Cold Heart: Absolutely gripping serial-killer fiction

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Cold Heart: Absolutely gripping serial-killer fiction Page 1

by Stephen Edger

  Cold Heart

  Absolutely gripping serial-killer fiction

  Stephen Edger


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Chapter 56

  Chapter 57

  Chapter 58

  Chapter 59

  Chapter 60


  Dead To Me

  Hear more from Stephen

  Also by Stephen Edger

  A Letter from Stephen

  Dying Day


  For my wife and children who warm my heart every day.



  ‘I can’t believe it’s been a week already,’ Mrs Kilpatrick said, as she squeezed back behind her desk. A conservatively dressed woman in her late forties, she had the face of someone who had seen it all and come out the other side to tell the tale. Kate didn’t think there was much that could shock her. ‘Take a seat,’ she offered, pointing at the two chairs opposite her desk, both of which had worn patches where the stuffing was starting to poke through the stitching. ‘Budget cuts,’ she explained, as she saw DI Kate Matthews eyeing the fabric. ‘Can’t even afford new chairs, yet they expect me to lose another ten per cent by Christmas.’

  The office wasn’t very big and along both main walls were cabinets overflowing with textbooks and binders. A large monitor sat in one corner, surrounded by piles of paper and pots of lidless pens. The clock on the wall behind her showed it was nearly seven and a dark, menacing sky enveloped the window below it. The winter blizzard had yet to arrive, but there was no doubt it was on its way.

  ‘We’d like to thank you for allowing us to be in the school today,’ Kate said, keen to keep relations with the head teacher as amicable as possible. DS Samir Patel lowered himself into the remaining chair beside her.

  ‘Did you find anything that might aid your investigation?’ Mrs Kilpatrick asked.

  ‘The teachers and students we’ve spoken to have certainly helped us develop a better understanding of Daisy’s character,’ Kate responded, not wishing to divulge anything pertinent to the enquiry. ‘Before we wrap up for the day, we hoped you might be able to share your personal experiences and views about Daisy as a pupil.’

  Mrs Kilpatrick’s chair squeaked as she leaned back in it slightly and looked off into the distance. ‘I don’t know what else I can tell you that her tutors haven’t already said: she’s a popular girl, keeps her head down and achieves strong grades. Her behaviour has never been questioned until…’ Her words trailed off.

  Kate narrowed her eyes, keen to extract any clue – however minor – to help her understand why fifteen-year-old Daisy Emerson never made it home seven days ago. ‘And you’re not aware of anything that might have been troubling Daisy in the days or weeks before her disappearance?’

  Mrs Kilpatrick’s tight dark curls shook with her head. ‘I’m sorry, but no. Unfortunately, it’s usually the troublemakers of this school who capture my attention. She was a good girl, and I’m afraid that’s about as much as I can tell you.’

  It was the same message Kate and Patel had heard from everyone they had questioned over the course of the day. The picture being painted was of a girl who was destined to go on to great things; a girl who worked hard, wasn’t any trouble and made friends easily. But in Kate’s experience, even the most innocent of victims had secrets they kept well hidden.

  ‘Mrs Kilpatrick,’ Patel said, picking up on the break in the conversation, ‘what can you tell us about Mr Vardan?’

  ‘Ismael?’ Mrs Kilpatrick asked, looking puzzled. ‘What about him?’

  ‘He’s Daisy’s form tutor, correct?’ Patel asked, keeping his face taut.

  The doubt remained. ‘That’s right. He joined us this year. And a very competent teacher he is too.’

  Kate watched her reactions as Patel continued to speak.

  ‘And presumably all his Disclosure and Barring checks came back clear?’

  Mrs Kilpatrick looked from Patel to Kate. ‘The DBS checks were fine. What exactly is it you are trying to imply?’

  ‘We just want to understand how much you know about Mr Vardan, that’s all,’ Patel answered, adding a non-threatening smile.

  ‘You’re referring to those internet articles, aren’t you?’

  Kate remained silent, still watching.

  ‘Ismael was very open about all that when he came for interview,’ Mrs Kilpatrick retorted. ‘We completed our due diligence, and there were no question marks left against his reputation. He’s a very good teacher from a difficult background.’

  ‘And you signed off on his approval for the role, didn’t you?’ Patel pressed.

  Mrs Kilpatrick’s cheeks reddened. ‘I did. He passed all of the thorough checks the county undertakes and those internet articles were proved to be false. I’ve personally encouraged him to take civil action against the individual responsible for them.’

  Kate couldn’t blame Mrs Kilpatrick for jumping to the defence of one of her teachers; she would do the same for any of the detectives in her team. But Kate also couldn’t ignore what they’d been told.

  ‘The pupil who posted those stories,’ Kate said evenly, ‘he was one of Vardan’s pupils at his last school, correct?’

  Mrs Kilpatrick glared at Kate. ‘I assume you’ve read what the boy posted, but he admitted to making up the allegations in order to try and blackmail his teacher into giving him better grades. Ismael was found innocent of all of the allegations and handled what must have been a horrific situation with commendable dignity. When he applied to join us here at St Bartholomew’s, he wanted a fresh start at a more accepting facility. Thus far, I have no reason to regret my decision to offer him the second chance he craved.’

  ‘What was Vardan’s relationship with Daisy?’ Kate asked.

  Mrs Kilpatrick glared at her. ‘He was her form tutor and English teacher.’

  Kate sat forward. ‘What I mean was: did they get on? Did the two of you ever discuss Daisy Emerson formally, or informally?’

  Mrs Kilpatrick sighed. ‘We meet every term to discuss his class and any concerns he has over pupils’ aptitude or behaviour. He never presented any concerns about Daisy
that I can recall.’

  ‘What about your other teachers?’ Kate pressed.

  ‘What about them?’ Mrs Kilpatrick fired back.

  ‘Did any of them express concern about Vardan’s relationship with Daisy?’

  ‘What are you getting at, detective?’

  Kate glanced at Patel, before continuing. ‘I’m simply asking whether any of the other faculty members ever expressed concerns to you about Vardan’s relationship with his pupils, Daisy in particular.’

  ‘Nothing that caused me any concern. Forgive me, detective, but if you’re alluding to something specific, you’ll have to enlighten me.’

  Kate folded her arms. ‘So that we’re clear then, none of your staff members or pupils came to you to express concern or worry about Ismael Vardan’s behaviour towards, or treatment of, Daisy Emerson?’

  Mrs Kilpatrick looked like she wanted to say something, but instead she tightened her lips and shook her head.

  Kate didn’t like it when people lied to her, but she forced a smile. ‘Do you have the paperwork that you completed when hiring Mr Vardan?’

  ‘I do, but I’m not about to hand it over until you tell me why you want it. If you’re insinuating that Ismael had anything to do with Daisy running away, I think you need to—’

  ‘I’m not insinuating anything, Mrs Kilpatrick,’ Kate interrupted. ‘But I need to be thorough with my investigation into what could have happened to Daisy. You’ve seen the kind of media coverage her disappearance has generated already, so I’m sure you understand that I need to dot every “i” and cross every “t”. So far, we’ve yet to establish why Daisy decided to run away last Friday. When I’m told that she had a close relationship with a form tutor, a man previously accused of inappropriate behaviour with a pupil, it would be amiss for me not to ask awkward questions.’

  Mrs Kilpatrick was doing a poor job of hiding her contempt, but she reluctantly scribbled a note on the pad in front of her. ‘It’ll take me a bit of time to dig it up. Can I email it to you?’

  Kate threw one of her business cards onto the desk. ‘You understand that I need this information as quickly as possible?’

  Mrs Kilpatrick dropped the card into her desk drawer. ‘I’ll send it as soon as I can.’

  Kate glanced at Patel again, who shrugged to confirm he had no other questions. Kate clapped her hands together and stood. ‘Well, we’ll be on our way now. I do hope you’ll keep us informed of any other rumours you hear involving Daisy? It’s only a matter of time before we track her down, and any support you and your staff here can provide will be gratefully received.’

  A sudden commotion caused the three of them to spin round as an older man with cropped white hair and a thick, bushy moustache burst through the office door. ‘Thank God you’re still here.’ He inhaled heavily as he tried to compose himself. ‘You’ve got to come with me.’

  ‘What is it, Mr Linus?’ Mrs Kilpatrick asked for the three of them.

  ‘The sports hall,’ he panted back. ‘There’s someone in there.’

  Kate could see the concern in his eyes. ‘And that’s unusual because?’

  ‘The hall’s been out of use for several months,’ Mrs Kilpatrick confirmed, standing and reaching for her coat. ‘It’s due to be demolished in a few weeks. It’s been locked up for some time. Who’s in there, Mr Linus? Students?’

  He waved a hand in disagreement as he continued to suck in air. ‘No, not students… the place is still locked up, but as I was doing my rounds… I looked through the window… and… and… there was a body.’


  Kate hurried along the corridor, surprised at the pace the wiry caretaker was keeping. He’d taken off from the office so fast that Kate hadn’t yet been able to confirm exactly what he’d seen. She followed him through a maze of darkened school corridors, only stopping when they reached the set of double doors leading outside. Light from a nearby lamppost flooded through the glass panels in the doors. Fishing into his pocket, a ring of keys jangled as he removed them and searched for the one needed to unlock the fire doors.

  Mrs Kilpatrick and Patel joined them a moment later, each wearing looks of confused concern. Linus cursed as the keys fell from his hands and clattered to the floor and Kate seized her chance, stooping to pick them up for him and looking him dead in the eye. ‘Just take a moment and tell us what you saw, Mr Linus.’

  His hands trembled as she placed the keys into his open palm. ‘It was like I said: a body.’

  Kate rested her hand on his to steady it. ‘Where, Mr Linus? Where was this body?’

  He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. ‘I was doing my nightly rounds, you see; checking the school is locked up. I have a routine. I do all the outer buildings first, and then move to the main facility. But when I approached the sports hall… there was something not right… nobody’s been near the place in weeks – well, apart from the building inspector and project manager – but someone’s changed the padlock on the door.’ His story still didn’t explain the pallid nature of his face, or the sweat clinging to his temple.

  ‘Go on,’ Kate encouraged. ‘What next?’

  ‘Well, I know the lock was new, because it didn’t have any rust like what the old one did, and none of my keys fitted it. But I swear it wasn’t there a couple of days ago when I let the building inspector in. Someone has changed it.’

  Kate spun and looked to Mrs Kilpatrick for support. ‘Is it possible one of the builders or teachers changed the padlock?’

  But Mrs Kilpatrick frowned back at her. ‘I don’t know why any of them would. There’s nothing valuable left in there; we only have the padlock to keep the students getting in. It’s not safe, you see – the roof, I mean – that’s why it’s going to be knocked down. The council can’t afford to improve our budget, but it seems they can afford to put a swimming pool in its place. Work starts in a few weeks.’

  Kate turned back to Linus. ‘And where is this body you saw?’

  Linus’s skin seemed to pale further. ‘I continued my check of the building – there’s a fire exit and window at the rear – and it was as I looked through the window that I saw her.’

  ‘Her?’ Kate’s pulse quickened.

  He nodded ominously. ‘It was covered by a cloth of some sort – but the shape… definitely female.’

  Kate’s mind raced for a satisfactory alternative as to why Linus thought he had seen the outline of a female inside a locked and disused sports hall, but nothing fit. ‘Okay, Mr Linus. Take us to this window.’


  Once outside, Kate shone the torch on her smartphone through the window into the dark hall, but it was almost impossible to see anything more than ten feet away. Pressing her nose to the glass, she studied the floor inside as she moved the beam around. Then she spotted it. Almost out of sight, a bundle beneath a blanket.

  ‘We’d better take a look inside,’ Kate muttered to Patel. She looked back to Mrs Kilpatrick. ‘You said it wasn’t safe to be inside, what exactly is wrong with the building?’

  ‘Some of the ceiling tiles are starting to come loose. The building inspector and I have been in several times without injury; I have hard hats you can use if you want to go in, but just be careful.’

  Kate nodded for her to fetch the equipment, before facing Linus, who looked like he might keel over at any moment. ‘Do you have any kind of bolt cutters? Or something we can use to cut through that padlock?’

  He didn’t respond at first, still staring at the glass.

  Kate gently touched his arm. ‘Mr Linus?’

  He looked up.

  ‘Do you have any kind of tool we can use to cut through the padlock?’ Kate repeated.

  ‘Uh… yes, yes I do. I have bolt cutters. They’ll work, right?’

  Kate nodded. ‘Thank you. We’ll meet you back at the front door to the sports hall.’

  She waited until Linus had moved away from the building. ‘Thoughts?’

  Patel raised his eyebrows. ‘We’re in a secondary scho
ol as secure as they come. You saw the security cameras at the gate where we entered this morning? A girl is missing and everyone here is on edge. Do I really think there’s a dead body in that sports hall covered in a tarp? No, but it’ll only take us five minutes to know for sure.’

  Kate cupped her hands and breathed warm air onto them. ‘Agreed.’

  Patel and Kate completed a perimeter inspection of the sports hall building, finishing back at the entrance. Kate shone her light on the padlock. ‘It definitely looks new.’

  Patel stifled a yawn, and nodded his agreement.

  ‘Here you go,’ Mrs Kilpatrick said, as she approached them holding out yellow hard hats. ‘I can call the building inspector out if you think it would help?’

  ‘Could you check whether he or any of his team know anything about this new padlock?’ Kate replied. ‘Between the three of us, I doubt there’s anything to be worried about inside, but we’ll check to put Mr Linus’s mind at ease. Tell me, how long has he been the caretaker here at St Bartholomew’s?’

  ‘He’s been here longer than I have,’ she replied, affectionately. ‘He’s part of the infrastructure.’

  ‘And is he prone to…’ Kate searched for the right word.


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