RICH BOY BRIT (A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance)

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RICH BOY BRIT (A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance) Page 27

by Mia Carson

  “No, no, please fuck me, Tyler.”

  He didn’t need any more prompting; his cock went to work, digging, thrusting, and pounding my pussy until I was begging for mercy.

  “Yes, please, some more,” I screamed as I took him deeper, my pussy tight around his cock and vibrating. He began to pump even faster, pushing so deep inside me I knew I’d come any second. I yelled as one thrust hit me so hard I swear he found the most sensitive spot in my body. We fucked like it was the last time we’d do it, pushing and pulling our bodies in unison.

  “Fuck,” he yelled over and over again as he pounded me repeatedly.

  “Yeah,” I yelled, and as he continued to fuck me, the warmth brewed until I felt myself explode in orgasm. He was not too far behind; he screamed my name so loudly that I thought the neighbors would hear us.

  “Jenn!” he screamed one more time as his cum flowed freely into me, filling my up like it usually did.


  After we came, I collapsed on her as I always did, smelling her hair, which reminded me of jasmine. After a few minutes, we lay on the carpeted floor, trying to catch our breaths, my brain overthinking.

  “So what are we going to do about us?” Jenn asked.

  Her question surprised me, and even though I had been thinking so hard about what to do about us, I hadn’t made any final decisions. All I knew was that I didn’t want another man next to her, and I didn’t want to be without her. Complicated decisions.

  “I don’t really know,” I said. Truly, I didn’t know. I knew what I wanted, but I didn’t know how to get it. I knew I wanted more from her, but I didn’t know how to let her know that or how it would work out.

  “Well, I do,” she said, causing me to sit up to listen to her.


  “I like you,” she said, telling me something I already knew. “Do you like me?”

  “Of course I like you, too,” I said, wishing there was a way I could untangle the real feeling I had for her and tell her that I liked her more than just the like she thought. I liked her, like…I loved her. The realization of how I felt for her shocked me.

  “But we can’t keep fucking each other in secret,” she continued.

  I nodded. I knew where this was heading. She was going to stop sleeping with me because she was with Jason, something I didn’t help by seeing Stacey. I couldn’t really blame her for wanting to move as far away from fucking her stepbrother as possible. And then, of course, she would like to have her own life, like move on with Jason or whoever she wanted. That was only reasonable. I had to agree with her, even if it would kill me.

  “You’re right, we can’t,” I said, waiting for her to complete her train of thought.

  I wouldn’t be able to survive watching her hang out with another man while I still wanted her so badly. This should have been the moment I stopped her speech and held her in my arms and confessed to her that I truly wanted more from her and that we could try to work things to our favor. Maybe she’d even admit to liking me, or possibly, liking me a little more than just as a stepsibling. I could work with any amount of love she had for me.

  “And the thing is that if Mom and Dad find out what we’ve been doing, we would be in trouble forever. I don’t want to lose your mom’s trust, or my dad’s, either.

  “No, we can’t let that happen.”

  She was right about that. Since we were messing around with each other so much at home, we were bound to slip up one of these days and say or do something we shouldn’t.

  “I think we need to think this thing through and do the right thing.”

  I nodded. I knew what she was trying to say—we needed to stop fucking each other and go back to our old lifestyle. But that was impossible. I could never do that. It wasn’t what I wanted. All I wanted was to hold Jenn tight in my arms and tell her how much I wanted her to be with me, as my girlfriend. We could tell our parents we were dating. After all, we were both adults and not blood related. I didn’t see how that would hurt.

  “And I’m sure you already know what the right thing is,” Jenn said, looking at me, her eyes full of excitement.

  I was confused about why she would be excited about not having sex with me. I guess she was ready to move on with Jason or someone else and probably just wanted to finalize things with me before she did that. I tried unsuccessfully to sound cheerful. “I do, and if that’s what you want, that’s what we’ll do.”

  “Great, so what I want us to do is…” she started.

  I braced myself, but instead of speaking, she got up and ran to the bathroom. I could hear her throwing up in the bathroom. Maybe she needed to see a doctor to take care of the bug. I ran after her, all snippets of our conversation forgotten. Maybe another time, but right now, I needed to make sure she was okay.


  I was in the bathroom, the third time in three consecutive days I had been sick, wondering what was wrong with me and annoyed by the timing of my nausea. I was just about to tell Tyler that I wanted him so badly and wanted to see if he was open to us making our relationship public. I kind of thought he would be open to that since Stacey was just a distraction he didn’t really care too much about. I knew Tyler would get over Stacey as quickly as he got into her. It had taken me all night to come up with the best way to tell him what we could do to make things easier.

  Initially, I was going to tell him that maybe we should slow down on fucking so we wouldn’t get into trouble; then I realized it wasn’t what I really wanted. I needed him, and if I gave him up that easily, I wasn’t really fighting for what I wanted. So I decided to ask him if he wanted to be my official boyfriend. If he didn’t want to, I could laugh it off as a joke and go to plan B, which was discontinuing the fucking completely. But I was cooped up in the bathroom sick, and I didn’t know if I’d ever have the courage to finish my statement.

  “Jenn, you okay?”

  “Yes,” I said, my voice barely a whisper, and then I said a tad bit louder, “Yes.”

  “Okay, I’ll be right here if you need anything.”

  “Sure,” I said as I rinsed my mouth one more time and left the bathroom. Like he had said, he was right outside, and when I stepped out, he offered me a mint.

  “This should help calm your belly.” I nodded and gratefully took the mint. “So, do you think you should see a doctor? You could be sick.”

  “I could be sick, except I’m not sure what I’ve eaten that could have made me this sick most of the week.”

  “You ate me?” he said, trying to crack a joke, but his words caused an alarm to go off in my head.


  “Shit what?” he said.

  “I did eat you,” I said.

  “You mean my cock is making you sick?” he grinned.

  “No, I mean your cock could have made me pregnant.”

  “Damn!” he said, his eyes wide.

  “Yes, hot damn,” I said.

  “But your period? Don’t you know when you’re safe?” he asked.

  “I do, but I haven’t done a good job of keeping track. It’s not like I was sexually active before you,” I said, annoyance creeping into my voice. I hadn’t even confirmed if I was pregnant or not and my hormones were going crazy.

  “So, should we do some sort of pregnancy test?” he asked, looking at me, his deep brown eyes unable to hide the uncertainty in them.

  I was going to start preaching about how we should have been more careful and how he should have been more careful since he was the older of us, but I decided against it. We were already panicking. No need to make things worse.

  “Yes, that would be good,” I said, getting up and putting on my shoes. “Coming to the pharmacy with me?”

  We quickly dressed and drove to the nearby pharmacy. I picked up three different pregnancy tests, each one designed to tell us the results of the test in a different way. I couldn’t look the cashier in the eye as she rang up the tests, especially since there were all sizes and shapes of condoms next to
the pregnancy tests. The irony. Nonetheless, Tyler grabbed a pack of extra-large condoms, and I smiled inwardly when the cashier looked at us, eyebrows raised. I could tell she was wondering how big he could possibly be, or maybe she was wondering why we were buying three pregnancy tests and a pack of extra-large condoms at the same time. I looked at Tyler and winked at him. He smiled at me, and I knew we would figure things out, one way or the other.

  When we returned home, I ran to the bathroom, eager to pee on the pregnancy sticks. One part of me wanted the results to be negative so I could move on with my life. A small part of me wondered what would happen if it were positive. Would Tyler and I have to set up a home together? Yet another part of me didn’t want to know yet what the results were. That part won; I decided against trying the tests immediately. I walked back into the living room where Tyler was impatiently waiting for me. He looked at me expectantly.

  “I changed my mind about doing it now. I think I’ll wait until the morning. The first morning pee is more accurate,” I said, knowing that even though that was true, it was highly unlikely that all three tests would give me an inaccurate test. I was dreading knowing the truth, as I knew it would change a million things.

  “Do you think you can wait that long?” he asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Why don’t we just get it done so we can get it over with?” he suggested.

  He had a point. If I was pregnant, it would not change just because I waited overnight. “I really should,” I mumbled, looking at him and tearing open the test, my hands shaking.

  “Can I watch you do it?” he asked, coming close to me and holding me in his arms. He wanted to support me.

  “If you insist,” I said and kissed him on the lips. “I would appreciate it if you do.”

  “You know, before you take the test, can we talk a little bit?” he said as he took the test away from me and put it on the table beside us. “Come sit with me.” We sat down on the sofa. “Earlier, you were about to tell me how we should do the right thing, but you stopped because you had to use the bathroom.”

  “Yes,” I said. I had run out in the middle of a sentence to throw up.

  “Can we finish that conversation so the results of the test don’t affect what we really think we should do?” he asked.

  I nodded. It was his right to know how I felt about us, and I was glad he had brought it up. “Well, I wanted to let you know that I care so much more about you than as just a brother.”

  He nodded and cut me off. “Me too, Jenn, me too. And I can imagine how hard this must be for you.”

  “So, I wanted to ask you if we could stop fucking in secret and make our relationship open.”

  “What do you mean?”

  I realized that he might not have been expecting me to ask him indirectly to be my boyfriend and to let the whole world know. Maybe I was asking for too much. “If you don’t want to, that’s okay. It’s just that I wish there was a way we could truly be together.”

  He was silent for a while, and fear settled in my stomach.

  “I guess I shouldn’t have said this. Let me take the test and we’ll figure out what to do,” I said, getting up and trying to swallow my pride. I had just bared my soul to this man, and he hadn’t spoken. Maybe he was truly with Stacey and what I was asking didn’t make sense.

  “You’re okay with Mom and Dad and all our friends knowing about us?” His question caught me by surprise.

  “Yes, but I understand how that might be difficult for you.”

  “It’s not about me; it’s about you. I worry if you will be okay with everyone knowing about us. Jenn, since the very first day our parents introduced us, I’ve had a crush on you. I wanted you so bad, and I prayed every night that I would be the one to take your virginity. I know I teased you often about it. It was a way to check that I was still in the running.”

  “That’s funny,” I said, laughing. “I didn’t know there was a line for my virginity.”

  “You would be surprised by how many men would jump at the chance to kiss you. Fucking you is like a dream come true for me, and I can tell you, probably every man you meet.”

  “You’re being dramatic,” I said, smiling.

  “Ask Jason if he wants a piece of your pussy. Or maybe he already got it?” His voice dropped to a whisper as if he were afraid that if he was too loud, I might confirm his worst fears.

  “No, you know it’s only for you.”

  “Jenn, what I’m saying is that I really like you. Maybe I love you more than just a sister, and there is nothing more I want out of life than to have a chance to be with you, without any thought of what people think.”

  “And what if I’m pregnant? Would you change your mind?”

  Tyler looked at me, pulled me closer to him, and planted a kiss on my lips before continuing. “If you are pregnant, Jenn, yeah, it may be a little premature for us, realistically, but I’d love nothing else than to raise a child with you and build a family together. We’re young and all that, but I know we can make anything work.”

  I smiled at him, speechless. I had always thought of Tyler as a shallow person, and even though he was super smart, I never thought he’d make a speech about wanting a family anytime soon. But he seemed so sincere that there was no doubt in my mind that if I were indeed pregnant, Tyler would take care of me and our child.

  “So, what do you say? Is this something you want as well? Be with me for as long as forever?”

  I started giggling. “Forever is too long.”

  “Well, forever is all I’m willing to take with you, Jenn. The thought of another man touching you is too much to bear. The fact that you even went out with Jason almost gave me a heart attack.”

  “What about Stacey? You’ve been fucking her all winter.” Tyler started laughing. “What’s so funny?”

  “I’ve actually never slept with her, and by the way, she’s on to us.”

  “Well, I guess you can confirm her worst fears,” I said happily, pleasantly surprised that Tyler hadn’t slept with Stacey.

  “I guess.”

  “So how come you never slept with her?”

  “She’s not you, Jenn. Since the first day I met you, I knew I’d end up with you one way or the other, and this winter when I picked you up at the airport and saw how you’d turned into the sexiest woman I’ve ever met, there was no turning back for me.”

  “Didn’t think you noticed me that much.”

  “Oh, trust me, you’d think I’m a stalker if you knew how much I’d noticed you.”

  “So, who’s going to tell Mom and Dad our good news?” I asked.

  “Well, let’s take the test and see how much news to share with them. I don’t know how thrilled your dad will be to know that he’s about to be a grandpa.”

  “I can tell you he won’t like it too much,” I said.


  Though I was nervous as Jenn peed in the cup and gave me instructions on how to read each test, I knew I had to be there for her. I wanted Jenn with or without a baby, and I couldn’t afford to freak out on her then. I needed to be strong and embrace the results with her. Part of me wanted so badly for the results to be positive. I couldn’t imagine any baby that would be cuter than the child made with Jenn. But the sensible part of me wanted the result to be negative so we could have a chance to start over and do it right. If it was negative, at least Jenn’s education wouldn’t be compromised, and we’d be able to take more time to learn about ourselves and figure out a more solid foundation.

  With my heart pounding so hard I worried Jenn might hear it, I dipped the first stick into the urine and lay it down to wait for the result. It came back negative. I tried the second one and the blinking light read POSITIVE.

  “Fuck,” Jenn swore. “This is like playing Russian roulette.”

  “I guess like you said, the tests can be false positive or negative. It even says so on the box,” I said, consoling her while I got the last test ready.

” she read the test.

  “So, we don’t know if you’re pregnant or not?” I asked Jenn, and she nodded.

  “How else can we know?” I said, unfamiliar with the female anatomy. All I really knew was how to fuck a woman well.

  “Well, I’ll need a blood test. I’ll try to get in to see my doctor in the morning.”

  “So we’re in limbo?” I asked.

  She nodded, her eyes downcast. I knew she was worried, and naturally, she should be. Pregnancy is life changing. I pulled her to me with the intention of kissing her and letting her go, but she clung to me and burst into tears.

  “It’s going to be okay,” I said, consoling her.

  She nodded and put her head on my shoulder. Her gentle sobs and the familiar smell of her hair brought out the protective instincts in me, and suddenly all I wanted was to make sure Jenn was always fine.

  “Jenn, it’s okay. We’re in this together. Doesn’t matter if you’re pregnant or not. The way I feel about you won’t change.” I held her, waiting for her to calm down, but that didn’t happen. The next thing I knew, she was kissing me like she was dying for me, ripping my clothes off me. I was surprised initially, but she needed me to soothe her in more ways than just holding her and letting her cry on my shoulder. I wasn’t going to turn away a hot woman seeking my cock, was I?


  I don’t know what came over me, but being so close to Tyler and inhaling his familiar smell made me lose my senses. His muscular torso did not help, and of course, my torn emotions from the uncertain pregnancy made things worse in a good way. Suddenly all I wanted was to have his cock pounding my pussy like it was going out of business. I ripped his clothes off him and tossed them aside. He was quick to undress me, and soon we were stark naked in the living room. He laid me on the carpeted floor, and without any preamble, positioned his cock on my pussy slit. But he hesitated.

  “Now, Tyler,” I commanded, my voice strong, hardly reflective of how weak I felt inside. If he didn’t give me his cock immediately, I was afraid I wouldn’t make it. He didn’t disappoint me; he penetrated me to the core. “Gosh,” I said as I felt him dig deep inside me.


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