan?” When Charles turned away from him Duncan reacted, grabbing hold of the man’s collar and yanking him forward. His Seeming dropped away, revealing him in all his Sidhe glory. He glowed with silver light. He looked beautiful and deadly. “You’re going to tell me what the hell is so important about Leo that he simply must be the Dunne that fulfills our contract, and you’re going to explain it now.”

  Charles tried to shrug off Duncan’s grip but didn’t succeed. He looked surprised at his nephew’s strength. “I don’t have to tell you anything.”

  Duncan pulled him closer until they were nose to nose. “Wrong answer.”

  Charles gasped, struggling in Duncan’s grip for only a moment. Moira had no idea what was going on until she saw the look on Duncan’s face.

  He was building Charles a fantasy from Charles’s own memories, one in which the Sidhe wouldn’t know he was spilling his secrets to Duncan. Duncan had once said that Charles was strong, almost strong enough to roll Duncan’s mind. Apparently he’d been wrong, or the bond he shared with her and Jaden had strengthened him, because he was easily taking control of Charles’s senses. She watched, waiting for the show to begin.

  “You should have brought popcorn, sweetheart.”

  Jaden was close. She could feel him, almost as if he were right behind her. She almost turned to look, but it was futile. Jaden wasn’t there. Not yet, anyway.

  “Hello, Charles,” Duncan purred, pulling her attention back to her Sidhe mate. He eased Charles back, moving his hand from the other Sidhe’s collar down to his arm. “How is the plan coming along?”

  Charles bowed low. “Our plan to replace Duncan is coming apace, my lord.”

  “How go things with the marriage contract?”

  “Once Duncan is removed we can begin pressuring Leo Dunne once more.” Charles preened. “Dealing with his truebond should be no problem. The little human won’t know what hit her.”

  Duncan’s eyebrow rose. “You are not considering killing her? Their life forces are bound together.”

  Charles scoffed, waving off Duncan’s concerns. “Of course not. We know they’re bound. No, Leo will take one of my daughters to wife, and the contract will be fulfilled the way we’d always dreamed.”

  Duncan’s head tilted. “You’ll have to explain exactly how you plan on dealing with Sean Dunne. The leprechaun is quite powerful.”

  That sneer was back on Charles’s face. “Once his precious son is in our hands he’ll have nothing to say.”

  “And the bond Leo has with his land? You intend to find a way to break that?”

  Charles looked confused. “He’s Sidhe. He’s not really bound to the land.”

  Moira thought Duncan hid his shock admirably. How could Charles be so deluded? Leo’s bond with the land he’d claimed as his own was as strong as her father’s was. Taking Leo from his land would eventually kill him. “How exactly will the Malmaynes benefit from this?”

  The confusion smoothed out and Charles relaxed, serene certainty lending him an air of childlike faith. “The child of Dunne will one day perform an act that will change our world.”

  Moira frowned. “What the hell?”

Duncan squeezed her hand, silencing her. “Who told you that?”

  “The Seer.” Charles shivered. Moira understood why. The Seer was something of an enigma. The last of her kind, her wisdom was sought by many and she gave to all, White, Black or Gray, equally. She claimed no allegiance, though rumor had it that Oberon had offered her sanctuary on more than one occasion when her predictions had caused friction between the Courts.

  Duncan took a deep breath. “What makes you think that child will come from Leo?”

  “Because he is the only one who is a Dunne Sidhe. We need him bound to us, otherwise we would have let the contract lapse when that bitch mated the leprechaun all those years ago.” Charles made a moue of distaste. “A leprechaun? You might as well mate my butler, or worse, a human.”

  Moira saw Jaden slip into the room without a sound. He put his finger to his lips, his eyes glued to the man in Duncan’s grip. From the revulsion he exuded he’d heard more than enough of Charles’s twisted logic.

  “You want to be able to control this child of Dunne.”

  “He must be a Malmayne, you know that! You know why.” Charles shuddered. “You know what she’ll do to us if we don’t deliver what we promised.”

  For one brief moment Duncan looked horrified before his expression smoothed out. “Yes, I do. Thank you, Charles.”

  Charles blinked rapidly. “You.” He started to lunge for Duncan but pulled himself up short. “You rolled my mind.”

  Duncan turned away in disgust. “Jaden.”

  “Yes, my lord?”

  Moira smiled. Jaden’s tone was respectful, his stance one of easy readiness. She’d seen that stillness in him just before she’d attacked him that day he’d kidnapped Ruby.

  “Blood debt is owed. Charles is going to pay it.”

  “Wait! Duncan, I owe no blood debt. The Dunnes owe us!”

  Duncan snarled. “You conspired to have me killed. You’re working with an agent of the Black Court, trying to circumvent prophecy for your own gain. You attacked the Dunne farm knowing that I was there with my mates, hoping one or all of us would be killed. For the crime of working with the Black alone your life is forfeit.” Charles paled. “For the crime of attacking your lord and his bondmates, your life is forfeit. I judge you guilty by your own word and hand. The sentence is death, to be carried out immediately.”

  “That stupid human female stole our destiny, Duncan! We should have been mated into the Dunnes, the precious child ours to shape. Think about it! What could we do with such a child! All we have to do is arrange a co-marriage with one of the Malmayne females and the world is ours!”

  Duncan let Charles go. “The Hob himself has sent his Blade to mete out justice for your crimes.”

  Charles gulped. “Blade?” He looked around the room wildly.

  Duncan nodded. “Jaden?”

  “Yes, my lord?”

  “He’s all yours.”

  Jaden smiled and dropped his seeming. Moira, for all that she’d seen Jaden feeding before, hid her face in Duncan’s chest when the first scream was ripped out of Charles’s throat.

  Duncan led her out of the room. “This is a side of him, of us, you’ll have to get used to, Moira.”

  She nodded. “I know.” She lifted her head and stared into his loving, worried eyes. “I guess I’m not the warrior I thought I was.”

  One brow rose. “You pelted a redcap with stones hard enough to break bones and didn’t flinch when I put a bullet into its head. But this bothers you?”

  “Jaden’s bite is…intimate. It’s ours. You understand? And now he’s using it to kill.”

  Duncan nodded slowly. “Would it help if he tore Charles limb from limb instead?”

  She pictured Jaden doing just that and shuddered. “No.”

  “You have to let it go. He’s a Blade. Most of the time we won’t see that side of him. We’ll just get to clean him up and love him when he comes home to us.”

  “Thank you for that.” Jaden stepped out of the room, carefully wiping the blood from his lips. “It’s done. I need to contact Robin so he knows what happened here. The rest of the clan will also need to be investigated to make sure Charles wasn’t the only one in the Black’s pocket.”

  “Kaitlynn, Charles, Henri, possibly my father. Who knows how far or deep into the clan this goes?” Duncan sighed wearily. “What has happened to my clan? How come I didn’t see it?”

  Moira smacked him in the arm. “No pity party. You’ve been lord for a few months, most of those spent in the throes of mating sickness. Your father was murdered, your sister put to death. Your father worked hard to keep you ignorant, didn’t he?” Duncan winced, confirming her thoughts. “A lot has happened. Now we know there’s a problem and we can deal with it, hopefully before it’s too late.”

  Duncan’s slow smile was precious to her. “My practical leprechaun.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You’re right. We need to find the root of the problem and kill it before it drags the rest of the clan down.”

  “I agree.” Jaden stepped toward them, holding out his hands. “But first things first. Moira?”

  He stood as if he was uncertain of his welcome. Moira ran into his arms, eager to let her lover know that, no matter what, she would be there for him.

  He held her tight, his body relaxing into her. “Thank you.”

  That soft whisper told her all she needed to know.

  Chapter Nine

  Akane sat back on her bed with a smile. “They’re fine. I have a report to file with Robin, though.” She pushed her hair out of her eyes. “I think I’m going to request to be assigned to this case. It’s right up my alley.” She rubbed her hands together with glee. “Nailing bastards working with the Black is always a joy.”

  Sean Dunne handed her a cup of tea. “It must be difficult for you, being what you are.”

  How he’d figured out her most closely guarded secret she’d never know, but he’d followed her into her bedroom and asked her to “keep an eye” on his daughter with a wink and a roguish smile. She glared at him, daring him to say more.

  And, like the cheeky Irishman he was, he did. “A hybrid, like my son, and the daughter of the Seer herself. That’s quite a burden to live with.” He placed his hand on her shoulder, his expression more fatherly than any she’d seen on his face yet. “We know what a burden it is to be a hybrid, Akane. We know what a blessing it can be. If you need to talk, my family is here. We’re in your debt.”

  She blinked back sudden tears. Sean Dunne had just offered something she’d gotten from very few people in her long life: complete acceptance. There was no pity or awe in his face when he gave her that gift, just the look of a father who understood what it was like to raise a special child. “Shane is a lucky man.”

  Sean smiled. “Luckier than you know.” He patted her absently before walking toward the bedroom door. “Get some rest. If you’re going to be calling the Hob here I’d best warn Aileen. That man can eat quite a bit for all his small size.”

  She blinked. Robin Goodfellow had eaten here? When? The way Sean spoke of him, partly resigned, partly amused, the Hob must make regular visits.

  The Hob never made regular visits to anyone but Oberon.

  “Huh.” She shook her head and decided to take Sean’s advice. She was exhausted after the battle and in need of some sleep. She’d contact Robin tomorrow, after a good night’s rest.

  “Go boy! Go!”

  She was on her feet in a trice, heading for the window to look down into the yard. She hid a surprised smile behind her hand. A glowing red figure dropped what looked like a metallic ball at the feet of the eldest Dunne child, its tail wagging a mile a minute. Shane picked it up and threw it, encouraging the creature to run after it.

  Shane Dunne was playing fetch with her salamander.

  “That man is so strange.”

  When those sapphire eyes focused on her window for one blinding second, the mischievous smile in them took her breath away. Akane backed away from the window,
startled, terrified, and more turned on than she could ever remember being.

  Oh hell to the no. She was not going to allow herself to be attracted to Jethro. The man was a menace in more ways than one.

  She crawled into bed, determined to drive all thoughts of Shane Dunne from her mind.

  It turned out to be a lot harder than she thought it would be.

  Moira woke up sandwiched between her loves, her face buried in Jaden’s hair. Duncan’s hand cupped her breast, his half hard cock nestled between the cheeks of her ass. Her hand rested on Jaden’s chest, feeling the even rise and fall as he slept in her arms.

  All was right with her world. She couldn’t stop the smile that crossed her face, or the happy wiggle she gave. Her men were here and safe and nothing could take that from them.

  Jaden’s chest rose under her hand, his leg twitching against hers. “Mmm. Morning, sweetheart.” He lifted her hand to his mouth, kissing the back.

  Moira snuggled close. “Morning, a ghra.”

  She heard the sound of a phone ringing. “Hell.” Duncan rolled over onto his back and slipped out of bed. She watched that amazing ass of his as he bent over to grab his phone. “Hello?”

  She watched him begin to pace. “Yes. I understand.” His hand clenched. “No. It will be on my terms.” Her passionate Sidhe lord had to be speaking to a Malmayne for him to sound so cold and hard. From the disgust twisting Jaden’s features she bet it was Henri.

  She flinched when another ringtone filled the air. This time it was music, the Tatu cover of “How Soon is Now”. Jaden rolled out of bed and grabbed his cell phone. “’Lo?”

  “No, I don’t think so.” Duncan’s voice dragged her attention back to him. His jaw was clenched, his hands fisted at his sides. “You do not dictate to me.”

  “You want me to what?” Moira looked back at Jaden. His brows had practically disappeared into his hairline. “Hell, no!”


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