The Mammoth Book of Regency Romance

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The Mammoth Book of Regency Romance Page 31

by Trisha Telep

  His heart thundered. He felt very much the eager schoolboy as he wiped his palms against his breeches.

  Finally the carriage came to a rolling stop. He stepped forwards. The door opened. One delicate ankle stepped on to the step, then another as Annalise emerged from the carriage.

  She’d come. Griffin fought the urge to run to her, to throw his arms around her and kiss her senseless.

  “You came,” he said quietly as she walked towards him.

  “I did.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me that Penny was in the carriage with you?” he asked.

  “It didn’t matter.”

  “The hell it didn’t. It means everything. It means that you weren’t choosing a dangerous thief over a life with me. You were protecting your sister.” He paused. “Does this mean you’ll marry me?”

  “I have a question first,” she said. She swallowed visibly and her lovely brown eyes looked up at his. “Why do you want to marry me, Griffin? I know my parents offered you Penny. Why would you choose me instead?”

  He searched her face, looking for meaning behind her question.

  She chewed at her lip. Her expression was so heartbreakingly vulnerable he fought the urge to pull her to him.

  “I wanted to marry you because I love you,” he said.

  Her mouth opened in a silent gasp. She gave him a shy smile. “You do?”

  “Yes, Annalise, from the moment I first saw you in that dress shop on Bond Street. You so effectively put Lady Henwick in her place, I’d never seen anything like it. You intrigued me, amused me, your boldness, your fearlessness. I sought you out the following evening.”

  “The Draper Ball,” she said.

  “Yes. You looked perfect in your lavender gown.”

  She frowned. “I didn’t know you remembered that.”

  “I remember everything about you.”

  “Then why? Why all that time during our engagement did you ignore me? Why did you spend so much time chatting up my parents while not so much as passing me a glance?” she asked.

  He smiled. “Because I knew that if I spent too much time with you, I would not be able to keep my hands off you.”


  He pulled her to him, close to him, and inhaled the sweet scent of her hair. “Truly.”

  “I love you, Griffin,” she said.

  He squeezed her tighter. “Even though I’m boorish?”

  She smacked his arm. “Yes, despite that, I still love you.”

  The Weatherlys’ Ball

  Christie Kelley


  Tessa stared out across the ballroom, nervous apprehension running through her body. The Weatherlys’ ball looked no different than it had five years ago when she had raced from it in scandal. Only then, she had thought her lover would be a gentleman and correct the situation before marching off to war. How wrong she’d been.

  “Are you all right?” Grace asked, squeezing Tessa’s hand in support.

  “I am well.” She smiled over at her cousin. After the disaster that ruined her reputation, Grace had remained her only friend. Once Tessa had married Lord Townson and gone into seclusion in the country, Grace had been her only contact in town. Even Tessa’s parents had disowned her.

  “I am glad you decided to come to town this season. Your mourning time is finished, now you can enjoy yourself again.”

  “And find a new husband,” Tessa said with a touch of hardness to her voice. She knew marriage was the only option for her but dreaded the idea. After four years with Townson, she’d hoped for some freedom. But the bastard had left her with barely a pittance. Not even enough to support herself, much less Louisa.

  Her daughter had been her only source of happiness since her marriage. Townson, of course, had been displeased that in four years she had only managed to give him a daughter. He’d assumed marrying a woman forty years younger than himself would help to produce an heir where his first two wives had failed. Tessa blinked and shook her head to rid herself of the dreadful memories of her marriage. Reminiscing about the past five years only saddened her.

  She glanced over at Grace and wondered why her cousin seemed to be nervously assessing the ballroom. “Who are you looking for?”

  “No one in particular,” Grace replied quickly. “I am just trying to see who is here.”

  Tessa looked around the room and noticed a few faces familiar from her second season. But after almost an hour in the ballroom, not one person had come to speak with her. How was it that one mistake could mark a woman for life, while men could make multiple errors and no one chided them?


  Men had the money and women did not. Nor did most women have a way to accumulate any. So, unless they were born an heiress, they had to count on their looks. And at five and twenty, the bloom was nearly off the rose for her. She had nothing to offer a husband except her intelligence and wit – neither a commodity most men looked for in a wife.

  “Harry has finally returned from the gaming room,” Grace said. “Would you mind if I went to speak with him?”

  “Of course not. Go to your husband.”

  “Thank you, cousin. I shall return promptly.” Grace walked away, her blue silk swishing about her ankles.

  Tessa sipped her wine and wondered how much longer Grace and Harry would want to remain at the ball. They had only accepted the invitation in order to get Tessa back out on the marriage market. Obviously, marriage would be a slow process.

  “Lady Townson, how lovely to see you again. How are you?”

  Tessa blinked and noticed the man beside her. “I am very well, Mr Harrington. And you?”

  Harrington smiled in such a manner she thought he meant to devour her. “I am very well now. Would you care to dance?”

  She bit her lip for a moment. Harrington had been a rake when she’d been out before, was he still the same? Without Grace, Tessa had no one from whom to seek guidance. Her gaze slipped to the dancers twirling across the floor in a parade of coloured silk. A pang of sadness flitted through her. It had been so long since she danced at a ball. “I would love to dance with you, Mr Harrington.”

  “Excellent.” He held out his arm for her to take.

  As they walked towards the dance floor, she studied him. Nearing thirty now, the past few years had been more than kind to him. His blond hair was still thick, with a touch of curl to it. His blue eyes sparkled like sapphires when he smiled, which he was doing right now. With his chiselled jaw, he was every woman’s fantasy . . . except hers.

  Even now, she continued to dream of a man with black hair and light-green eyes. Perhaps it was true that people never forget their first love. Or maybe he was the only man she had been meant to love.

  “I do believe a waltz is next. Are you still willing to dance with me?”

  The last time she’d been out the waltz was a scandalous dance that only a few hostesses would allow at their balls. Grace had told her that it had become more acceptable, but still Tessa hesitated. She’d spent the past two months relearning all the dances she’d forgotten since her marriage and the waltz was one of them. “Yes, Mr Harrington.”

  His smile turned almost devious. “I see your tendency towards scandalous activities hasn’t changed over time.”

  She stiffened.

  “Don’t be upset with me,” he whispered near her ear. “I always liked that about you. In fact, I was hoping to speak with you about a proposition that might suit us both.”


  Harrington laughed softly. “Don’t sound so prudish, Lady Townson. Being a widow gives you much more opportunity for pleasure than marriage to an old lord did. I can show you what it’s like to be with a real man. A strong virile man.”

  Tessa blinked back the tears that blinded her. “I believe I have changed my mind about the dance, Mr Harrington. Good evening.”

  She turned and left before he could say another disgusting word. How dare he just assume she would be interested in a lascivious affair because sh
e was now a widow! Looking about the room, she tried to find Grace or Harry, to no avail. Where could they have gone? She backed herself up against a pillar and snatched a glass of wine from a passing footman. After a quick sip, she stared across the room.

  “Still running away from men, I see.”

  Tessa turned to face the one woman who had never caused her anything but grief. “Good evening, Georgiana. Lovely to see you again.”

  “Am I to assume you are here to find your next victim . . . I mean, husband?”

  “Yes, it was so enjoyable five years ago to win the love of the man you had hoped to marry. Shall we do it again this year?” Tessa plastered a smug grin on her face.

  “Oh, but you didn’t really win that competition, did you?”

  Before she could think of a witty reply, Georgiana turned and walked away towards the refreshment table. That woman had been a thorn in Tessa’s side all during her two seasons out. Georgiana had made it her mission to stop Garrett courting her, but Garrett and Tessa had seen right through Georgiana’s tricks. Tessa sighed and returned her attention to the ball.

  A flash of black caught her eye. She watched the man as he walked towards the refreshment table. She was only able to see his black hair, but her heart pounded against her chest.

  For a quick moment she thought it was he. But that was inconceivable. He’d been dead for almost five years. Perhaps it was his older brother, Laurence, a man she had no desire to speak with again. Laurence had not even found it necessary to inform her about Garrett’s death in person. Instead, he’d sent her a note.

  Her eyes refocused on the dark-haired man at the table. Something about his mannerisms reminded her of the only man she’d ever loved. The only man who had broken her heart so completely. Not a day passed that she didn’t wonder how different her life might have been if he hadn’t gone off to the war.

  But this gentleman was surely different. His black hair was longer, almost reaching to the collar of his emerald coat. And he had a slight limp as he walked past the table. Still, the way he cocked his head as someone made a comment seemed vaguely familiar.

  Tessa looked down at her wine and noticed how badly her hands trembled. This had to stop. Garrett had been dead for five long years and nothing could bring him back. And yet, even as she scolded herself, her gaze returned to the man at the refreshment table. She smiled slightly, knowing he was about to turn around and then she would see for certain that he was not the man she’d loved.

  The black-haired man turned towards her.

  It couldn’t be him. Garrett was dead!

  Tessa’s wine glass fell through her cold fingers.


  Everyone’s gaze, including Garrett’s, turned as the sound of breaking glass rent the air. A flash of red hair could be seen before the woman raced from the ballroom and out a terrace door. His heart stopped for a moment. It couldn’t be her. After what had happened, she would never attempt to go about in society again.

  “It truly amazes me that anyone would invite Lady Townson to a ball,” whispered a female voice behind him.

  “Poor Mrs Billings felt she had no choice but to bring her into her home after the old lord died. After all, she is her cousin,” another woman commented.

  “She should have stayed in the country.”

  Fury washed over him at both the comments, and at the idea that Tessa was at the ball. Had she seen him and dropped her glass? He almost laughed at the thought. The cold-hearted woman had probably only been flirting with another man when she let the glass slip. She was likely just trying to attract more attention to herself.

  But watching her scamper off to the gardens had sent his anger even higher. It was high time he confronted her about what she’d done to him. With her living in the country, he’d never felt a need. But now that she had returned, he would deal with her. He strode towards the terrace, attempting to ignore the pain in his hip and the looks of pity from the people around him.

  The cool April air was like a slap in the face after the stifling conditions inside the ballroom. The fresh scent of the evening air refreshed him. He moved along a row of rose bushes, the gravel crunching under his feet as he listened for any sound. The chilly temperatures had kept most of the amorous couples inside. A few torches lit the path as he ambled towards the brick wall to the back of the garden. He paused for a moment to listen to the rhythmic shuffle of pacing on the gravel path ahead of him.

  He found her with her hand over her mouth, muttering, pacing, her eyes frantic.

  “How can he be alive?” she whispered.

  He didn’t move for a moment but just stared at her, remembering exactly how she had looked five years ago. So beautiful it took his breath away.

  With her red hair and blue eyes, a heart-shaped face and curves exactly where a man wanted them, she had been one of the most popular girls out during her seasons. She had favoured him with her smiles and her dances. And he had craved her attention. Now she had matured and sorrow marked her face. Could she have loved her older husband so much that she still missed him a year after his death?

  “What are you doing here, Tessa?”

  She glanced up with a gasp and shook her head. Tears trailed down her cheeks and her blue eyes looked like wet sapphires. “What am I doing here?”

  “That was my question.”

  She rose from her seat and stared at him. “You are supposed to be dead.”

  Dead? “If you think you can attempt to fool me with your duplicitous words, you are mistaken.”

  “Fool you!” She walked over and slapped him across the face.

  Damn. He rubbed his cheek as the pain lessened. “Try that again and you will find yourself over my knee.”

  She laughed caustically. “Over the knee of a dead man. I doubt you will be able to manage it.”

  “Why do you insist that I am a dead man?” he asked.

  “Why don’t you ask your brother? I’m sure he can tell you why he wrote me a letter stating that you had died. Or maybe you can explain why I received your letter. The one I was only supposed to receive after your death.”

  “And what about my other letter?” he demanded.

  Her brows furrowed deeply. “There was no other letter. The only note I received from you was the one that just about killed me.”

  Before he could even begin to understand, she picked up her skirts and ran from him. Not unlike how she’d run from him five years ago. And as much as he would have liked to chase after her, his damned hip prevented him from anything more than a slow walk. By the time he reached the ballroom, he knew she had departed.

  Not that he could blame her. Now, he would have to wait until tomorrow to call on her and ask for an explanation. But he had no way of justifying his brother’s actions, if he was to take her remarks as truth. No way of discovering why Laurence would have sent her such a note. Could Tessa have been so secluded from society gossip that she didn’t know Laurence had died over a year ago? Or that Garrett had inherited the title?

  He walked back out to the terrace and sat on a stone bench, remembering a night like this five years ago. Making love to her out in the garden had been one of the more foolish things he had done in his life. And yet, the most memorable. She had been driving him insane with desire for a month before she finally let him kiss her. But one kiss hadn’t been enough for either of them.

  Why she’d agreed to marry Townson had never made any sense to him. Garrett had written her a letter the very next morning offering to marry her via proxy once he arrived with his unit in Belgium. But she had never replied. Instead, he’d received a letter from Laurence stating that she had married Townson. Laurence had implied she married him for the title and money.

  Garrett went a little mad after receiving his brother’s letter. Placing himself in dangerous situations, perhaps hoping God would take him. Obviously, God hadn’t wanted him any more than Tessa had.

  Still, he owed her an explanation, just as she owed him one.

  Threer />
  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Tessa demanded of Grace the next morning. “You knew he was alive and you never told me. How could you do that?”

  Grace stared down at her hands. “By the time I discovered he was alive, it was too late, Tessa. You had already married Townson. There was nothing you could have done.”

  Tessa strode across the small parlour of Grace’s home. Dodging Louisa, who lay on the floor petting the cat, Tessa stalked past the wingback chair where Grace sat, then stopped.

  “Why didn’t you tell me after Townson died?”

  “I didn’t want him to hurt you again,” she replied quickly. “I was only trying to protect you. The only reason I agreed to go to that ball last night was because I’d heard he would not be there.”

  Tessa looked up at the white ceiling. “Grace, you know I would have discovered the truth sometime. You should have told me so I didn’t embarrass myself in front of all those people . . . again.”

  “I’m sorry, Tessa. I honestly never meant to hurt you.”

  “I know.” She walked the length of the room again, this time stopping by the fireplace. “Has he married, then?” she whispered.

  Grace shook her head. “No. His brother died a little over a year ago and now that he is Viscount Haverhill, everyone is expecting him to start courting an eligible lady.”

  Tessa swallowed back the bitter taste that filled her mouth. The idea of Garrett marrying someone made her clutch her stomach. Now she would have to spend the whole season watching him court some young woman.

  “He said he wrote me a letter that I never received.” Tessa resumed her pacing. “I wonder why I never learned of it.”

  “Do you think he was lying?”

  Tessa frowned and shook her head. “He seemed quite sincere.”

  “Your parents might have intercepted it,” Grace said, looking up at Tessa as she passed the chair again. “You know they didn’t approve of him. They felt his prospects were limited at best.”

  “He was an officer in the military. The second son of a viscount. There is nothing wrong with that.”


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