Touching Deuce [Cowboy Mates, Psychic Connections 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Touching Deuce [Cowboy Mates, Psychic Connections 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 22

by Lynnette Bernard

  Deuce slid his arms beneath Gracie’s shirt, pushing up her bra to grant him access to the sweetness of her full breasts. He wrapped his left arm around her body, holding her just below her breasts, while his right arm surrounded her until he could touch her left breast. The soft mound felt right in his hand. She belonged to him. She was his to love and to cherish.

  Holding her tightly within his embrace, he began a gentle cant of his hips, dragging his cock out of her dripping channel and pushing back in so deep he could feel the moment he touched the mouth of her womb. She moaned with each thrust, gripping his hip with her left hand to pull him even closer. Her right hand covered his as he held her breast firmly.

  Gracie felt the power of Deuce’s thrusts, loving every deep plunge that he made into her body. Despite the intensity of the joining, she felt a tenderness surround her. She felt cherished. She felt loved. It was absolutely amazing.

  “I love you, Deuce,” she cried out as his left hand lowered to rub firmly against her clit and send her into ecstasy.

  “Baby, I love you so much,” he told her as he pounded into her two more times before his hand slid up to cover her stomach and hold her in place as his body erupted, filling her with his release.

  They remained still, suspended in time. Soon, their heart rates slowed, and their breathing became more stable. Through the silence, Deuce caressed her body, showing her without words just how much she meant to him.

  Gracie ran her hands over his forearm and hip, not wanting to leave the comfort of his embrace. When they made love it was more than physical. She felt a connection to him deep down to her soul. Because of him she no longer felt alone. Because of him she was able to love. And she did love him. She always had, and she always would.

  His softened cock slipped from her body. He pushed her hair aside and kissed their mating mark, paying special attention to the small, golden link that represented their child. Deuce had never in his wildest thoughts had ever hoped to feel what he was feeling right now. He loved this woman more than his life. He enjoyed her kindness, appreciated her intelligence, and he marveled at the way she accepted him without reservation. She more than completed him. She made him. Without her he had been lost and lonely. With her he was beyond happy and grateful that such an amazing woman wanted him just as much as he wanted her. His future with her would be one filled with joy—and most especially—love.

  He turned her to face him, smiling at the satiated look that she gave him. He winked at her and was rewarded with her bright smile and sparkling, blue eyes.

  “Hi, Deuce,” she whispered.

  “Hi, baby,” he told her, smiling. “Are you doing okay?”

  “I’m doing great,” she told him. “How about you?”

  “Baby, if I do any better, I won’t be able to walk.”

  Gracie’s burst of laughter made him chuckle. He reached up and traced her right eyebrow then traveled his index finger across her eyes and along her cheek.

  “You are absolutely stunning, Gracie,” he told her softly. “I can’t believe you’re mine.”

  “Back at ya, cowboy,” she whispered, smiling.

  Leaning into his chest, she wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. Hearing his heart beating beneath her cheek, she closed her eyes and settled against the man she adored beyond reason.

  “Love you,” she whispered.

  Deuce held her tenderly in his arms, unable to speak. There was so much he wanted to tell his mate. He wanted to tell her that she was everything to him. He wanted to thank her for the life he now had because of her—a life he had never hoped to have with her. But his words would fall short of the intensity of his emotions. How could he possibly explain perfection?

  Chapter 17

  “Good night, Robbie,” Gracie told her nephew, tucking him into his bed and kissing his cheek fiercely. “I love you, little boy.”

  “Love you, Aunt Gracie,” Robbie told her, grabbing the length of her light brown hair in his little hands and tugging her to him.

  “Hey, how about some of that lovin’ for me, Robbie?” Deuce told him, laughing as he knelt down beside the bed and placed his face on the pillow beside his nephew.

  “Love you, Unca Deuce,” Robbie told him seriously.

  “I love you, too, buddy,” Deuce told the little boy softly. “You’re the best nephew I have.” He winked at Robbie and was rewarded by Robbie’s wide smile of happiness. “Now you get some sleep. When you wake up in the morning, you can come with me and Uncle John again. We have some work to do in the east pasture. Do you want to help us?”

  “I want to help,” Robbie told him instantly. “I promise I will go right to sleep.”

  Deuce laughed and reached out to tug Robbie against his chest. He closed his eyes, loving the feel of the little boy burrowing under his heart. Luke was a lucky man to have such a blessing. He was looking forward to the same blessings with Gracie.

  Turning to look at her, he winked as she looked down at him. The softness in her expression made him think that perhaps she was thinking the exact same thing about having a family with him.

  He stood and tucked the blankets around his nephew, touching the soft, black curls on his head one last time. Making sure that the little merry-go-round night-light lamp and the nursery monitor were on, he walked with Gracie to the door.

  “You know where my room is, Robbie,” Deuce told him calmly. “If you need me or Aunt Gracie, you can come and get us. Or you can just call out to us. We’ll be able to hear you.”

  “Night, honey,” Gracie called to him quietly.

  “Night,” Robbie mumbled, already half asleep.

  Deuce closed the door quietly behind them, taking Gracie’s hand in his as he led them down the hallway. When they were in their own room, he quietly closed the door behind them and pulled her into his arms.

  “Tired, honey?” he asked her softly, carding his fingers through her soft hair before gripping the back of her neck and massaging it lightly.

  “A little,” she admitted. “But it was a good day.”

  Deuce nodded, smiling. “It was.” He led her toward their bed and sat down, pulling her gently to sit down beside him. “I need to ask you something, Gracie.”


  “I was thinking about you going back to work.”

  “What about it?”

  “It’s your choice, but I want you to know that I would like you to work here on the McKade Ranch with me.”

  Gracie looked at him silently. His expression was neutral. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

  “What would my job be?” she asked him after a moment of silence.

  “Besides loving me, you mean?” he teased her.

  Gracie laughed softly. “That’s not a job, Deuce. It’s a blessing.”

  The smile on Deuce’s face disappeared instantly. His deep blue eyes flashed with fire. In one instant he grabbed her and dragged her to the mattress, pinning her with his body and covering her mouth with his.

  The intensity of his kiss was almost frightening. Gracie struggled to control her breathing as he consumed her. It was as if every emotion he was feeling was rushing forth without restraint. There was nothing she could do but hang on for the ride.

  When Deuce pulled away to look down at her, she couldn’t help but tear up at the love that was shining brightly in his eyes for her. Fear shot through her. Everything was too good. These things did not happen to her.

  “I’m afraid,” she whispered.

  “Of me?”

  “No. Never you, James,” she assured him. “I’m afraid that something will go wrong and all of this will be taken away from me.”

  “I know what you mean, baby, but it’s not going to happen. Even if we have to struggle, we’ll do it together. Alone we’re vulnerable. Together we’re indestructible.”

  Gracie laughed. “You make us sound like superheroes.”

  Deuce smiled and kissed her lips lightly. “We’re better than superheroes, honey. W
e’re mates.”

  His words touched her so deeply she had no response. Instead she held him against her, loving when he laid his head on her chest and squeezed her gently.

  His phone rang suddenly with the ringtone that belonged to Luke. He reached for his belt, unclipped the phone, and pulled it to his ear as he connected the call.

  “Hi, Luke.”


  Deuce sat up immediately. Luke’s voice was strained, and Deuce could tell he was crying.

  “What happened?”

  “Melanie has slipped into a coma,” Luke choked out. “The doctor doesn’t know why. They’re running tests now.”

  Deuce looked at Gracie, who had immediately sat up beside him. He reached out and held her hand tightly.

  “Melanie is in a coma,” he told her softly.

  Gracie’s immediate cry of horror clutched at his heart. He wrapped his arm around her and held her against his chest tightly. Her hands were fisted in his shirt. He could feel her heart pounding against his chest. He touched the speaker connection and held the phone between him and Gracie.

  “What can we do, Luke?”

  “There’s nothing you can do, Deuce,” Luke told him, his voice heavy with sorrow. “The doctor won’t know for sure what happened until all the tests come back. Melanie is stable. At this point there’s no concern for her health. She just fell asleep and hasn’t woken up.”

  “We’ll come and sit with you,” Deuce offered.

  “No, Deuce,” Luke told him. “You and Gracie should get as much sleep as you can. I’ll need you both to come here tomorrow and take Mary Grace home with you. I’ll be staying with Melanie.”

  “I want to be there with her, Luke,” Gracie spoke up.

  “I know you do, Gracie, but Melanie specifically told me to have you stay with Deuce until you came to get our daughter. I’m only telling you what she told me she wants, darlin’,” he told her sadly. “She told me to make sure I do what you tell me to do when you get here. Do you know what she meant by that?”

  “I do,” Gracie answered softly. “She gave me a breast pump to give to you if something happened. She wants you to use it to collect her milk for Mary Grace until she can nurse her herself.”

  There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone. Gracie turned to look at Deuce, panic beginning to take hold of her. He reached up and touched her face tenderly.

  “Stay in control, Gracie,” he told her softly. “Melanie needs you to be strong.”

  Gracie nodded and took a cleansing breath. She had been able to take care of them from the time they were children. She could do this now.

  “Luke, Melanie told me everything would be fine.” Her voice was soft as she empathized with her brother-in-law. “I know this is terrifying, but I have to go with the fact that Melanie’s visions are never wrong. She told me it wouldn’t be long before she was able to take care of your daughter herself, and I believe her. You have to believe it, too.”

  “I do, Gracie,” Luke’s voice finally answered. “I just hate feeling so useless. I can’t help her.”

  “Yes, you can,” Gracie told him firmly. “Go back into her room and get into bed with her and hold her. Tell her how much you love her. Tell her how much you love your kids. Hell, tell her what you ate for dinner. I don’t care what you tell her, but just keep talking to her and make her hear how much she’s loved and needed.”

  Deuce smiled at the strength in his mate. She was right. Luke needed to keep Melanie engaged so she would fight to come back to them. He had learned that lesson when Jake had been in the hospital. He had been unconscious for days, but the doctor had told all of them that his subconscious could hear and understand them. They had taken turns staying with him and talking to him, but it was when Claire had stumbled upon him that he had started to fight to come back to them. Luke had to do the same thing for his mate.

  “Can you do that, Luke?” Gracie asked him.

  “Yes, Gracie. I can.” His voice was stronger, more determined.

  Gracie relaxed visibly, leaning against Deuce’s side, grateful for his strength. She felt him kiss the top of her head and was thankful that she had him in her life to help her when she needed him.

  “Tell Melanie that I’m going to kick her ass for doing this,” Gracie told him angrily. “And make sure you use those exact words, Luke.”

  “I will, Gracie,” Luke told her, chuckling softly. “Thanks.”

  “We’ll see you tomorrow,” Deuce told him. “Call if you change your mind and need us to come tonight. Claire and Jake are here. They can take care of Robbie. It wouldn’t be a problem for me and Gracie to come to you tonight.”

  “Okay, Deuce. See you tomorrow.”

  “Luke,” Deuce called to him.


  “Love you, little brother.”

  “I love you, too, Deuce.” Luke sounded like he was beginning to cry. “I love you, too, Gracie.” He cleared his throat. “See you both tomorrow.”

  Deuce disconnected the call and placed the phone on the bedside table. Turning to face Gracie, he was surprised to see that she was calm.

  “You okay, honey?”

  Gracie nodded. “Everything will be fine. I know it will.”

  “I do, too.”

  She stood and began to undress, oblivious to the fact that Deuce was watching her silently. When she climbed into bed, she turned toward him.

  “I need you to hold me,” she whispered.

  Deuce pulled off his clothes quickly, needing to comfort his mate. Turning off the bedroom light, he climbed in beside her and drew her body against his.

  “I love you, Gracie,” he whispered against her temple.

  “I love you, too,” she answered, wrapping her arm around his waist and squeezing tightly. “I’m so glad I have you. I’m glad we’re mates.”

  Deuce closed his eyes as the happiness her words filled him with soared straight to his heart. As she snuggled against him, he tucked her protectively against his side, resting his hand on her belly and sending up a prayer to the Great Spirit that He keep all the members of his family safe.

  Chapter 18

  Gracie pushed open the door to Melanie’s hospital room and stepped inside. Deuce followed closely behind her. As she walked toward her sister, she saw that she looked peacefully asleep. Yes, she was hooked up to more machines than she cared to look at, but the tranquil expression on her sister’s face was what she focused on.

  “It’s too quiet in here,” Gracie told Luke as she walked over to him and kissed him hello.

  Luke wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly, looking to Deuce as soon as Gracie left his embrace to stand next to her sister’s hospital bed. Deuce grabbed him in a tight bear hug. For once he didn’t complain. How many times had he harassed Deuce over the years for being so overprotective? He had lost count. All he knew was he was glad for his big brother’s love at this moment. Just having him here helped ease his fears.

  “How’s Melanie doing?” Deuce asked him softly.

  “There’s no change.”

  “Did they figure out what happened?” Gracie asked, reaching out to touch her sister’s hand and stroke it gently.

  “She started hemorrhaging yesterday afternoon. The doctor said the blood loss is what caused the coma,” Luke told them, rubbing his eyes tiredly. “He said we can expect a full recovery. It will just take some time.”

  Gracie nodded, noting the IV hooked up to Melanie’s arm. She reached up and brushed her sister’s strawberry blonde hair back from her forehead.

  “Melanie, Deuce and I are here,” she told her softly. “We’ve brought the breast pump. Luke will make sure to help express your milk for Mary Grace.” Melanie remained passive throughout her words, but that didn’t discourage Gracie one bit. “Robbie is doing well. He loves the big-boy bed he slept in last night. He went riding with John and Deuce yesterday to help with the chores. He’s such a hoot, Melly. I sure love him to death. John had him up on
Brutus with him today. I have to tell you, honey, it was a little frightening seeing him so high up on John’s stallion, but Robbie just loved it. Didn’t he, Deuce?”

  “He did,” Deuce agreed, stepping forward and taking Melanie’s other hand in his. He caressed it slowly as he looked down at his brother’s wife. “You should see how good he is on the horses, Melanie. He’s going to be a good cowboy. And last night he slept the whole night through. He ate all of his breakfast and was very patient while we waited for John to come and get him. You sure have raised a good boy, honey.”

  “Luke, it’s too quiet in here,” Gracie told him again. “You should have on the television or some music. Melanie loves to listen to country music, don’t you, Melanie. I hope you wake up soon, honey. Someone has to keep Luke in line.”

  Luke laughed softly as he picked up the remote for the television and turned it on, quickly searching through the channels until he came to one that was just a star field with soothing music in the background.

  “What do you think, Melly? Is the music too boring?” Gracie asked her sister, fully expecting her to open her eyes and answer her. “Where’s Mary Grace?” she asked Luke suddenly.

  “The nurses took her out of the room last night and kept her in the nursery,” Luke told her softly.

  “That’s not good, Luke. Go and get her and put her in bed with Melanie. She needs to hear her baby and feel her next to her. Did Melanie nurse her yet?”

  “Yes. She nursed her all during the day yesterday up until the time she lost consciousness.”

  “Good, then we’ll help her nurse her when the baby’s here. Go and get her, Luke.” Gracie shooed her hands, urging Luke to go and get his daughter. Gracie knew that the tactile stimulation would help her sister. And the baby needed to bond with her mother. What the hell were they thinking by keeping the baby away from her for so long?

  Deuce smiled as his brother rushed from the room. Gracie was right. The baby did need to be with Melanie. He had seen documentaries where people in comas were reported to hear sounds and feel stimulation from the people around them. There would be no more important stimulus that would have the biggest impact on Melanie than her baby.


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