The Wielder: Sworn Vengeance (The Wielder Series)

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The Wielder: Sworn Vengeance (The Wielder Series) Page 5

by Gosnell, David

  Dang, things were so much easier when Dorothy was around.

  Thinking of Dorothy, I step over to my makeshift shrine to her in my bedroom. I kneel before the pictures, light a votive candle and set myself to prayer so that she knows I have not forgotten her. I beg for her understanding for my dalliances with Shey and try to remind her of the permission given.

  I think that was more for my sake than hers. I pray she also looks over our grand, great grand and great, great grand-babies. Then I pray that she remains in divine embrace and for my guidance in these troubled times.

  I finish this with a ritual healing and cleansing of myself. After feeling the healing energy cascade over me I stand. Truth is, I don’t need healing. Because of the energy grafted onto me from my summonlings I am basically ageless and immune to disease. All the same, I enjoy the comfort of knowing I am part of God’s kingdom and the tangible nature of the cleansing is a just reminder of that.

  Then I make a call to Edgar Tinkerman and ask him where we have to go get safe. I am directed to Techno-Mage headquarters in Boston.

  Roger that.

  I strap on my shoulder holster and insert my .357 snub nose, grab a couple quick-loaders and insert them in my jacket pocket. Paranoid? No. Ready? You betcha. I grab my bags and head to the living area.

  Shey, Arix, and Pffif are ready to go and waiting. I see Vets’ duffle and know she is ready too. Hjuul doesn’t pack. That just leaves Sil. I plop my bags down and smile at the three of them. Then I take a seat next to Shey on the sofa wrapping my arm around her.

  “We all ready to go?” I bellow out. I hear a door open and feet coming down the hall. It’s Sil and strangely enough Vets. They are wearing matching camo pants with utility belts and army green spaghetti strap tee shirts. Sil’s hair was not in the traditional bed-head but slicked back into a well secured pony tail.

  Now, I know why Sil prefers the backless shirts – should wings be needed, nothing gets in the way. But how she was able to talk Vets into wearing such a thing was beyond me. Sil of course, fills things out much more obviously than Vets, but still, I was taken aback by seeing Vets in such a tight-fitting tee. She never wears anything even remotely flattering.

  And believe it or not, it is flattering on her. I think it accents her quite ripped arms.

  “Well what do you think of your personal security team Arthur?” Sil asks, making a flourish towards herself, then Vets. “I figure if I can’t service you the way a succubus should, maybe Vets could help me learn to serve you in other ways.” That made Vets almost smile in pride.

  “And of course, I can show her how to pleasure her wielder properly.”

  That makes Vets visibly cringe. Her eyes widen and she looks at me as if to say “what the hell is that crazy bitch saying?”

  Sil is unphased by any of this. She puts her hand on Vet’s shoulder and looks at her most seriously. “You wouldn’t deny our wielder would you?”

  I have to stop this. Vets had shared with me her experiences with males. It wasn’t good at all. It involved being beaten to submission and violently raped. To her, the act of “breeding” as she refers to it, is something to be well avoided. Vets is panicked, because as her wielder, she would deny me nothing and her new “besty” was backing her into a very uncomfortable corner.

  “Sil, let it go,” I say, making sure to restrain any anger and as much displeasure as I can. After all, that can cause discomfort. “We all know her history and just let it alone.”

  That gets a pout from my succubus. “She’s never had an orgasm, and she should.” She looks at me with those, expressive, suggestive green eyes of hers. “Can you imagine if you were her first? She gives me the up and down eyebrow routine as if to say I should take Vets away right now.

  Vets on the other hand, is petrified. My warrior who would give her life for me without question is scared stiff. She looks over at me with a look that just pleads “NO!”

  “Coach all you want Sil,” I tell her. “I’ll not make or ask Vets to do anything against her will.”

  That gets me a look of relief from the big girl. And that makes me very happy seeing her relieved.

  “Fair enough,” says Sil. Then she reaches behind her back pulling out a pair of dark black sunglasses and puts them on. She folds her arms behind her back and stands at full attention. Her face becomes completely stern and serious. “Battle Succubus reporting for duty, commander Vets.”

  That makes Vets smile the smallest smile. It makes me smile too – I now have a terminator succubus.

  I grab my bag and head toward the elevator. Then I stop, turn around and say “You’re driving.” I pitch the keys toward Sil and she plucks them out the air with little fan-faire.

  I smile. Things are back to normal. Well, as normal as they can be for us.

  Chapter 13

  I made a call to my granddaughter Helen to let her know we would be passing through the area and that more things afoul are happening. Not all the family can be there to meet us, but she’d at least get the word out. Truth is it would be good to just see her and Steven.

  We trek on, Sil driving without incident, arriving in North Carolina after 13 hours thanks to Sil’s determined driving. We show up at Helen’s and all is very nice. That is until I bring her and her husband Steve up to speed with the reality of what we are dealing with and that I am basically going to a safe house.

  Steve asks me when I might act my age and stay out of trouble. That was good for a laugh, but it does little to mask the truth; there is big trouble brewing.

  The next day is the best in a long while, as Helen was able to get Dorothy Ann, her daughter, and husband Cliff to come by with their babies. Matthew is all of six years old now and Abby is a precocious four. They have no idea that I’m really great-great granddad. That was Dorothy’s plan. A clean break had to be made. At least Helen and the other grandchildren know me for who I am.

  I am distant cousin Arthur to the next generations. That doesn’t stop Shey from doting over the children and Pffif from entertaining them with his sleight of hand tricks. Of course, Hjuul does his part in letting them pet, climb and just play with him. The rest of the gang sort of holds back at the fringe like they always do.

  Arix has his face buried in a book. Vets just keeps to herself, I think afraid she may break the little ones. And Sil just quietly takes it all in, occasionally chatting up Helen and Steve enthusiastically about who knows what.

  It’s nice. And would be nicer if more of the family could have broken loose to come by. But that’s what happens with a last second drop in. I take as much time as I can with everyone. But like all things, it must come to an end. Hugs are exchanged, promises of future vacations made and we have to hit the road again.

  It makes me sad.

  I pitch Sil the keys again and away we go. The chatter in the van is mostly about how big Matthew and Abby have become. Everyone except Arix, Vets and Hjuul have something to share. Arix, because he’s Arix. Vet’s because she’s in the white. And Hjuul, because “woof woof” doesn’t really count.

  We make it as far as Winchester before hunger, biology and need to refuel the minivan call. We pull off at an exit where there is a twenty-four hour diner. I direct Sil to pull to the back of the diner so I can call Vets back. Vets loves a good skillet steak. Everyone piles out and I summon Vets back behind the dumpster. We leave the van door open and she heads into it, taking a change of clothing from Sil. After all, she would get all the wrong kind of attention with her stalking into the restaurant in her plate armor. I direct everyone to go in and a get us a big table and they do. I wait outside the minivan for Vets to emerge.

  She does, in human form dressed in the prerequisite camouflage. “It was not necessary for you to summon me.” She pauses for a moment. “You suspect danger?”

  “Not at all,” I tell her nudging her on to follow me. “I suspect pretty good steak and eggs, thought you’d like.”

  I get a nod from her. Which is pretty good considering this is
Vets. We catch up with the group. Sil smiles and pats at the chair next to her. “Right here Vetsy, saved you a seat.” Vets takes the chair Sil offers. I scoot into the booth next to Shey who meets me with a hug. Arix disapproves of the PDA.

  I could care less.

  We are joined by our waitress, Trish, who lets us know that she’ll be our server and that the special today is the meatloaf. We all take a few moments with our menus and when she returns with our beverages we’re ready to go. Shey orders a vegetable plate, Vets of course gets the steak and eggs. Pffif orders up the corned beef and cabbage, and I, hearing that almost change my order from the meatloaf. Arix as always, dines lightly on an appetizer and Sil orders the “Ginormous” chicken fried steak.

  As she’ll be quick to tell you a succubus does not live by life-essence alone. And boy can the she-devil put the food away when she’s of mind. She can rival Vets at a buffet. If that’s what she is of mind to do.

  The diner is nice and I’m thoroughly enjoying this family get together of sorts. Everyone is coexisting nicely and even getting along. Pffif offers his never-ending flask to anyone who wants a “wee bit of flavor” for their drink. Arix was the only taker and to Pffif’s credit he passes the flask.

  Shey and Sil are even being civil, with Shey asking Sil why she’s letting Vets be her “boss” and Sil not retorting with snarkiness or any Vetisghar comments, but a matter of fact, “who better to protect our wielder?” Pffif chimes in with a “cheers to that!” and lifts his spiked ice tea in salute.

  That almost gets a smile out of the big girl. Almost.

  The food arrives and I can tell it must be good, because the table gets quiet. My meatloaf is fantastic. Sil cuts off a portion of possibly the biggest chicken fried steak I’ve seen in my life and deposits it on Vets plate over the arm she has curled around it, protecting her food.

  Now that actually gets a real smile from the big girl. Smart play.

  I’m very much enjoying the time, so much so I don’t notice the two gentlemen making a bee line to our table. Arix elbows Shey and then very deliberately set his hands on the table. Sil sits up as if she just took notice of something as well.

  “Smell that?” asks Arix, his eyes locked on the people coming over to our table.

  I reflexively reach into my pocket where my snub nose is.

  “I do,” says Sillooking up from her ginormous entree. “Smells like tainted human flesh.”

  Chapter 14

  The two gentlemen make their way to our table, drawing little attention to themselves. They are both fairly well dressed in business attire, but similarities end there. One man is shorter, slightly balding and fairly thin. The other man is much larger, well over six feet and muscled as such to indicate a possible military background.

  “Arthur MacInerny?” The shorter man asks, obviously knowing who I am. I ease my finger around the trigger of the gun.

  “I’m Clyde, Clyde Smith… I hope you don’t mind terribly, but I need some of your time.”

  He reaches to the table next to ours and scoots a chair over to sit near me and Arix.

  The larger man grabs Pffif by the collar of his jacket and unceremoniously tosses him to the side, taking his chair next to Sil and right across from me.

  “Ye big horses arse!” Pffif yells at him. All eyes in the diner are upon us now.

  The man who identified himself as Clyde, takes a deep breath as to calm himself. “Yugoth, was that absolutely necessary? We are on a diplomatic mission here.”

  “He is unharmed and beyond that, it is only a summonling,” snarls Yugoth.

  Maybe Yugoth hasn’t considered the fact that he is surrounded by six very potent summonlings.

  Clyde sighs and looks at me with beleaguered eyes. “You see what they give me to work with?”

  “Watch your tone, human. I am here to protect you from them, not from me,” Yugo snarls to Clyde.

  Clyde looks at his associate and shakes his head in dismay, then looks back at me.

  By this time, Trish has joined us again, directing a question to Arix. “These guys giving you trouble?” Arix looks like the elder of the table and me, well I still look all of nineteen.

  Yugoth starts to get up, but a quick “No” and emphatic look from Clyde sits him back down. Clyde addresses Trish in an appealing and apologetic tone. “Let me apologize for my friend here. He’s new to the area and doesn’t share our same sense of manners and decorum - yet.”

  Trish lets Arix know she can call the police if he wants. “We’re Okay” Arix’s responds.

  “My apologies Arthur,” Clyde continues “We are not here for any trouble, just a brief parlay on behalf of the Grace.”

  Well there it is. They’re with the Gratia Potentiae – aka the “Grace of Power.” The Grace is the Protectorate’s nemesis. They believe in a new world order – their own. I am sure my poker face gave away my surprise. It always does.

  “This is strictly diplomatic Arthur” Clyde says, noting my discomfort.

  “This is strictly a waste of time,” Yugo spits back. “We would be better served if you let me kill him.” .

  “Well aren’t you just a nasty one?” Sil pipes up. “I’m guessing you haven’t been in that skin for even a month yet, have you hun?” She is beaming that smile at him. The one intended to disarm.

  “You are quite correct,” Clyde answers cutting off Yugo’s retort. “You must be Silithes… the succubus?” - he finishes the succubus part in a hushed tone.

  “The failure, you mean” says Yugo with derision. “A Cubati that cannot corrupt a simple human. Bah.”

  Suddenly Yugo jumps and says, “Release my hand now, she bitch!”

  Oh, it’s on now. Sil’s smile to me confirms it. She grabbed his hand, because to use her power of neuromancy she needs to have direct physical contact with her victim. I look over to Clyde, concerned he will pull out a gun or something. He is not doing a thing. He catches my eye leans over and whispers, “this should be interesting.”

  Yugo’s breathing is quite heavy now and he’s struggling to free his hand. Sil calmly just turns towards him. “Did you forget that you’re just a Dzemond spirit and all this is still just mostly human flesh?” She strokes his cheek with her other hand casting a look at Clyde and then me. “They always forget, the new ones, don’t they?”

  Clyde nods an agreement.

  Yugo’s trying to put up the good fight. But Sil must just be piling on the neuromancy. He tries to stand but Sil won’t let him. She is much, much stronger than him, because he is still basically human in flesh. She’s not; not even a little bit. Then her eyes trail from us to his and she takes the hand that was stroking his cheek and forcibly pulls him into her for a kiss.

  Yugo’s eyes loll back, and his body relaxes. Sil on the other hand has her eyes locked on Clyde while working her kiss. There is a feral look to her, like a lion protecting its dead prey. Yugo is enjoying - based on how he was macking back at her, eyes closed.

  Me, I’m a little taken aback at the power and ferocity of my succubus.

  She breaks the kiss and he sags back in his chair

  “Who’s a good boy now?” Sil asks him.

  “Yugoth is mistress,” he moans, his head rolling back with a smile on his face.

  “Well done,” says Clyde to Sil and then turns to me. “If I had known your succubus was granting favors I might have had to sit there, though I would never presume to throw your friend from his chair. Now... can we discuss business?”

  “Ok” I say then taking a bite of meatloaf, trying to look un-phased.

  “So, what’s the diplomacy?”

  “The Grace wishes you to pass on the message to your superiors that we have had nothing to do with the recent events. We prefer our cold war to remain cold.”

  That, I didn’t expect to hear. Clyde’s smile tells me he understands.

  Then, startling all at the table, Clyde included, Yugo bolts up and tries to pry Sil’s hand out of his unzipped pants. “Release me!” he be
llows and all eyes in the diner are on him again.

  “Just sit down and take your medicine” is Sil’s quiet reply without even looking at him.

  He was going to say something else, but just stops and wheezes. His eyes cross and he doubles over reaching for his groin. For a moment it looks like he lifts up from the floor. Then Sil removes her hand from his trousers and he collapses to the ground.

  That outburst of course brings Trish over quickly and she stands there gaping at the large wheezing man curled up in a ball on the floor holding on to his parts. Sil looks over at her and says, “I took care of it.”

  Trish offers to get us our checks. Translation: get out of here.

  Clyde hands me his card and says “Give this to Mr. Tinkerman when you arrive there. He may call me anytime. We are as concerned for the recent events as the Protectorate is. That being said, I’d like to thank you for your time and especially, the show.”

  With that he throws a wink to Sil.

  Being curious though and with him seeming more reasonable than Yugo, I ask him what he does for the Grace. I get a nebulous answer to the effect of “things mages do.”

  A caster – I knew it. So that leaves me with a burning question. “Clyde, how come you don’t have one of those hooky-doo last names every mage type seems to have?”

  He smiles and leans in to me, “Because I think that whole tradition of once you have mastered your power you become a new person, is horseshit.” He punctuates that statement with a wry smile.

  The frankness of that statement made me chuckle. And like him a little more…

  “I was born Clyde Smith” he continues “I will die Clyde Smith. And anyone who tries to harm Clyde Smith will rue the day they met Clyde Smith.”

  “Well said,” is Arix’s input. I guess that’s how evil mages think.

  Clyde and I chit chat a little more. He actually seems a very pleasant person for someone who’s tied up with an organization looking to dominate the world from the shadows.


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