Her CEO: An Instalove Possessive Alpha Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 180)

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Her CEO: An Instalove Possessive Alpha Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 180) Page 2

by Flora Ferrari

  The words come and Eric Chambers in the same sentence in my mind is enough to make me shudder again, my own eyes half-rolling back in my head as I have to focus on how to even walk without gasping out loud.

  Each stroke of his finger in the air is like a direct stroke onto my now sodden center, feelings and sensations I’ve never even had before make me feel like hitching my white skirt up to my waist and getting down on all fours, offering myself to him right here in the foyer, even with whole world watching.

  The very idea that Eric Chambers wants me for anything makes me feel suddenly invincible.

  Until I get within range of his scent, within earshot of his low, deep growling voice which I discover renders me practically useless.

  He smells like something I want to dive into. A musky, woodsy and crisp cloud that has a masculine edge that’s enough to make him swoon worthy on its own.

  But he looks better the closer I get too, his body tensing and relaxing under the shimmer of luxurious tailored silk, his smooth and sun kissed skin making me feel like I want to touch him.

  Like I need to touch him and have him touch me, right now.

  When I was in college, a big time movie producer came and gave a speech, and we all spoke about the presence he had later on, after the event.

  Eric Chambers has a similar aura, but it’s not just money, power or even his good looks although all those things on their own are enough to make him stand out from any crowd.

  There’s something else. A definite power, a self-assuredness and confidence that oozes from him, making me want to breathe him in.

  But the more I look into his dark, penetrating eyes, the more I register something else.

  His sense of loneliness, lit by my own reflection in his eyes the closer I get, I watch his satisfaction growing as I step closer, automatically putting both my hands out for some reason.

  Hoping, wishing… longing for him to touch me.

  I can feel a hundred eyes on us from behind me and I’m blocking their view of him now as he steps forward, revealing a large bulge which makes me gasp as he reaches out, and taking both my hands as if it’s the most natural thing in the world.

  Using my hands, he pulls me closer to him, inhaling me as he does so. I feel the strength of his huge hands, his whole body as he looms over mine, like a giant shield which suddenly makes me forget about anything that’s ever made me feel bad.

  “You almost got away,” he murmurs, lingering near my ear and I hear myself almost whimpering as I nod in reply, a mix of agreement and my overpowering sense of submission to him which I find not only comforting, but hot as hell.

  He’s holding both my hands up near his chest and I feel him letting them loose, his eyes dancing in a question as he leans back slightly, waiting to see where I’ll choose to put them next.

  I can only rest them on his thick, hard chest, feeling something strong pounding beneath his shirt and jacket. Pounding in time with the hot pulse running like a live current through my center, right up my spine until it explodes with one single thought at the top of my head.


  Looking up at him, I gradually become aware of the rest of the world returning. I hear the muted footfall of epic fail Barbie, joined by the almost shrill tone of a man behind me.

  Eric keeps hold of me and guides me back into the elevator with him, turning me around finally and leaning into me so I can feel at least nine inches of the reason why he wants me in front of him right now.

  “Mr. Chambers?” gasps the man, and both look from me in disbelief, then to Eric behind me, whose deep voice I can hear vibrating right through me as he speaks.

  “You’ve both met Alyson, and no doubt like myself, you’ll be seeing plenty more of her too.”

  Their faces turn white as he punches the elevator doors to close, giving them something to think about as we both disappear.

  “You both let Chambers Inc. and yourselves down today, this isn’t how we treat prospective leaders in our company. Check your emails in about a half hour,” he adds before they can respond, leaving us alone in the elevator as I feel my stomach bottom out as it shoots upwards.

  I want to turn and face him but his hands on me tell me to keep facing the front, I feel myself leaning back just a little further, still not truly believing what I’m feeling pressing into me is what I think it is…

  “You came here for a job?” he asks me firmly, and I feel my head nodding again, biting my lip as it's pretty clear the man has a blistering hard on, practically pressing into my back now.

  “How were you treated? What happened back there?” he growls, preempting my answer.

  “No interview without a referral, that’s what that girl said,” I manage to tell him, losing my focus again, feeling the small space of the elevator getting stuffier as my ears pop then start to buzz.

  The elevator slows then stops, and my stomach drops again. Swishing silently open, there’s a new marble floor stretching out to the floor to ceiling windows, but it’s cozier somehow. Maybe just because I’m so close to him now, but I feel safer. Content.

  “Well,” Eric whispers hoarsely from behind, easing me forward gently with his hand on my back, “I’m going to interview you myself, then we’ll see just how useful you can be to Chambers Inc.”



  I’m one of the wealthiest men in the country but I can hardly believe my good fortune.

  She’s literally just walked into my life and now she’s in my office.

  I stand in the elevator for a moment, watching her fine, heart shaped ass as she walks ahead of me.

  It really is her, I know she’s the one.


  My queen has come to me.

  Any thoughts of taking care of business myself. To try and relieve some of this pressure are out of the question now.

  I know every drop of my seed is for her and her alone, all my energy and attention has to be for her, for her absolute pleasure.

  For our future.

  But first, I need to set her at ease, get to know her. I don’t want to spook her with the physical side of things, but Jesus! What she’s doing to me.

  She wants to turn her head, but I command her to go to the window, to look out at the view. It gives me time to try and cover myself, but it’s impossible, I haven’t been this aroused ever.

  I didn’t think it was humanly possible.

  Walking close enough behind her to touch her, I resist the temptation for now, and take my seat at my desk, which also faces the window.

  I sit there, watching her take in the view. Both of us completely forgetting everything for a moment.

  “It’s just beautiful,” she says, referring to the view and finally turning after sensing I’ve managed to get myself decent by sitting down.

  “It sure is,” I remark, looking her up and down, inhaling with satisfaction as I motion for her to take a seat in front of me.

  I know what I’d like to do right now. But take it easy Eric. One thing at a time.

  She takes a seat and I study her, which I can tell makes her bashful. She has a button nose, pouty lips and full cheeks. Her blond hair sits naturally straight against her chest.

  Her eyes are deep blue, like the ocean and have a natural light that unfortunately highlights what I can only guess is sadness. Loneliness.

  I recognize it because it’s something I’ve been noticing a lot in myself lately.

  Until today that is.

  “Tell me why you want to work here,” I hear myself ask, suddenly and off topic. It’s my stock standard, put ‘em on the spot line of questions loading in my mind like machine gun rounds that replaces my own growing nervousness.

  My own agitation as I consider how this is all too good to be true.

  What if she doesn’t go for older men? What if she has a boyfriend, or worse?


  She opens her mouth to answer, but I interrupt her.

  “Boyfriend? Husband… Partner
?” I ask, hearing the strain in my own voice, relieved when she shakes her head.

  “Ummm… I don’t think so,” she says, blushing and looking down.

  “What does that mean?” I ask her cuttingly, feeling a stab in my chest at the thought she couldn’t see herself with anybody, as if she doesn't deserve to be treated like the goddess that she is.

  She looks up startled, and I can tell she’s wondering if this is the actual interview still.

  She tilts her head, her mouth open but she’s not sure.

  “Don’t you think anyone could be interested in you? Head over heels for you, even at first sight?” I ask her, hearing my voice wavering with emotion now.

  She flushes a deeper red and looks down again, and I lean forward, making her look up suddenly.

  “I need people who believe in something, Alyson. If you’re to work under me, I need you to look up and forward, not down,” I tell her firmly and I can see it’s too much for her.

  Too soon.

  Her lower lip starts to tremble after she sighs and she looks away, back towards the elevator.

  Don’t even think about it.

  “It’s not always that easy,” she says, sucking down her emotion and meeting my steely gaze. “Not everyone can just muster self-confidence… belief… It’s…”

  I know what she wants to say, but she stops herself.

  “Easy for me?” I ask her, reading her thoughts.

  “I guess in some ways it is, now. But when I first started here, I was the mail boy everybody made fun of because I stuttered when I got nervous, which was every time I opened my mouth,” I tell her.

  It’s the first time I’ve told anybody that, and I feel lighter in myself for saying so.

  “Really?” she asks, smiling. But it’s not a poking fun smile, it’s an understanding smile, which I return.

  “Really,” I say, and lean back a little, eager to learn more about Alyson, as well as just look at her. Something I can tell already I could do all day long.

  “Tell me why you want to work here,” I ask her again after a few moments, eager to hear her ‘why’ for being here.

  She sits up a little straighter and looks me dead in the eye.

  “To make all the crap I put up with in college worth it. For you it was stuttering, for me it’s my size and my shyness.”

  She stops, looking as though she thinks she’s blown it already, but aside from my mind being made up the moment I saw her, I want to know what she has to say.

  I urge her to continue with a slight movement of my hand, but she’s lost momentum. Her shyness and embarrassment take over again.

  “Take a minute and think about it,” I tell her, opening up my laptop and tapping out a memo to everybody in Human Resources about my latest visit, with separate memos to Sloane and the receptionist, Cynthia.

  Almost totally absorbed, I have half my attention on Alyson and the other on my emails when she finally pipes in.

  “Truth?” she asks me softly, and I answer her, looking up.

  “Always,” I tell her. “No matter how silly or strange you think it might sound.”

  “I want to work here because of...you,” she says, and I feel my heart, and my crotch swell.

  The faint growl that escapes me is contained somewhat by the beaming smile on my face as I lean back again, admiring my latest acquisition.



  “Does that mean I’ve got the job?” I hear myself asking, my voice trembling with excitement.

  Eric’s smile broadens, and he shows his perfect set of gleaming teeth as he nods his head, holding out his huge hand.

  “I don’t know exactly what position it is I have for you, perhaps several,” he muses. “But I’m not letting you out of my sights, Alyson Bennet. You’ve got the job!”

  I screech with delight, squealing out loud as I forget myself completely, and ignoring his hand, I trot around to his side of the desk and hurl myself at him, hugging him around his huge neck and shoulders.

  The sensation of his hands on my hips, gripping me tight changes my excitement from a new employee to the other, wet feeling he gives me in an instant.

  “I probably shouldn’t hug the boss,” I murmur sheepishly, pulling myself away from him, but notice his hands still on me.

  Glancing down, my breath catches as I see his straining crotch, that huge bulge of pure man meat standing fully erect through his pants as he makes a low sound in the back of his throat.

  I should be shocked. I should tell him this is inappropriate, but the flush of heat I feel in my sex plus the tremor in my knees as I gasp at the sight of his thick hard on is enough to make me realize I want that more than any damned job.

  “See what you do to me?” Eric says firmly, turning me to face him completely with his hands still on my hips.

  I feel like a leaf in his hands, trembling and fragile, but there’s another part of me that wants him to touch me more, in other places. A part of me that wants to touch him too.

  Still holding my hips, Eric stands up and pulls me closer to him. I don’t offer any resistance, and can only moan softly as I feel his hard body pressing into the softness of my own. My thick, pebbled nipples pressing into him as I look up, biting my lip, watching his face getting closer to mine.

  I shiver as I feel my lips part, my eyes closing.

  This is what a first kiss feels like.

  Feeling the warmth of his mouth an inch from mine, I try not to gasp, try not to act like this is my first time kissing anyone.

  But before I can even find out what it feels like, there’s a loud buzzing sound from Eric’s desk.

  My eyes shoot open and I see his narrowing before they shift away from mine.

  He loosens his grip a little and makes a disappointed sound, he whispers in my ear. “Hold that thought.” Before he picks up a handset from the half dozen on his desk.

  He grunts into it, then after a moment, his brow cocks and he grunts again before hanging up.

  “No rest for the wicked,” he mutters to himself, and I suddenly feel lost as his hands leave my body, his warmth and hardness moving away from me, across the room to the window.

  Just as I start to feel awkward, the familiar anxiety creeping back in, Eric spins around and gives me another of his winning smiles.

  “Sorry Alyson, duty calls. I need you to sit in on a meeting, a little pow-wow with Human Resources.”

  My mood lifts, but only a little. The prospect of being thrown in the deep end sounded much better in theory than in reality.

  “Sure,” I squeak, moving back to my seat, wishing I had some idea how to do whatever it is I’ve been hired to do.

  The elevators behind him chime, and from where I sit I watch the not so smug now receptionist and the man from the lobby move awkwardly in, taking the two seats next to me as Eric sits like a boss, his fingertips steepled and his eyes closed.

  “Ms. Bennet was hired unofficially by me to apply for a job here. Her report on her findings, so far is less than stellar,” Eric says in a deep, commanding voice. His eyes pulse open and after they settle on me with satisfaction, they move to the other two and get more serious.

  “Here at Chambers, we’ve gotten where we are by doing things right. By being the best,” he continues. I hear the man, Sloane gulp and Cynthia the receptionist looks dreamily at Eric, making my blood start to boil. If I knew better, I’d know what was coming but it totally shocks me.

  “Sloane, you can empty your desk, go home. Tomorrow you start in the mail room if you want to keep your employment here.”

  I feel my jaw drop, then my brow creases. I didn’t want to be the cause of anybody…

  “Cynthia, you’ll be leaving us. I’ll personally see that your severance payment and anything due to you is arranged today. You’re free to go home now, which I’d prefer and recommend.”

  Eric finger’s hovering over a button on his phone handset, which he shifts once Cynthia stands up and clips out of his office
without saying a word.

  I watch her get into the elevator, thinking about how quickly things have turned around in just a few minutes, I don’t feel like giving her a nasty little wave like she did to me.

  But I don’t feel sorry for her either. The look she gives me says it all, and I realize that some people just aren’t very nice at their core.

  “That’s all, Sloane,” Eric says once he hears the elevator close. “It’s a temporary move for you, with no real impact on your salary so don’t worry about Denise and the kids. I’d like to see you get more hands on with actual employees rather than just looking at graphs and charts, okay?”

  Sloane breathes a sigh of relief but still looks gutted. He finally nods in agreement and offers his hand to Eric, which he takes as he stands, shaking it firmly.

  “We only want to keep the best, Sloane. Give me your best and you’ll have your desk back.”

  I watch Sloane leave too, but he has a different look in his eye.

  As soon as we’re alone again, Eric examines my expression carefully before he says anything.

  “I’ve been doing this a long time, Alyson. I know what works for the greater good, but I want you to help us make it better,” he says, looking like he’s ready for my barrage of complaints or questioning his handling of his own hiring and firing policies.

  But I don’t have any. I’m only glad to be alone with him again, wondering if this is all some elaborate test for some job he hasn’t told me about, but I’m mostly turned on just by looking at him, and by the mischievous look in his eyes I think the feeling’s mutual.

  But why me?

  What have I got that anybody would want, let alone Eric Chambers?



  Alyson’s already a welcome distraction. I’d hardly hit send from my memo, summoning the pair up to my office before I remember, just as they interrupt us both at a crucial moment.

  She stays pretty quiet, when others might take the chance to enjoy others’ suffering. But I can tell once Cynthia goes that Alyson, although within her rights to bear a grudge doesn’t.

  Not really.

  I know she’s perfect.


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