Hard Justice: The Asylum Fight Club Book 3

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Hard Justice: The Asylum Fight Club Book 3 Page 6

by Bianca Sommerland

  Jamie shook his head a little to clear it, but Noah’s breath across his skin and the hypnotic stroke of his thumb weren’t helping. He tasted the man’s lingering smoky spice on his lips, reminiscent of the Russian Caravan tea they always served at hotels he’d stayed in when Glam toured Eastern Bloc countries.

  “You um…” His voice was rough, like he’d been belting out songs to a stadium crowd for weeks rather than sharing his first real kisses with a man who was rapidly taking center stage in his strange new reality. “You didn’t ask a question, I think, but whatever it is you’re wondering, the answer is hell yes.”

  Gray eyes darkened with Noah’s lazily predatory smile. “You should be more careful how you answer when you’re given a choice, little cat.”

  The sharp edges of the endearment licked over Jamie’s ear, sending a shiver down his spine. He shifted, pressing his dick against Noah’s thigh. His subtle gyrations, the barest bump and grind, doubled down on his invitation.

  “Tell me what experience you have.” Noah’s expression didn’t waver, even though his body responded in all the right ways. “How many partners? Don't lie.”

  A different kind of heat rushed to Jamie’s cheeks and he dropped his gaze to Noah’s mouth. “Can’t we just go back to...kissing?”

  Breath puffed from nostrils that flared with Noah’s ironic smile. “We have progressed beyond kissing.” Noah nudged his thigh against Jamie’s shaft. “I thought you’d noticed.”

  It would have been so much easier if the man had just taken what he wanted. For the first time in memory, he wouldn’t have minded someone using him up, without question or thought, for their own benefit. Except, he was pretty sure that Noah wasn’t that kind of jerk, and unless he answered the question pronto, whatever they got up to in this bed right now wasn’t going to be half as pleasant...or satisfying.

  For him anyway.

  He released his lips from between his teeth. “Promise me you won’t freak out and stop?”

  Noah’s gaze narrowed in a way he’d quickly come to recognize as a warning, even without those fingers tightening around his throat. “Are we negotiating again?”

  Blood rushed to his dick in a dizzying pulse, but he shook his head, the response a reflexive denial. A lie Noah seemed willing to let pass.

  The pressure on his throat eased. “Good.”

  “That kiss with Trevor.” Fuck, this was embarrassing. He slid his gaze sideways. “I got hammered that night so I’d have the guts to come on to him.”

  Surprise registered as a blink that was gone just as fast. “Women?”

  “Isn’t that a little—”

  Noah slapped his cheek lightly with his free hand. “Answer the question.”

  Arousal eroded slightly. Any other topic and he’d find that cheek tap kinda hot. “A bunch of handjobs, I don’t know how many… One blowjob. I never could—” He shrugged. “Finish it.”

  He’d been experimenting, not sure if his inability to get hard on that first handjob had been a fluke or if his dick was broken. A phase his manager had called cute when he’d been caught at seventeen, in the tour bus bathroom, with a thirty-something groupie kneeling between his thighs, her lipstick smeared on his soft dick. That had been the last time he’d attempted any kind of sex not limited to his own hand and a box of tissues.

  One side of Noah’s mouth slanted with his knowing grin. “Today, you will finish.”

  His dick pulsed hard. “Fuck.”

  That’s fucking hot.

  Noah tsked. “I’ll punish you for that.”

  Remembering Wren’s warning about soap, along with Noah’s ‘welcome spanking’, he cringed. “Sorry.”

  “Later.” The word whispered against his ear, a dark promise that made him shiver.

  Hopefully, ‘later’ meant never, but right now he didn’t really care, because Noah shuffled him up to one of the posts and pressed three fingers to the middle of his chest, tipping him so his upper back rested against the thick support. The angle presented his hips in erotic invitation, his erection battling against skinny jeans in a war it had no chance of winning.

  He reached for his snap to ease the constriction, but Noah slapped his hand away, issuing a single-word command. “No.”

  Swallowing, Jamie nodded. His tongue worked around his mouth, searching for moisture. Sawing breaths expanded his chest on each rapid inhale, and he tilted his chin to watch Noah’s fingers at his waistband. Rather than reaching for the easy-lay Jamie would have gladly given him, he smoothed the flat of his palm upward, pushing the material of the brushed cotton T-shirt over Jamie’s abdomen to bare his navel. Index finger circling, he pressed in. Jamie groaned, head falling back against the post, where he rolled it to the side.

  Heated fingers curling around Jamie’s waist, testing the muscles under his flesh, Noah continued the slow torture. Eyes fluttering closed, Jamie clutched either side of the post behind him, enjoying the way the wood’s imperfections dug into his fingers. Hands moving upward, Noah pushed his T-shirt over one pec, the flat of his palm smoothing over one nipple. Sensitized from the bite of his faux piercings, his nerve endings fired hard at the contact. His ass tightened, shoulders jerking, and he hissed.

  Making an appreciative sound, Noah bent, taking the abused flesh lightly between his teeth, flicking his tongue in rapid flutters that forced a cry from Jamie’s lips. Noah’s dark beard, more of a suggestion than full-on scruff, brushed softly against his skin. His hands drifted away from the post, slapping back down hard when Noah bit him.

  He gazed down at the top of Noah’s dark head, gasping. “Jesus Christ. God, yes.”

  The man gave him a heavy-lidded look. “I’m flattered, but if you want your prayers answered, you’re sending them in the wrong direction. Think hot.”

  Breathy laughter filled the room, his own. Though his knees were firmly on the corner of the mattress, his feet poking over the edges on either side of the post, he positively floated.

  Straightening, Noah pushed the shirt up, bringing the neck over Jamie’s head, leaving his shoulders bound. The constriction forced his shoulders backward, presenting his chest to Noah’s exploring gaze. Thick fingers brushed his nipples. He sucked his bottom lip between his teeth, unable to look away as Noah swirled the pads of his index fingers over the two sharp points.

  “Too bad the rings weren’t real.” Expression unreadable, Noah focused on his slow, sensual caress. “I’d have enjoyed torturing you with them.”

  Balls tightening with a dangerous jerk, Jamie choked on his “Fuck.”


  Jamie didn’t have to think very hard to know he was in trouble. Noah’s fingers told him, pinching and twisting the sensitized skin. His groan came out like a scream, carrying his need across the bedroom. Likely out into the loft’s great room. And he didn’t fucking care. Noah twisted again, this time in the opposite direction, capturing his next cry with a kiss. Tugging, he stretched nipples and skin, tongue gliding over Jamie’s, laying claim to every shaky breath. Nails digging into wood, Jamie used splinters to anchor his control over the erotic pulses of pain.

  His hips jerked as Noah’s hands smoothed up his chest to his shoulders, then down his arms to his wrists, forcing his hands away from the post. Nipples stinging, he panted, opening his eyes as Noah brought his fingertips to his mouth and sucked each digit in heated pulls. Jamie’s dick pulsed in greedy surges until his briefs stuck wetly to his skin.

  Finished soothing his abraded fingertips, Noah jerked him away from the post so their chests touched. Brushed a gentle kiss over his lips. “Your body is mine to pleasure and to punish. Don’t do that again.”

  Words were a luxury his brain couldn’t afford. He nodded as Noah pushed his shirt the rest of the way down his arms, then tossed it to the floor. One arm around his waist, the man scooped him up and dropped him on the mattress, where he bounced, breathless. His hands fluttered to the headboard, seeking an anchor.

  Bending low, Noah brought heated lips to
his ear and rolled the fleshy lobe between his teeth. “Clasp your hands under your head. You’ve lost the privilege to secure yourself.”

  Obedience brought the backs of his hands sliding over cool cotton, his fingers coming together behind his skull, elbows wide. Not watching to see if he complied, Noah redirected his attention to the button of Jamie’s jeans. The jerk of the material’s release forced a fistful of adrenaline through his veins. The slow tug of his zipper sent his head thrashing against his hands, anticipated sensation kicking his arousal hard. He was going to go off like a fucking rocket the second Noah touched his dick. He bit his lip hard.

  Noah’s gaze snapped to his face.

  Shit shit shit.

  He slowly released the flesh from between his teeth, and Noah slid his attention back to his dick’s torturously slow release. Fuck, but he wished he hadn’t worn underwear today.

  Unzipping finished, Noah lifted his legs, grasped the material at his ankles and snapped his jeans up and off in a single tug. Free of the constriction, his dick strained toward the band of his white cotton waistband. A darker patch showed where his repeated warning shots had landed. Noah’s gaze lingered there, his finger circling the damp spot, tracing the head of Jamie’s dick.

  Jamie’s hips surged.

  Noah tsked, bringing his unoccupied hand around Jamie’s hip to immobilize his thrusts. “Let me help you.”

  Oh God. That is...so fucking hot.

  Bending, Noah ran his nose along Jamie’s dick, root to tip, making an appreciative sound before popping the head into his mouth and sucking hard through the cotton. Pressure, heat, and abrading material, were a triple punch. His muscles tensed, unable to complete their thrusts. He shouted his frustration, using the sound to expel his energy out of his mouth, instead of from his balls to his dick. Thank fuck it worked, because he was seeing fucking stars, trying not to come.

  “No more sounds.” Noah lifted his head, eyes flashing like he guessed what Jamie had just denied him. “Not even a whimper.”

  He couldn’t be fucking serious?

  “Deadly,” Noah answered the question he’d asked with his eyes. Or maybe out loud, he wasn’t even sure anymore.

  Swallowing hard, Jamie focused on his breath, searching for a corner to hide in. No way was he coming before the man even fucked him.

  Noah’s gaze turned stormy with arousal, his nostrils flaring. “Oh, little cat, you shouldn’t make it so easy to find ways to torture you.”

  Jamie’s eyes widened.

  What? What the fuck did I do?

  Hooking his finger over the waistband of Jamie’s boxer briefs, Noah pulled the material up and away, yanking the clothing down without so much as brushing against Jamie’s dick. Air rushed over his heated skin, chilling the damp spots and forcing his sac to nestle closer to his body.

  Unable to chew his lip, he clawed at the back of his own skull.

  Noah’s fingers tapped against Jamie’s flexing biceps. “Hands out to your sides. Nail yourself to a cross for me. Palms up flat.”

  Son. Of. A. Bitch.

  Jaw working, he pulled his arms from under his head and uncurled his fingers so the backs of his hands rested against the duvet, eyes closing.

  “Eyes open.”

  He opened his mouth, his ‘fuck you’ on his tongue.

  The hand around his neck cut off any thought of speech. Squeezing lightly, Noah bent to breathe him in and opened his lips just wide enough to slide his mouth over the head of Jamie’s dick. Fingers dug into his hip, holding him down, Noah taking him in one swallow, sucking hard. Jamie’s hips surged, and he didn’t have to look to know fingerprint bruises would dot his skin.

  Noah tightened his hold on his throat.

  Toes curling, legs splayed, Jamie came hard, a kaleidoscope of flashing colors bursting across the ceiling. Mouth open, shout caught in the constriction of his vocal cords against Noah’s palm, he jerked again. Heat pulsed up his shaft as Noah took everything from him, threatening to suck the marrow from his bones with repeated swallows that constricted his dick tighter than any fist. He pounded his hands against the mattress when Noah kept him at the back of his throat and swallowed, again and again. A scream lodged in his chest and spots wrecked his vision.

  Rearing up, Noah let go of his throat and tore open jeans Jamie had forgotten the man wore. Got a condom. Lube. He focused on dragging air into his burning lungs, and barely noticed the quick job Noah made of working lube into his hole and over the head of his own jacketed dick. Then, Jamie’s legs were lifted, thighs pressed to Noah’s hips. Slick heat and insistent pressure followed.

  “Relax, little cat.” Noah spoke through gritted teeth. “Let me have you.”

  Jamie pressed upward with his hips. The still-wet, oversensitized tip of his cock brushed his stomach. He adjusted, thighs splayed, feet wide, and had the perfect visual of Noah’s dick stretching him.

  The hottest fucking thing he’d ever seen.

  Muscular thighs snugged against the crest of his ass. An aching burn consumed him. Jamie shook his head until Noah rolled his hips and nudged his prostate.

  “Oh fuck!” He gasped, belatedly clapping both hands over his mouth.

  Noah pulled out and slammed into him, rocking him backward. Pleasure flash-banged over him. An explosion of sensation that repeated as the man worked up a rhythm of slapping flesh, each impact warming the bruises still marking his ass from the previous night’s punishment.

  He lifted one hand, needing something to hold on to, and gripped Noah’s wrist. Vibrations trilled from Noah’s arm into his hand. He gripped harder just to feel the man’s power under his palm. Skin squeaked against the headboard as Noah lost his leverage. Breaking Jamie’s hold, Noah gathered both of Jamie’s wrists in one hand and tugged them upward, adjusting his grip on the headboard with his other.

  Rapid thrusts made holding back his cries impossible. Head thrown back, Noah roared, hips stilling, cock buried so deep Jamie felt the press of his sac and the pulse of his orgasm. Sweat slicked every inch of Noah’s skin, trailing in rivulets that caught the light and dripped onto Jamie’s chest. The extended moment broke and Noah fell forward, gathering Jamie to him and rolling to his side.

  Head pillowed on Noah’s bicep, Jamie fought to calm his breathing. Noah’s other arm curled over his waist, snugging him tight so no space remained between them. Emptiness was a delicious ache in his ass, every nerve-ending sensitized. Places he didn’t know existed in his shoulders and legs pulsed sweetly, reminding him of Noah’s every thrust, of every kick of the most mind-blowing orgasm he’d ever experienced.

  Smoothing his hand over Jamie’s hair, sweeping his skin with tender touches, Noah soothed the aches in his shoulders. An unexpected shudder wracked his spine despite the heat radiating from the man’s skin. Noah lifted his hips, then drew the covers over them both, tucking them right up to Jamie’s lips. Chin resting on the top of Jamie’s head, Noah folded him closer, one leg flung over his hip. Warmth worked its way eventually from Noah’s skin into his, and he sighed. Nothing existed in his world outside of the other man’s arms.

  Breaths evening out, he let himself float into the sparkling void behind his closed lids.

  When he woke, the light was on in the room, but the bed next to him was empty. He winced as he sat up to look at the time on his phone. One a.m. He yawned, stretched, rolling his neck to loosen the muscles there. Casting his gaze around the bed, he grinned. The top sheet puddled across the floor and one corner of the bottom had worked off the mattress, exposing the brand tag. The goose down duvet covered the top half of the bed but not the bottom. Several pillows had slipped to the floor.

  The Asylum should still be rocking this time of night. He wasn’t sure he wanted to go downstairs and face all of the speculation, but he did want a shower. Though he hated to wash Noah’s spicy scent from his skin, he had to stink of sweat and spunk. Nobody was going to find his eau-de-sex as appealing as he did at the moment.

  Moments later, in the shower
, water cascaded over his skin and he tipped his head forward, remembering Noah’s hand on the back of his neck as he’d escorted him back inside that morning. How he’d gone out of his way to protect someone he hardly knew. Welcoming him into his home and life, like Jamie was someone more than a road to his own personal star on Hollywood Boulevard.

  Shower off, Jamie snagged a towel from the peg on the wall. Relished the tender spots as he snapped the cotton along his skin. In the bedroom, he dug out a pair of black skinny jeans with rhinestone studs at the corners of the pockets. Reaching for some underwear he paused. He owed Noah two...maybe three penalties for disobedience. If he was going to get his ass beat, he didn’t really want underwear close to his skin after. He shoved the briefs back into his bag, then chose a gray loose-knit sweater to show off his skin, while providing enough warmth to stave off the cooler evening air. Chunky diamond ear studs in each lobe, a couple ornate silver rings on his fingers, completed his outfit. Dark-gray custom Vans with rhinestones that spelled KE NT across the tops of his feet, he wore sockless.

  Out in the loft, everything was dark save for a slice of light under Wren’s door. The classical music on the other side turned down at his knock. Footsteps crossed the room, then Wren opened the door, already in a pair of black-and-green plaid pajama bottoms.

  “Hey.” Jamie smiled. “I hope I didn’t wake you.”

  “I don’t usually turn in before four.” Wren scuffed his bare toes along the floor.

  Jamie looked to the warm lamplight by Wren’s bed, an open book on his pillow. “You’re not going downstairs tonight?”

  If he was going to go find Noah, he sure could’ve used a friend. He didn’t relish the idea of a punishment after that amazing fuck, but he’d agreed to abide by the club rules, and he didn’t want to follow up what they’d had today by being an ungrateful asshole.

  “Can’t. I’m…” Wren’s lips twisted into a wry expression. “Grounded.”

  “Oh.” Jamie frowned. “Okay.” Well, that was weird shit. He shrugged. “Do you know where I’ll find Noah, by any chance?”

  Gaze skipping past Jamie to the loft, Wren cocked his head. “Probably in the dungeon.”


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