The Brass Ring

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The Brass Ring Page 19

by Mavis Applewater

  "I was busy," CC said quickly as she blushed deeply.

  "Asleep," Jamie uttered as she blushed as well.

  "Jamie, we’ll need your keys," CC said in a rushed tone before Spenser could make any further inquiries. "We’re going in through the back."

  "They’re in the bedroom," Jamie explained.

  "Busy?" Stevie whispered in CC’s ear.

  "Shut up," CC growled.

  "I’m going with you," Jamie said as she headed towards the bedroom.

  "No." CC and Spenser responded quickly. "Jamie, no arguments. Why don’t you and Stevie put on a pot of coffee? I’m sure the boys could use a fresh cup before they leave," CC said.

  Emerald eyes glared at her before Jamie spun on her heel and headed into the bedroom. CC sighed and followed the irate woman. She grabbed her shoes as Jamie looked for her keys. "This one," Jamie explained as she handed the large set of keys over. Jamie cupped CC’s face gently. The brunette leaned into the touch. "Be careful," Jamie repeated before placing a tender kiss on CC’s lips.

  CC nodded in response before putting her shoes on. "Why does this always happen?" Jamie said with a heavy sigh.

  "What’s that?" CC asked as she tied her shoes.

  "Every time we make love, some sort of catastrophe happens," Jamie explained in a wry tone. CC chuckled lightly. "I guess we’ll just need to keep trying," Jamie said with a smirk.

  "Oh yeah," CC responded in a throaty tone.


  JAMIE SNUGGLED CLOSER to the warm body that was lying beneath her. She slowly opened her emerald eyes and smiled at the sight of CC's slumbering form. Her fingers began to gently trace the policewoman's chiseled features. She released a happy sigh. Despite the turmoil of the past few days, waking up in CC's arms seemed to make everything all right. "We really do belong together," she uttered softly so as not to awaken her companion. Of course, she still had to replace her living room window and then go back to work to face Dr. Fisher. "Doesn't matter." She shrugged happily as she continued to gently caress CC's face.

  "What doesn't matter?" CC grumbled from beneath Jamie as a pair of crystal-blue eyes fluttered open. Jamie smiled as CC wrapped her arms tightly around her waist. "What's going on in that pretty blonde head of yours?" CC whispered softly in her ear, sending tantalizing shivers down her spine.

  "Nothing. I'm just happy," Jamie murmured against CC's skin. Feeling her lover tremble beneath her, she couldn't resist placing a soft tender kiss on her neck. One kiss led to another as she felt her lover's pulse beat rapidly against her lips. CC moaned as Jamie began to suckle her neck.

  The soft pleading whimpers CC was releasing fueled Jamie's desire and she pressed her body down onto the brunette's welcoming form. Jamie's lips began a slow torturous descent down CC's body while her hands ran up under the brunette's T-shirt. "James," CC moaned deeply as the blonde cupped the swell of the brunette's firm full breasts. "We don't have time for this," CC protested in a halfhearted tone.

  Jamie snickered, not believing for a moment her lover wanted her to stop. She ran her hands back down CC's rib cage and grasped the hem of her T-shirt. Jamie slipped down CC's long form, leaving a trail of kisses in her wake as her hands raised the brunette's shirt. As she dipped her tongue into CC's navel she could hear a telephone ringing in the distance.

  Jamie raised her head with a grimace and took in CC's amused gaze. "What do you think the chances are that the phone is for Stevie?" she inquired meekly as she sat up, removing her hands from CC's tantalizing body. CC laughed as she pulled down her shirt. "Good morning," Jamie said softly before brushing her lips across CC's.

  "Good morning," CC responded with a soft kiss of her own.

  The warmth of CC's lips tempted Jamie to resume her exploration of the brunette's body. The knocking on the bedroom door forced a scowl to bloom on her normally cherubic features. "It's us, isn't it?" Jamie groaned as she slipped off CC's body.

  "Caitlin?" Stevie called from the other side of the door.

  "Yeah, Stevie?" CC said with a slight chuckle.

  "Phone call," CC's younger sibling offered apologetically.

  "I'll be right there," CC responded. "Sorry, James." She sighed.

  "I'll just go home and take a shower," Jamie said with a smile, knowing that CC was just as frustrated as she was. "We need to go car shopping and I need to call someone about my window. Who do you call about a thing like that?"

  "God, it's Saturday already." CC groaned as she stretched out her back. "Where did this week go?"

  "It hasn't been dull; I'll give you that." Jamie laughed. "Speaking of which, how bad does my place look?"

  "It's just the window," CC explained as they made their way into the living room. "CSU cleaned away all the glass. We don't know what he broke the window with," she added thoughtfully before picking up the telephone. "Calloway."

  Jamie wanted to pursue the conversation but, since CC was on the telephone, she turned her attention towards little Emma. She bounced the infant on her lap, watching the pensive expression on CC's face as she spoke on the telephone.

  "So what are your plans today?" Stevie asked as she brought a cup of coffee over to Jamie.

  "Thanks," Jamie responded as she placed the cup down, away from Emma's inquisitive grasp. "I'm taking CC car shopping."

  "Thank you," Stevie said enthusiastically.

  "Are you still friendly with that contractor?" Jamie asked as Emma tugged on her hair, ear, nose, and any other body part she could reach.

  "Why?" Stevie inquired suspiciously.

  "I need to replace my bay window and I honestly don't know who to call," Jamie explained quickly.

  "I'll give her a call," Stevie offered with a slight smirk.

  "Thanks," Jamie replied as she tickled Emma. "I have to go to work early tonight." She crinkled her nose at the thought of having to meet with her supervisor. "I need to talk to the attending about my not-so-secret admirer."

  "That guy is creepy," Stevie added in an ominous tone.

  "Hmm," Jamie responded in a distracted tone as she watched CC out of the corner of her eye. The policewoman's one-word answers and fidgety mannerisms were putting Jamie on edge. "Who is she talking to?" she asked, trying to sound casual.

  "Not sure," Stevie responded with a shrug. Jamie knew instantly that Stevie was lying.

  Jamie handed Emma over to Stevie as CC was hanging up the telephone. "I'll bring this back," Jamie explained as she picked up her coffee mug. "Everything all right?" she asked CC as she sipped her coffee.

  "Uhm . . . yeah," CC replied as she chewed on her lip nervously. "I forgot I had dinner plans with a friend tonight."

  "Friend?" Jamie inquired cautiously.

  "Co-worker," CC added. "I was hoping to spend time with you tonight."

  "No problem. I have to work. Now I need to get cleaned up so I can take you out to look at some cars," Jamie reassured her, fighting the uneasy feeling building up in her stomach. "I'll be back in a few," she offered before placing a gentle kiss on CC's lips. The brilliant smile the brunette flashed her instantly calmed her fears.

  Later that day as they strolled around the dealership, CC looked like a kid in a candy store - a really big kid in a really expensive candy store. "What do you think?" CC asked eagerly as she rocked on the heels of her feet.

  "Well . . ." Jamie replied, trying not to smirk at CC's enthusiasm, ". . .it's in your price range and you liked the test drive. You would feel comfortable driving with Emma in it . . . I say you should buy it, CC."

  "Yeah?" CC practically gushed.

  "Caitlin, just talk to the salesman." Jamie pushed her towards the impatient-looking gentleman who had been assisting them.

  "Let's wrap this up, Sparky," CC called out to the man. He led them into the showroom and CC began to fill out the necessary paperwork. "Damn they ask a lot of questions."

  "You're buying a car. There are things they need to know," Jamie said reassuringly.

  "Miss Calloway, let me just ru
n your Social Security Number for the credit check." The salesman, Gary, smiled brightly.

  "Detective," Jamie corrected him.

  "You're a policewoman?" He perked up even more.

  "Homicide," CC mumbled as she poured over the endless forms.

  "Oh?" he choked out. Jamie sensed that CC was about to get a very reasonable deal on her new vehicle.

  They discussed the price and Jamie jumped in, haggling for the very confused CC. She knew that her friend had never bought a brand new car; in fact, this was probably the first major purchase CC had ever made. They finally agreed and Gary ran CC's credit check. "Oh no." He sighed heavily.

  "What?" CC snarled. "I have good credit."

  "What there is of it," Gary said. "Other than a couple of credit cards, there really isn't much here."

  "I live within my means." CC shrugged.

  "But you've never financed anything before?" he asked.

  "So?" CC responded with an icy glare.

  "Caitlin, a lack of credit history can be worse than a bad credit history," Jamie explained. "What if she had a co-signer?" she asked Gary.

  "That would work," Gary responded eagerly.

  "Wait a second," CC protested as Jamie held out her hand for the forms that Gary was sliding across to her.

  "Caitlin, you like the Forester and you need a reliable car," Jamie said quickly as she filled in the appropriate information. "Here," she said triumphantly as she handed the paperwork back to Gary.

  "Okay, let's take a look at this, Miss . . . sorry, I mean Doctor, Jameson." The man was practically drooling when he read the information. "Any problems with student loans?"

  "None, I've paid them off," Jamie explained. "I had a lot of scholarships so I didn't need that many."

  Gary quickly punched the information into the computer. The way the man's eyes were lighting up Jamie knew that CC wasn't going to have any problems. "I don't like this," CC grumbled beside her as Gary gathered up the paperwork.

  "I'm just going over to the finance guy," Gary explained. "I'll to see if he'll okay it without your . . ." he said, hesitating for a moment. Jamie was familiar with the blank stare. ". . .friend," Gary tossed in quickly.

  "James . . ." CC began hesitantly after Gary left.

  "Caitlin, let me do this," Jamie cut her off. "I don't want to be worrying if you're going to be safe at night."

  "You worry about me?" CC asked in a playful tone.

  "Yes, you big Goober." Jamie groaned as she rolled her eyes. "The other night it was really strange; I could feel your vest under your clothes and it made me feel good."

  "They're mandatory now," CC explained flatly.

  "I wish they had been twelve years ago," Jamie grumbled bitterly. "Tell me about this friend you're going out with tonight."

  "Huh?" CC stammered as her azure eyes widened in surprise.

  "I see," Jamie sneered slightly as she began to grind her teeth.

  "What?" CC said in a defensive tone.

  "Old flame?" Jamie asked directly.

  "No. . . uhm . . . no . . . well, not really," CC babbled on.

  "Uh huh," Jamie grunted as she continued to grind her teeth.


  CC PLAYED WITH her food, not really listening to Marissa. She just wanted to get out of the restaurant and call the station to find out if the DMV computers were finally working. She needed to know who's car was in the hospital garage that night. She wanted to kick the acting Governor's behind for the recent cutbacks that were stalling her accessing the information instantly. She had wanted to cancel the dinner with Marissa for many reasons. One, Marissa did not seem deterred by CC's lack of interest. Two, she was with Jamie and wanted to go check on her to see how she was. The list went on and on.

  "You're not even listening to me, are you?" the perturbed medical examiner growled in frustration.

  "Sorry, Marissa," CC apologized. "It's just this case," she explained, giving half the truth.

  "Want to talk about it?" Marissa offered in a sincere tone.

  "I think I know who the guy is," CC grumbled in a defeated tone.

  "That's great." Marissa beamed. "Personally, I'll sleep easier once he's off the streets."

  "So will I," CC confessed earnestly. "Too bad you can't get a search warrant just because someone gives you the creeps."

  "Amen to that." Marissa lifted her glass of wine and toasted the idea. "It would certainly make my job a little easier. Then again, there's that whole infringing on human rights thing." Marissa groaned.

  "I know, the rules are there for a very good reason," CC concurred. "Sometimes it's just so damn frustrating. "

  "You'll put the case together," Marissa reassured her. "You're very good at what you do."

  "Except I have to back off on this one," CC explained in a distant tone.

  "Why?" Marissa asked in confusion.

  "The guy works with someone that I'm close to," CC explained, not ready to go into the entire drama.

  "Stevie? Doesn't she still run her own business out of the house?" Marissa persisted.

  "It's not Stevie," CC hedged. "It's someone else."

  "If it's just a friend then there shouldn't be a problem," Marissa continued, pushing the issue.

  "Well . . ." CC winced as she tried to think of just how she was going to explain this one.

  "Calloway, just a few days ago I asked you if you were seeing someone," Marissa said firmly. "You said no. Were you lying to me?"

  CC took a sip of her drink and brushed her dark bangs back. "Not really," CC said slowly. "There is someone . . ."

  "Why didn't you just say so?" Marissa laughed lightly. "If you're out with me tonight, it can't be all that serious."

  CC was miffed by Marissa's words. "This is just dinner," CC pointed out. The cool confident smile Marissa flashed in response made CC even more agitated. "Marissa, I'm serious." In her heart CC knew that she was referring to more than their dinner engagement.

  "I believe you," Marissa responded in a slightly condescending tone. "I also know that you've never been a U-Haul girl."

  "Once," CC corrected her as her mind drifted to a certain blonde doctor. "I was once. Funny thing is, it's the same girl." CC had hoped that by being honest, Marissa would finally get the hint.

  "So you're dating an old flame?" Marissa answered nonchalantly, seemingly unfazed by what CC had just told her. "After dinner do you want to catch the drag show over at Vapor?"

  "No," CC declined, fighting to maintain a polite tone.

  An hour later Marissa was pulling her Jeep into the parking lot for CC's house. Somehow CC had managed to finish her meal and maintain a polite level of conversation. Marissa was nice enough but she just didn't seem to understand that CC wasn't interested in renewing anything. The policewoman did end up agreeing to going for a cup of coffee after dinner. Somehow she managed to divert Marissa's flirtations and now she was home.

  She just wanted to get out of the car, down a bottle of aspirin, and go to sleep. "Thanks for dinner," CC said as she reached for the door handle, hoping to make a quick escape. She never expected Marissa to do what she did next. 'What the hell?' CC's mind screamed as she pried herself away from the intense lip lock Marissa held her in. "Marissa!" CC snapped as she pulled away.

  Marissa's brown eyes stared at her in confusion. CC was just about to read the medical examiner the riot act when she felt the hair on the back of her neck rise. She knew Jamie was watching them before she turned to find a pair of angry emerald eyes glaring at her. "No," she gasped as she once again reached for the door handle.

  "Jamie, wait!" CC called out as she scrambled out of the Jeep and ran after the furious blonde. "It's not what you think," CC explained as Jamie fumbled with the keys to her car. She reached the fuming doctor as she struggled to open her car door. "Jamie, let me explain," CC pleaded to Jamie's back. She could see the blonde's small hands shaking as she continued to fumble with her keys.

  "I can't talk to you right now," Jamie choked ou
t, keeping her back to CC.

  "Jamie?" CC pleaded as she touched the trembling woman before her.

  Jamie shrugged away from her touch; the bitterness in her action ripped a hole in CC's already fragile heart. Jamie turned to her, tears streaming down her beautiful face. "I have to go to work," Jamie choked out as she turned away once again.

  "Please," CC begged fearfully. "It's always been you," CC said urgently as Jamie opened the door to her car. "I never stopped loving . . ."

  "Don't!" Jamie snapped as she climbed into her car. "I can't do this right now."

  CC's heart broke as she watched her lover wipe her tear-stained cheeks. CC opened her mouth to speak. She needed to explain everything before their lives once again spun out of control. "Not now," Jamie said stiffly, cutting off her attempt to speak. CC was frozen in horror as Jamie closed the door to her car. She watched helplessly as the love of her life started the car and drove off.

  "What the hell was that all about?" Marissa demanded angrily from behind her. CC spun around and glared at the woman.

  "That was the woman I love," CC spat out.

  "What?" Marissa trembled in response. "I . . . I . . . didn't know."

  "Maybe if you had listened to me just once tonight, you wouldn't have done something so asinine," CC fumed, the veins in her neck bulging as she spoke.

  "Do you want me to explain things to her?" Marissa offered remorsefully.

  "No," CC flared. "Stay away from her. Just go."

  Marissa looked like a frightened rabbit before she made a mad dash to her car. CC stormed into her home and found Stevie standing there with a bewildered look on her face. "What the hell happened this time?" Stevie demanded.

  "I swear I just thanked her for dinner, and the next thing I know, Marissa was trying to floss my teeth with her tongue," CC explained in exasperation.

  "I hope you told her where to get off," Stevie snarled.

  "I was about to when I saw Jamie standing there watching us," CC added as she flopped down onto the sofa.

  "Oh no," Stevie groaned in sympathy.

  "What am I going to do?" CC choked out, fighting against the tears threatening to spill.


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