Peter and the Elven Songs (War of Contractia)

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Peter and the Elven Songs (War of Contractia) Page 11

by Dixon, TJ

  “I’ve never heard of such a method.” The Queen says but shrugs. “Well, I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised by anything you are able to do now.”

  True to her word the Queen really does have every servant and slave summoned and by the time I have finished taking power from them I have more power than ever before. If I had any doubt before I have no doubt now that I can take and keep power from as many people as I need to. I hope David doesn’t consider this to be sufficient reason to kill Yusa out of hand, but if I don’t have the power to save her I have no doubt she will die.

  One of the Queen’s guards ports me to the entrance of the Aurian Mines. I can feel a constant attack on my shield, but I have enough strength to ignore it. It feels like dimensional magic. The wind is a cruel one, filled with sand and the land is a wasteland. The sun is strong but as I enter the mines it is of course dark. I close my eyes and use my wind sense to guide me. With my power so strong it is far more detailed than normal and I have no trouble walking in the pitch dark.

  “Welcome home, brother.” I hear David’s voice, but I can’t sense him. Brother? I did lose my memories so I can’t be sure he is lying, but I have no reason to believe him. “Have you forgotten me so quickly? This is no time to be sleeping. Wake up! … Boy, how did you seal my brother?”

  “I thought you were meant to know everything.” I say. It sounds like he means the thing that took me over after the Death Bird attacked me. If that is his brother then he may be even worse than I thought.

  “Never mind… Killing the boy should release him.” David says seemingly talking to himself. The air slice he sends at me tears through the tunnel wall behind me. There is now daylight coming in through it, so I am glad I dodged. There simply isn’t room to keep dodging though.

  Guessing his location from the attack, I strike with lightning. Of course he shields it easily enough, but now I am sure of his location, so my next attack is a wind slice. As our slices hit each other the sound is deafening. I create a large lightning strike and try to port it to him, but the port fails. He clearly blocked it.

  “Missed.” He says laughing. Then he strikes with lightning of his own, but I deflect his attack. I had hoped to reflect it back at him, but it is too powerful. His next attack is raw magic, similar to his attack in the academy, but this time I am able to shield. I strike with a wind slice again, but again the roar is deafening as his clashes with mine. I wish we were fighting outside where I could use flight magic to dodge his attacks, instead of pitting raw power against raw power. My attacks are fairly limited, but I am confident of my flight magic.

  “You know, I never actually took the girl. Of course it is far too late to get away now. Oh, and that chain round your ankle isn’t going to work here.” He says and his next attack is far more powerful than his previous attacks. It is fire this time too, which doesn’t help. Ignoring my wind slice it beats against my shield. I may not be able to port away but since he so kindly opened up an escape route and then told me I could use it, it would be rude not to do so. I race out of it in an instant and escape the flames, but not before they have drained a lot of my power. Normally they would have instantly killed me, but with all this extra power I am ok.

  I may not be able to port but he is and does. I dodge his next attack though and then focus on blocking his ports as well as dodging. Attack after attack misses and chunks of the land are carved away each time he attacks from above. He seems to be growing frustrated and his attacks are now more frequent but less powerful. Suddenly he breaks through my port barrier and he is in front of me. His hand on my throat he smiles knowing there is no way of dodging. Instead of shielding I strike him with every ounce of magic in me. His head explodes under the force of my attack. No longer able to shield, I call out to the Queen in the hope that she can now hear me. Sure enough she is there a moment later and then we are back at the castle.

  Chapter 7 (Multiple)


  “The Year 3s on tomorrows bounty hunt are Cherry, Sherry, Helski, Midori and Tabi.” Peter says. I am not surprised that my name is not called but I can’t help feeling disappointed. “Cherry and Sherry will work with Rin, Yu Kii and Emma. Helski, Midori and Tabi will work with me, Charlotte and Jenny. Hermes will work with Tomo and Mirai tomorrow on dimensional magic.” The last part catches me by surprise. That’s the one area our training hasn’t really focused on. Why just Tomo and Mirai though? “If you are on the bounty hunt meet at my or Rin’s room, just after dawn. If you keep everyone waiting we will not be happy. Tomo meet Hermes at the arena an hour after dawn. Mirai meet Hermes an hour after midday. Again do not be late.”

  “Could I join the dimensional training?” Niji asks, and I am about to ask too but Peter shakes his head.

  “Sorry, but we’re only doing it with two people tomorrow. You’ll be doing it soon though.” Peter says.

  “Oh, ok.” Niji says sounding as disappointed as I am.

  “I wanted to too.” Neko whispers to me.

  “Me too.” I whisper back. We head to our room together. I am glad to have a roommate like Neko who I get on really well with. We don’t have the same element so we aren’t together in training but we sit next to each other in class and do almost everything else together. It actually helps to have different elements because we can help each other out a lot more than if we had the same element.

  “So what are we going to do tomorrow?” Neko asks.

  “Sorry!” I knew this was coming but I just didn’t get a chance until now to mention it. “I need to see my family tomorrow.”

  “Nyyya…” She says and I know she is just as disappointed as I had feared. A quick ‘nya’ means she’s really happy and a slow ‘nyyya’ means she is sad. “Well never mind. What if you had been called up though?”

  “They wouldn’t have minded if it was something like that. They want me to prove myself after all.” I reply.

  “I suppose that makes sense. Let’s do something fun next time if we aren’t called up.”

  “I hope we are on the same team if we are.” I say. “That would be something fun to do together.”

  “Killing monsters isn’t what I’d call fun. Sure I want to join the hunt, but it’s more to prove that I’m good enough. I’d like to do it with you though, because hunting is best done with friends.” Neko says.

  “So what will you do tomorrow?” I ask.

  “I’m not sure. Maybe practise, or maybe go exploring. I haven’t explored the forest yet.”

  “That’s meant to be dangerous.” I say worried.

  “Don’t worry. If I meet a monster I can always fly away.” Neko says unconcerned. She has always been much more adventurous than me, but I do worry for her. Her magic isn’t much better than mine. We are not at risk of demotion to 3G anymore though. 3F may not be a great class rank, but we are a safe distance from expulsion, and with effort we hope to get promoted a rank or two. We carry on chatting on our way back, and then once we are back, but I have to be up early so we don’t stay up too late.

  The morning sun rises and I blink uncomfortably. I couldn’t get much sleep because I was nervous about seeing my family for the first time since I started at the academy. I have to let them know that my element isn’t the fire that they all excel at. Water is in fact as far from fire as I could be. I am hopeful they will accept this once I can prove I am good enough but for now they aren’t going to like it.

  I get washed and dressed quickly but silently so as not to wake Neko. Then I leave the room and make my way to the front entrance. From there I make my way to the academy gates and find my sister waiting for me. I was sure that I wasn’t late!

  “I’m sorry I’m late!” I apologise.

  “You’re not late. I’m early.” Trinity says. “I was just too eager to see how my cute little sister is doing.”

  “I’m ok. How are you and mother?”

  “We’re fine. So have you found your flame?”

  “Actually, fire isn’t my element.”


  “Well say something!”

  “Are you sure?”


  “So what is your element? Wind? Earth?”


  “Impossible. There’s never been a water mage in our family. The last daughter who wasn’t a fire mage was a wind mage over a hundred years ago.”

  “I know, but it’s true.”

  “So let’s see this water magic of yours. If you tell mother you’re a water mage she’ll expect to see a demonstration. You know that.”

  “I know, but could I show you both at the same time? I’m still not that good yet, but I am improving.”

  “Fine, but if you’re lying about this don’t expect to get off lightly.”

  “There’s something else too.”

  “Go on.”

  “I joined a club. They helped me find my element, and I train with them lots.”

  “That’s great! What club?”

  “They call it Future’s Forge.”

  “You idiot!”


  “Mother has been fuming about that club. She thinks any girl who decides to follow a boy ought to have her brain looked at, and possibly dissected.”

  “You don’t think I should tell her?”

  “Definitely not. Especially if you’re going to tell her you’re a water mage. She’ll find out sooner or later though, so you’d better be able to prove that you made the right decision by becoming a damn good water mage.”

  “I will do.”

  “Any other surprises?”


  “I’m going to port us home, hold on.” Trinity says and I hold onto her wrist. Like mine it feels delicate. Then we are home.

  “Welcome home!” Mother says and hugs me. “So how have you been finding life at the academy?”

  “Its hard work, but I’m enjoying it.” I answer honestly.

  “About time you worked hard at something, but I’m glad you’re enjoying it.”

  “I always worked hard.” I protest.

  “So have you found your flame?”

  “About that…”

  “You haven’t yet. Well it is still early.”

  “I have found my element though.” I say.

  “Found it? Surely you didn’t need to look hard to find that?” Mother says with a laugh.

  “My element is… water.” I say and she tenses up.

  “Don’t joke.” Mother says sounding very angry and the hug no longer feels welcoming but threatening.

  “I’m serious.”

  “I hope you intend to prove this.”

  “Of course.” I say firmly. Releasing me she glares at me.

  “Don’t keep me waiting.” She says coldly. Closing my eyes I create water in front of me. I keep it flowing through the air but never touching the ground.

  “Even I can do that much.” Mother says coldly. “Water is very well suited to shielding against fire. How about you shield against my attack?”

  “How many water mages are capable of standing up to the Divine Flame’s best attacks?” I ask letting the water drop in my panic.

  “At least you haven’t lost all sense. However I never said it would be my best attack. I will count to three and then attack. Defend yourself. One… Two…” Mother says and I know it is hopeless, but I summon my best water shield and pray. “Three…” She finishes and then the attack is every bit as strong as expected. My water shield evaporates almost instantly, but I replenish it before the flames reach me. Again it is gone, but again I replenish it. Then the flames are on me but they only singe my clothes before going out.

  “I’m sorry!” I apologise and throw myself on the floor awaiting my punishment.

  “Not bad…” Mother says thoughtfully. “I guess you may be right. Of course you have a long way to go still, but it is only the start of your time at the academy.”

  “Thank you, thank you!” I say still not getting up.

  “I would like to meet the teacher who helped you find your element.”

  “My… teacher…” I say bewildered.

  “Yes, your teacher. Surely you don’t think I’m stupid enough to think you did this without the help of your teacher. Did you use the family name to convince her to spend extra time with you?”

  “No. I had help, but it wasn’t my teacher. Of course my teacher helps teach us all, but…”

  “Oh, who helped you then?”

  “My friends.” I say getting up.

  “In the same year? If so they must be in a higher class than you.”

  “They’re Year 2s.”

  “Did you promise them anything in return?” Mother asks sharply.

  “I didn’t use our family name.” I say.

  “That wasn’t the question!”

  “I didn’t promise anything important.” I say.

  “What did you promise?”

  “To join the army. To train with them. To do bounty hunts with them.”

  “Are your friends in a club?”

  “… I don’t know.”

  “Do not lie to me! What club are you in?” Mother asks, and I can tell she is furious because she is talking very quietly.

  “You never said not to join any clubs!” I protest.

  “It’s that boy’s club, isn’t it!?” Mother whispers with flames not just in her eyes but all around her.

  “Yes.” I admit, because there is no point lying now.

  “I’m taking you out of the academy.” Mother whispers and suddenly I am in the dark. She ported me to the dungeon, and I have no way of porting or contacting anyone. I am on the verge of tears but I force them back. I’d finally found friends, my element and hope. Why couldn’t she just be happy for me?

  “Sorry milady.” A young woman says entering my cell. “Your mother has ordered you chained up for now. Her words, not my words, her words, were ‘Let her hang there until she sees how stupid she has been.’ Her words! Not my words! I’m sorry milady but I have to obey.”

  “Don’t worry.” I say but now I really am crying. “It’s not your fault.”

  “Thank you milady! And sorry milady!” She says one last time before putting my wrists in the chains hanging from the ceiling. Once both my wrists are firmly held by the chains she leaves the cell. Then I hear the wheel turn as I am hoisted up. Hanging by my wrists I just cry.


  Aventurine is really careful to be quiet, but my hearing is too good to stay asleep as she gets up and ready. When I hear the door shut I know she is gone and today is going to be a little lonely. No, it is going to be more than a little lonely. Aventurine feels like the sister I never had. We’re that close.

  I will explore the forest today but it just isn’t going to be the same. I will have to come back with Aventurine. Maybe next week… I don’t really believe either of us will be ready for the hunt by next week, but maybe we will have our dimensional training. If not I’ll get her to come with me to the forest and see all the sights I find today.

  I lie there for a while but as the sun rises a little higher I decide to get up. I quickly wash and get dressed. Unlike Aventurine I am rather loud but there is nobody to hear me. Then I stroll out of our room, and out of the academy. The forest is inviting so I head straight there.

  I don’t like the idea of hunting for fun, but I am hungry so I quickly find a juicy squirrel. I devour it raw. Meat is best eaten raw, but they just don’t seem to understand that at the academy. I wipe the blood from my face and find a stream. Unlike Aventurine I am not very good at water magic. I can do it but the water I summon is nowhere near as nice as this. It also doesn’t have fish. Raw fish is even nicer than raw meat. Now I am full and refreshed.

  I follow the stream for a while but decide to leave it when I smell something delicious. Something really sweet. After a while I reach the source. A fruit tree with a round red fruit about the size of a small pebble. It tastes as nice as it smells. I eat lots even though I’m not hungry. I then pick s
ome and put them in my pockets. Aventurine will definitely want to come here to get more once she tastes it.

  I walk a bit longer, and then climb a tall tree. I could just fly to the top, but this is much more fun. Once up here though I jump out of the tree and float a bit higher. Flying is fun too, so I fly over the tree tops for a while enjoying the breeze on my face. Then I land and explore on foot again.

  Hungry again I can’t find a stream nearby, so I find some more squirrels. Contented by my feast I find a clearing nearby and lie down in the sun.

  It starts to get dark so I decide to head back. I walk at first, but it is getting really dark so I fly up above the trees. I fly straight towards the academy and after a while I clear the forest. I am about to land at the front entrance when I decide to try flying in through the window. Our room’s window is locked so I pick a nearby window that leads into the corridor. I go smack headfirst into the wall just above the open window and my head hurts like it got hit by a castle wall. Wait… it did get hit by a castle wall, or good as.

  Nursing my head I lower myself slightly and go slowly through the window. I then walk slowly to our room still nursing my head. Aventurine isn’t back yet. I go straight to bed, but the pain makes it hard to sleep. It eventually fades though, and I get to sleep.

  I wake to the morning sun and to my shock Aventurine is not in her bed. Did she go to class first? I get myself ready and then go to class myself. After yesterday I don’t try flying through the corridors to get there faster, though I am still tempted. Aventurine is not in the classroom. It is still early so maybe she decided to sleep back home and come here in the morning. That must be it. Eventually my classmates arrive but there is still no sign of Aventurine.

  “Nekorian, where is Aventurine?” The teacher asks as she prepares to start the lesson.

  “I don’t know, nyyyyya.” I reply gloomily.

  “I hope she is just late. Really and truly she should be expelled if she doesn’t attend the lesson, but the punishment for lateness is less severe.” The teacher says. “She was starting to make real progress so it would be a shame to expel her.”


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