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Ares Page 4

by Edlyn Reynolds

  He was talking long term, interesting.

  “I would very much enjoy taking lessons with you. That is if you wouldn’t mind taking time out of your life to take lessons with me? I have no idea where we would go and get the lessons, around here at least. Do you know of where we could take them?”

  “I wouldn’t mind at all. I don’t exactly have a lot to keep me busy. Besides my interfering family, I don’t have much of anything to do.” His hand on her back was moving up and down slowly. “Are you planning on staying in Ireland?” he asked quietly. When she looked up at him he shrugged. “You did ask about lessons around here.”

  “Right now I’m at loose ends to be perfectly honest. I sold my family home in America and cashed out all of my bonds and CDs. I have a trust fund left to me by my grandmother so I’m just trying to find myself or something like that. Honestly, I just wanted to get out of America because the family was dogging my heels trying to get cash from me. Money grubbing asshats.”

  “Well, wherever you settle I’m sure we can find dance lessons. Not sure where they are available but with the Internet we’ll find something. Do you have any idea where you might end up living?” he asked, his tone curious.

  “Not the first clue. Honestly I’ve been letting the winds push me here and there. I’ve no true destination in mind. The only family I have left are a bunch of vultures, so I honestly don’t care where I live as long as they can’t get anywhere near me.”

  “I understand that,” he murmured. “Well, is there any place in the world where you’ve always wanted to live? One place where you thought, this feels right, this feels like home. A place where you could see yourself walking the streets. A place where you wanted to fall in love, have kids and grow old.”

  "So far I haven't found that place. I think however, it is more a state of mind than anything else. I just haven’t found that perfect place for me. I think once I find it I will know it. Maybe I can’t find the one home because I’m alone.”

  “Well, you’re not alone at the moment. Maybe I can help you in your search. I’m cheaper than a plane ticket after all, and faster. Getting places I mean, not anything else.” He let out a groan, “I have no idea why I just clarified that. It’s like my brain is fried any time I get near you.”

  “Well I’m glad yours does because mine does too. I’m very happy I’m not alone in being all tied in knots when you are around. I swear you come close to me and I forget just about everything under the sun.”

  “Well, that is useful to know. If I can ever get my brain to work in the same room with you that is,” he muttered. He was smiling when he said it. Then he looked around. “Do you really not want to be here anymore than I do?”

  “I really don’t want to be here,” Ava said with a laugh. “I would much rather be anywhere but here please." She looked down at the gown and added, “While this gown is stunningly beautiful, I think it would be best if I were out of it and in jeans and a sweater instead.”

  “All right,” he smiled. “Let’s go to the bar. We’ll have one more drink while we edge our way closer to the doors. We’ll stand, chatting, maybe admiring that painting there. Then when Dion’s back is turned, we’ll ditch the glasses and get out of here. We’ll get you up to your room so you can change and I’ll just switch out my clothes. Then we can literally go wherever you would like to go.”

  “I think that sounds like a marvelous plan. Will you be able to do something with this gown so it’s cleaned and put away? It’s likely worth more than a small nation so it needs to be protected. Will you do that for me please?”

  “Once you are out of it, I’ll clean it and store it. Did you want it in the room or should I stash it elsewhere for now?” he asked. Taking her hand he led her toward the bar. Leaning over, he ordered them each a drink, soda for her, scotch for him. “Think on where you’d like to go, Ava,” Ares advised her as he handed over her glass of soda.

  “I think somewhere else for now. With the diamonds that are on this gown I think somewhere very secure would be a great idea. Can you make that happen?” she asked him with a smile. “As for where?” She shrugged. “Surprise me. Take me to your favorite spot, show me what makes you, you.”

  “I can pretty much make anything happen if I put my mind to it,” he said. With a scotch in his one hand, he took her free hand in his free hand. Guiding her slowly through the room, he had his head cocked at a slight angle. He was likely thinking. “I don’t know if I really have a favorite spot. There are a few places that help when I’m feeling the urge to obliterate the universe. I’ll show you those spots.”

  “The urge to obliterate the universe? Huh?” She looked at him with wide eyes and shook her head. “I would really rather you didn’t do that. I happen to live in the universe and I really like living too. So I would really rather you didn’t destroy anything,” she teased. “All right, show me your secret places, Ares.”

  “I will and they really aren’t all that secret, well... All right, one place is fairly secret, mainly because I only let a select few in, but I’ll show you so you can see that all the legends and myths really are nothing more than pretty little lies.”

  “You would trust me with one of your secrets?” she asked with wide eyes. “Really? I would love that,” she admitted to him with a smile. “I would to see a place like that. Where is this place anyway?” She was rambling again, damn it.

  “You’ll see,” he told her quietly. He downed his drink and looked to hers. “Finish up, little one. Looks like Dion is being summoned to the kitchen. We have ourselves an opportunity to make a break for it, because if he sees us darting out of here before he’s given leave.” Ares shook his head, “The legends of the battles of the Titans and the Greek Gods will have nothing on the snit fit he will throw.”

  “Then we should get out while the gettin' is good I would say. Someone is there to cause an issue in the kitchens right when we want to get away. Such good timing, don’t you think?” She teased him with a grin. “Did you have something to do with that perhaps?”

  “Not this time. It’s likely just a question like when he wants who served what. It’s all new kitchen staff except for a couple of the chefs. So more than likely, the person that’s in charge, can never remember the title, is nervous and wanting to double check everything.” Setting his glass down, he took Ava’s from her hand and set it aside. A hand on her back pushed her lightly toward the door as he continued to check over his shoulder.

  “Do they know what he is? Or do they just think he’s an insane and wealthy man who tosses money around like its water and has a way of looking into a person’s soul and making them do what he wants?”

  “They don’t know who he is outside of being the owner. Those who find out about us, well, it usually ends up with their memories being wiped and them sent on their way. There are a select few who know about us. It’s normally people who come from a history tied to us, like you.” He urged her toward the bank of elevators.

  “Well, I’m glad I’m not going to have my memory wiped. I happen to like recalling what I had for breakfast and all that.” She teased. “In all seriousness however, I would like to recall you, no matter what. I happen to enjoy you, even when you do that thing with your upper lip when someone pisses you off.”

  Frowning at her words, he just stared at her as they got into the elevator. It was empty, but given the fact the hotel had just opened and there was a party going on, not a huge surprise. “What thing do I do with my upper lip?” he asked.

  She grinned and turned to look at him. “For example, when the bartender passed you a drink, he must have done or said something or thought something that pissed you off because you did this.” She gave a slight snarl with her upper lip to show him. “That is what I’m talking about.” She didn’t know if she was pulling it off, but she was trying.

  “That’s not bad,” he said with a sigh. He sucked air through his teeth and tipped his head. “He wanted to know when you would be free next. I asked what he m
eant and his answer didn’t make me very happy. End of story.” He turned his head to watch the numbers on the display, obviously not wanting to discuss it. She need not worry, 'cause the God already had plans for the mortal that dared to think something as vile about a woman whom was on his arm. No one, and he did mean no one, fucked with those under his protection as Ava was. The God wasn’t even going to think about why he felt such intense anger at the bartender.

  “When I would be free next? I don’t under.... Oh.” She gulped. “I get it. Now I understand that look. Wow, I seriously would not want to be in his dreams or his shoes right now. That’s really not a good thing to ask of anyone. How dare he?” She suddenly realized what the man thought she was. “Do I look like a prostitute?” she demanded.

  “Not even a little,” Ares said quietly. He looked at her as they reached her floor. “I’ll be letting Dion know about the bartender, but you are right, no one will want to be in his shoes after tonight. I’d have done something but with the number of people at the bar, it would have been a little suspicious.” Taking her hand, he pulled her from the elevator and led her down the hall toward her room. Already Ares was in talks with Morpheus about gaining access to the mortals dreams tonight. He would have his pound of flesh, even if it were only in a dream.

  “I appreciate your restraint, a great deal.” She moved closer to him and wrapped her arm into his. “Thank you, Ares. You didn’t have to do that but I thank you for, well, everything.”

  “You’re welcome,” he said softly. Looking down at her he shrugged, “Nothing any other decent person wouldn’t do.” Stopping before the door to her room, he stepped aside so she could open it. “If anyone else even thinks it I’ll break them into little pieces very slowly.”

  Ava just smiled. Looking up at him she moved to hug him before they walked out of the elevator. “Thank you,” she said happily. “Now, I want to know more about where we are going. I would like to know what I should change into please.”

  “Whatever you want to change into is fine. As long as you are comfortable that’s all that matters. I can control the temperature around me so you won’t be cold or hot.” He wasn’t helping her to decide in the least. “I’m going to borrow your bathroom for a second while you decide, and get changed myself.”

  “Sounds good.” She waited for him to leave the room and then began to get out of the dress. Laying it carefully on the bed, she touched it and smiled. “Simply stunning,” she whispered and walked to her closet. Pulling on jeans and a t-shirt, she grabbed a hoodie as well and then slipped on a pair of comfortable slippers. Undoing her hair, she pulled it back into a ponytail and simply sat to wait for Ares. “I’m done by the way. If you are waiting that is.”

  “I was, figured you’d be getting changed. So I sat on the vanity and waited,” he explained as he stepped out in jeans, a t-shirt and runners. He went to the bed and lifted the dress up, “Good Gods, this thing is heavy. How the hell were you able to move around in it?”

  “It’s actually not that bad,” she admitted. “I don’t know why but it really wasn’t that heavy on me. It’s stunning though isn’t it? I felt like a princess in it, not something I’ve ever felt in my life. So for that I should thank Dion. Later. Much later. For now I just want to spend time with you.”

  “You looked better than any princess I ever met or saw. I’ll stash this at my place for now. No one but me can get in there so it’ll be safe. Do you want to come along and check it out while I put it away?” he asked, folding the dress over his arm as he turned to look at her.

  “Are you sure?” she asked with a smile. “I would love that if you don’t mind having someone other than yourself in there. I would love to see what you actually call home instead of what the Romans seemed to think was your home.”

  “Well, technically I have two homes. One here in this realm and the other is up on Olympus. That’s where we’re going with the dress. It’ll be safest there since none can enter my space without my permission. If they tried they’d either be seriously hurt or set off the alarms and end up seriously dead when I arrive and beat them into a bloody pulp.” He walked to her and held out a hand, “You may want to close your eyes for the next part. It tends to make people throw up the first few times it’s done if they are looking around while I move us through time and space.”

  She moved to him and placed her hand in his. “Are you sure you want me to go to that space with you? I want to, but only if you are very sure I won’t be upsetting the balance in your home in anyway or something like that,” she was babbling, again. She was worried that maybe she was pushing too hard, wanting too much and that bugged her, like mad.

  Ares pulled her in close to his body, “Stop talking, Ava. I wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t want you there. So close your eyes, hold on tight, and we’ll be there in a moment.” He slid his arm around her waist and pulled her in close to him, real close to him.

  Ava wrapped her arms around his waist, pressed her face to his shoulder and closed her eyes. Breathing in the scent of the man, she sighed and relaxed, felt at complete and utter peace for the first time in far too long and let him take her away.

  Chapter Six

  “You can open your eyes now, we’re here.” Ares’s voice was right next to her ear, his lips just touching the curve. “Come on, Ava, eyes open and then you can check out the place while I tuck your gown away.” His hand was sliding up and down her back, slow and so very warm.

  Ava was loathe to leave his arms. It felt far more wonderful to be wrapped up close to him like this than she could possibly explain to anyone, herself included. "What if I tell you I need another moment to open my eyes to this completely and fully life changing event? Because I have a feeling when I do open my eyes, I won't ever want to leave and then what will you do?"

  “You can take all the time you need, we’re not on any schedule. As for leaving.” She felt his chest move, likely shrugging. “You are more than welcome here, Ava. I’ll make it all official if you want, you’d be the first person, besides myself of course, allowed through the wards. I can even modify the necklace I gave you so you can come and go if you’d like.”

  “You would do that for me?” she asked, pulling back to look up at him. “Truly? That’s outstanding,” she murmured. “I would like that, but only if you are sure you wouldn’t mind me coming and visiting you at any given time. Keep in mind I might drop in on you at the most inconvenient of times.”

  "Define inconvenient," he said with a grin. "'Cause I don't ever have visitors, not including Dion or Apollo from time to time. There wouldn't be anything to walk into except maybe if I'm wandering around in the buff. Guess you could just cover your eyes when you arrive. Probably would be the safest stand to take."

  “Or I could just ask that you tell me when you are walking around in the buff so I could come and stare at you for a good long time. Silly I know but goodness you are truly an amazingly handsome man and I would very much love to see you naked.” Life was far too short to not give in to the things she wanted, and she wanted him with a passion.

  His eyebrows went up toward his hairline. "Okay, uh, I'll give you a schedule or something." He appeared a little flustered and slightly wary. Hmm, maybe she'd gone too far? "I probably shouldn't admit this but, since you're being so very open I will. I've been trying, rather desperately, to imagine you fully naked. Especially since over the last couple thousand years I've been behaving myself and not peeking at what I want."

  That made Ava smile. He was so charming and sweet. She was deeply affected by him. Far more than she cared to admit. "I would like that. Typically I am not this brash or forward. I guess you bring it out in me and don't you dare apologize for it. I like being able to fully speak my mind with you. I like you. So not at this moment but maybe soon we can show each other our birthday suits?" she offered brazenly.

  Ares smiled, "I'd like that, Ava." Leaning in he brushed a light kiss to her cheek. "Now go and look around. Just don't go out that," he pointed,
"door. It leads right out to the main thoroughfare of Olympus and will expose you to the others. No going out there without me, but if you want to go through any of the other doors, feel free. The rest is shielded from prying, conniving, vicious eyes." It was clear in his eyes that if anyone other than him saw her out there and touched her he would raze Olympus to the ground without hesitation.

  “Right, no going out there. I have a feeling that if I did the Gods would zap me deader than dead before I could blink.” Ava looked to him and smiled. “Go, do what you need to do. I will go ahead and look around. Will I be able to look out of the windows without others seeing me?”

  “Of course,” he nodded. “You can even go out into the yard if you wish. It has a wall surrounding it that provides more than enough protection. It’s shielded fully as well so even if another God was sitting up on the top, he, or she, would never see you. I won’t be long,” he said and started away. He stopped though and turned with a snap of his fingers. “Don’t drink or eat anything. It’s not exactly human friendly around here right now, but, I will fix that because I want you to feel at home here when you come to visit.” Smiling slightly, he headed off once more down a long, wide hallway.

  “Thank you,” she said with a smile and moved from where they had been standing and walked outside. “Wow.” She breathed out softly and took in the sheer and utter beauty of the place and its surroundings.

  Stepping out of one of the many doors in the grotto, Ava then stepped back quickly, realizing she had stepped out of the home that Ares had shielded as his own. A low whistle sounded, which was followed by a male voice calling out to her. Not by name, but by 'hey pretty mortal'. She was terrified, she wouldn’t and couldn’t lie.

  After she closed the door once more she could no longer hear the voice and hoped that Ares didn’t notice she had gone through a door that lead to Olympus proper. If she were lucky.


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