Her CEO: An Instalove Possessive Alpha Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 180)

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Her CEO: An Instalove Possessive Alpha Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 180) Page 4

by Flora Ferrari

  “You’re mine now Alyson,” I remind her.

  “Let’s take a moment to get your breath back, but I want you to get ready, get your things from your place. I’m taking you home.”

  Our home.



  I never knew anything could feel so good. That one person could do that to another and only make me feel like I want more of them, like that and every other way, forever.

  Eric’s huge body and warmth on me as I recover from the best thing to ever happen to me already has me wanting him inside me, but I can tell he wants it to be special.

  More special than this place.

  Sorry Mrs. Phelps.

  “I really am yours,” I murmur, more to hear myself say it out loud, like pinching myself to prove I’m not dreaming.

  Oh god! If I woke up and this was all a dream, I’d just die.

  But it’s real.

  Eric’s huge hands run down my body as he turns me onto my side, pulling me snug against him, his huge hot dick riding up my back making me shudder.

  It’s better than real.

  It's heaven and I want to stay like this forever.

  Part of me wants to leap up and just go. But just being with Eric, having him hold me so close, so tenderly. It’s the only place I want to be.

  Eric’s hands on my hips, then my chest and then all over me as he growls with satisfaction, make me feel a fresh hot flush of arousal. Stronger than before. I have no idea how he can control himself, my own insides ache for him and I already feel like I’m ready to explode all over again.

  I’m not sure how long we lay there, maybe we even doze off. A siren from the street suddenly startles me awake, and I hear Eric stifle a growling yawn as he snuggles deeper.

  “Are you cold?” he asks me, and I squeak no, pressing myself harder against him, wondering how much I really need to take with me, wondering if I can make it back to his place before I let him claim me properly.

  “C’mon,” he says, reading my mind and kissing my neck.

  “Let’s go home.”

  My breath catches hearing him say it. I want to ask him again if he really means it, if any of this is even real, but one look from his dark, sultry eyes, coupled with his slow nod as his eyes run over my nakedness tell me he means it.

  I watch his thick cock pulse to full attention as he again uses his finger to signal me, drawing me up from the mattress with it.

  Summoning me to our new life together.

  As soon as I do stand up a little unsteady on my feet, I do feel cold and see it’s already dark outside.

  “Might have a ticket,” Eric grins, eyeing my chest as I feel it stiffen fully from the cold, then flushing hot as I take in the full frontal view of his magnificent cock.

  “Quick,” I stammer, holding my clothes over my chest, then dashing across the hall to open my apartment after checking the coast is clear.

  The single most daring thing I’ve done in my life, next to being eaten out by god’s gift to women, and both in the same afternoon. Not to mention getting my dream job… and about to lose my virginity.

  Whatta day so far!

  My heart’s singing in my ears as I spin around, holding the door open, ushering Eric to hurry up and come on over. But he smiles, and taking his time, his thick cock bobbing out in front of him, locks Mrs. Phelps’ front door and swaggers across the hall as if he hasn’t a care in the world.

  “Are you gonna go around like that from now on?” I ask him, looking down with astonishment.

  He’s huge. How on earth am I going to…

  “I’m considering it,” he says, sucking some air between his teeth and putting his thumbs through imaginary belt holes, he thrusts his hips forward, swinging himself on the balls of his feet. His pants swung over his shoulder and his shirt barely on him anymore, open and showing more of that glorious body of his.

  “Like I said Alyson, it’s what you do to me. What can I say?”

  I shudder a breath in and he winks but his face soon grows intense as we both feel it stronger than ever now, the need to have him deep inside me.

  “C’mon,” he says firmly, clapping his hands together, “Otherwise I’ll take you right here on the…”

  He looks around, lifting clothes up off what could be the couch, but it could also be the coffee table.

  “Just get a change of things and we’ll go,” he says, shaking his head slightly before pulling his pants on, wincing as he strains to fit all of himself into them.

  I have an overnight bag, a sort of emergency everything kit which I always keep handy for some reason.

  It’ll have enough undies and clothes to last me a few days.

  But what about work? I’ll need better clothes than that.

  In seconds, I’m standing naked in front of my small closet, tossing clothes behind me as I decide each piece is useless as soon as I pick it up.

  Eric’s huge frame fills the tiny doorway, his teeth gleaming in the semi-darkness.

  “Just take a change of clothes, Alyson. We’ll go shopping tomorrow. I have a feeling you might like a few of the places I have in mind.”

  I look over to him, suddenly feeling like a poor peasant again.

  “Not all places are like the restaurant, either,” he assures me. “But new clothes always feel nice, don’t they?” he says matter of fact and I can see the need in his eyes, which I can feel in my own body still.

  “You’re right,” I say, and grabbing the overnight bag after I shimmy into some jeans and a fresh top, my heart wants to feel sad at leaving the place, but looking around I can hardly believe I even lived here for so long.

  “Let’s go,” I hear myself saying, feeling lighter and freer as I close the door and hear the lock behind us.

  Eric takes my hand in his and kisses it first before joining his lips to mine, he tells me he’s proud of me.

  “I can’t wait to show you…” he starts to say, but his eyes shining brighter to match his smile tell me the ride of my life has only just begun.

  He scoops me up, making me squeal as he lifts me up into his arms as if I weigh nothing, and soon enough I feel the definite hot pressure of his satisfaction pressing into my back as he carries me to the elevator and out to his car.



  I have my prize, but I’m still yet to claim her. I tell myself I can wait.

  A little while longer anyway.

  At least until we get home, which for now is going to be the suite in the hotel above the restaurant. I couldn’t wait much longer than that, and given the sounds Alyson is making I don’t think she can wait much longer either.

  I smile at the string of tickets on my car, still parked at an odd angle from the sidewalk. Strangely enough, the doors unlocked and key in the ignition still.

  But nothing much matters anymore. I have the most valuable thing in my life, finally. I don’t ever remember feeling so happy, proud and excited all at once.

  Life really isn’t about money, things or property. It’s about the one you love being close enough to tell them so.

  Too soon for that? I decide to wait, but the evening traffic, although light, seems to be deliberately adding to my waiting time. Making me feel like it's Christmas Eve and I want to open my present now.

  Finally, I pull up at the hotel making Alyson look a little confused.

  “This is where we had lunch,” she muses and joining the dots once the valet takes my key and exchanges it for a key card for our suite, it clicks.

  “You live here too?” she asks, her eyes even wider as she looks up at the entire span of the building, some eighty stories high.

  “Right at the top, when I’m in the city,” I tell her, helping her out of the car and taking her arm in mine as we move through the lobby, a few raised brows but nothing but nods and ‘good evening Mr. Chambers’ from the staff.

  I feel Alyson’s arm start to tremble, not from anticipation this time, but maybe from being a li
ttle overwhelmed.

  “Hey,” I whisper, leaning toward her as we get into the elevator. “It’s still me. Just you and me, remember?”

  I feel better when the doors close and she leans back into me, then turns to let me kiss her fully on the mouth.

  “I think I…” she starts to say, but the elevator stops suddenly and pings, a group of tourists apologizing, they want one going down.

  Which is what I intend to be doing, any minute.

  Promising myself to take the private elevator next time, I’m left wondering what she was going to tell me, but have a hunch it’s the words for the feeling I have blossoming inside me.

  The same feeling I had the moment I laid eyes on her.

  I sigh happily, squeezing her close as the elevator pings open again, right at the top which is our floor. A quarter of it is taken up with our suite.

  Rounding the corridor, my happy face falls and a protective growl escapes me as I see a short, burly man in a cheap suit with what looks like a sheriff… a bailiff next to him as we get closer.

  Suit man waves a yellow envelope under my nose as soon as I’m close enough, making me gently push Alyson behind me as I grab hold of his wrist, hard.

  He winces and the bailiff clears his throat.

  “None of that, Mr. Chambers. We’re just doing our jobs,” the bailiff says jovially, but cracking his knuckles loud enough for me to hear.

  “He tried to assault me with this envelope,” I inform them both through gritted teeth, clamping down hard enough to make the man regret trying to be cute with me. Especially when I’m on my way to make love to my woman.

  “You’ve been served,” is all the man in the suit says, and at once I get a whiff of his bad breath, cheap cologne and forty-five percent fee from any settlement case, which I’m pretty sure is waiting for me inside the envelope.

  “And you’ve been warned,” I rebuke them both. “See you two in court once my own papers get served. I’ll make sure to attend in person.” I tell them coldly.

  “Two civil suits for verbal and physical assault, intimidation, trespassing and anything else my billion dollar legal team can think of as well as crucifying you for whatever turd you’ve condensed into this envelope. Good day gentlemen,” I growl and they both slink away, one rubbing his wrist, the other hissing questions at him.

  Once I see the fear in Alyson’s eyes, I relax, and pull her to me, kissing her forehead.

  “Sorry about that, hazards of being at the top. Everybody wants to bring you down,” I inform her casually, swiping the key card to open the door once I’m sure the two men have left my floor.

  My hotel.

  But I don’t advertise that fact.

  “What was all that really about, Eric?” Alyson asks once inside, not even registering the suite once I flick the lights on. She looks worried.

  I roll my eyes and open the envelope, glancing at the top of the first page before dismissing it from my mind.

  “Angry bimbo,” is all I tell her, tossing the papers onto the table by the door, but Alyson looks hurt that I won’t tell her. Then even more hurt as she starts to think it over.

  A sudden wave of panic registers.

  I don’t want her to think...

  “The receptionist I let go today,” I tell her, and notice her shoulders sink, her eyes narrowing as she looks past me.

  “It happens from time to time, a lot of the time.” I remind myself out loud.

  “People get snippy and think they can have a piece of the pie because things didn’t go the way they wanted. Too bad for her she broke her employee contract several times over before she was even rude to you, so it’s bye-bye Barbie.”

  Alyson laughs out loud suddenly. Nervously.

  “That’s exactly what I thought she looked like, an angry Barbie.”

  I notice the unfair dismissal heading and the zeros on the end of the suggested claim, which will get thrown out of any court.

  Puffing air out through my cheeks, I’m relieved when I look up and see Alyson’s found something more interesting to focus on.

  “Oh. My. God,” she exclaims, stepping down from the marble entrance to the carpeted foyer.

  It’s like a miniature version of the front entrance of the hotel itself, which I thought I liked years ago, but now, having Alyson see it all it feels a little tacky.


  She can redecorate however she wants to have it. She can have and do whatever she wants.

  I stare dreamily, watching her fine ass again, and pinch myself that she’s even in my house now.

  Our house.

  What a difference a day makes. A few hours ago I was a different man. A lonely man. Now I’ve found my queen.



  I don’t know if it’s wrong to think it, but I’m never going back to my apartment again.

  Eric’s right. New clothes sound like a good idea too.

  The foyer is a little bit much, but the rest of the place spans out into modern style meets a bit of the future. The views from the huge windows draw me in but I have to turn to look at Eric again.

  I can’t believe it. I just can’t believe this is actually happening to me.

  The satisfied look on his face makes me go to him instead. I feel instantly guilty for wanting more, I should be infinitely grateful for what I’m pretty sure I already have.


  “I’m yours, without any of this,” I tell him and I mean it. He’s more than a building, his company or any amount of money.

  He’s the greatest treasure and the only thing I really want.

  “I’m glad to hear it,” he says, putting his hand to his heart and making a face of mock relief.

  “One lawsuit trying to bleed me dry in one day is bad enough,” he jokes, but I’m serious.

  “I am glad to hear it, Alyson, because all of this?” he asks, opening his hands out in front of him, “All of it’s been so meaningless for so long now. Empty without my queen by my side. Empty without you.”

  A part of me feels a tear coming. It’s the single sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me ever.

  Another part of me, the old Alyson still can’t believe such a rich and powerful, stunningly handsome older man could even go for me in the first place.

  In any place.

  “I want you here, Alyson. By my side. I want you to be my queen and I’m going to treat you like one every day we share together. Starting right now,” he says, and I can’t get to him quick enough. His thumb wipes the wet line from my check as he kisses me so deep I feel like I’m about to climax just from his kiss, from his touch.

  “Take me Eric,” I whisper, feeling my legs going out from under me, his strong arms taking me up just in time as they give out completely.

  “Make me yours,” I whimper.

  His low growl and firm grip on me, along with his telltale hardness prodding into my back tell me he’s more than ready to oblige.

  I can feel his whole body flexing as he strides through to what must be his bedroom. A small room compared to the others, but with a huge bed to support a huge man.

  Blue and black, modern designs on the bedding and as soon as he sets me down gently, I can feel the luxury of a thread count I’ve only heard of but never felt.

  There’s no rush now, and even though we’re both simmering for each other, Eric takes his time, making sure he does everything he wants to make this right in his mind.

  Make it special for me.

  He takes a step back, to look at me and for the first time in my life, I feel like I want someone to see me undress. Like I want a man to really look at me.

  My man.

  I know it’s what Eric wants, and his eyes grow wide with excitement as I slowly peel off my top, leaning back so he can take in my bare breasts, before I start to shimmy out of my panties and jeans.

  His low growl turns into a groan and finally, I can tell he can’t contain himself, tearing at his pants and freeing his thick
, engorged cock that bounces as he rips off his shirt and jacket, buttons popping everywhere and his muscles tense with his primal urge.

  My chest feels like it’ll crack my nipples are so hard and I have an itch deep inside that’s spread out across my whole body, tingling and suddenly making me moan again, an urgent sound that makes me shudder.

  Eric moves over to me, climbing onto the bed as I lay back for him, opening my legs and shivering with excitement as his huge hands start to run over me.

  My own hands gravitate towards his cock, catching only the tip with one hand and feeling the hot, smooth slickness of it before he pulls back, shuddering himself.

  He tsks to himself and in mock warning to me.

  “What I have here,” he whispers coarsely, “is for you and I can only put it in one place, a special place.”

  I feel my head nodding eagerly, my whole body starting to writhe and my legs wanting to press together and open as wide as they can at the same time.

  I thought I could manage a little foreplay, but it’s no use.

  “Eric,” I whimper again, feeling my own hands opening my pussy lips, spreading them wide open for him, making him growl like a beast as he suddenly looms over me, gripping my hips with both hands and pulling me towards him.

  I’m shaking all over, my drenched valley quivering as I feel his hands on me, hear his low growl vibrating right through me.

  It feels like I’ll burst if he doesn’t do something, if he doesn’t put his hard length inside my slippery wet hole right this second.

  “Eric!” I gasp, more desperate than ever now, “Pleeeaaassee…”

  My ankles are up and over his powerful shoulders in a second and I thrust my hips forward as he lifts them higher using both his hands on my ass again, my new favorite sensation, soon to be replaced with another one.

  His rock hardness is so firm, it’s hard up against my hole all on its own and using only his own flexion to keep it tense, I can feel it start to move inside me.

  It’s so hot, smooth and hard, but has a give to it that makes me purr like a kitten. I want him inside me, but I want this now too, nice and slow, teasing me as he slowly stretches me so he’ll fit.


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