Chasing Him

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Chasing Him Page 33

by Kennedy Fox

  I kiss him back. “I do now.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  “So Mila…” River grabs her attention as we help clear the table. Mama made a huge Christmas feast, and now we’re all in food comas. “I know your school isn’t opening until after the new year and all, but do you think you could hold a place for me in the newborn class, say around…June or July?”

  “Well, we aren’t at full capacity, and I doubt we will be by then but…” Mila stops, blinks, and looks at River. “Wait. Are you pregnant?” She squeals, nearly running over to hug River.

  “I knew it!” Emily shouts, joining in on their hug.

  “Good job, bro,” I tell Alex, slapping him on the shoulder.

  “Does that mean the pressure’s off me?” Jackson jokes. “Congrats, guys!”

  The fact that Mama isn’t plowing River and Alex down right now tells me that she already knew. I’m so excited for them, considering how long they’ve been trying.

  “I think I deserve some credit,” I say, teasing. “After River threatened my balls to get some help, I went back to work and took the extra load off you, so you could rip off your wife’s clothes,” I tell Alex.

  “No, it’s your fault it took so long,” River says matter-of-factly, but she’s smirking so I know she’s not serious. “Actually, we’re three months along already.”

  “Three months?” Emily and Mila gasp at the same time.

  “I didn’t want to say anything until we were out of the danger zone. It took so long to finally get pregnant, I kept thinking something bad was going to happen.”

  “It’s okay, we understand,” Mila tells her. “I’m so excited for you guys.”

  “I hope it’s a girl, so the Bishop grandkids continue to outrank the boys,” Emily says.

  “Plus, Elizabeth and Maize need another girl cousin to get into mischief with,” Mila adds.

  “That or there needs to be at least one of them to talk sense into the other two,” I say, cracking up laughing.

  “As soon as we get through the wedding, we’re trying for more,” Emily announces, and by the look on Evan’s face, he had no idea that was the plan. Jackson and I laugh at his expense as Emily gives him a sweet smile.

  Once the table is cleared, we all gather around the tree and let the kids open their presents. Maize opened her gifts from Santa this morning, but she was only half-interested. After the third present, she was over trying to unwrap it, and Mila and I had to do the rest for her.

  I haven’t given Mila her gift yet, and the nerves start to hit me the closer to time it gets. For weeks, she planned her trip back to me, which has meant everything to me. Now I’ve been planning something amazing for her.

  “Here, Mom,” I whisper, handing Maize over to her. She gives me a wink, knowing exactly what I need her to go do.

  “Baby,” I say, grabbing Mila’s attention.

  “Yeah, babe?” She walks to me in the living room with a plate of pie in her hands.

  “I wanna give you your gift since it’s here.”

  Her face lights up, and she quickly swallows down the last of her dessert. “Oh, okay. I have yours here too.”

  “Let me grab Maize first,” I tell her, leaning in to kiss her on the cheek. “Mama is changing her.”

  “Okay, I’ll go get your present!”

  As she skips over to the tree, I head to where Mama is with Maize and smile wide when I see her T-shirt. “Look at you,” I say, grabbing Maize in my arms. “It’s perfect.” I already know Mila’s going to love it.

  “You ready for this?” Mama asks, patting me on the cheek.

  “Been ready my entire life,” I reply.

  “She’s a lucky girl, John.”

  “No, I’m the lucky one, Mama. She brings out the best in me and loves Maize as her own. I don’t know what I did to deserve her,” I admit, already getting emotional.

  “Don’t forget this.” Mama hands me the box I asked her to hold on to because I didn’t want Mila finding it beforehand.

  “Thanks, Mama.” I take it from her and put it in my front pocket.

  “I love you, John. Good luck.” She grins, giving me a side hug.

  Holding Maize on the other side, I walk back to the living room where Mila is still digging under the tree. “I swear I put it under here,” she mutters. I keep quiet, knowing exactly where it is. I had Jackson hide it when she wasn’t looking so she’d stay distracted.

  “Has anyone seen a gift with blue wrapping paper with silver ornaments on it?” Mila asks, moving toys and empty boxes around that have already been ripped open.

  “I think I saw it in the way back by the end table,” Jackson tells her, pointing to the far right.

  “Do you want some help?” River asks, stalling so I can get into position.

  “Sure.” Mila laughs. “There’s a ton of boxes down here.”

  While Mila and River are facing the Christmas tree, digging around the mess on the floor, I kneel behind her with Maize on my knee.

  Once I’m settled, I give River a nod to signal I’m ready. She reaches between the table and couch where Jackson hid the gift and holds it up.

  “Is this it?” she asks Mila.

  “Ooh yes! Thank you!”

  I inhale, knowing the moment she turns around she’s going to see Maize and me kneeling in front of her.

  Mila stands up, grabs the wrapped box from River, and as soon as she spins around, her jaw drops and her eyes widen in shock.

  “Oh my God!” She clasps a hand over her mouth, dropping the present in her other hand. “What are you doing?”

  “Maize wanted to ask you a question.” I smirk, jerking my head down to her T-shirt.

  Mila squats down to her level and straightens her shirt so she can read it. “Will you marry my daddy?” she reads aloud, tears already forming in her eyes. “Are you serious?”

  I reach inside my pocket, grab the box, and flip it open, showing off the diamond ring I bought for her. “Mila, we love you more than anything, and you’d make us the happiest people in the world if you’d marry me and be ours forever.”

  Smiling, I watch the tears streaming down her cheeks, and she frantically nods her head. “Yes! Of course!”

  Without wasting another second, I wrap a hand around her neck and pull her mouth to mine. Maize starts babbling and kicking her legs to be let down. We break apart and laugh at her.

  “I can’t believe you did this,” Mila says, wiping her cheeks. “I love that you included her. I want her to always know that I will love her forever as my own and nothing will ever change that.”

  “She will, baby. We’re both so lucky to have you in our lives.”

  “I think I’m the lucky one.” She grabs my face in her hands and plants another kiss on my lips.

  I punch my arm up into the air in victory. “She said yes!”

  Everyone erupts into applause and cheers, Mila laughing against my lips.

  Maize wiggles, and I set her down next to us. “Give me your hand.” I take the ring out of the box and slide it onto her left ring finger. “It looks perfect on you.”

  “I’m completely shocked,” she admits, looking down at the diamond. “It’s so gorgeous. I still can’t believe you planned this.”

  “I knew I wanted to marry you months ago, and I didn’t see any reason to wait any longer.”

  “I agree.” She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me in for a deep kiss.

  “No PDA on Christmas!” Jackson shouts, getting laughs from everyone. “Get a room or somethin’.”

  “That doesn’t sound like a bad idea.” I wink at Mila, grabbing her hand and helping her to her feet.

  River, Emily, and Mama swarm Mila the second they’re able to, wrapping their arms around her and checking out the ring. She fits right into our family, and I can’t imagine our lives without her in it now. Hell, I don’t ever want to.

  “It’s truly been the best Christmas ever,” Mama says as it quiets down. “
A new grandbaby is coming, and now a new daughter is joining our family.” We all smile, then Mama looks over at Jackson and pops a brow.

  “What?” he asks.

  “Any surprises coming from you next?”

  He grunts as everyone laughs.

  “I’m still shocked Jackson’s the only one without a kid,” Dad blurts out. “Makes me wonder if all those stories he tells about women are actually true.”

  Evan, Alex, and I burst out laughing, knowing Jackson hates it when we bust his balls.

  “Ha-ha.” Jackson rolls his eyes. “It means I’m the only one who knows how to wrap his junk.”

  “Junk! Junk! Junk!” Riley repeats almost immediately, and we all look down at him sitting on the couch with a new toy.

  “Thanks, Jackson,” River groans.

  “Life with boys, honey,” Mama says with a knowing smirk. “If you have a girl, prepare for her to be a tomboy. I finally got mine after three boys, and she still preferred trucks and tractors over Barbie dolls and dresses.”

  “Sounds about right,” Evan says. Courtney loved being one of the boys and always wanted to do what we were doing.

  I pick Maize up off the floor and place her on my hip. “Well, I’m going to take my baby and my soon-to-be wife home for a little celebration.” I wink, giving Mila a cocky smile.

  “Home,” she repeats in agreement. “I’ll never get tired of hearing that.”

  I lean down and press a kiss to her lips. “You’ll always be my home no matter what.”



  I roll over and pull Mila into my arms, and she hums as she snuggles closer to me. The past six months since she came back to Texas have been like a dream. We’ve easily settled into our old routine, though it’s changed slightly since the school’s opened, and I couldn’t be happier to know she’s my fiancée. I’m the luckiest man on the planet to have Mila in my life and my soon-to-be wife.

  Maize’s been giving us a run for our money now that she’s walking and getting into everything. We’ve even gone as far as adding a baby cam in her room because she’s learned to crawl out of her crib like an escape artist. No matter how low we put the mattress, she somehow finds a way to sneak out. I never imagined she’d be a mini Houdini at only a year and a half, but considering she’s a Bishop and has Riley around to teach her how to act up, it doesn’t surprise me. She’s so damn smart and amazes me every day.

  “Do you want to sleep in, baby?” I hold Mila to my chest, her body fitting with mine, and she nods. Since starting the private school, she’s been exhausted. She teaches, makes sure the kids’ needs are being met, all while dealing with the parents and curriculum, so she’s had her hands full. Even with all of that going on, she’s never been happier. The school is full of students already, and parents keep calling Mama, thinking she can easily push them to the top of the waitlist. Because so many people want to enroll their kids, Mila’s considering expanding and hiring more teachers, which is amazing. Pretty soon, it might outgrow the church building, but one thing at a time, as she constantly reminds me.

  I get out of bed and peek inside Maize’s room and see she’s sleeping soundly in her crib. I decide to close the door and make breakfast, then I’ll wake up my girls. Once I’m finished cooking, I go to our bedroom, lean over the bed, and wake Mila up with a kiss. She looks at me with sleepy eyes and wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me down.

  “Just a quickie,” she whispers.

  “Your breakfast will get cold,” I warn against her mouth, though I want to have all of her right now.

  “So? That’s what microwaves are for.” She giggles just as I hear Maize mumbling in the baby monitor.

  “It’s like she knows,” I whisper against her mouth and kiss her again before I walk out to grab Maize.

  She’s standing in her crib, and as soon as I walk in, she starts jumping. “Dada.” She points at me.

  “Good morning, baby girl.” She holds out her arms, and I pick her up and kiss her cheek. I set her on the changing table, change her diaper, and then carry her into the kitchen.

  Mila brushes her hands across my back as I’m putting Maize in her high chair. I turn and look at her wearing an oversized Packer T-shirt and shake my head with a smirk. “Can’t believe you’re wearing that after the Cowboys destroyed your team. Poor little Rodgers…I think I can still hear him crying.”

  Her hair is a mess, and she rolls her eyes as she fills her cup with coffee. “Well considering Rodgers got hurt in the preseason, it wasn’t a fair fight. In fact, it’s the only reason your cowgirls won.” Mila sits at the table and digs into her omelet. As soon as the cheesy eggs hit her lips, she moans.

  I pop an eyebrow up at her, and Maize starts laughing as she picks up a berry. She loves blackberries and chopped bananas for breakfast, and it has quickly become her favorite.

  After we’re finished eating breakfast, we take Maize to one of Mama’s friends who helps Mila at the school, because we have big plans today. Elizabeth is there too, and we give her hugs and kisses before we leave.

  Once we’re home, we walk over to the B&B and make sure everything is running smoothly, then make our way to the old bank building that was rented out for Evan and Emily’s co-ed bridal shower.

  “Are you ready for this?” I look over at Mila as we make our way into town.

  “Yeah, I’m really excited for them. Can’t wait to see how Mama decorated for this one. The ladies at school told me how she goes all out and is the best party planner in this part of Texas.” She looks over at me and smiles.

  I chuckle. “Don’t tell Mama they said that, or she’ll get an even bigger head about it. Just wait until the wedding. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”

  We pull up into the parking lot, and it’s full of cars. Apparently, they had to rent this building because the whole hospital staff was invited, and Mama sent invitations to the whole town. There are easily five hundred people in that building drinking mimosas just as brunch is being set out on tables, which was the number one reason Emily wanted it at ten in the morning.

  I grab Mila’s hand and kiss her knuckles. “We need to start planning our parties and set an official date.”

  “How about a fall wedding?” She laughs, then shakes her head. “Oh wait, that won’t work. I’ll have the 3k and 4k students back in school and–”

  I lean over and kiss her. “You’re thinking too much into it. We’ll find a day that works for us, or we’ll pick a date and make it work. There’s no rush, but I’m impatient if you know what I mean.”

  She smiles against my lips. “Yes, and I can’t wait to officially be a Bishop, though it will be a little weird being called that because that’s what everyone calls your mother, and River, and soon Emily.”

  “No, Emily will be Dr. Bishop,” I remind her with a smirk. “Let’s get going, babe. The quicker we can go in there, the quicker we can get hounded about our wedding and when we’re going to start making Mama more babies. Guaranteed. Put on your game face and show no weakness.” I wink at her, and we get out of the truck laughing.

  Opening the door for Mila, I get a good look at her ass in that skirt she decided to wear. I have zero complaints, but she turns around and catches me. “Southern gentleman…my ass.”

  “And that’s exactly what I was looking at.”

  “I know, you’re not even sly about it anymore.”

  I grab her hand, pull her back to me, and kiss the fuck out of her in the hallway before we walk into the main room. “I don’t have to be, says the ring on your finger,” I say breathlessly.

  She playfully slaps my arm, and I interlock my fingers with hers as we enter. A lady from church is standing at the door and hands us plastic engagement rings, then explains the ongoing game to us.

  “So the one who has the most plastic rings at the end of the party will win a prize. If you hear anyone say the word wedding or the word bride, then you get to take their rings.”

  “Oh my gosh, this is going
to be so fun. What’s this game called, exactly?” Mila laughs, placing the plastic ring on her finger. It’s only big enough to fit on my pinky.

  “The name is Put a Ring on it,” the woman tells Mila, who looks over at me and smiles.

  The room is decorated in lavender and ivory, and I think this time Mama has actually outdone herself. Pictures of Evan and Emily are placed around the room along with photos of Elizabeth. Soft music plays in the background, and as soon as Emily sees Mila and me, she makes her way over to us with mimosas. She hands them to us with a smile. “You’re gonna need these. Trust me.”

  We exchange smiles, and I see Evan on the other side of the room, cornered by co-workers. I raise my glass to him, and he gives me a nod. River and Alex walk in, and soon I see Courtney, the triplets, and her husband, Drew. Courtney smiles and makes a beeline for us. Her blonde hair is perfectly curled, and she looks great. She’ll always be my baby sister to me, but she looks so grown now.

  “Oh my goodness. I’ve missed you so damn much!” She gives us both big hugs. “Let me see the ring in person.” She turns to Mila, reaching for her hand.

  With a big smile on her face, Mila shows Courtney and then turns to me and smiles. “You did good, John. This ring is as beautiful as your bride-to-be.” They exchange laughs, and I love how the whole family is finally together.

  “Give me your plastic ring, Court,” I tell her, holding out my hand.

  “That’s so not fair,” she groans, handing it over.

  “I’ve missed you,” I tell her as I wrap my arms around her and laugh just as Drew walks up. Mama captured the triplets, who are now three years old already, and brings them around the room, introducing them to all of her friends.

  “Hey man,” Drew says, giving me a firm handshake. “How’ve things been?”

  “Great, actually.” I glance over at Mila and give them a real introduction, though she’s met everyone through FaceTime.


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