ZetaTalk: Worlds

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ZetaTalk: Worlds Page 10

by Nancy Lieder

  The hominoids were savage and exacting in their treatment of their human slaves, executing them for trivial

  infractions as examples and unforgiving no matter how trivial the affront or fervent the apologies.

  They had technology that seemed miraculous for the age, such as the ability to throw what appeared to be

  lightning bolts, or float along above the ground, or take off in rocket ships, or perform surgery and have the

  patient live.

  They lived apart from humans, in separate quarters or villages, yet visited their human slaves frequently enough

  that the slaves considered themselves unable to escape, in bondage without physical bonds.

  Ancient Egyptian gods, ancient Babylonian gods, the Vizigoths of Germany, ancient Mayan and Incan gods, are

  almost to a one particular individuals from the 12th Planet royalty, stationed on Earth to supervise mining operations.

  Stories about ancient rebels, notable for their stature and courage in battle, are also frequently based in part on the heritage from these visitors, as the rebel most often carried some genetics from the rape of a female slave who

  managed somehow to escape and bear her oversized infant alive. The legacy today is genetically disbursed throughout

  the mid-eastern countries, Germanic countries, and the south seas, and is identifiable in those humans who

  simultaneously possess a large stature, a fierce temper, and strong musculature. Rather than being considered gods,

  they are often considered criminals.

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  ZetaTalk: Conquest

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  ZetaTalk: Conquest

  Note: written Feb 15, 2002. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  As with any group of entities, all have an agenda. Over the eons, literally thousands of alien types have visited Earth, having one agenda or another. Some agendas are conquest, though these are in the minority. A great many agendas are

  curiosity, and these are never seen as harmful. Some agendas are beneficent, but these must never interfere with the free-will of the resident, natural intelligent life forms. Where you and the hominoids residing on the 12th Planet are both operating in the 3rd Density, they mastered space travel enough to shuttle from the 12th Planet to Earth during the periodic visits. They cannot shuttle to Earth at this time, as it has been deemed by the Council of Worlds to constitute interference with your free will because their interaction with humans sprang from their agenda for conquest. In times past, other rules were in place and interaction did occur. The quarantine was put into place some thousands of years ago, but close enough in your recent past that contact with these alien life forms remains in your legends.

  They have no plans, despite fear mongering among those claiming to be in contact with these folks, to return to Earth, which they consider a swamp. The Earth in their memory is full of carnivors, rebelling slaves, and accidents related to wild weather. Now that mankind has technology, a fact that cannot be denied due to probes sent about and requiring

  their mining operation on Mars to shoot them down when they come too close, they are even less inclinded to visit.

  They were on top before, but do not anticipate wining a war on Earth today due to numbers. In addition, what would

  the gain be? Do you live in a swamp when you can live in a palace on the hilltop? This was not a vacation resort for them, but going into the field on a mission, not the chosen one either. The inhabitants are interested, during this

  passage, in collecting the gold mined since the past passage, and in watching the light show. However, one of the

  legacies left on Earth by the hominoid visitors from the 12th Planet is radioactivity from their nuclear warfare. Yes, they had the bomb, and used it. In attempts to nuke each other into compliance, they dropped numerous bombs, the

  majority on the Arabian Peninsula, with a small number in India and a scattering across the African Continent. These bombs were in the main not as large as the ones built during the Cold War, but were more deadly as the radioactivity lingered and poisoned the ground, making it utterly uninhabitable, for millennia.

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  ZetaTalk: Structures on Mars

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  ZetaTalk: Structures on Mars

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

  There are remnants of an ancient civilization on Mars that at one time also colonized Earth. Those who pursue this

  matter academically are not off track, recognizing the similarities between these structures and those of ancient Egypt.

  It is not in the imagination of man that some of the structures on Earth, such as the Giant Pyramids and the Sphinx, seem reminiscent of structures on Mars. Same group, same handiwork. They liked to leave a statement, and have.

  There is speculation that the Face on Mars and nearby pyramids were used as astronomical markers, and this was indeed their prime purpose. They wanted an unmistakable marker which could be seen on approach, as the surface of

  Mars has few distinguishing characteristics.

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  http://www.zetatalk2.com/worlds/w20.htm[2/5/2012 11:34:59 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Tetrahedral Crystals

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  ZetaTalk: Tetrahedral Crystals

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  It is not your imagination that you see Tetrahedral Shapes on the Moon, and the faint outline of such on the eroded surface of Mars. Yes, they are there, and yes, they had a purpose in the past. They are not inactive structures, with no reuse in the foreseeable future. What were they used for, and is there magic in the shape? The shape is significant, as it is functional. Large crystals have been used to boost communications by a number of alien races in Earth's past. The tetrahedral form simply provided the best focused emission, when energy was applied on all perimeter surfaces and

  converged in the center. This was one of the things noticed by the astonished astronauts when they disembarked on the Moon. This subject receives much press, and much speculation, as the rumors can be supported by faint images in

  amateur telescopes.

  What alien races used this method, and whom were they communicating to? We are speaking here primarily of the

  inhabitants of the 12th Planet, whose hominoid form we have referred to as the Greek God form. This race was chased

  from Earth by the administrative authority of the Council of Worlds. They were quarantined from Earth so that the

  race of man could develop without undue influence. Even before the quarantine period they had established a

  communication post on the Moon, and they had a mining operation on Mars long before setting up on the Earth.

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  ZetaTalk: Life on Mars

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  ZetaTalk: Life on Mars

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  Mars today is a dead planet, but in the recent past this was not the case, as evidenced by the weathered structures on Mars reminiscent of the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx. Some life bearing planets have a stronger footing than others, being closer to the warmth of a sun, for instance, and more particularly being a water planet like the Earth. Mars has little of that precious substance, and was a life bearing planet only where the freezing point had not trapped the water.

  The atmosphere surrounding a water planet can rebuild quickly, particularly in the components that support life. On a dry planet the atmosphere is fragile, and each rebuilding takes away mo
re of the precious water.

  In the past, Mars sustained life to a level not unlike our home in Zeta Reticuli - moss and insects and worms. On such worlds there is not enough food in the food chain to support animals above that level, and setbacks occur repeatedly. A bug-eating reptile might get its start, only to die off during lean times, time and again. Thus such planets plateau.

  Mars met its demise as a result of visitors from the 12th Planet, who set up mining operations on Mars in preference to Earth where large carnivorous mammals roamed about in great numbers. The 12th Planet has no such carnivores on

  land, and as large and muscular as these giant hominoid visitors are, they quaked at the thought. Where the atmosphere on Mars was thin, it was ample, so the visitors set about using what water resources they could muster to wash the ore they were after. In so doing they sought to control the run-off on the relatively flat surface of Mars, and did so in a thoughtless manner by directing waste water down a culvert. Thus precious water increasingly was sent underground,

  and a chain of events was set in motion that could not be reversed. The surface of Mars cooled as the atmosphere

  thinned, and the freezing surface accelerated this process.

  Soon the atmosphere was too thin to breathe, and as the 12th Planet hominoids are used to a perpetual summer they

  were not all that reluctant to leave a freezing planet. Earth now looked more promising, especially as they had little alternative. They devised ways of dealing with the carnivores, specifically buffering themselves with human slaves

  trained in defense. Eventually, after being quarantined from Earth, they learned how to create and maintain their own atmosphere in air tight chambers, and thus relocatable they have continued their mining operations within the Solar

  System, on this spot or that, and are here still.

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  ZetaTalk: Great Pyramids

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  ZetaTalk: Great Pyramids

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  Humans ponder the pyramids of Egypt and some similar structures in South and Central America, and wonder how

  early man could rise or move such large stones? Of course, they could not. Even today the mechanics would be

  imposing to the point of being impossible. The answer is, of course, that early man did not build these structures. For majesty, early man went to massive structures such as mountain tops or cliffs or deep ravines. Their gods of force were the wind, as in tornadoes and hurricanes, and earthquakes, who on occasion moved great boulders and rearranged the

  landscape. So how would visitors act if they wanted to impress these impressionable savages? Move great boulders.

  The many pyramids they constructed around the world were more than viewing stations, though they afforded a stable

  point for star gazing, but were more like erecting a flag is to the countries of Earth. A statement. Here I am. Here I have settled. Here I cannot be moved or removed.

  This was not an effort for these hominoids, during this time, as they had entered into bargains with Service-to-Self aliens who had levitation abilities, and they moved the stones for them. The rocks used to build the pyramids were

  transported, and when levitation is used distance is not a factor. They were taken from a mine, in block, and move

  around the world. The issue was more the quality of the rock, and ease of extraction, than proximity. The aliens who helped erect the pyramids are still influencing the giant homonoids today, which is why their culture is not ready for a Transformation as Earth is, but will be delayed. They have had heavy Service-to-Self influences, and are still

  recovering, the majority of their reincarnating souls still learning the drawbacks of this existence. They paid a price for these services, and are still working their way out of that. Many of their number developed strong Service-to- Self

  orientations during this time, and have influenced their culture severely and in a long term manner. For what these

  Service-to-Self aliens looked like, myths and legends suffice, as do the books from India, the Vedas. A wide range of appearances, and behaviors.

  However, the Great Pyramids were built essentially as Navigational Devices. We are speaking here of the inhabitants of the 12th Planet, who in the past visited Earth to the point of taking up limited residence here. Where they are no longer free to visit in this manner, being in quarantine in this regard, in the past they were allowed to do so. Why was it necessary to build such large structures as interstellar navigational guides? Because, in the locale, any astronomical device would be subject to shifting sands. The Great Pyramids, by their great size and weight, ensure stability. All this just to sight an incoming comet, which makes its appearance on a regular basis and can be seen weeks if not months

  beforehand? The Great Pyramids were not used solely for sighting an incoming object, as their primary purpose was to act as a guidance system for the launches the exiled 12th Planet residents would make to meet their home planet. This required precision, as their rockets were no more sophisticated than those used to boost man into space today, and once in space they simply coasted until drawn into the gravitational orbit of the water planet they owed their allegiance to.

  They did not last on Earth from one appearance of the 12th Planet to another. Several generations would pass, the

  knowledge of how to read the stars and what the 12th Planet kingship expected of them passed from parent to child.

  Conscientious parents, aging and sure to die before their progeny could return to the home planet where they had

  royalty status, built a navigational system that was rock solid and sure - the Giant Pyramids. Could the pyramids act as guides for the forthcoming reappearance of the giant comet, the 12th Planet? Many pole shifts have occurred since

  they were built, each time the crust of the Earth sliding into new positions. One would have to calibrate anew the

  points, which would in any case not now converge to the point where the giant comet reenters your Solar System.

  Legend has it that the Giant Pyramids originally pointed near the Orion Star System, and those legends have carried

  true to their origin. Where this is the original point convergence, the spot where the giant comet first looms into view, the Giant Pyramids no longer act as a guide in this matter.

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  ZetaTalk: Great Pyramids

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  ZetaTalk: Secret Chamber

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  ZetaTalk: Secret Chamber

  Note: written Nov 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  All types of rumors abound about the Great Pyramids, some true, some false. It is known that a hidden chamber exists, accessible only via a tunnel so narrow that it might be traveled by a rat, yet so straight and long that it could only have been used for sighting. The chamber lies empty now, a center platform formed like a shallow basin without whatever

  object was intended. What went on there, and how did the object disappear through the long narrow tunnel?

  Hypothesis are that there is a back door to this room, as yet unfound, whereby an occupant or object could escape.

  This hypothesis has the room acting as a tomb or worst case scenario of an isolation chamber, or if not for a human or alien occupant, holding a massive crystal. None of these are true, as the room has no other entry and was never intended to hold a solid object. The occupant was a liquid, pooled in the shallow basin and reflecting light outward only when light shown down the long tunnel at that particular angle - the light from the approaching 12th Planet.

  Various other sighting tunnels, as yet undisco
vered, caught the reflected light. The liquid, of course, evaporated over time, leaving only the puzzle behind.

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  http://www.zetatalk2.com/worlds/w02.htm[2/5/2012 11:35:01 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Sphinx

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  ZetaTalk: Sphinx

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  The Sphinx is an example of a fancy burial chamber, a mausoleum of sorts, built by visitors from the 12th Planet who were into the sport of lion hunting. The grave was intended for a large and powerful male who stood tall in the circle of hunters, and all felt having his grave guarded by one of his conquests a suitable statement on his abilities and might.

  As is often the case in the affairs of man, these plans went awry, as he was slaughtered by a rival and went unburied altogether, his body rotting under the sun, eaten by lions, no doubt.

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  http://www.zetatalk2.com/worlds/w35.htm[2/5/2012 11:35:02 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Chinese Pyramids

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  ZetaTalk: Chinese Pyramids

  Note: written Oct 15, 1996. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  Pyramids discovered around the world buried under drifting sand or vegetative overgrowth have a similarity in

  appearance, and this is not by accident. They were made by the same group, and for similar purposes. The giant

  hominoids from the 12th Planet, who have inserted themselves into the legends of many peoples, wandered the Earth,

  and left their handiwork even in areas where no lore of their presence remains. These hominoids are recorded in

  mythology in Europe, as Greek Gods or the Visigoths, in Africa in the memory of the Dogon tribe, and in Central and

  South America in the Incan and Mayan cities. However, they also visited Australia and the Orient, though the only


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