The Wolfs Maine

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The Wolfs Maine Page 8

by Jinni James

  "Shit! She must have changed into something small. Find her!" We ran all throughout the house, looking everywhere we could think of and we still couldn't find her. I was scared to open the door to go outside worried that she might slip past me but I hadn't a clue where else to look until I felt something against my foot. It was a snake! It was a snake and it was wrapping itself around my leg. It was Ava.

  "You just about scared the shit out of me woman!" I could hear Michael laughing from the kitchen. I took Ava back upstairs and held her until she changed back and then tied her back to the bed. The following twenty four hours she changed into a snake, a deer, a hawk, and a wolf many times until finally it seems she had stopped.

  "John." It was barely a whisper but enough of a sound to shake me out of my half sleep to see what was going on. I finally get my eyes to focus and I realize it was Ava! Ava is awake! By the grace of God my angel was awake and talking!

  She looked exhausted. "Yes love. I am right here."

  "What happened? Am I okay? Are you okay?" Am I okay? She was still worried about me.

  "Yes, Ava we are all fine. You went through the change and are now a shape shifter just like Michael and I and just like your parents. I didn't get the chance to explain the change to you but you worked through it very well. How are you feeling?" Ava looked around the room and back at me.

  "I feel tired and wore out and not to mention very confused but better than I was feeling."

  "It's going to take some time to wrap your mind around it, I know. But I'll be here to help you. I will never leave you." I got up and took the chains off of her, laid down right next to her then felt relieved as I finally got my arms around her again.

  Everything was right in the world even if only for this moment. "Go back to sleep my love. I will be here when you wake." Within seconds Ava was asleep again and I felt myself drifting as well. We had a lot of things to talk about but as of right now we were just going to lie here together and worry about everything else tomorrow.

  We must have slept all night long because now I could see the sun rising through the window. Slowly but surely the day began to break through and light up the room. Ava was still curled up in my arms sleeping away. It felt amazing waking up next to her. She looked like a whole new person, except she looked the same. There was a new glow about her now. Her beautiful long black hair was shiner, her skin was smoother, her white skin now seemed a tad darker, there was a calm about her now that felt comforting. I never wanted to let her go and now hopefully I would never have to. I could feel her begin to stir and wake up. As I look down she is stretching every part of her body then looks up at me.

  "Good morning Ava love." She smiles and it kills me.

  "Good morning."

  "How are you feeling?" Ava looked down her body and stretched a little more like she was trying to make sure before she said anything.

  "I feel great actually. Like myself only better. How are you?"

  “I'm great now that you are awake, okay, and in my arms again." She let out a giggle. Oh what a lovely sound.

  "I could listen to that forever." She giggled again. Her hazel eyes now looked so clear and the way she was looking at me was not helping my urges to touch her, to kiss her, to make love to her. I wanted to make love to her and never stop. I was just so happy she was alive. She leaned up to kiss me like she could read my mind. It was soft at first but the minute our lips touched it was like an explosion went off. We had to have each other.

  "Ava wait!" Yes, I'm an idiot.

  "We need to talk right?" She looked so disappointed.

  "Well, yes but that can wait. Are you okay enough for this?"

  "John, I feel more alive and better than I have ever felt in my life. I need you now. Please." That is all it took for me. I mean what else are you going to do when the woman you love says ‘please'? There were definitely things we needed to talk about; things I still needed to tell her, to teach her but all of it could wait however we could not.

  I wrapped my arms around my dear Ava and kissed her with all the passion I felt for her.

  "Well, Ava my love. I do need to check and make sure you don't have any cuts or bruises from the changing." I winked at her as she laid back in my arms and let me do what I do best.

  My hands explored every inch of her. It was like I haven't felt her body in so long and I wanted to remember every little part. My hands weren't enough, my lips had to as well. I kissed her neck, her collarbone, her shoulder; I made a trail down her long lean body. Her moans were all the confirmation I needed that she was okay. My hands found her beautiful round breasts and shortly after my lips did as well.

  I suckled on one hard nipple and she let out a soft scream. I could tell I was driving her just as wild as she was always driving me. I loved feeling her hands on me and even feeling her nails in my shoulders. I kissed my way down her inner thigh and she screamed again.

  "John, please." Yes, it was hard not to give in when she said please but not quite yet, ninety-nine percent of me was doing this for pleasure the little one percent really was checking to make sure she hadn't gotten hurt doing the change.

  So I kissed and caressed every part of her making sure she was okay and of course she was fine, just like she kept telling me. She pulled me back up to her lips and opened her legs up silently begging me to enter her.

  "Now John. I need you now." I couldn't help but smile. My dreams were all coming true.

  "Yes dear." I slide inside her easy at first but she wasn't having that. She pulled me so I would move harder, faster and I loved pleasing her. Our bodies were completely in sync, with every touch and every movement. The more she moaned the more I lost control until I felt release. She must have gotten there with me because we both let out screams surely every creature outside could hear.

  We both collapsed on the bed, exhausted, sweating, and completely satisfied. I had never had a woman that could satisfy me like Ava. She was like the missing puzzle piece to my life and now that I had her I never planned to let go.

  It was about the time that I was having these wonderful thoughts when Michael came busting through the door.

  "What's wrong?! Oh my god John seriously?! She just changed!"

  "Yes I know and we would appreciate it if you closed the door." Michael must not have understood because he closed the door after he walked in the room and started pacing.

  "I just heard screams and came running. You about gave me a heart attack."

  "Michael, we thank you for that but I meant go back downstairs and close the door behind you. We'll be down shortly."

  "Oh shit! My bad brother. You two finish up and come down whenever." Michael went back downstairs thankfully and I was able to get back to my beautiful woman.

  "John? Where do we go from here?"

  "Where ever you want my love. Where ever you want."


  Wow. I couldn't get over how much had changed in the last few weeks. I met this amazing man, my now ex-boyfriend lost his damn mind, I found out that John is a shape shifter as well as my parents, and he also knew them, and now suddenly I am a shape shifter as well. It was definitely taking a while to wrap my mind around it all and having John next to me was making it even harder.

  It was extremely difficult to think clearly about things with him next to me. I just wanted him, I couldn't help myself. He was so gorgeous and those beautiful eyes of his kept pulling me in. He did manage to get in a few minutes here and there to explain that I may not be able to control when I turn into something or not at first. I may just think of or see an animal and then change. He will have to teach me how to control it. Apparently I changed into quite a few animals while I was out of it. He did say I changed into a beautiful white wolf, what were the odds of that? The love of my life preferred wolves and that's the first thing I change into, kind of awesome if you ask me.

  We lay there for hours it seemed until Michael finally pulled us out of our bliss and reminded us that we had things to do. I forgot the w
orld doesn't stop when I do but it sure was easy to get lost in time when I'm with him. John and I joined Michael downstairs after one more round of love making or just down right hot and sweaty sex. We all sat down and started going over details. John handed me a much needed cup of coffee and sat down next to me Michael started talking.

  "Alright, so until Avalon can control her turnings, she is going to be a high risk as far as going out in public. I think the sooner you two can begin learning the basics the better. I'm sure people will begin to talk once they realize Avalon is missing. I'm sure her friends already know."

  Oh my God, I hadn't even thought about Jaci and Lena!

  "John where is my phone?" John hands over my cell and sure enough there were ten missed calls, five voice mails, and maybe fifty plus text messages all from Jaci and Lena wondering where on Earth I had disappeared to. I scroll through my texts as Michael and John discuss learning strategies until I come across one that rips me in two.

  "Ava, are you okay? Ava? Look at me!" I look at John but tears just start pouring from my eyes. John grabs my phone and says one word;


  Through all of those texts one was from Nicholas that just read, ‘Your aunt has gone to join your parents. I hope you’re happy with yourself after all; this is entirely your fault. Your friends will be next unless you come home.’

  I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think, I couldn't move. My Aunt Melanie. He killed my aunt! I knew Nicholas had a temper and I knew he was capable of pretty much anything; but to kill my aunt. She did nothing! Now he's threatening my friends! This cannot happen. I cannot lose the only family I have left.

  "Alright boys. What are we going to do?"

  I spoke with determination. This ends now!

  Chapter Ten

  John and Michael looked like they had been discussing this for a while. Maybe even before the text from Nicholas, but I was not in the mood to figure that out right now. Right now I wanted to save my friends. He already killed my aunt so I would not put it past him to kill my friends as well. John wrapped his arms around me and spoke softly.

  "I'm sorry about your aunt sweetheart. We'll make sure nothing else happens. Text Jaci and Lena and find out if they are okay." I picked up my cell and texted both of them. They both text back and even though you can't hear text messages I could tell they were both screaming. Lena text back first.

  ‘OMG Avalon are you okay?! It's been over a week and no one has heard from you!’ I text her back telling her I was fine and would explain later. Jaci's text back came next and it was a little more dramatic than Lena's. ‘Where in the hell are you? What has happened? Why the hell are you asking about me? Are you okay? It's been over a week Ava! I get that your probably having a good ole time with your sex-a-thon but pick up a phone damn it!’

  Jaci was definitely pissed. I walked back over to the bar where the boys were sitting so I could let them know.

  "Jaci and Lena are fine. Pissed but fine. What are we going to do to make sure it stays that way?" John and Michael gave each other a look then they both nodded. I was guessing this was some secret guy telepathic behavior I had no idea about and it was a tad irritating.

  "Ava dear, text your friends or call them and have them come here. They will be safe here while we figure everything out." I immediately called both of them and told them to come to John's. I told them the address and asked them to hurry. Of course they had no clue as to what was going on but I assured them I would explain once they were safely here. Lena had no problem with it. Most likely because she could tell how worried I was; Jaci on the other hand took some convincing. She didn't know what to do about work but once I explained a little she put in a leave of absence and went to pick up Lena.

  I was so worried about both of them. I hoped they would make it here without any problems. John walked over to where I was standing on the balcony watching the water crash up against one of the two lighthouses in the distance. He wrapped his arms around me.

  "Your friends will be okay." He sounded so sure however, it did not help me from worrying.

  "I hope your right. What if Nicholas follows them? He could come here."

  "Don't worry about that love. Michael will know if someone follows them and will handle it."

  "John, what are we going to do?" My voice shook as I spoke. He wrapped his arms around me tighter then turned me to face him.

  "Let’s get your friends here first and then we will work out all the details. Nicholas will not get away with this and you will not have to worry about him ever again once all of this is said and done. I am here to protect you." Suddenly I felt exhausted and just sank into his arms.

  "You’re tired. Let’s get you upstairs."

  "No John, I'm fine. I want to be here and awake when Jaci and Lena get here." John scooped me up into his arms and started for the stairs.

  "They will not be here for at least a half hour, you can rest until then. I’ll stay with you to make sure you relax." He winked at me as he said the last part which was so cute. He was amazing, totally and completely amazing. I had never had a man who wanted to take care of me before. It was a nice feeling. The fact that he was gorgeous was an added bonus.

  He laid me on his big king sized bed then he laid down next to me and as he promised he made sure I relaxed. He laid there very quietly and played with my hair. It was next to impossible to keep my eyes closed with this man next to me. His gray-blue eyes were sparkling with a cute little smile on his face. He was irresistible but I knew he wouldn't even let me try, he wanted me to rest.

  Now that I was changed I could actually look around and take in the room. He had a huge circular bedroom. I wondered how he vacuumed it. It made me think of Rapunzel in the tower. His king sized bed was magnificent with wooden posts and leaves carved in each one. It was easily three feet off the floor. He had a two person black chaise lounge next to the bed. I assumed he had moved it next to the bed while I was going through the change because it didn't seem to go there. I could see the indentations of it in the beautiful white carpet over by the window seat. I could hear the water outside the open window and between that and John playing with my hair I was slowly falling asleep.

  "Sleep Ava. My love. I will wake you when your friends arrive."

  My eyes opened involuntarily to peak and see if John was still there which he was. He didn't even move an inch and was still playing with my hair.

  "You must be so bored right now." John looked surprised to see me awake.

  "I can never get bored with you in my bed." He gave another wink then bent down to kiss me.

  "If your friends weren't about to burst through the door I would have my way with you right now." As soon as he finished his sentence, my friends were coming through the door.

  "Ava! Oh my God I have been so worried!" Jaci came running through and jumped right on the bed with me. Lena was calmer but came right to my side. I looked over to see that John was smiling then he bent down and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Spend some time with your friends love. Michael and I will be right down stairs." He turned and winked at me once more before walking out of the room and down the stairs.

  Once Jaci and Lena were sure he was out of an ear shot the questions began. Jaci was first to speak.

  "So, how is he?"

  "Jaci!" Lena wasn't amused.

  "Avalon, first and foremost; Are you okay? We haven't heard from you in so long." I looked at my two best friends, two women that have been by my side since we were kids and decided to tell them everything from the beginning.

  "I am fine you guys. I promise, but this is very long story so get ready. I know it's going to sound a bit crazy but bear with me."

  I proceeded to tell the girls everything from the first night I met John to how John and Michael are shape shifters as well as my parents and now myself. Then I tried to explain why I asked them to come here. I told them all about Nicholas and how he killed my aunt and now is after them all to get back at me. Jaci was the first to speak as usual. />
  "Are you kidding me? This is nuts! Are you sure you haven't hit your head one time too many on that headboard?" I had to laugh, leave it to Jaci to bring it back there. Lena however wasn't speaking. She hadn't said one word.

  "Lena, are you alright? You don't have to be scared, we are safe here." Lena looked up at us with tears in her eyes.

  "I thought I was the only one." Jaci and I looked at each other.

  "What do you mean the only one?" Lena wiped the tears from her eyes.

  "I thought I was the only shape shifter. I never realized there were more out there. I thought I was weird. I had no idea there were others. I mean that's just not something you start a conversation about you know? And now for my best friend to be one as well, it's wonderful." Now I had tears in my eyes as well.

  "No Lena, you are not alone. You've never been alone." She just broke down in my arms. It was like a revelation for her. I could not imagine going through all of this alone. I thank God I had John and Michael with me. Jaci looked like she was about to come unglued.

  "No fucking way! How did we not know this?"

  "I just learned how to control it. I changed when I was a teenager, my parents didn't even know. I thought I was strange. My parents just thought I was sick for a few days and for some reason controlling it came pretty easy to me." I couldn't believe it. My best friend had been a shape shifter all this time and we never knew. At that moment John walked back in.

  "Welcome to the pack Lena. Now if you girls are finished catching up we need to go downstairs and talk about Nicholas if you don't mind." I don't know why I kept forgetting about Nicholas. I was just so happy being surrounded by everyone I love that I forget my ass of an ex-boyfriend is out for blood. We follow John downstairs to where Michael is sitting. We all take a seat on the couch and listened as John explained.

  "Michael has been trying to hunt Nicholas down with no real success. He will get a lead on him in one place and then thirty minutes later he'll be somewhere else. He rarely sits at home. This is going to take more than just one man. I've called in a few of our friends to help us track him down. We are beginning to have suspensions that Nicholas may be a vampire." Jaci just about jumped out of her skin.


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