Peter and the Elven Songs (War of Contractia)

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Peter and the Elven Songs (War of Contractia) Page 9

by Dixon, TJ

  “Did we destroy one?” Emma asks, but Yu Kii shakes her head.

  “I would have noticed. One must have gotten away. I’ll look for it again, just give me a moment.” Yu Kii says and closes her eyes whilst she looks with her earth sense. I open my air senses and gasp. I clear the air and strike with lightning but it gets thrown back at me. Fortunately I deflect it, but, nobody else seems able to see them.

  “Port away!” I call out but nobody is able to. They throw flames at us but I rob the air from the flames. I strike with wind cuts and they are forced to shield this time. There are three of them and now they are visible. Charlotte summons water around them but it is turned to steam. I call quickly to Rin and then try to steal their air. They are ready though and cancel my magic with their shield. Distracted though they fail to notice Yu Kii’s attack until too late. Encased in stone from foot to neck they attempt to port but this time I prevent their port. I then fly at them and rob them of magic. They don’t struggle because they are terrified Yu Kii is going to squash them.

  “Looks like things are under control.” Rin says seeing the prisoners.

  “When did you get here?” Charlotte asks in surprise.

  “Just now. You don’t need me though, do you?”

  “No, sorry to bother you.” I say.

  “You have magic to contact each other?” Charlotte says in surprise.

  “Sort of.” I say.

  “Please teach it to me!” Charlotte asks.

  “Sorry but it isn’t really something to be taught.”

  “I think we could create something similar for the rest of the club members.” Rin says. “Nothing as fancy but for basic communication it should work.”

  “It’s an item?” Charlotte asks.

  “Yes.” Rin says.

  “A secret item.” I remind her, and tell Charlotte.

  “Sorry.” Rin says. “But you kind of gave it away yourself too.”

  “Did you find the last oglop?” I ask Yu Kii.

  “They killed it.” Yu Kii says and hands me the core.

  “Let’s port back to the town hall with our prisoners and the cores.”

  “We didn’t do anything wrong. We were just after the bounty.” One of the women says.

  “Then why did you fill the air with poison?” I ask.

  “What are you talking about? We’re fire mages, with a little air magic. Poison would be water magic though, and none of us are water mages.”

  “Why would I believe you?” I ask. Her aura indicates she is telling the truth but perhaps she is fooling me.

  “We’ll submit our minds to allow you to find out the truth.” She says. I frown and look at Rin for a second opinion.

  “I’ll do it.” Rin says and places her head against the woman. “She’s telling the truth. She was also affected by the poison but only slightly.”

  “Check the other two then.” I say. She checks both of them.

  “Both are telling the truth and slightly poisoned. There shouldn’t be any affect within a day or two though.” Rin says.

  “Then who filled the air with poison?” I ask as much to myself as them.

  “Any chance of releasing us?” The first woman asks.

  “Why did you hide by the way?” I ask.

  “We always do when on a hunt.” She says as if it is only natural.

  “Where are you headed next?” I ask.

  “Back to town, though it’s a fair walk without magic.” She says sounding depressed.

  “Fine.” I say and send all of them back to town with a single port. Of course I don’t go myself.

  “There was someone there.” Charlotte says pointing at the top window of the house. “Gone now though. Literally just ported.”

  “How can you tell?” I ask.

  “I can sense the left overs of their magic, which they must have been hiding. Do you want to investigate further?”

  “No. We’ve done our job. Let’s not tempt fate by hanging around. Everyone hold onto me for a port.” I say and then port everyone back to town.

  “I’d best get back.” Rin says and ports away. Both Emma and Charlotte look curious but don’t ask anything. Soon we have handed in the cores and got a bit of money. Not the best paying bounty ever, especially split so many ways but it is still reasonable pay for the work we did.

  “Why don’t we get another job?” Charlotte asks enthusiastically after I hand out the bounty. I don’t think she really needs the money, so I guess she is more interested in the job itself.

  “We have time.” Emma says. So we pick up another job.

  Chapter 6 (Multiple)


  “The Year 3s on tomorrows bounty hunt are Cherry, Sherry, Helski, Midori and Tabi.” Peter says. As I hear my name called out I smile in relief. When I heard Midori called out I was sure I wasn’t going to be called. I was ahead of her last week but she seems to have caught up with me, and in Peter’s eyes perhaps overtaken me. Of course Cherry is without a doubt ahead of us both. “Cherry and Sherry will work with Rin, Yu Kii and Emma. Helski, Midori and Tabi will work with me, Charlotte and Jenny. Hermes will work with Tomo and Mirai tomorrow on dimensional magic.” The last part catches almost everyone by surprise. That’s the one area our training hasn’t really focused on. Why just Tomo and Mirai though? “If you are on the bounty hunt, meet at my or Rin’s room just after dawn. If you keep everyone waiting we will not be happy. Tomo meet Hermes at the arena an hour after dawn. Mirai meet Hermes an hour after midday. Again do not be late.”

  “Could I join the dimensional training?” Niji asks.

  “Sorry, but we’re only doing it with two people tomorrow. You’ll be doing it soon though.” Peter says.

  “Oh, ok.” Niji says disappointed. Clearly she is not the only one who considered asking that.

  “Everyone be here for training after lessons the day after tomorrow.” Peter tells us.

  “Lucky.” I say to Mirai.

  “You get to do the bounty hunt though.” Mirai reminds me. Niji gives us both a jealous glare.

  “You’d better not slow us down.” Helski says. Since she’s not in the same class or group I haven’t really spoken to her before. She looks at me a moment. “Are you Midori or Tabi?”

  “Tabi…” I say and just can’t think of anything to say. I’m amazed she has the nerve to say that when she didn’t even know my name.

  “Well, see you.” She says and ports away.

  “Typical. She can port already. That must make her feel really smug.” I say and start to head back with Mirai to our room.

  “Don’t worry, I’m sure she’ll mess up and look stupid.” Mirai says.

  “If she messes up it could be dangerous. Besides I’m more worried about messing up myself.”

  “You worry too much.”

  “Isn’t that Midori and Tomo up ahead?”

  “Yes, they must have headed back straight away.”

  “Hey!” I call out. They stop and wait for us.

  “Slow coaches.” Tomo says and sticks her tongue out at me for a moment. She’s just joking though. “Well done on getting on the hunt. I wish I could, but the training should be good.”

  “It should be fun working together on something real.” Midori says. “And we get the best group. Even though we are wind users, we hardly ever to get to work with Peter.”

  “Emma’s good too.” I say.

  “I know, but I joined because of Peter, not because of Emma.” Midori says.

  “He was quite impressive in the arena.” I admit.

  “That too.” She says. I don’t follow but I decide not to ask.

  “I hope we can all do the hunt together soon.” I say.

  “Me too.” Tomo says.

  “Me three.” Mirai says grinning.

  “It would be good, but I doubt we’ll get to have four wind users in the same group.” Midori says spoiling the mood. “Well, at least we get to see each other in class.”

  “It’s a pity we didn’t know
each other when we chose seats.” I say. Midori and Tomo sit together but Mirai sits at the front and I sit at the back. Mirai gets on with the girl she sits next to, but I hardly ever talk to Lara who I sit next to. Lara just likes to work on her own, so it’s not like she hates me or anything, but when I don’t understand something and ask a question, she really gets annoyed. She’ll answer it, but you can tell she thinks I shouldn’t need to ask. If she needs to ask something though, she’ll never ask me. She’ll ask the teacher if she has to ask anyone. I guess that makes some sense since the teacher obviously knows more than us, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask me first.

  “Tabi…” I look up as Midori is saying something to me.

  “Sorry what was that?” I ask.

  “Day dreaming like always!” Mirai says with a laugh.

  “I was saying do you want to meet up before we meet Peter.” Midori says.

  “It’s early enough already! Who arranges this sort of thing for dawn!?” I protest.

  “OK. I’ll see you at Peter’s tomorrow. I wonder whether we get to see his room. That would be great.”

  “It’s no different to anyone else’s I’m sure.” I say. “Wait, where is his room?”

  “That’s why I suggested meeting me first.”

  “You know where his room is?”

  “Of course. I’m interested in him. I know where his room is, where he goes after class…”

  “Training.” I say with a laugh, since we all do too.

  “What he eats for lunch, what…”

  “Now you’re scaring me. Are you a stalker or something?” I say jokingly. She knows I’m joking too, but she still goes through the motions of looking wounded.

  “No, I’m just a girl in love.”

  “Well don’t let the Year 2s hear you say that, or there could be trouble.” I warn her serious now.

  “Well I have to let one Year 2 know at some point.”

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” I say.

  “Oh don’t be silly. Anyway, see you just before dawn. Don’t be late or I’ll leave without you.”

  “Great friend you are!”

  “I am aren’t I?” She says ignoring my sarcasm with a smile, and then rushes off with a, “See you!”

  “I’d better not be late then.” I say.

  “Don’t be silly, she isn’t going to leave without you.” Tomo says. “It didn’t sound like Peter would be pleased if you were late though.”

  “I’ll be on time.” I say.

  “Well see you!” She says and rushes after her roommate.

  “Let’s party since we get a nice long lay in tomorrow.” Mirai says, but she can’t stop herself laughing a little.

  “You’re the only one who gets a lay in tomorrow!” I protest.

  “Just kidding.” Mirai says and then we are back at our room. We end up having a very early night since I need to get up so early. Mirai is actually very kind despite her earlier joke and doesn’t disturb me at all even though she doesn’t need to be up until late tomorrow. I return the favour by not disturbing her in the morning.

  “You’re late.” Midori says as I arrive blurry eyed and still half asleep.

  “Can’t be.” I say.

  “We’d better run.” Midori says and I curse as I have to follow her at a run. “Better yet let’s fly!”

  “Damn you Midori!” I call after her as I jump into the air and pursue. We get there before dawn.

  “Do you think its ok to knock this early?” Midori asks.

  “You’re the one who insisted on flying here!” I protest.

  “Maybe we should wait.” Midori says nervously but I am not waiting outside so I knock. After a moment the door opens.

  “Hello. Come in.” Peter says and we enter. Hermes is lying on one bed, but dressed. Peter frowns. “Have you been using magic already?”

  “Sorry! But, how did you know?” I ask in surprise.

  “You aura changes dependant on how much magic you have left. You should avoid using magic before a job though, unless there is a good reason.” He says. I consider telling him Midori was in a rush to get here but keep that a secret. “I’ll explain the job once Helski and Charlotte are here. We’ll meet Jenny in town.”

  It is still not quite dawn when Helski knocks on the door, but Charlotte arrives at dawn. Surprised she says, “I’m sure you said just after dawn.”

  “I did but it seems everyone was a bit too eager to wait.” Peter says. Midori winces slightly and Peter clearly notices, because he looks at her and says with a smile. “Better too eager, than not eager enough. Now for today’s first job we will be hunting a giant bear that has made a home in the nearby forest. It has killed people travelling through the forest. The reward is fairly low but it should be an easy kill. If we do it quickly enough we’ll do a second job.”

  “Doesn’t sound too bad.” Helski says with a laugh. “I bet we’ll be on the second one before midday.”

  “That would be good.” Peter says. “However there is one thing you should know. We are only here in case things get out of control. This job will be completed by the Year 3s as a test to see if you are ready for this, and can work as a team. An earth user should be able to locate the bear easily enough, and combined with two wind users it should be an easy kill, but only if you work together.”

  “Should be easy as long as those wind users know what they’re doing.” Helski says. I don’t respond but she is really starting to annoy me.

  “So who will be in charge?” Peter asks.

  “I will of course.” Helski says without pausing for even a moment. “Without me those two can’t even find the bear.”

  “So when you face an air based enemy you think it is best for a wind user to be in charge?” Peter asks.

  “That depends on the wind user, but I suppose.” Helski says.

  “Very well, you will be in charge, but a leader has to take responsibility if things go wrong.” Peter says. “If you fail this test you will be the one who has to wait for a second chance.”

  “Even if it isn’t my fault?” Helski asks unhappily.

  “As leader it will be your fault even if someone else messes up, because you will have let them do so.” Peter says.

  “Ok, but you two better follow my orders.” Helski says nervously.

  “It is generally better to address your teammates by name, and with respect. If you aren’t treated with respect you are less likely to treat someone else with respect. If you aren’t respected, how can you expect your orders to be obeyed?” Peter says.

  “You don’t like me, do you?” Helski asks Peter directly.

  “I don’t know you well enough yet to either like, or dislike, you. I don’t like the way you have acted so far today, but I’m not going to judge you so quickly.” Peter says honestly, and equally direct. I find myself liking him a bit more now. Not as madly as Midori, but he is definitely someone I feel I can trust. “Once you are ready I’ll port us to town.”

  “I’m ready.” Helski says immediately without even looking at us.

  “And your team?” Peter asks Helski.

  “Are you… Midori and… what was it?” Looking first at me and then at Midori.

  “My name’s Tabi.” I say frustrated. “You got it right yesterday.”

  “So you’re Midori?”

  “Yes.” Midori says with a sigh.

  “Are you both ready?”

  “Yes.” We both say after exchanging amused looks at each other.

  “Very well, hold onto me.” Peter says and we all do so. He ports us to the town gates closest to the forest.

  “Good morning.” Jenny says to us with a smile.

  “Good morning.” Peter says, followed by Charlotte.

  “Good morning.” I say, and then Midori and then Helski greet Jenny too.

  “Helski is in charge. We’re just here to tag along. You can start whenever you are ready.” Peter says.

  “Aren’t you going to port us closer?” Helski says.
  “You only have to walk a short distance from the gates, so no.” Peter says clearly annoyed.

  “Ok, we’ll walk then. Let’s go everyone.” Helski says and leads the way. I exchange glances with Midori every now and again but Helski rarely looks back as she leads us towards and then into the forest. Once inside she kneels and closes her eyes. “This way. It isn’t far, so be ready.”

  “Lightning?” I whisper to Midori, who nods.

  “Here it is.” Helski says and I look up to see the back of a huge bear. “Attack!”

  I am stunned and my attack is delayed a moment. Helski however does not wait and sends shards of stone flying at it. Then Midori’s lightning strikes, followed by my own. The bear is angry but unhurt. It turns and hurtles towards us. Helski throws up a stone wall but it breaks through in an instant. I strike with lightning again and so does Midori, but it just shrugs off our attacks. I scream as almost on us it reaches out towards me. Then a huge wall of flames springs up and it stops in an instant.

  “It generally helps to analyse an enemy’s weaknesses before attacking when you have the opportunity.” Peter says. “Bears can climb, but they can’t usually fly. Did you not consider the advantage of two wind users? Also as an earth user you should know that its fur can withstand lightning and physical attacks. It however does not have fur in its mouth. A well placed lightning bolt would finish it in an instant. Like this.” Lightning strikes it in the mouth and sure enough it falls instantly. The flames disappear too. “Midori will be the leader for the second job. You did well to find it so quickly, but...”

  “Thank you!” Midori says, jumping up from where she had fallen. “I won’t let you down!”

  “I think they may need to sit down and catch their breath.” Jenny says, and places a hand on my shoulder.

  “We’ll hand in this guy, whilst you catch your breath.” Peter says and grabs hold of the bear before porting with it. In a moment he and Jenny have ported away. It’s just us Year 3s and Charlotte. I haven’t really worked with Charlotte so I’m a little nervous. She in fact also seems a little nervous as we all look towards her.

  “Don’t worry. We all make mistakes.” She says trying to sound casual but sounding a little unnatural.


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