RICH BOY BRIT (A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance)

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RICH BOY BRIT (A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance) Page 22

by Mia Carson

  “Homemade pancake syrup.”

  “Looks good.”

  “Hope it tastes as good as it looks.”

  “Things always taste as good as they look,” he said in a hoarse voice that caused me to look up at him.

  He had a weird look on his face, and if I didn’t know any better, I’d have thought there was some suggestive undertone there, like he was trying to say something to me but couldn’t. Was it possible he was suggesting I might taste good? I shook my head. I needed to get my mind out of the gutter. Why would my brother think anything like that? The Tyler I knew didn’t even notice I was a woman. His words could only mean that the food tasted as good as it looked. That, and nothing more.

  “I’ve been known to screw things up. Let’s wait until we try the syrup to decide,” I laughed. Unless he really did mean me and not the food; in that case, he still had to try to decide. I was letting my thoughts run away with me again.

  “I’m sure it’ll be fine. I’ll take a shower and be back,” I heard him say.

  I had been so lost in my mind that I didn’t know when he stepped away from me and walked to the kitchen door. Goodness knows what else he might have said while I thought about inappropriate things. I should be spanked for even entertaining those thoughts.

  “Uh-huh,” I responded noncommittally.

  “You sure you’re okay, Jenn?” he asked as he left, but before I had the chance to answer, our parents had come through the door.

  “She will be once you stop harassing her and actually take a shower and come back for breakfast,” Lauren teased.

  I wanted to hug her and say thank you for rescuing me from that awkward moment, but I just smiled and kept cooking. Lauren sat next to me. For a few minutes, we remained in comfortable silence, she setting the table while I finished cooking.

  “It’s so good to have you home with us, Jenn,” she said as she approached the oven.

  “I’m so glad to be here. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be for Christmas.” It was true. Not that I didn’t enjoy spending Christmas with my mom; in fact, it was great—sunny weather, nothing like the miserable cold that NYC offered in the winter months. But there was no Tyler in California, which just made the sunny weather not worth it for me. I’d take snow and cold days in NYC over the warmest, brightest day in California.

  “Glad to hear that,” Lauren said.

  “I don’t mean I don’t like California, don’t get me wrong.”

  “Oh, no, of course not. Your mom is fun, and I’m sure you have a great time with her.”

  I smiled, still trying to explain myself to wash away the guilty feeling I had about insulting my mom. “You know what I mean, right? I just like being with you guys, too, and sometimes, it’s so hard to decide where to go.” The first part was true; I liked being with them, but the second part of my story was a lie. It was never hard deciding where to stay; my heart lay where Tyler was, and given the chance, I’d spend all my free days and nights with him.

  “Yes, darling, I know what you mean. I do feel privileged that you’re spending the holiday with us. You know what?”

  “What?” I asked, having no idea what she wanted to say next.

  “Tyler loves your company. He might hassle you sometimes, but trust me, when you are not around, he mopes like a dog. I didn’t realize how lonely he felt as an only child until you came along.”

  I nodded, her words making a lot of sense to me. I was technically the older child for my mom. Yes, she just had a new baby with my new stepdad, but I feel more like a mom to my baby sister than a sister because we are eighteen years apart. Tyler definitely made my life better and did a good job of taking that only child loneliness away from me.

  “Yes, I miss him when I’m not here, too,” I admitted, but I kept the rest of my thoughts to myself. I missed him, not just like a brother, but also like someone I had a crush on, but this was something I could never let anyone find out, not our parents and certainly not Tyler.


  I left the kitchen eating the piece of sausage Jenn had cooked. I loved to watch her cook, but I noticed that my presence had a surprising effect on her. Not something I had anticipated or planned, but one I was pleased about.

  I got to my room and stood in front of the mirror. I was not one to gloat or admire myself, but I could see that my many months of working out furiously to make sure I was in top shape when Jenn came back for the winter had paid off. I could see muscles I didn’t know existed peeking out from my torso. Maybe it was time I stopped walking around without a shirt on. Jenn was so delicate and naïve. I couldn’t bear it if she wanted to escape my company by making her uncomfortable around me. I could tell this morning had made her uneasy.

  I closed my door and ran the shower water, my mind still on Jenn. That day when I had gone to pick her up from the airport had been the most exciting day for me since the last time I had seen her. I remembered waiting patiently and watching her approach me. Instead of the young, lanky girl that had left for California the summer before, I had watched a full-grown woman with a nice set of tits scanning the room for me. Yes, I did notice the tits. Not that I’m a tits guy, but having known Jenn for so long and used to her chest being a little on the flat side, the breasts took me by surprise. I did all I could not to reach out and hold them or squeeze them. And she hadn’t even noticed how much I stared at them. I wanted nothing more than to peel that big shirt she was wearing off her and take her into my arms, take those babies in my hands and squeeze them until she begged me to kiss and lick them.

  I shook my head and tried to clear my thoughts. I was going overboard thinking about Jenn. It was one thing thinking about her legs that stretched for miles, but now I was thinking of her boobs and how to get my hands on them, something big brothers shouldn’t think of. I needed to quit before I tried to make my thoughts a reality. I sighed and got into the shower, thinking that the hot water was not going to do me and my raging hard-on any good, so I turned nozzle to cold—that was what I needed to wash Jenn and all thoughts of her boobs and legs from my mind.


  The next morning, I woke up to a knock on my door. It was Tyler.

  “Hey, did I wake you?” He opened the door and walked into my room, the same way he had always walked in back in the day. Except that there was only one problem: I was barely clothed.

  “What do you think?” I said, yawning and doing my best not to stretch so I didn’t expose the fact that I had been so hot and bothered about Tyler that I had slept naked, shamefully touching myself for relief throughout the night.

  “Well, sorry, just wanted to get the day started,” he said.

  “I see,” I grumbled, still a little sore from waking up that early.

  “Looks like someone didn’t have a good night.”

  “You don’t know the half of it,” I said. Of course I didn’t have a good night. Who would have a good night when they were turned on, had no relief, and the object of her affection was just one door away? Any reasonable person would have gone searching for that boy. But not me. I wasn’t going to throw myself at someone who didn’t see the woman in me.

  “What happened?” he asked, looking at me seriously.

  “Nothing. I was only playing. I had a good, satisfying night,” I said. Part of it was true. I had fingered myself until I came. That part had been satisfying. The part that I had to do it myself was not satisfying, but you can’t have it all.

  “Satisfying?” he said to me. Without waiting for an answer, he continued talking. “Want to go out with me?”

  “Where are we going?”

  “I don’t know, but we can’t stay home forever.”

  “But I like being at home,” I said, even though I was already thinking of what I’d wear to wherever he wanted to take me. I had some new tights I bought recently and wore under my sweater dresses that would probably work.

  “We are going to the gym,” he said, dragging me up from my bed where I had tried to settle, covering myself
with the comforter to save whatever I could of my dignity.

  As he pulled me up, my robe fell open, and I was bared for his eyes. I expected him to apologize and run out of my room, but instead, his eyes were glued on my boobs, which were naked. I could feel my nipples hardening under his stare. Thank goodness I had slept in panties. I watched him admiring me. Ordinarily, I would have closed my robe and kicked him out of my room, but I wanted him to keep looking at me. It made me feel like a woman seeing how his eyes ogled me.

  For a time that seemed like eternity but was probably just a few seconds, he simply stared at me. I broke the silence by clearing my throat, something I had done automatically and then chided myself for afterwards for ending the perfect silence. I was a fool! I should have let him enjoy my body, pulled him towards me, and maybe kissed him, but instead I had turned a perfect moment into an awkward one.

  “So sorry, Jenn,” he stammered as he struggled to take his eyes off my body, but he couldn’t look me straight in the face. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he was blushing.

  “It’s okay. I should wear clothes to sleep.”

  “No, you shouldn’t,” he said.

  “I shouldn’t?”

  “No, that’s not what I mean. I mean, you can do whatever you want when you sleep.”

  “So if I choose to sleep naked?” I teased, knowing he was uncomfortable. I could see him struggling to find an appropriate response. He shifted around on his feet. I looked down at his pants, and what I saw made me look at him intensely for a few seconds. He had a raging hard-on and was doing his best to control it.

  “I have to go,” he said. “Forget the gym. Maybe another time?”

  “No,” I said. “We should still go to the gym. I haven’t worked out all summer, and unless I want to have flabby buttocks, I should really go exercise.”

  “Hardly,” he said, laughing, which lightened the moment.

  “Hardly what?” I said, not understanding.

  “Hardly would you get a flabby butt,” he said. “You know you’re perfect.”

  I smiled at him, unsure what to say. His compliment about me being perfect was probably nothing. It probably didn’t mean much more that what he said on the surface. “Thanks.”

  “I’ll see you downstairs in five?” he said.

  “Yes,” I replied as he left my room and shut the door after him.

  When he left, I sat on the bed and took some deep breaths. The situation was getting crazier and crazier. How the heck did we go from two siblings eating breakfast together yesterday morning to two people in an awkward, sensual moment? I got up and started to get dressed. Even if Tyler had never seen me as a woman, the recent flash of my perfect boobs should be enough to make him think about me how I’ve always wanted him to. It was time to turn things up so he never forgot what he had just seen.

  I smiled as I pulled out my drawer where I had put my sportswear. After searching through a ton of stuff, I found an outfit that I knew would throw him for a loop. If he didn’t think much of me before, this outfit would help solidify things and make him see me as the sexy woman I knew I was.


  I almost ran out of her room! What the heck just happened? I had dreamed of what her naked breasts would look like, and now I had seen them. It was one thing to see her tits in a bra and fantasize what to do with them, but I had seen her bare naked, her large, pink nipples welcoming my mouth. She was perfect. I had always known that, and what I saw today verified it. It had taken all my self-restraint to keep my hands and lips to myself.

  As I tied my shoes, ready to hit the gym with her, I knew my nights would never be the same again. She had just confessed that she didn’t sleep with clothes on. She’d had on panties, soft, lacy, white, cotton panties. Nothing unexpected for a virgin like her, but I had also seen the mound of her pussy under those panties, and if I was right, I think I might have seen some soft brown hair escaping the sides of the panties. I had taken her for someone who was always shaved, now that I think about it, but it looked like she left a little hair there. Maybe she’d let me shave her? But I knew the chances of that happening were the same as me winning a lottery I hadn’t played. I was never going to get that close to her, and this error was probably as best as it would ever get for me. I sighed again. Today was the beginning of sleepless nights. I mean, who in their right minds could sleep knowing that the girl they desired most was naked just a few doors away? I couldn’t, and I didn’t know any hot-blooded man that could. This was going to be a nightmare.


  I turned around. My jaw dropped, her outfit surprising me. If those girls that came to the gym who had men ogling them thought they had something, this girl would show them they had nothing on her. She was dressed in shorts so short I swear they couldn’t be hers. And her top was barely a bra top. Yes, she managed to look like she was about to strip, but gosh, she was hot, and I wasn’t taking her to the gym to show that body off. Too bad people knew her as my stepsister and I couldn’t flaunt her as my girlfriend.

  “Yes, I’m ready,” I said, hoping when I looked up at her face, she would keep her eyes on my face and not on my groin area, which had grown embarrassingly hard.


  I woke up the next morning almost expecting Tyler to come through the door, but nothing happened. Instead, I heard a lot of noise downstairs. I ran downstairs to see what the commotion was.

  “Oh, hi, sis,” Tyler said.

  “Hi,” I said to him, but my eyes were focused on the girl next to him.

  “Hi,” the girl said to me.

  I almost ignored her, but that would be so rude and out of character for me. Why the heck was Tyler arm-in-arm with a girl that looked like she’d just stepped out of a fashion magazine?

  “Jenn, this is Stacey.”

  “From the gym,” I said as it dawned on me that I had met the girl before.

  “Yes, from the gym,” Tyler said.

  “Wow, you move really fast,” I said to no one in particular as I turned around, then thinking it was probably odd, I turned to the girl. “That was meant for my brother. Not you.”

  The girl looked at me, unsure what to say, but I put on my fake smile. She returned the smile. “Yeah, he’s a smooth talker, your brother is.”

  Tyler looked puzzled, and I knew he was wondering why I was being so mean. I didn’t feel like explaining to him that the sight of him entangled with another girl was heart wrenching. I had imagined that the sight of my boobs and me in the gym outfit would have proved to him that I was the woman he wanted in his life. But instead, he had gone after another girl.

  “Have fun,” I told them.

  “Come join us,” Tyler said. “I was just about to start a movie.”

  “I can’t. I have a date with Josh.”

  “Josh?” Tyler asked.

  “Yes, Josh.”

  “Oh, well, enjoy,” he said.

  “I will,” I said as I marched out of the room. There was no Josh and there was no date, but there was no way in the world I was going to humiliate myself by sitting in the same room with him and that whore he’d picked up from the gym. Just looking at her, I could tell she had probably already given him her pussy. I was disgusted with him, and if there was one thing I needed to do at that moment, it was to get as far away as I could from him.

  “Let me know when you’re leaving,” he called after me, but I ignored him, running up the stairs, trying to fight the tears that had suddenly started pouring down my face. It was one thing shoving an imaginary boyfriend in the face of a boy you like, but it was even worse for the boy to say it was okay for you to go on the date. That meant he didn’t care one bit about who I saw and what I did, an attestation that he didn’t think anything more about me than the fact that I was his sister. Even if he ever got to know Josh, he’d probably want to know him just for the sake of acting like a big brother, not that he cared that some other man might touch me. In fact, if I had sex with Josh in front of him, he’d not mind at

  I ran to my room and locked my door. The whole winter break, which had started out so well, was gradually snowballing into one huge disaster. I had laid myself bare to Tyler and lost control of my emotions, exposing my vulnerability to what he thought and what he did. I was setting myself up for disaster.

  After I laid on my bed for some time, I decided to dry my tears and leave the house. After all, my pretend date with Josh was not going to happen if I stayed in my room. I needed to get out and to meet a Josh. I searched my closet, carefully picking a red sweater that fell just beneath my buttocks and a pair of thick, gray tights. The sweater fit me like a glove. At least if I was going to go out, I wanted to go out with a bang!

  I needed Tyler to see what I was offering “Josh” and what he, Tyler, was missing by hanging out with that whore instead of me. I pulled on my tall boots, the ones that went over my knees. They had been a gift from Lauren, who had whispered in my ear when I had opened the gift: “This will drive men crazy. Makes you look like a little whore, but trust me, it gets the job done.”

  I smiled as I wiped away my tears. Lauren was crazy and nothing like a mom; if anything, she felt like a sister, someone I could talk to about anything and everything. She and Dad had left early for work, but I wished I could talk to her about Tyler and me. However, that would hardly be appropriate and would get us in trouble.

  After I pulled the boots on, I stood in front of my mirror. My reflection put a smile on my face. Yes, there was no Josh, and yes, I had no date. I was simply going to spend all day at the mall or the movies, but Tyler wouldn’t know that. I wanted him to see me dressed so nice and realize he couldn’t come with me. I wanted to make him insanely jealous and then ignore him.


  I hadn’t really wanted Jenn to see me with Stacey. Not that I cared, but it seemed wrong and I really couldn’t figure out why. I wasn’t dating Jenn or anything, and I had been allowed to have girls over at the house since I was eighteen. Stacey was not the first girl Jenn had seen me with, but for some reason she had overreacted with Stacey.


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