The Wolfs Maine

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The Wolfs Maine Page 14

by Jinni James

  Blood was the only thing that would help keep her in a healthy state. Without it, she would become extremely thirsty and eventually die a very slow and awful death. He explained the best ways for her to hide what she is from everyone like covering up and maybe wearing contacts if she did go out. Once they were done talking, they went on to training. She had to learn how to drink from humans without killing them. Jaci was not thrilled with this part of the day. Daniel had to show her how to control someone’s mind to make them keep still while she fed from them. At first, Jaci was upset about the discomfort this would cause the people she would feed from until Daniel explained that once she bites someone she can control their mind to make them feel pleasure instead of pain.

  I have to admit I am a little jealous of this whole mind control thing. How easy would life be if you could just control minds? Although Daniel warned that it is not good to just go around trying to control anyone and everyone she wanted to. Last but not least, Daniel tried to give her a lesson on fighting. He did say that her instincts would usually take over, but she still needed basic information. I remember when Nicholas first broke through the window in the house in Maine. I knew nothing about fighting before, but my instincts certainly took over. Somehow, I knew exactly what I was doing. I am sure it would be the same for Jaci. Now that the day was pretty much over, everyone was sitting around the living room talking. Andrew and Lena were sitting on one side of the couch while Daniel and Jaci were on the other. Victor was sitting next to the fireplace on his phone, and I was sitting in the middle of the couch in between everyone. It was nice sitting with everyone, but I still missed John. A piece of me felt missing, and I knew I would not feel whole again until he was back safe and in my arms.

  "Hello. Earth to Ava." I jump to see Jaci running her hand up and down in front of my face.


  "Where were you? Daniel was just talking to you, and you are off who knows where."

  "Oh. I am sorry. What were you saying, Daniel?"

  "Oh, it was nothing. I was just asking how long you have known John."

  "Seems like I have known him all my life, but in reality, I have only known him in person for a couple months, but I have been talking to him online for about a year. How do you and John know each other?"

  Daniel smiled as if recalling a memory. "John and I go way back. We were business partners once years ago. He made me a rich man, although not quite as rich as him, and I bowed out and went out on my own."

  "Interesting. What made you go to Alabama of all places?" Daniel let out another laugh.

  "You act like that is a horrible place, but really it is very nice there. It is quiet and not as busy. There is potential there. I do miss Maine. I have considered buying another house here and commuting back and forth." Jaci's face started to light up like a Christmas tree.

  "That would be an awesome idea, Daniel." He smiled at Jaci.

  "I think so as well." Curiosity was getting the better of me.

  "So Daniel, you and John were partners at one point. What did you two do?"

  "We owned almost every nightclub in Portland. We did very well, and I believe John still owns most of them; however, he has passed the main jobs off on other managers and what not."

  "Oh. Wow. That's interesting." John and I still have a lot to learn about one other. I had no idea he owned nightclubs in Portland. I can see where there would be a good amount of money in something like that though given how Jaci, Lena, and I used to go out all the time back in the days before Nicholas.

  Now that I think about it, I wonder why I have not heard from John yet. I have not heard from him all day, and I don't know if that is a good thing or bad. My gut was telling me it was bad. Suddenly, anxiety starts flowing through my body. What if they caught up to Nicholas, and he has killed them? What if Nicholas is on his way here right now?

  "Ava. What is wrong? You just turned paler than I am." I could not breathe. I could hear Jaci, but I could not respond. My mind was spinning with possibilities. What if something happened to John? How will I live with myself? All of this is my fault. Had I just kept my knees closed and my heart put away no one would be in danger right now, Jaci would not be a vampire, and I would not be losing the only man I have ever loved.

  "Ava! Are you alright?" No. I am not alright. Not at all. What am I going to do? I could feel Jaci's hands on my shoulders. She was shaking me trying to get a response out of me, but I was gone. "Ava, breathe!" I let out a large breath and immediately took in another.

  "John." I managed to choke out that much.

  "What about John?" Everyone was standing around me now. I am sure they all think I am crazy, but I know something is wrong. I can feel it in every single bone inside my body.

  "Ava! What about John?" Jaci has her hands on my face trying to get me to focus. Finally, I let out another breath.

  "Something is wrong, Jaci."

  "What do you mean something is wrong? Everything is fine. John and Andrew should be back anytime now." I just shook my head.

  "No, they won't. I am telling you something is wrong." Jaci turned to look at everyone. Michael and Lena were standing next to me while Daniel and Victor were standing behind Jaci ready to pounce; it looked like although I am not sure what they were doing. The problem is not here. It is where ever John and Andrew are. Lena looked as if all the blood just drained from her face, and Jaci finally looked scared.

  "Where are John and Andrew? Does anyone know? Has anyone talked to them today?" Everyone shook their heads. Of course, no one has heard from them. Suddenly, I hear a phone, and I jump up like my life depends on it. It was Michael's cell.

  "Hello. Yes, this is Michael. Why? Okay hold on." Michael walks over to me and hands me the phone.

  "They want you." My heart just jumped in my throat. Why would someone be calling me?


  "Avalon, is it?" I did not recognize the voice.


  "Good. I believe we have something of yours and if you would like to see them again, I suggest you come here. Your husband is waiting to see you."

  "He is not my husband!" My heart was pounding, and my blood was boiling. I knew it. I knew something was wrong.

  "Now now, dear. Calm down. I could not care less about your love affairs. I am just passing on a message that is all. I will send you the directions once we are off the phone. I suggest you hurry." The phone fell silent. I had no choice but to go up there. John and Andrew were not going to be killed because of me. If Nicholas wants me, then that is where I will go. Jaci was in front of me before I could drop the phone.

  "Ava? Who was that?" I could not stop the tears that were building in my eyes.

  "They. Have. John. And. Andrew." I choked out each word the best I could manage. Lena jumped up immediately along with Jaci.

  "Oh God. Alright, what do we do?" I looked at my dear friend Jaci.

  "You will not do anything. Nicholas only wants me. I will go up there."

  "The hell you will!" You knew Jaci was mad when she started yelling, and I got the feeling Lena was right behind her.

  "Jaci is right, Avalon. You cannot go alone." Victor finally stepped up to where the girls and I were standing.

  "All of you shut up. Avalon, you are not going anywhere alone, I am going to make that crystal clear right now. All of us will go. Now that we have Daniel with us, that will throw Nicholas off, and Jaci is doing well so she could be a great asset. We all will go get John and Andrew back and kill Nicholas while we are at it." Everyone seemed to be in agreement, but I was still hesitant.

  "But what if he sees all of you and decides to just kill John and Andrew right then and there?" Victor looked around for a moment like he was assessing the situation.

  "He will not see all of us. He will just see you." Jaci jumps in front of Victor.

  "Are you crazy? You cannot let her go inside that house alone! Nicholas has already killed her entire family. He is not going to think twice about killing her." I could tell Victo
r was getting irritated. He was not used to arguing with a woman that is for sure.

  "If Nicholas wanted Avalon dead that bad, he would have killed her already. I think he wants to torture her not kill her. Not yet anyway. She could go in and create a diversion while Michael and Lena find John and Andrew. Meanwhile, Daniel, Jaci, and I could be watching from a safe distance in case Michael and Lena need help until John and Andrew are freed. Before Nicholas even knows what is going on, he will have eight people up against his three. Two of which will be vampires just like him, and the rest are well, what we are. We can take them down."

  Jaci looked somewhat satisfied.

  "I want to be near Ava at all times. No negotiating this point." Victor nodded.

  "Agreed." Michael picks his phone up off the floor. "Alright. We have directions. Looks like they are just up in Ashland. It will only take a couple hours to get there from here. I say we drive most of the way then shift and run the rest. It will be easier for us to sneak up on them if we are not in a car plus our senses are better in animal form. Daniel and Jaci can run with us, I am sure they can keep up."

  Daniel put his hand on Jaci's shoulder. "Don't you worry about us!" Victor looked pleased.

  "Fine. Let’s load up and go."

  We all piled up in Daniels Escalade and began making our way to where ever the hell Nicholas was holding John and Andrew. So many emotions were flooding through me right now. I was scared, worried, anxious, but mostly I was just pissed off. I always knew Nicholas was an asshole, but this! How did I not know I was with a vampire? I mean seriously! Now my ass of a vampire was holding my soul mate hostage until I got there, but I know damn well he is not going to just let John and Andrew go. He is just going to kill them anyway. I am glad everyone is going. I would not stand a chance.

  As we drive, it is completely dark. The sky is clear thank goodness, but it is so still out there. No sign of life or time really, just darkness. I cannot help but let my mind journey back to mine and John's first night together. That was the happiest night of my life. I finally felt like I belonged somewhere. I didn't understand it at first, but I do now. I belong with John. I can only pray we get out of this alive, and then John and I can go back to Portland and Cape Elizabeth and live happily ever after like we are meant to.

  Yes, we will make it through this. That is what I need to keep telling myself. There is no place for fear right now. If I am going to save him, I have got to be ruthless. I can be scared later. Suddenly, I see a car on the side of the road.

  "Wait! That is John’s car! Pull over!" We pull over and sure enough it is Johns. They must have had the same idea as we do. It looks like they parked their car and ran the rest of the way. As I look in the window, which is extremely hard given how dark it is, I can barely make out their clothes lying on the back seats.

  "This is his car all right. They must have run the rest of the way." Michael walks up and opens the door with a spare key.

  "She is right. There are their clothes, and John's cell phone is right here with the same directions on it as what I have." Victor steps out and walks over to Michael.

  "Okay. We know we are close now. Let’s park somewhere farther up and then start running. We need to take care of all of this tonight." Everyone seems in agreement, so we pile back in the Escalade and drive up another couple miles.

  Once parked, we all get out of the car. Michael and Lena waste no time shifting into wolves. I am getting the feeling that this is the preferred animal for most shape shifters; although, I am sure other animals come in handy as well. Wolves can see perfectly at night and can run extremely fast so it makes sense.

  "Alright Ava, let’s see you change!" Jaci was too damn excited for this. I am still a little nervous about shifting on my own. Victor could tell obviously.

  "Just think about the wolf, Ava. It will take over. Watch me." Just like that Victor shifted into his black wolf that would scare just about anybody. I sat and thought about the beautiful white wolf I shift into, and before I knew it, my body was not my own anymore. It is crazy how your human instincts tend to drift away and your animal ones kick in. You are still you but better. I could hear Jaci laughing in the background. I ran up to her and nudged her with my nose.

  "Okay, Ava. Okay. I am coming. Keep your panties on, oh wait, you don't have any." She breaks into laughter once again as I nudge her with a slight growl this time.

  "All right, Ava. Damn. I am coming. Race ya."

  Just like that Jaci takes off with Daniel right on her heel. I have never seen anyone move that fast in my life. Well, maybe Nicholas, but it was strange seeing Jaci move that fast and gracefully as well. I take off after her as fast as my legs would take me. I caught up with everyone, and I would never forget this sight as long as I live. There were two gray wolves, two vampires, a black wolf, and myself, running together through the wilderness. It was a sight to see.

  I am sure we made it to the house in record time. I was expecting a much nicer house. I don't know if this could even be called a house. It looked more like a rundown shack. Why would Nicholas come here? Maybe because it is hidden? I don't know, but frankly right now, I do not care. I want John out. I feel a nudge against my back, and when I turn, I see Michael. I know he wants me to start walking up to the house. I am feeling extremely nervous about facing Nicholas again, but I know I must do it in order to save John and Andrew. I give a slight nod then Jaci comes up and hugs me. I can sense the fear in her. If only I could explain that things would be fine, but I am not even sure of that myself at this point. I start to make my way out of the woods and up to the house feeling every muscle in body tense more and more as I got closer to the house.

  Within a few feet of the house, I see Nicholas. He is waiting at the door for me. This is going to suck.

  "Why Ava, dear. How nice of you to come visit." I growled at the comment.

  "Now now, Ava, calm down. Won't you come in?" I walk in the door and see one other guy standing by the window. I could tell he was trying to keep his eyes on me as well as watch outside. He was one ugly guy, short, and skinny, with stringy hair. If he was not holding a gun, I could take him down by myself.

  "Avalon, this is Mat. Mat, Avalon." I nod.

  "Mat here has some clothes of yours from the house. Why don't you put them on after you change into human form. I am not going to sit here with a wolf." I

  walk over to the rest room and change back into myself. I put the clothes on and walk back out into the living room. I just hope the guys found their way around the house to get to John and Andrew. I would give anything just to let them know that we are here, but I know that is out of the question. Hopefully, they will find out soon.

  "Ah, there is my wife."

  "I am not your WIFE, Nicholas. I never really was."

  "You are mine, Avalon. To do with what I wish." I take a step towards Nicholas. Rage coursing through my veins. I hate this man.

  "And what is it that you wish, Nicholas?"

  "I do not know what I would like more. Killing you while your heartthrob watches or killing him while you watch. Either way, I will kill you both. You should have never betrayed me."

  "I will agree that I should not have met JOHN while we were together; however, would you have let me leave had I asked? Never mind, I know the answer to that already. No, you would not. I wanted away from you."

  "That was not your call, Ava."

  "DO NOT CALL ME AVA!" Nicholas began to stalk towards me. My blood was boiling now, and I could hear nothing but the pounding in my ear from my heart that was about to leap from my chest. I was ready to end this now.

  As Nicholas got right up on me, I was not backing down. I was looking him right in his ugly red eyes. He could feel the heat coming off of me, I was sure of it.

  "You dare to yell at me? I will call you whatever I wish. Do you understand?" That is it. I have had it.

  "Fuck you!" I slapped him as hard as I possibly could, I was ready to attack. Actually, I was ready to rip his damn head off. I lun
ge at him, as he takes a step back just then I hear a crash. I look over and there is Andrew, Lena, John and Michael. YES! My John is okay. He is okay and is here! John jumped in front of me as soon as he saw where I was, and then it was him and Nicholas staring each other down.

  "How in the hell did you two get out?" John answered with a snarl, and before we could blink Nicholas was around John and had his arms around me. Shit!

  "Well Ava, I guess my decision has been made. I will kill you and then John and after that every single one of your friends." John leaped forward. At the same time, Jaci and Daniel came right through the wall of the house.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Everyone froze at the sight of Daniel and Jaci, even Nicholas.

  "What do we have here? So I see your little friend survived the turn. How about that?" Jaci was fuming. Her red eyes almost looked as if they were on fire.

  "I am only going to tell you this once, Nicholas. Let. Ava. Go." Nicholas let out a small laugh then tightened his hold on me.

  "Now dear, why does this girl get to call you Ava and I do not? That does not seem quite fair does it?"

  "It is because I have always loved her. I might have thought I loved you once, but obviously I did not." That pissed him off, and he tightened his grip on my throat.

  “Oh do not sit here and deny it. You adored me.”

  "Then why did I defy you, as you put it?" That did it. I had pushed him over the edge.

  I managed a look up at Nicholas and could only see his bright red eyes burning brighter while his fangs were out, ready for the kill, but before he could bite me Jaci pounced right at the same time as John. I was thrown back against the wall while Jaci and John took care of Nicholas. I could see the others across the room fighting.


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