His Dark Promise (Siren Publishing Classic)

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His Dark Promise (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 5

by K. R. Haynes

  Holly seemed apprehensive to want to touch herself in front of him. But too bad and when he pushed the issue she blew out an exaggerated breath then slowly lowered her hand down her abdomen then lower still to her pussy. Travis reached down and parted her damp folds for her with one hand, baring her clit to her, while he held her up against the wall with the other hand.

  With just the tip of his cock barely inside of her, Holly began rubbing her clit. Travis found he couldn’t take his eyes off the sight of her fingers circling and rubbing that taut little bud of hers. She quickly fell into a rhythm she was comfortable with and her body soon began to relax around the head of his penis. Her juices began to flow, coating him, and ever so slowly he eased his hard, hot length into her. His pace was both excruciating and exquisite. As he pushed his cock further inside of her, Travis chanced a glance up at Holly and noticed she had her eyes closed, her revelling in the feel of him taking her.

  “Watch me take you, Holly. Open your eyes and watch me take you with my big, hard cock, darlin’.” His hoarse, tortured voice echoed how on edge he was. Holly opened her eyes and lowered them to where he was joining them as one. He watched her rapture in seeing her own juices covering his cock as he dragged it out of her weeping core only to then slide it back in. Over and over again, he fed her only some of his hardened cock but never the whole hot length of it.

  Feeling her little quivers pulsing along his cock, Travis knew Holly couldn’t take much more of this tortured pace he had set. Pulling all the way out of her, she screeched at him to put it back in. He smirked at her. She was right where he wanted her to be, burning up for him. She needed him buried deep inside of her like now, not later or when he was ready to feed her his whole cock and he loved every bit of the passion she was showing him.

  “God damn it, Travis, I need you in me now, please.” He rewarded her plea with a grunt then thrust his hips forward, forcing a harsh breath to leave her lungs as he buried himself deep inside her core. She cried out at the feel of him stretching the sensitive inner tissues of her pussy. The pleasure he felt astounded him. It went beyond anything thing he had ever experienced in his life.

  “Is that what you want, darlin’, my cock buried so deeply inside of you?” he groaned out to her while nipping and sucking at the flesh on her neck.

  “Oh god, Travis, oh god, I feel so damn full.” He just chuckled at her answer and begun to move his hips back and forth now that she had adjusted to his girth. His thumb took over rubbing her clit for her when her fingers fell away. With her head and mind so caught up in the pleasure he gave her, Holly probably couldn’t think straight to save her own life right now. He was causing her to lose herself to the passion he was stirring up within her and it pleased him to no end that he could affect her so greatly. Maybe there was hope for him yet, that he could make her see that they were a perfect match for each other.

  “Travis, oh god...” she screeched again to him. Her fingernails dug into the flesh on his shoulder as she held on to him for dear life.

  Repeatedly he pumped his swollen cock into her, taking her closer and closer to that edge of release she was chasing. She shook her head at the feel of his lips tugging at her taut nipples. So many sensations would be racing throughout her, there would be too many for her to distinguish one from the other. Her head would no doubt be spinning right about now too, because sure as shit he knew his head was.

  Travis could feel the heat of her pussy surrounding him. His cock actually throbbed and ached to come inside of her. His whole body tingled in need for release. He was so close he could virtually taste it. “Please...” she pleaded once again. Knowing Holly needed something to push her over into ecstasy with him, but too crazed with her own lust to know what she wanted or what she needed from him, Travis took it upon himself to supply her with the push she needed to let go.

  He moved his lips to the sensitive skin below her ear and nibbled on it and strummed her clit with his thumb. Both actions caused her to tighten around him, and they both fell and fell fast into the most exquisite and the most explosive orgasm ever. Stars, there were definitely stars. There were millions of the tiny little buggers when he closed his eyes to block out the view of her seeing the tortured expression flickering in his eyes.

  Travis only reopened his eyes once the pressure in his cock began to ease and tightened his hold on Holly as she arched her back off the shower wall. His name fell from her lips in a guttural cry. Her release no doubt took her to place she most likely had never been taken to before now. There was a raw darkness in the way she climaxed for him, one that left him craving to see more of… More, oh god did he want more of her. Travis wanted and need Holly so much he wondered if she could give him everything he demanded from her. The more she gave to him the more he needed from her. There was this remarkable primitiveness within him that wanted to claim her as his and his alone. Feeling her lips caressing the hard muscles of his chest, he glanced down at her. She looked so beautiful to him, even with her wet auburn locks glued to her face. She was still the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on and that was nothing short of the truth. She was indeed gorgeous to him wet or dry, dressed or naked. It didn’t matter to him and would never matter to him. In his eyes she was the woman he had always dreamt of and now he held her in his arms where she was meant to be.

  Chapter Ten

  Holly felt the moment his cock twitched within her core, spilling his release into the condom Travis had worn. In the back of her mind, there was a twinge of disappointment that he had gloved up, denying her a chance to feel his warm seed spilling into her wanting womb. It made her want it all the more.

  He took her lips in a mind-stealing kiss while she detangled her legs from around his waist as he pulled out slowly from her body. She hissed slightly when he slipped all the way out of her very well-used pussy. Travis quickly disposed of the condom then came back and joined her in the shower again. He held her tightly to him. His hands running up and down her back, she circled her arms lower around his waist and clung to him.

  No words were spoken. Holly was more than aware that something had happened between them, something that caused this tender reaction from him. But she couldn’t find it within herself to knock back his unspoken offer of tenderness. Not after he gave her several earth-shattering orgasms that were so huge she wasn’t sure if she would ever be the same woman ever again.

  Long moments later, with the water cooling around them, they both gently washed each other before stepping out of the shower to dry each other off. Travis tucked her under his arm and Holly laid her head on his shoulder. He ushered her out of the bathroom and back over to the bed. He only released his hold on her for a moment to draw back the covers from the bed. She slid underneath them when he told her to.

  Her body ached in all the very best ways from his possession and in places she didn’t even know she could ache in. A smile formed on her lips when Travis settled in beside her and tugged her into his side. His hand rested on her hip, holding her to him. Her smile grew wider and for once she let herself enjoy the feeling of being in his warm embrace and of having his arms hold her while she feigned sleep.

  She might not be able to have him any longer than the next twelve days. However, she had him now, and now had to be enough for her. It had to be at least. It just had to be, even though Holly knew it would never be enough for her to ever be truly satisfied. Not when she wanted him, all of him, forever.

  Her smile soon died when understanding dawned on her that forever wasn’t even possible for them. It wasn’t even on the table for them, either. They didn’t have a relationship and they didn’t have a future together. She was leaving to go overseas for a year in less than two weeks, which meant she couldn’t have anything but a short-lived and albeit bittersweet fling with Travis Kane.

  That thought alone set up an ache within her chest. She may have decided to let him into her heart at the start of the evening, but Holly was starting to think that that may have been a mistake on her be
half. It made her too vulnerable to him and that was something she hadn’t planned on. She was unequivocally in love with a man who couldn’t commit to her. Yes, she was planning on leaving soon, but she thought she could handle leaving her heart behind with him. Now she knew the truth, she couldn’t.

  Her heart may want him. Her body might crave that sight of him. Her head though was a mess as it struggled to understand what had just taken place between them. Holly may have fallen in love with Travis at first sight several months ago. It didn’t mean she could cope with the emotions that were brought forth within her when he took her so completely.

  Lying awake in his arms now, arms she wanted around her always, left her feeling empty and alone even though he was holding her tightly to him. She couldn’t seem to shake off the sense of desertion as she lay in a big bed filled with him. His warmth might be seeping into her, but all she felt was the coldness that loneliness brought to her.

  Yes, he might have made hot, hungry love to her and brought out more passion within her than any other male had before him tonight. The last thing she wanted was to have any regrets. She should be able to allow herself to bask in the love she had briefly glimpsed in him. But for whatever reason she couldn’t seem let go completely. Couldn’t give up that last little bit of herself to him, because deep down Holly knew if she did she would be totally lost to him.

  Slowly a tear trickled down her cheek and she resisted the urge to brush it aside like she resisted the need to brush aside her feelings. Her mother always told her she was a stubborn child and even more hard headed when she became a woman. Holly was beginning to think her mother was right about her all along. She was indeed too headstrong for her own good especially where Travis Kane was concerned.

  His arms tightened around her like he sensed the turmoil racing through her mind and in her heart. She sighed deeply against him and closed her eyes. Her problems couldn’t be solved in one night and her heart couldn’t forget the love it felt for him as held her close.

  Turning in his arms so she could rest her head on his chest, Holly breathed in the delicious scent of his skin into her soul and slowly fell into a fitful sleep while Travis held her nestled against him.

  Chapter Eleven

  Just before dawn broke, bringing with it a whole new day, Holly woke up to a large, warm male hand caressing the cheeks of her ass and moist, manly lips feathering kisses up her spine. Smiling into the pillow, she shivered at the feel of his hand brushing aside her hair so he could nip at her shoulder. “Travis,” she moaned to him. “It’s too damn early in the morning for this.”

  He nipped at her other shoulder before answering her. “It’s never too early, sweet darlin’, not for you, and I found myself a hungry man this morning. Would you deny a starving man the delicacy of your body?”

  Well, when he put it like that, she supposed not. “Yes,” she breathed to him.

  “Yes, you would deny me. Sweet darlin’, I thought you knew better than to deny me anything.”

  Shit, she said “yes” to him. She had meant to say “no.” See, this is why she had turned him down for months and fought within herself to keep her distance from him, because she couldn’t think straight when around him. “No, I meant no, Travis.”

  “Good. I would hate to have you deny me the pleasure of your body, sweet darlin’.”

  “I don’t think I have it in me to deny you anything, Trav,” she whispered to him.

  “So you won’t deny me anything, even now?”

  Holly shook her head to answer him. His hand continued to caress her ass while he slipped a fingertip between her ass cheeks to feather it around the tight opening of her anus. She knew what he wanted from her this morning. He had warned her last night, even, that he was going to make her his in every way conceivable, and he had already taken her mouth and her pussy. He was yet to take her ass, though.

  “I need...no scrap that, I want your ass this morning, Holly.” She shivered underneath his touch from hearing him say that to her. “Has any man taken this ass before me?”

  “Yes, only once. I didn’t like it very much, though.”

  “Is that so, darlin? Well, perhaps he wasn’t as well skilled with his dick as I am with mine.”

  Holly found herself wanting to laugh out loud at his cocky statement. Travis seemed so sure of himself and of his skills in the bedroom. His cockiness was bordering on arrogance. It was time to nip some of that arrogance in the bud, she thought.

  “Or maybe you’re both equally as skilled with that part of your anatomy,” she uttered to him, even though she knew it was a lie. Travis was more talented with that cock of his than any other man she had known.

  “Oh, baby girl, you really do enjoy challenging me, don’t you?” He slapped her ass hard then and rolled off the bed. Before she knew what was happening, he whipped the sheet off of her, baring her nudity to his gaze. Out of the corner of her eye, Holly saw him rummaging around in his overnight bag to pull out a small bottle of lube and a box of condoms.

  When she went to roll over onto her back, he growled at her to remain lying on her belly. He was having that ass of hers and he was going to show her that he was better and more skilled with his cock than any other man. Hiding her chuckle and shiver from him, she hugged the pillow he had slept on underneath her chin. Holly then turned her head slightly so she could watch him prowl across the bed toward her. His cock was already hard for her, and moisture was leaking from the tip of it. She licked her lips at the sight of it, wanting to taste him again.

  She boldly reached out for it and wrapped her fingers around the hot, steely shaft. He crawled closer to her mouth so she could lick around the head of his penis. She groaned as his taste exploded onto her tastebuds. She swirled her tongue around the crest of his dick to get more of his taste in her. Just as she was about to wrap her lips around him, Travis denied her and pulled away from her mouth. “Uh-uh, darlin’, this isn’t some treat you can have any ole time you want. You have to ask me nicely if you can have a suck of it. So ask me nicely and I might let you have a lick or two.”

  Oh hell, he was going to make her beg and plead to suck his cock, seriously? Glancing down at his hard, throbbing length, Holly considered her options. She really did want to taste him again, even if only for a brief few moments before he fucked her ass. Lifting her gaze to his, she smiled sweetly up at him and said. “Please may I have a little taste of that huge cock of yours, Mr. Kane?”

  His groan was her answer. Leaning over to him, she wrapped her moist lips around the head of his dick and slipped her mouth down the length of him. Breathing in through her nose, Holly shoved as much of his rigidness into her mouth while circling one hand around the base of it, while her other hand played with his balls. Over and again she released her hand on him and slipped his cock almost all the way out of her mouth, only to then suck him back in and tighten her grip on him.

  His hand pulled hard on her hair to lift her lips away from his cock when he couldn’t stand her torment any further. She smiled up at him shyly, and watched the haze of possessiveness edge into his eyes. Holly knew than she may have bitten off more than she wanted to with him. He was about to mark her as his. She knew it and felt it and that scared her to death as that wasn’t meant to happen. He wasn’t meant to mark her as his, and yet she knew he would and they were both powerless to stop it from happening, too. Somewhere inside of her, a dark part of her being wanted to be marked as his so everyone knew who she belonged. Christ, she was so depraved for sure.

  Lying back down on her belly as instructed, Holly could barely contain the anticipation of him taking her ass. She found herself craving the bite of pain when he entered her. The only other time she let a man take her back entrance had been uncomfortable and not terribly pleasurable either. Probably because, as Travis had stated, the man most likely wasn’t very skilled with his cock and balls. Holly only hoped this time around, with Travis at the helm, it would be different scenario.

  The feel of warm liquid dribbling
between her ass cheeks and the touch of his finger working the lube in and around her tight little hole had her moaning. He was gentle with his caress and worked the tip of his finger inside her ass slowly. She tried not to push back on him in her eagerness to have more of his finger inside her. It wasn’t long before he slipped another finger inside of her. More lube followed soon after, squirted into her ass to ease their passage. He scissored his fingers to open up her back passage up further and prepare her for his possession.

  Her clit was burning and her pussy was leaking moisture at a rapid pace, and all he had done was stick a couple of fingers up her butt. Squirming around on the bed, Travis slapped her ass good and hard with his spare hand and told her to stop moving about. More, she wanted to demand to him that she needed more of that wicked touch he was giving her. Then just like that he pulled his fingers out of her butt and moved away.

  “Up onto your hands and knees, darlin’, and do it now.”

  Holly quickly scrambled up to do his bidding for him and glanced over her shoulder at him once she was in position. “Please, Travis, I need you, I’m burning up here in need for you.”

  He didn’t say anything back to her, just let his gaze wander over her naked form, causing her body to quiver. His hand smoothed down her back and then down further still to cup her bare pussy. Heat rose to her cheeks at the feel of how wet she was for him from the moisture pooling on his hand. His growl of approval had her blushing even more and had more moisture dripping onto his hand. Oh god, he was going to kill her with embarrassment, no doubt about it.

  “Your pussy is so wet and ready for me, sweet darlin’. Have you not told it I’m having your ass this morning?”


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