The Wolfs Maine

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The Wolfs Maine Page 3

by Jinni James


  I could hardly believe last night happened. I actually held Ava in my arms. I touched her, I looked into her eyes, I felt her, and it was amazing. Who would have thought after all this time my dream would come true??

  Her Mother… Her mother would have thought this would happen. That might be why her mother asked me to watch over her all along, she knew. Ava doesn’t even know that I knew her mother and why would she? Both of her parents died when she was only three years old. Her parents were my elders. I found out at a very young age that I was different than any other child I knew. I could morph into any creature that I wanted just by closing my eyes and thinking real hard about the animal. It had to be a normal every day animal like a dog, tiger, hawk, or my favorite a wolf.

  I rarely changed into anything other than a wolf because I feel like the wolf is a very misunderstood animal. Everyone is so scared of wolves but they are actually very gentle creatures but they looked after their pack. I often changed into a wolf and just ran around the woods like I was born one, it felt freeing. Ava’s parents could do this as well and they taught me how to control my changing. At first I would just see a hawk for example, and would find myself flying. Her parents taught me how to control that and only morph when and if I wanted to. They told me not many people would trust me if they knew what we could do and so I trusted them.

  They were like my unofficial parents since my parents left me when I was a child. I slowly became a teenager and learned my abilities and how to control them. I would only change when I knew it was safe and her parents showed me every step of the way. I owed them my life.

  So the night her parents died I was right there, ready to give my life in order to save theirs but I couldn’t. There were some local people that found out who and what her parents were and decided to put a stop to it. They were rogue vampires. There were too many of them for her parents to fight off. I learned very quickly that vampires can live amongst us and for the most part they live just as we do. They have regular jobs, they can eat and drink. They are a little pale but there are people all over that can be pale. Usually they just live amongst us in secret and carry on with their lives like we do. But there are a few vampires who do not believe in living like normal humans, they look down on humans and feel as though humans are beneath them.

  Rogue vampires will usually kidnap humans, torture them for fun, and then kill them or if they were hungry just kill them right away. They did not accept society and lived on the outskirts. Rogues hate shape shifters because we know who and what they are and we also know the only ways to kill them.

  Avalon’s’ parents didn’t stand a chance. They were ganged up on by five rogues and just as I was about to jump in and help them Ava’s mother screamed at me to stop. I could see the plea in her eyes and I could do nothing but obey her. All I could think of was Ava. What would happen to Ava if her parents were to die? I took another step towards them and Ava’s mother screamed at me to stop again. I just froze as one rogue vampire ripped her throat open and dropped her like a rag doll. Her father was shortly behind. Once the rogues were sure they had done what they set to do they left and I ran over to her parents as fast as I could. I was too late. Her mother was on her last breath when she whispered to me words I will never forget to my dying day;

  “Son, do not feel for us for we will be fine. We shall carry on unto the next life and will always be with you. This was our destiny, it was not yours. Watch out for Ava. That is your destiny now. You are the only person who knows what we are and the only one that can help her when and if she changes as well. I could not love you more if you were my own flesh and blood. Take care of yourself and do not mourn for us very long. Look after Ava, take care of her as well. Give this to her if the moment ever presents itself. Goodbye my son.”

  She dropped her ring in my hand and just like that she was gone. The only mother I had ever known just died in my arms. I took their bodies back to the local cemetery and buried them both and went to find Ava. Her aunt Melanie took her in and raised her after her parents died and she did a good job. Melanie treated Ava like the daughter she never had. Sure they had fights but what family didn’t? Through it all I was there, behind the scenes where no one could see me making sure Ava was taken care of and happy. I began to see what a beautiful and truly amazing woman she was becoming and started to feel even more connected to her. I ended up watching her every single day just making sure she got to class safely and she got home as well. I swear her aunt knew someone was watching but never once said a word. I knew I was developing feelings for her but I wasn’t sure what kind of feelings they were. I never approached her because I didn’t know how to. Where would I begin? I was 15 when I watched her parents die and I had been watching over her ever since, but I had no idea how to actually talk to her. Then it hit me, the internet. There were tons of social networking sites out there and sure enough I found her on one of them. By the time I started talking to her she was already in a relationship with Nicholas. I remember watching them together and thinking at the time that he was good for her. It broke my heart but I watched from afar and prayed he would continue to be good to her but years passed and he showed his true colors.

  He was a down right bastard. What I wouldn’t give to end his life myself but I knew better than to even try. He was mostly just an ass, a drunk, workaholic, ass. She deserved so much better than him, soon I will help her see that. What is she going to do now? Surely she’s not going to tell Nicholas. He would certainly kill her if she told him. I quickly decided that I had to go check on her.

  Chapter Four

  I ran as fast as I could through the woodlands of my beautiful state. I always preferred running to driving any day. There are no road hazards, no detours, and no crazy people who cannot drive. It was just me and the scenery.

  I could not help but worry that Ava was going to go home and tell Nicholas what had happened. Not that I would have minded but I do not want Nicholas killing her which I’m almost positive he will. My heart was beating so fast and I could feel every drop of sweat on my body. I had to get to her. That is all I could think about. I ran through the streets of Maine and over the Casco Bay Bridge. I just needed to see that she was okay.

  Finally I got to her house and peeked through the bushes and looked in the living room, there was no sign of her. I looked in the kitchen and there was no sign of her there either. The only other place could be the bedroom and it’s on the second floor. I morphed into a hawk. What else was I going to do? I flew up to her window and stopped. She was fast asleep. She looked almost heavenly when she slept, just so peaceful. What I wouldn’t give to open this window and go lie next to her, just to feel her against me, to breathe her in, the thoughts are almost excruciating. I want to feel her again so badly but I’m torn between wanting her and yet wanting her to sleep. She doesn’t seem to sleep well anymore and she looks to be sleeping soundly now. I really don’t want to disturb her. Maybe I will just sit here and watch over her for a little while and make sure she is okay.

  I sat there for what felt like a few minutes but once I looked at my watch I realized it had been three hours. Ava was starting to move around a lot in her sleep which is what prompted me to see what time it was. I guess it would be about time for her to wake. Only she wasn’t waking up right now she was rolling around the bed, she seemed restless. I wondered if she was having a bad dream. I flew back down to the front door. I just had to get in and make sure she was okay. I went back into my human form and picked the lock to her front door. Yes, I know it was crazy but what else could I do? I felt a part of her now, my whole purpose has always been to look after her.

  I picked the lock which opened a little too easy in my opinion and started up the stairs to her and Nicholas’s bedroom. Just thinking about that made me want to gag a little. The only thing that comforted me was the fact that they might share a house and a bed room but he was rarely there. I think I’ve only seen them share a bed for a good length of time maybe ten times ou
t of all these years. I finally make my way up the spiral staircase to her bedroom and peek through the door. She was rolling around still and moaning, she was definitely having a bad dream. I kept debating whether or not to go in there. I wondered what her reaction would be to me basically breaking into her house. Just then I hear her say something. I look inside and she is clearly still sleeping but I know she said something. Then I hear it again, it was barely above a whisper.

  “John.” She said my name! Once I heard my name escape her lips I could not sit behind the door any longer, I had to go to her. I walk in the room and it is just as I have always seen, dark blue walls, pictures that she had drawn and framed were hanging on the walls, a wood canopy bed draped with linen, and dark blue bedding to match her walls. She loved blue. I have known this since she was a child. She colored everything blue. It didn’t matter what it was it. If it were houses, trees, birds or dogs, everything was always blue.

  I look down at her and she is still moaning so I lay down very carefully next to her making sure I’m on top of the bedding as not to scare the living shit out of her. I lay down and her eyes slowly start to open.


  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be here, I know. I just had to see you.” I was scared to death, of what I didn’t know but just then she threw the blankets off of her and jumped on top of me. She was kissing me. Was she still sleeping?

  “I need you John. Now.” She was all over me, her body begging me to satisfy her. I couldn’t help myself. I kissed her back. It wasn’t slowly like it was last night this was full blown need. She opened her mouth for me and my tongue crept in meeting hers. As our tongues explored each other again she reached down and felt how hard she was making me, once she realized she pulled back.

  “Lay down John.” I did as she asked; only a crazy man would do otherwise. I laid back and looked at her. She was gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. Her long dark hair was hanging over both shoulders. Then she pulled her shirt off to show two beautiful perfect breasts. I wanted them, I reached for one and she pushed my hand back down.

  “No. Lie there while I make love to you John. You can touch in a few minutes.” I had never seen this side of her before but I did as she asked. She slowly began to grind herself against me while leaning down to kiss my mouth, then my neck. I could feel her getting wet and then all of a sudden she eased herself around my throbbing erection. Slowly she was moving up and down, just consuming me. She was looking up and once again her hair lay perfectly over her shoulders, barely hiding her breasts. She started moving faster, her moans getting louder as she rode me. She leaned forward, moving her hair to one side and now grinding back and forth on top of me. I was beginning to lose my breath, panting like a, well like a wolf, I could hardly believe what was happening.

  “Now John. Now take me.” That’s all the permission I needed. I threw her down on the bed next to me and then got on top of her. Her beautiful hazel eyes staring back at me, begging me to enter her again. I finally had her beautiful breasts in my hands and while I entered her once again. I had wrapped my mouth around one hard nipple, sucking on it while I thrust inside her.

  She fit so perfectly around me, her moans like music to my ears. If I died right at this moment I would die a happy man. I thrust in her over and over while she wrapped her legs around me urging me to go deeper, to go faster and I did as she silently requested until we both reached out peak and cried out together. Never had I finished with someone at the same time. It was electric, pure electricity coursing through both of our bodies. It was like we were joined together not just physically. We both collapsed on the bed, our bodies entwined with each other, in total bliss. We laid there together for a while watching the sunset out her window, not caring about the time at all. She was lying next to me, running her fingers up and down my chest when she finally spoke.

  “So, how did you get in here?” She looked up at me curiously.

  “Picked the lock.” Why lie to her?

  “Ha! Clever man.” She smiled and it lit up the room.

  “How did you know I wanted you?” She asked.

  “I didn’t. I just came by to make sure you were Okay. I wasn’t sure if you were going to tell Nicholas or not and I was scared what might happen if you do so I came to make sure you were fine. I, uh, didn’t see anything and I just had to know. I didn’t see his car here so I assumed you were here alone. I hope you are not angry with me.” She looked at me like I was crazy.

  “Angry?! You just made my day, hell my entire year and you think I would be angry? Definitely not. John, you are the best thing to happen to me in a long time.” We both sighed and then I had to ask.

  “What are you going to do about Nicholas?” Now she looked sad, I hated that look on her.

  “Honestly, right now I don’t know. He would be furious if I told him. I’m not sure how to approach something like that. Are you saying you would want me to tell him?” I looked down at her sad face and just couldn’t say anything to hurt her.

  “I want you to do what you feel is best. If staying with him is what you need to do right now then I understand. I will always be here for you.”

  Her eyes opened wide then looked sad again.

  “What is it Ava?” She sighed.

  “I can’t ask you to wait around for me. It’s not fair.”

  “Who says? Ava, you’re the only woman I could even imagine being with. Don’t even worry about things like that right now. Let’s just live in the moment and learn each other, absorb each other, then if or when the time is right things will work out.” Once again the smile was back on her face.

  “What is that smile for?”

  “You are the only person that calls me Ava other than Jaci. I don’t usually let other people call me Ava because that is what my mother called me. Nicholas said it once and I went off. You have said it from the moment we started talking but it has never bothered me. I love hearing you say it in fact. It’s a little strange.”

  “I’m glad Ava because I love saying it.” We laid there for another hour when all of a sudden she jumped up and looked at the clock.

  “What time is it?!”

  “It’s 9pm.”

  “Oh my God! Nicholas will be coming home any minute!”

  “Shhhh Ava calm down. I’ll be gone before he knows it.” I got up off the bed and put my clothes back on and walked over to the window and began opening it.

  “Wait John! What are you doing?”

  “Don’t worry I’ll be fine. Just go take a shower and look normal when he gets home. I will see you later my love.” I stroked her cheek with my hand and jumped right out of the window, landing on my own two feet of course while I look back and her and smile and she looks shocked. She just stood there with her face frozen until I whispered, “Go.”

  I waved my hand for her to see and motioned for her to go and she finally stepped back from the window and closed the drapes. My beautiful dream come true is so close but yet too far away right now. I had plenty of time to think on my walk home.

  I decided to just walk like a normal human being and hoping it would help me think. I didn’t know what was to come of what Ava and I have started but I came to the conclusion that I was not going to stop. Not until she asked me to, if she ever did. She and I are one now, in more ways than one. I am not going to be able to let go very easily. She may be with Nicholas but now she is mine.


  As I was taking a shower I couldn’t stop thinking,

  “How did he just jump right out the window and land without a scratch?”

  “How did he even get into the house?”

  “How does he seem to know me more than I know myself?” My mind was racing. It was like John had known me my entire life but we just met. Granted we talked online for a long time but that wasn’t enough for him to get to know me so well and why on Earth was I this attracted to him? Sure he was very good looking and charming but I have never just been this attracted to one person. I wasn’t even this attr
acted to Nicholas. At first I was attracted to him and who wouldn’t be? He was tall and handsome, slender, with such beautiful natural blonde hair and the baby blue eyes that could make a girl melt, any woman would have fallen over themselves to get with him which I will admit was probably why I first found him attractive. Once he showed an interest in me it was more like a game I won against every other woman around and when we went anywhere I walked on his arm tall and proud because I knew I had won and my dreams were coming true. Little did I know my dreams would turn into a nightmare. My parents thought he was good for me because he had a successful career and could take care of me while I did what I’ve always wanted to do, write, but a few months into living together he started changing and it hasn’t’ been the same since. I wish I could understand but he won’t talk to me. Who can blame me for looking elsewhere for intimacy? I have always been a passionate person.

  As a child I was passionate about reading and animals and as a teenager I was passionate about helping people. I was a member of the key club and volunteered my time every other weekend to homeless shelters, retirement homes, etc. I didn’t realize I was also passionate about love until my first boyfriend. He opened my eyes and my heart and once we broke up I vowed to never settle, yet that is exactly what I’m doing. What am I to do though? I finally wash my hair and turn off the shower. Once I put my clothes on and run downstairs Nicholas was already there waiting on me.

  “Nicholas. I’m sorry I wasn’t down here when you got home. Would you like me to fix you something?”

  “No. I ate before I came home. What have you been doing? I’ve called a hundred times.” I looked at my phone but did not see one missed call from him but I figured I’d better let it go; all he would do is argue anyway or say something is wrong with my phone. Nothing was ever his fault.

  “Oh, I wrote most of the day and went upstairs to rest for a few minutes and I guess time just got away from me. I’m sorry I missed your calls. Was there something you needed?” Nicholas looked at me like he didn’t believe me but he was obviously letting it go.


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